MSNBC Host Snaps in Heated Segment: ‘What in the World Is Riskier Than Being a Poor P

Try being poor in.
To name but a few.

yep, and you won't be happy till our poor reach those levels.

nice how you put words in other's mouths isn't it?

stupid yinzer

Certainly seems it....let's see...employers should be able to pay as little as possible, they shouldn't have to pay hardly anything in taxes, Social programs should be virtually eliminated and it doesn't matter if working people can't afford to raise a family. Seems to me your side wants our poor to be much poorer than they are.
yep, and you won't be happy till our poor reach those levels.

nice how you put words in other's mouths isn't it?

stupid yinzer

Certainly seems it....let's see...employers should be able to pay as little as possible, they shouldn't have to pay hardly anything in taxes, Social programs should be virtually eliminated and it doesn't matter if working people can't afford to raise a family. Seems to me your side wants our poor to be much poorer than they are.

project much there yinzer?
nice how you put words in other's mouths isn't it?

stupid yinzer

Certainly seems it....let's see...employers should be able to pay as little as possible, they shouldn't have to pay hardly anything in taxes, Social programs should be virtually eliminated and it doesn't matter if working people can't afford to raise a family. Seems to me your side wants our poor to be much poorer than they are.

project much there yinzer?

yinzer? I love the Pittsburgh Steelers....But I'm not from the City....I live in a small rural area about 4.5 hours away.

And no, it's not a's a logical conclusion based on what I read every fucking day on here.
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Very stupid response.

Yes unless you can show something that proves the poor in this Country reaching the levels of those in the countries I listed in my previous post will make me happy your response was and still is very stupid. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.

Sorry. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.


So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.
It is a poll tax!! Where does it state in the Constitution one needs an ID to vote?

Again big whoop on the rep crap. I could care less, and it won't stop me from posting truth and facts.

Where does it say in the Constitution that I must carry an ID to possess a concealed weapon?
Would you want a potentially mentally unstable, violent felon to carry a concealed weapon without being able to prove he had met the qualifications?

I can go to several con run states and purchase unlimited guns at any flea market and not show one id let alone a foid.

I will bet you that you can't do that in Chicago. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.


So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

Ya know what slick?

You didn't answer to being a are ya?

I think you are a little man with a huge chip on your shoulder, nobody owes you or your parents shit.

Now...rightwing leadership doesn't call for the "elimination" of social programs "slick".

Tell me "slick" what is meant by "sustainable"?

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