MSNBC Host Snaps in Heated Segment: ‘What in the World Is Riskier Than Being a Poor P

If I'm running that network the first order of business for me would be to have that lady
in my office first thing to ask her WTF is her problem.Then a few weeks suspension without pay.
Then maybe she comes back to work.Or maybe she would like to quit a good job and go work to improve
the plight of the downtrodden.
Yes, tell the women to shut up, and tell them that if they don't toe the line, children will die.

Before they can kill them. That is the MOST heinous thing lefties can come up with. The idea that children might die before they can kill them.

You love to bait people into your favorite obsession, don't you? Sorry....ain't playing

You told a woman to shut up, is that a pattern with you?

Where did you learn to treat them like that?

well...I don't know how long you've been here....didn't look at your "member since" either you are fairly new, or know what she does and are just being a douchebag......I'll be nice and explain it to you....Koshergirl is a fine person....I really have no problem with her except for this....once she injects herself into a thread....she'll turn it into a thread on her personal obsession......abortion. Then she'll invariably start calling people "baby killer" and shit like that....I've seen it over and over again. I kind of thought we were having an interesting discussion and would like to keep it that me....she's been much ruder to plenty of people on this board than I was to her.

EDIT: I see you've been here two years longer than me...guess you were just being a douchebag....sorry for mistaking you.
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So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

Only as seen through your bullshit glasses. Most programs are going to end if the budget problems in them are not addressed. Doing nothing is exactly how you end those programs. Constantly protecting your sacred cow by demonizing the other side shows how idiotic our party system has become. The Democrat’s plan for Medicare (note: nothing) is asinine and not solving anything in the same manner that the Republicans plan for the DoD is asinine.

There is a simple solution to all of this....better paying jobs. That will make more taxable income(the real income tax....not the 15% kind) and increase revenues a shit will also lessen the need fir those programs....there.....fixed....see how simple that was?

Simple at least. Completely inane, but simple. How do you intend to make wages higher? Simply mandate it. I guess you will also enforce price controls because those higher wages will force the price of goods up, devaluing the dollar significantly. You might also make outsourcing illegal since doing what you suggest is simply going to chase even more jobs overseas.

No, you have solved nothing. Increasing what you make means NOTHING if you have no increased the value of what you produced. You know this; I have no idea why you simply ignore it….
You love to bait people into your favorite obsession, don't you? Sorry....ain't playing

You told a woman to shut up, is that a pattern with you?

Where did you learn to treat them like that?

well...I don't know how long you've been here....didn't look at your "member since" either you are fairly new, or know what she does and are just being a douchebag......I'll be nice and explain it to you....Koshergirl is a fine person....I really have no problem with her except for this....once she injects herself into a thread....she'll turn it into a thread on her personal obsession......abortion. Then she'll invariably start calling people "baby killer" and shit like that....I've seen it over and over again. I kind of thought we were having an interesting discussion and would like to keep it that me....she's been much ruder to plenty of people on this board than I was to her.

EDIT: I see you've been here two years longer than me...guess you were just being a douchebag....sorry for mistaking you.

Too funny....

Your obsession is welfare and you took it and turned it into us wanting to reform it as starving are dismissed as the hate filled mysoginist you are.
Only as seen through your bullshit glasses. Most programs are going to end if the budget problems in them are not addressed. Doing nothing is exactly how you end those programs. Constantly protecting your sacred cow by demonizing the other side shows how idiotic our party system has become. The Democrat’s plan for Medicare (note: nothing) is asinine and not solving anything in the same manner that the Republicans plan for the DoD is asinine.

There is a simple solution to all of this....better paying jobs. That will make more taxable income(the real income tax....not the 15% kind) and increase revenues a shit will also lessen the need fir those programs....there.....fixed....see how simple that was?

Simple at least. Completely inane, but simple. How do you intend to make wages higher? Simply mandate it. I guess you will also enforce price controls because those higher wages will force the price of goods up, devaluing the dollar significantly. You might also make outsourcing illegal since doing what you suggest is simply going to chase even more jobs overseas.

