MSNBC Host Snaps in Heated Segment: ‘What in the World Is Riskier Than Being a Poor P

I can go to several con run states and purchase unlimited guns at any flea market and not show one id let alone a foid.
Try answering my question, not dodging with irrelevant bullshit.
What happens if you are found to be carrying a concealed weapon without your state issued photo ID? Will you be allowed to continue carrying the weapon?

Irrelevant? No, that is reality, you must be confused - again.:clap2:

What miniscule voter fraud is this bs designed to stop?:eusa_whistle:

Sorry, but your "IF" story doesn't cut it. If you want to be unreasonable, I'm surely allowed to do the same eh!?!

It is reality, but still irrelevant to my question. Should I package a dictionary with the Constitution?

The truth is, no one knows how much fraud voter ID will prevent, because there is no way to tell how much there is now. Let's say I recently moved from Florida and am now registered to vote in Alabama. What is to prevent me from voting both places. I am still registered to vote in Florida, by the way.
I also happen to know that my father is registered to vote in 2 cities in Connecticut, Although he was a life long Democrat, I'm certain he would not complain if I was to walk into either or both of his polling places and cast my vote for Mitt Romney.

You're OK with that? Or are you only OK with Democrats voting in place of dead people or voting multiple times?
As long as were on the subject of felon's, what makes you and many so sure romney's not a tax evading felon? I'm still waiting to see the tax returns he's HIDING.

I'm certain that the IRS would have prosecuted him long before now if he had evaded taxes.

He is not required to provide any more financial information than he already has, but you knew that already, didn't you?
so you claim the founders didnt find it unFAIR that they were taxed yet had no say in their government?

Truthie, , Your "precious" poor people have just as much say in government (one vote each) that I do, yet they pay NO taxes while receiving the benefits of taxes levied on others, who actually contribute something of value. Now from the perspective of those of us who actually WORK to earn what we have, there is no difference between paying taxes to enrich a king, and paying taxes to allow your party to BUY the votes of its loser, parasitic constituents, whose contribution to society is exactly NOTHING! All they do, is breed illegitimate offspring, abuse drug/alcohol, commit crimes, foul their own nest, and of course, vote democrat (the last of which makes them the mortal enemy of every American who dares achieve more than the rest of the herd). I DON'T love my enemies, Truthie, I DESPISE THEM!
Right you are! Then, they TRY and blame the poor for creating the class warfare, and some idiots buy it hook, line and sinker.

Not very smart are you? The conservatives blame the president for creating class warfare.

I think you bought it hook, line, and sinker, dude. :eusa_whistle:

and your a fucking idiot.

In your own words, TM, could you expound on how the president hasn't been the culprit in dividing America. :lol:
Not very smart are you? The conservatives blame the president for creating class warfare.

I think you bought it hook, line, and sinker, dude. :eusa_whistle:

and your a fucking idiot.

In your own words, TM, could you expound on how the president hasn't been the culprit in dividing America. :lol:
In you're own words, TM, could you expound on how the president hasn't been the culprit in dividing America?
Fixed it for you.
Not very smart are you? The conservatives blame the president for creating class warfare.

I think you bought it hook, line, and sinker, dude. :eusa_whistle:

and your a fucking idiot.

In your own words, TM, could you expound on how the president hasn't been the culprit in dividing America. :lol:

Obama called people like me "the enemy"-the only honest thing he has EVER said! Given that, I want all the liberals here tell me why I should support my declared ENEMY, or any person or group allied with or supporting that enemy? As I see it, I have NOTHING to gain, and EVERYTHING to lose by that, while I have EVERYTHING to gain and NOTHING to lose by opposing anything and everything that helps my ENEMY, or those allied with that enemy. You liberals turned this into a political war, and by God, I for one intend to fight it as a war by political means-NO SURRENDER, NO NEGOTIATIONS, NO COMPROMISE, and NO QUARTER! I fully intend to BREAK the Left, or die trying, and whatever I can legally do to that end, I WILL DO!
If the founders had wanted to create a government that was fair, instead of one of opportunity, they would have provided for it. They did not. They created no welfare state. The term general welfare was the general welfare of the states, no one got a check every month. They didn't give government provided medical care or education. obama addressed the unfairness in the Constitution by saying it was fatally flawed. While the Bill of Rights says what the government may not do, there was no provision of what the government must do for you. That's what he intends to change.

What you don't seem to get is this:

When a vast majority of our country is working full time jobs and can barely afford to live in it....That DOES involve the General Welfare of the country. When Health insurance for a family costs on average of $12k/year....THAT effects the General Welfare of the Country. When millions of family sustaining jobs get outsourced and those people are forced into shitty jobs with little to no benefits....THAT effects the General Welfare of this country. When the people who made a fortune outsourcing those jobs turn around and invest those profits outside of the country, creating a double whammy back here at home, THAT effects the General Welfare of this country.

Use your heads people.

I'll agree and add...

it's not just greed at the top.

there are too many people riding in the cart.More need to help pull the cart.

the woking class is getting a royal hosing.

The reason that there are so many people "riding the cart" as you specifically because of the things I mentioned. You do realize that most of the people receiving government assistance are people who are working, right? The get some food stamp assistance and/or Medicaid....perhaps a housing subsidy. The folks that you are most concerned about is the people who totally rely on the Welfare system for survival.....of which most of them are either people temporarily down on their luck or are the physically and/or mentally handicapped. So let's eliminate those out of the equation, just for the sake of argument.

So, now we are down to what probably accounts for 2-3% of our population(if that).

