MSNBC Host Snaps in Heated Segment: ‘What in the World Is Riskier Than Being a Poor P I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.


So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

Ya know what slick?

You didn't answer to being a are ya?

I think you are a little man with a huge chip on your shoulder, nobody owes you or your parents shit.

Now...rightwing leadership doesn't call for the "elimination" of social programs "slick".

Tell me "slick" what is meant by "sustainable"?

so....someone gives you an answer you don't like and you go postal? nice. Well "slick", How about a wage where one parent working and one staying home with the kids means you have enough to clothe, feed, house, provide medical care. and pay the bills(basic utilities) for you and yours without relying on government.....if both parents CHOOSE to work....they can actually thrive.

If you want a number, you ain't getting one. That would like me asking you how much is too much money for a rich man?
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If the founders had wanted to create a government that was fair, instead of one of opportunity, they would have provided for it. They did not. They created no welfare state. The term general welfare was the general welfare of the states, no one got a check every month. They didn't give government provided medical care or education. obama addressed the unfairness in the Constitution by saying it was fatally flawed. While the Bill of Rights says what the government may not do, there was no provision of what the government must do for you. That's what he intends to change.

What you don't seem to get is this:

When a vast majority of our country is working full time jobs and can barely afford to live in it....That DOES involve the General Welfare of the country. When Health insurance for a family costs on average of $12k/year....THAT effects the General Welfare of the Country. When millions of family sustaining jobs get outsourced and those people are forced into shitty jobs with little to no benefits....THAT effects the General Welfare of this country. When the people who made a fortune outsourcing those jobs turn around and invest those profits outside of the country, creating a double whammy back here at home, THAT effects the General Welfare of this country.

Use your heads people.

i have to agree.....anything that affects the General Welfare of this Country affects us all.....especially if its a negative effect....positive effects are great....
Yes unless you can show something that proves the poor in this Country reaching the levels of those in the countries I listed in my previous post will make me happy your response was and still is very stupid. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.
You Guy's and who is you guy's outside of anyone who does not see everything as you do? Please show anything where I have advocated doing away with social programs I have talked about reforming them that is not doing away them show me where I have ever embraced abolishing the minimum wage in fact show me where I have ever embraced any of your talking points listed. I'm going to give you some advice your far to partisan and closed minded to accept put down that broad brush you like to paint with and try think beyond talking points and your responses will look far less stupid and be taken more serious. Here is one more little thing for you to think about a great deal of the social programs you talk about were started under LBJ as part of his great society go take a real hard look at how those programs have helped the poor prosper over the last 48 years you might just decide maybe reforming some of those programs or even (gasp argh) ending a few of them might actually make sense.
Is there a point to this? You don't think it is risky being poor in America I guess? Then why in the hell are so many guns needed? Why are all those people dead in Chicago? Why is Newark so dangerous?

What are you trying to say?

Guns don' t kill middle class people?

Ask yourself, where would you rather be poor.

Canada, France, UK, Sweden just to name a few. if you are truly poor in the united states you might as well live in a 3rd world country.

being destitute and poor sucks no matter where your at.....
The fixation that the progressives have on health insurance is chilling.

People do not need health insurance to survive. It is not a right. It is not indicative of a healthy economy. It isn't anything, except more red tape that will assure the continued deterioration of the quality and increase of cost of health care in this company.

They've fixated on it in the same way they fixated on the idea that in order for women and children to be happy they must have sex at will, and we must be able to kill the "surprise" babies.
So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

Ya know what slick?

You didn't answer to being a are ya?

I think you are a little man with a huge chip on your shoulder, nobody owes you or your parents shit.

Now...rightwing leadership doesn't call for the "elimination" of social programs "slick".

Tell me "slick" what is meant by "sustainable"?

so....someone gives you an answer you don't like and you go postal? nice. Well "slick", How about a wage where one parent working and one staying home with the kids means you have enough to clothe, feed, house, provide medical care. and pay the bills(basic utilities) for you and yours without relying on government.....if both parents CHOOSE to work....they can actually thrive.

If you want a number, you ain't getting one. That would like me asking you how much is too much money for a rich man?


(smile) Sweetie....just because you think the Gov should take care of you and your parents doesn't mean anyone owes you anything.

You won't put a number out there because you rely on hyperbole and rhetoric in lieu of truth and reality.

Sweet cheeks you were the one who went all tough guy ;)

Why don't you go live in a Socialist Nation if you think the "village" should take care of you?

My wife and I both work for a living, my parents did, her parents did and unlike you none of us whined about being owed a "living wage".