No, you have solved nothing. Increasing what you make means NOTHING if you have no increased the value of what you produced. You know this; I have no idea why you simply ignore it….

C'mon've seen the statistics....those people at the top have been cleaning up....600% increases in their income? They can afford this. Small businesses? Give THEM tax breaks and incentives...but make paying sustainable wages part of the deal. And yes....get rid of this "for profit" health care system we have....that would help immensely...employees could AFFORD to take a little less in wages if they didn't have to worry about health insurance....Employers would get a huge break on the cost of employing people when they don't have to fork out their share of health insurance. That's one area where our global competition has a HUGE advantage over us.
You told a woman to shut up, is that a pattern with you?

Where did you learn to treat them like that?

well...I don't know how long you've been here....didn't look at your "member since" either you are fairly new, or know what she does and are just being a douchebag......I'll be nice and explain it to you....Koshergirl is a fine person....I really have no problem with her except for this....once she injects herself into a thread....she'll turn it into a thread on her personal obsession......abortion. Then she'll invariably start calling people "baby killer" and shit like that....I've seen it over and over again. I kind of thought we were having an interesting discussion and would like to keep it that me....she's been much ruder to plenty of people on this board than I was to her.

EDIT: I see you've been here two years longer than me...guess you were just being a douchebag....sorry for mistaking you.

Too funny....

Your obsession is welfare and you took it and turned it into us wanting to reform it as starving are dismissed as the hate filled mysoginist you are.

Wow...yeah.... I'm obsessed with welfare....I'd love us to make it a largely unneeded safety net.
Exactly. I'm not the one who brought dying and starving children into the conversation.

And any time a progressive talks about how awful it is when children starve/die, we need to talk about how they can support abortion, but be appalled by the thought of children dying.

Oh, wait...he isn't appalled by the thought of them DYING. He's appalled by the thought of seeing them HUNGRY. So kill them, no more disturbing images.

It is what the left is about.
Exactly. I'm not the one who brought dying and starving children into the conversation.

And any time a progressive talks about how awful it is when children starve/die, we need to talk about how they can support abortion, but be appalled by the thought of children dying.

Oh, wait...he isn't appalled by the thought of them DYING. He's appalled by the thought of seeing them HUNGRY. So kill them, no more disturbing images.

It is what the left is about.

neither was I...look back and see who it was that brought up Ethiopia and Somalia....wasn't me.
Wasn't me either.

I can't tell you guys apart. I wasn't kidding. You are all cut from the same bolt of cloth.
I love this woman.

Being wealthy is NOT a risky thing to be in America.

She is spot on

Yes, that rates right up there with ice is cold and water is wet. However, it doesn't have a damn thing to do with being poor in America.

But we're told by the right that the wealthy are the "risk takers" and that's why they shouldn't have to pay a decent wage, pay normal tax rates, or be inconvenienced by a slowly crumbling America.
is voting designed to make government operations more fair?
Yes it is. It is not, however designed to favor one class over another simply because they have more votes. We are a Constitutional Republic specifically to be fair to all classes.


dear idiot voting does just that.

If there are more people in one class than another that class gets the majority of representation.

That is how it is designed

Since the poor are the largest class, we should have a whole lot of poor people in office, right?

BTW, under your theory, how do you imagine the elite 1% got all the political power, since they are the smallest class?
A friend of mine on fb took a picture of this banner:


The left is all about applauding "adequate" scholarship.

it means they passed their end of year state tests for all demographic groups and nothing more
Yes it is. It is not, however designed to favor one class over another simply because they have more votes. We are a Constitutional Republic specifically to be fair to all classes.


dear idiot voting does just that.

If there are more people in one class than another that class gets the majority of representation.

That is how it is designed

Since the poor are the largest class, we should have a whole lot of poor people in office, right?

