MSNBC Host Snaps in Heated Segment: ‘What in the World Is Riskier Than Being a Poor P

Since the poor are the largest class, we should have a whole lot of poor people in office, right?

BTW, under your theory, how do you imagine the elite 1% got all the political power, since they are the smallest class?

they did it the old fashioned way....they bought it at a price that no one can compete with...they also did a great job of making money one of the(if not THE) biggest factors in getting elected. The only entity that comes close to even competing with them for influence is.......drum roll please........unions....and they can only afford to buy influence from one party.

The unions are done, WI tells you that.

They have served their purpose but have gotten greedy to the point of excess.

Just like EVERY other system the Union Leaders have raped you and you bend over and say more please.

You begin with the premise that people can't and therefore Gov should....

We begin with the premise that people can and that Gov should fuck off.

Yet they are the only entity that is looking out for worker's interests....

BTW....turn the radio off...your insane rantings are starting to show through.
they did it the old fashioned way....they bought it at a price that no one can compete with...they also did a great job of making money one of the(if not THE) biggest factors in getting elected. The only entity that comes close to even competing with them for influence is.......drum roll please........unions....and they can only afford to buy influence from one party.

The unions are done, WI tells you that.

They have served their purpose but have gotten greedy to the point of excess.

Just like EVERY other system the Union Leaders have raped you and you bend over and say more please.

You begin with the premise that people can't and therefore Gov should....

We begin with the premise that people can and that Gov should fuck off.

Yet they are the only entity that is looking out for worker's interests....

BTW....turn the radio off...your insane rantings are starting to show through.

ooooo that hurt.....stop.

Sorry youngster I work during the day.

Your Union bosses are looking out only for themselves and you take the crumbs they give you.

WI and your dwindling numbers tell you are finished.

Give me some more parrot points.
the right likes topretend the wealthy are so put upon in this country.

they cry great big crockadile tears fro them daily.

then they call poor people lazy.

fucking class warfare assholes

Which, translated from LiesMatters speak to English is, "I'm not willing to provide for myself and will take every absurd angle possible to shame people into providing for me". :lol:
When you're poor, every day is a risk. It's so constant that it leads to untold amounts of stress to the point where people do all kinds of shit so I agree with Perry, I really don't know what's riskier than being poor. Poor is poor and there's really nothing under that unless you're dead.

Wealth itself carries its own risks as well so I'm not going to pretend the wealthy are exactly carefree up there , but their risk is a farcry in difference from the every day risk the poor endure. Unless they've gotten themselves into some shady business that threatens their entire system of wealth, it's ridiculous compare the amount of risk between the wealthy and the poor.
The unions are done, WI tells you that.

They have served their purpose but have gotten greedy to the point of excess.

Just like EVERY other system the Union Leaders have raped you and you bend over and say more please.

You begin with the premise that people can't and therefore Gov should....

We begin with the premise that people can and that Gov should fuck off.

Yet they are the only entity that is looking out for worker's interests....

BTW....turn the radio off...your insane rantings are starting to show through.

ooooo that hurt.....stop.

Sorry youngster I work during the day.

Your Union bosses are looking out only for themselves and you take the crumbs they give you.

WI and your dwindling numbers tell you are finished.

Give me some more parrot points.

You're a moron....I'm probably older than you and have taken less entitlement money than fact, in my 47 years on this Earth? I've taken exactly zero. My union bosses only looking out for themselves? I belong to AFSCME.... they take about $15/ pay out of my check every other week. If you think that's leaving me with're Nucking Futs.

Like I said, turn the radio know nothing of what you only know what the wingnut propaganda machine tells you to think.
Why does there need to be an "entity" to "look after the workers interests"???

What ARE worker's interests?

Why are they incapable of looking after themselves?

Are they painfully stupid sheep? Are they brain damaged?

Nope. A worker is just a person.
Yet they are the only entity that is looking out for worker's interests....

BTW....turn the radio off...your insane rantings are starting to show through.

ooooo that hurt.....stop.

Sorry youngster I work during the day.

Your Union bosses are looking out only for themselves and you take the crumbs they give you.

WI and your dwindling numbers tell you are finished.

Give me some more parrot points.

You're a moron....I'm probably older than you and have taken less entitlement money than fact, in my 47 years on this Earth? I've taken exactly zero. My union bosses only looking out for themselves? I belong to AFSCME.... they take about $15/ pay out of my check every other week. If you think that's leaving me with're Nucking Futs.

Like I said, turn the radio know nothing of what you only know what the wingnut propaganda machine tells you to think.

I am just laughing at you kid :)

No, you aren't older than I am.

You have swallowed their load of cum....I worked for Union outfit in the 70's and it was the worst work experience of my life.

Don't clock in a second too early, or a second too late.....

Don't do ANYTHING extra for the man....he only wants to fuck you.

You go punch your clock loser....none of that shit is for me.

I know that if I work harder I get more...I know that if I am loyal my employer is loyal.

I don't mind working more, or harder because I love what I do.

You work in an adversarial environment, I work in a cooperative environment.