You know, a common misconception that Conservatives make when talking to a "liberal" is that they think we want government to take care of us.....No, what we want is for our job creators to stop "creating" shitty jobs where they get all the benefit of someone else working to make money for them only to have those employees struggle to survive, create family sustaining jobs that help the workers,invests in the country and our economy and will benefit they themselves in the long run....and if they are unwilling to trickle down like Reagan's original plan stated...Then we are OK with government using those job creators' funds to help do it for them. Whichever gets it done.

The truth of the matter is this....The right uses words like Communism and Socialism way too loosely......But, if we keep ignoring the masses who are struggling and pandering to our wealthy, The TRUE Communists will have a large sympathetic audience....and that's something none of us want.
Why does society tolerate a condition where "people are shot on the street corner"? Maybe it's a lie. Maybe it's an exaggerated political statement designed to funnel more federal dollars to poverty pimps. Maybe the people who live in those conditions prefer it to an uncomfortable police presence. Street junkie Rodney King was beaten by police after he led them on a dangerous high speed chase across town that endangered "people on the street corner" and 55 people were murdered in a riot that illustrated the people's (and the media's) solidarity with a criminal.
What you don't seem to get is this:

When a vast majority of our country is working full time jobs and can barely afford to live in it....That DOES involve the General Welfare of the country. When Health insurance for a family costs on average of $12k/year....THAT effects the General Welfare of the Country. When millions of family sustaining jobs get outsourced and those people are forced into shitty jobs with little to no benefits....THAT effects the General Welfare of this country. When the people who made a fortune outsourcing those jobs turn around and invest those profits outside of the country, creating a double whammy back here at home, THAT effects the General Welfare of this country.

Use your heads people.

I'll agree and add...

it's not just greed at the top.

there are too many people riding in the cart.More need to help pull the cart.

the woking class is getting a royal hosing.

The reason that there are so many people "riding the cart" as you specifically because of the things I mentioned. You do realize that most of the people receiving government assistance are people who are working, right? The get some food stamp assistance and/or Medicaid....perhaps a housing subsidy. The folks that you are most concerned about is the people who totally rely on the Welfare system for survival.....of which most of them are either people temporarily down on their luck or are the physically and/or mentally handicapped. So let's eliminate those out of the equation, just for the sake of argument.

So, now we are down to what probably accounts for 2-3% of our population(if that).

You know, a common misconception that Conservatives make when talking to a "liberal" is that they think we want government to take care of us.....No, what we want is for our job creators to stop "creating" shitty jobs where they get all the benefit of someone else working to make money for them only to have those employees struggle to survive, create family sustaining jobs that help the workers,invests in the country and our economy and will benefit they themselves in the long run....and if they are unwilling to trickle down like Reagan's original plan stated...Then we are OK with government using those job creators' funds to help do it for them. Whichever gets it done.

The truth of the matter is this....The right uses words like Communism and Socialism way too loosely......But, if we keep ignoring the masses who are struggling and pandering to our wealthy, The TRUE Communists will have a large sympathetic audience....and that's something none of us want.

What you want, is NOT "equality of opportunity" (you already have that), but "equality of result", which is Socialism, or as I call it, "Communism Lite". No, no, and HELL NO! If that means we have a communist revolt, so be it; when it's all over, we will have finished communism and its fellow travelers in this nation forever!
I'll agree and add...

it's not just greed at the top.

there are too many people riding in the cart.More need to help pull the cart.

the woking class is getting a royal hosing.

The reason that there are so many people "riding the cart" as you specifically because of the things I mentioned. You do realize that most of the people receiving government assistance are people who are working, right? The get some food stamp assistance and/or Medicaid....perhaps a housing subsidy. The folks that you are most concerned about is the people who totally rely on the Welfare system for survival.....of which most of them are either people temporarily down on their luck or are the physically and/or mentally handicapped. So let's eliminate those out of the equation, just for the sake of argument.

So, now we are down to what probably accounts for 2-3% of our population(if that).

You know, a common misconception that Conservatives make when talking to a "liberal" is that they think we want government to take care of us.....No, what we want is for our job creators to stop "creating" shitty jobs where they get all the benefit of someone else working to make money for them only to have those employees struggle to survive, create family sustaining jobs that help the workers,invests in the country and our economy and will benefit they themselves in the long run....and if they are unwilling to trickle down like Reagan's original plan stated...Then we are OK with government using those job creators' funds to help do it for them. Whichever gets it done.

The truth of the matter is this....The right uses words like Communism and Socialism way too loosely......But, if we keep ignoring the masses who are struggling and pandering to our wealthy, The TRUE Communists will have a large sympathetic audience....and that's something none of us want.

What you want, is NOT "equality of opportunity" (you already have that), but "equality of result", which is Socialism, or as I call it, "Communism Lite". No, no, and HELL NO! If that means we have a communist revolt, so be it; when it's all over, we will have finished communism and its fellow travelers in this nation forever!

No...what you want is an aristocracy where 1% of the nation rules the rest....all for a MINISCULE chance to be one of them. BTW, there is NOT equal opportunity in this country. Schools with a high tax revenue have the best tools of the trade, attract the best instructors, and have parents who tend to have stable jobs with normal work hours....all creating a fairly safe, stable environment in whit h kids can thrive.....That's not even getting into the upper crust and their boarding schools, private tutors and social connections that they make that helps them throughout their lives.

To think that opportunities are "equal" in this country is just right wing kool aid.

EDIT: The ridiculous assumption that you make is that you think I am looking forward to some Communistic overthrow of our country....not even close. But, I fear that as more and more people find it harder and harder to live in this ever more expensive country, it's going to seem like a reasonable option to many who have nothing to lose. If that happens, you can have all the false bravado you want...but if it's something a large majority of people decide they want....there will be little to nothing you can do about it.
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