BTW, under your theory, how do you imagine the elite 1% got all the political power, since they are the smallest class?

they did it the old fashioned way....they bought it at a price that no one can compete with...they also did a great job of making money one of the(if not THE) biggest factors in getting elected. The only entity that comes close to even competing with them for influence is.......drum roll please........unions....and they can only afford to buy influence from one party.
So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

Ya know what slick?

You didn't answer to being a are ya?

I think you are a little man with a huge chip on your shoulder, nobody owes you or your parents shit.

Now...rightwing leadership doesn't call for the "elimination" of social programs "slick".

Tell me "slick" what is meant by "sustainable"?

so....someone gives you an answer you don't like and you go postal? nice. Well "slick", How about a wage where one parent working and one staying home with the kids means you have enough to clothe, feed, house, provide medical care. and pay the bills(basic utilities) for you and yours without relying on government.....if both parents CHOOSE to work....they can actually thrive.

If you want a number, you ain't getting one. That would like me asking you how much is too much money for a rich man?

You don't deal well with numbers. If you actually do some reasearch, you will find that your father was paying between 10% and 15% of his income to federal, state, and local taxes. Today, that number is between 35% and 40% of income paid to federal, state, and local taxes. Today's working families have to have the second person working, just to pay the additional taxes, and sometimes the second person does not make enough to pay the taxes and the daycare necessary for her to be able to work. Why? Because government regulation has jacked up the cost of daycare to that of college.

It is not greedy industrialists who are ripping off American workers, it is the government, and most of you left wingers want more of it.

dear idiot voting does just that.

If there are more people in one class than another that class gets the majority of representation.

That is how it is designed

Since the poor are the largest class, we should have a whole lot of poor people in office, right?

BTW, under your theory, how do you imagine the elite 1% got all the political power, since they are the smallest class?

they did it the old fashioned way....they bought it at a price that no one can compete with...they also did a great job of making money one of the(if not THE) biggest factors in getting elected. The only entity that comes close to even competing with them for influence is.......drum roll please........unions....and they can only afford to buy influence from one party.

The unions are done, WI tells you that.

They have served their purpose but have gotten greedy to the point of excess.

Just like EVERY other system the Union Leaders have raped you and you bend over and say more please.

You begin with the premise that people can't and therefore Gov should....

We begin with the premise that people can and that Gov should fuck off.
Ya know what slick?

You didn't answer to being a are ya?

I think you are a little man with a huge chip on your shoulder, nobody owes you or your parents shit.

Now...rightwing leadership doesn't call for the "elimination" of social programs "slick".

Tell me "slick" what is meant by "sustainable"?

so....someone gives you an answer you don't like and you go postal? nice. Well "slick", How about a wage where one parent working and one staying home with the kids means you have enough to clothe, feed, house, provide medical care. and pay the bills(basic utilities) for you and yours without relying on government.....if both parents CHOOSE to work....they can actually thrive.

If you want a number, you ain't getting one. That would like me asking you how much is too much money for a rich man?

You don't deal well with numbers. If you actually do some reasearch, you will find that your father was paying between 10% and 15% of his income to federal, state, and local taxes. Today, that number is between 35% and 40% of income paid to federal, state, and local taxes. Today's working families have to have the second person working, just to pay the additional taxes, and sometimes the second person does not make enough to pay the taxes and the daycare necessary for her to be able to work. Why? Because government regulation has jacked up the cost of daycare to that of college.

It is not greedy industrialists who are ripping off American workers, it is the government, and most of you left wingers want more of it.

Really? you got proof of that tax rate thing? You didn't need daycare back then because one person could afford to stay at home until the kid(s) were school age.

Seems to me that all interest on loans were deductable back then....I could see where that would lower the actual rate paid. You didn't matter what kind of interest it was or how little it was...if you paid it, it was deductible on your taxes....Ronald Reagan got rid of this in 1986 with his tax reform act. After that, only mortgage interest could be deducted. More wealth pandering....Hey, maybe you're is government's fault...but who's policies are we talking about?

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