The only thing the Gov has ever done for me is ruin my business;)

But then you would hate an Insurance Agent who protected the lives of others I surely made too much money for your taste ;)
There is a simple solution to all of this....better paying jobs. That will make more taxable income(the real income tax....not the 15% kind) and increase revenues a shit will also lessen the need fir those programs....there.....fixed....see how simple that was?

Simple at least. Completely inane, but simple. How do you intend to make wages higher? Simply mandate it. I guess you will also enforce price controls because those higher wages will force the price of goods up, devaluing the dollar significantly. You might also make outsourcing illegal since doing what you suggest is simply going to chase even more jobs overseas.

No, you have solved nothing. Increasing what you make means NOTHING if you have no increased the value of what you produced. You know this; I have no idea why you simply ignore it….

C'mon've seen the statistics....those people at the top have been cleaning up....600% increases in their income? They can afford this. Small businesses? Give THEM tax breaks and incentives...but make paying sustainable wages part of the deal. And yes....get rid of this "for profit" health care system we have....that would help immensely...employees could AFFORD to take a little less in wages if they didn't have to worry about health insurance....Employers would get a huge break on the cost of employing people when they don't have to fork out their share of health insurance. That's one area where our global competition has a HUGE advantage over us.

What the hell does that have to do with wages?

I see, you are too fixated on what a small percentage of people make. Sorry, no dice. The points still stand. If you were to eliminate all top wages, the bottom line of most companies simply would not be affected.

Should a CEO make what they do? No, not by a long shot. Does that have anything to do with employee wages - no, nothing at all. Nor do you have a right to say what a person can and cannot make. I tire of this class envy bullshit. Don’t like what CEO’s make, do not buy their fucking products. The truth is that people are simply too fucking lazy to research what they buy, too tight to actually pay the huge increases they would have to in order to avoid those products and too simple to realize that they are supporting a system that they continually bitch and whine about. Then, after all that, you want GOVERNMENT to step in and fix a problem because people can’t be bothered with taking responsibility when it is government in the first damn place that created these asinine conditions. When competition is discouraged and monopolies are reinforced through overbearing governmental involvement, this is what you get. More government is not going to fix the issues, it will make them WORSE because there will be even less competition.
Another what?

another one that wants our poor to be like sub Saharan Africa.

dumb yinzer puts words in someone's mouth again.

Yinzers don't understand perspective

I understand perspective just's just that we don't LIVE in those countries....we live here. So, when I hear those types of things? I see a strawman that some idiot feels the need to knock down. Why don't they compare our poor to that of Germany? Because then their argument wouldn't hold water.
Why does there need to be an "entity" to "look after the workers interests"???

What ARE worker's interests?

Why are they incapable of looking after themselves?

Are they painfully stupid sheep? Are they brain damaged?

Nope. A worker is just a person.

You're damn right they are people....stop treating them as less than and putting those other people up on pedestals to the point of deifying them.

As far as painfully stupid sheep? look in a mirror. Working people are the least represented people in this country....everything is geared to the wealthy, and whatever is left over goes to the poor in the form of welfare. Why do the wealthy need all of that representation? Can't they look after themselves?
Simple at least. Completely inane, but simple. How do you intend to make wages higher? Simply mandate it. I guess you will also enforce price controls because those higher wages will force the price of goods up, devaluing the dollar significantly. You might also make outsourcing illegal since doing what you suggest is simply going to chase even more jobs overseas.

No, you have solved nothing. Increasing what you make means NOTHING if you have no increased the value of what you produced. You know this; I have no idea why you simply ignore it….

C'mon've seen the statistics....those people at the top have been cleaning up....600% increases in their income? They can afford this. Small businesses? Give THEM tax breaks and incentives...but make paying sustainable wages part of the deal. And yes....get rid of this "for profit" health care system we have....that would help immensely...employees could AFFORD to take a little less in wages if they didn't have to worry about health insurance....Employers would get a huge break on the cost of employing people when they don't have to fork out their share of health insurance. That's one area where our global competition has a HUGE advantage over us.

What the hell does that have to do with wages?

I see, you are too fixated on what a small percentage of people make. Sorry, no dice. The points still stand. If you were to eliminate all top wages, the bottom line of most companies simply would not be affected.

Should a CEO make what they do? No, not by a long shot. Does that have anything to do with employee wages - no, nothing at all. Nor do you have a right to say what a person can and cannot make. I tire of this class envy bullshit. Don’t like what CEO’s make, do not buy their fucking products. The truth is that people are simply too fucking lazy to research what they buy, too tight to actually pay the huge increases they would have to in order to avoid those products and too simple to realize that they are supporting a system that they continually bitch and whine about. Then, after all that, you want GOVERNMENT to step in and fix a problem because people can’t be bothered with taking responsibility when it is government in the first damn place that created these asinine conditions. When competition is discouraged and monopolies are reinforced through overbearing governmental involvement, this is what you get. More government is not going to fix the issues, it will make them WORSE because there will be even less competition.

Less Competition? That's what we have now....and yes, government plays a role....that role is taking campaign(and God knows what other) money from the mega corps and passing legislation that helps the monopolies and hurts any competition.....but make no long as big money has that kind of influence, nothing will change....blame the puppet all you want...but the real culprit is the fuckers pulling the strings. And if you were to seriously run for office? You'd do the same thing....if you wanted to win, that is.

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