If we wanted more we bettered ourselves and saved for what we wanted.

Grow up and forget all of that Union shit.
No...what you want is an aristocracy where 1% of the nation rules the rest....all for a MINISCULE chance to be one of them. BTW, there is NOT equal opportunity in this country. Schools with a high tax revenue have the best tools of the trade, attract the best instructors, and have parents who tend to have stable jobs with normal work hours....all creating a fairly safe, stable environment in whit h kids can thrive.....That's not even getting into the upper crust and their boarding schools, private tutors and social connections that they make that helps them throughout their lives.

To think that opportunities are "equal" in this country is just right wing kool aid.

EDIT: The ridiculous assumption that you make is that you think I am looking forward to some Communistic overthrow of our country....not even close. But, I fear that as more and more people find it harder and harder to live in this ever more expensive country, it's going to seem like a reasonable option to many who have nothing to lose. If that happens, you can have all the false bravado you want...but if it's something a large majority of people decide they want....there will be little to nothing you can do about it.

You mention schools yet it is the left that refuses to look at ANY actual solution to fixing the education system (or more importantly) allowing children the mobility to transfer to other schools.

Face it, there is even opportunity for those that actually want to put in the hard work and effort to make it. The sad truth is that most simply are not willing anymore.
The fixation that the progressives have on health insurance is chilling.

People do not need health insurance to survive. It is not a right. It is not indicative of a healthy economy. It isn't anything, except more red tape that will assure the continued deterioration of the quality and increase of cost of health care in this company.

They've fixated on it in the same way they fixated on the idea that in order for women and children to be happy they must have sex at will, and we must be able to kill the "surprise" babies.

Oh that's right....I'd rather see those babies starve to death...I guess you get off on visions of stick, skeletal faces and bloated bellies. BTW...abortion has never been mentioned ONCE in this thread....until(big fucking surprise) you.

If you have nothing to add pertaining to the discussion other than your own fucking obsession. Make a thread about it....otherwise keep up or shut up.
The fixation that the progressives have on health insurance is chilling.

People do not need health insurance to survive. It is not a right. It is not indicative of a healthy economy. It isn't anything, except more red tape that will assure the continued deterioration of the quality and increase of cost of health care in this company.

They've fixated on it in the same way they fixated on the idea that in order for women and children to be happy they must have sex at will, and we must be able to kill the "surprise" babies.

Oh that's right....I'd rather see those babies starve to death...I guess you get off on visions of stick, skeletal faces and bloated bellies. BTW...abortion has never been mentioned ONCE in this thread....until(big fucking surprise) you.

If you have nothing to add pertaining to the discussion other than your own fucking obsession. Make a thread about it....otherwise keep up or shut up.

Impressive little man, telling a woman to shut this a pattern for you?
A friend of mine on fb took a picture of this banner:


The left is all about applauding "adequate" scholarship. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.


So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

They would have been a lot better off NOT to have bought a brand new car every other year. I learned that early in life. Put that damn money in the bank and drive the car into the ground. I currently drive a 2000 Toyota Avalon. Now figure out how much money I've saved in car payments whydonchya?
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The fixation that the progressives have on health insurance is chilling.

People do not need health insurance to survive. It is not a right. It is not indicative of a healthy economy. It isn't anything, except more red tape that will assure the continued deterioration of the quality and increase of cost of health care in this company.

They've fixated on it in the same way they fixated on the idea that in order for women and children to be happy they must have sex at will, and we must be able to kill the "surprise" babies.

Oh that's right....I'd rather see those babies starve to death...I guess you get off on visions of stick, skeletal faces and bloated bellies. BTW...abortion has never been mentioned ONCE in this thread....until(big fucking surprise) you.

If you have nothing to add pertaining to the discussion other than your own fucking obsession. Make a thread about it....otherwise keep up or shut up.

Impressive little man, telling a woman to shut this a pattern for you?

Yes, tell the women to shut up, and tell them that if they don't toe the line, children will die.

Before they can kill them. That is the MOST heinous thing lefties can come up with. The idea that children might die before they can kill them. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.


So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

They would have been a lot better of NOT to have bought a brand new car every other year. I learned that early in life. Put that damn money in the bank and drive the car into the ground. I currently drive a 2000 Toyota Avalon. Now figure out how much money I've saved in car payments whydonchya?

I am driving a 2003 S-10....187,000 miles and going strong.

I want nothing from Obama.
No...what you want is an aristocracy where 1% of the nation rules the rest....all for a MINISCULE chance to be one of them. BTW, there is NOT equal opportunity in this country. Schools with a high tax revenue have the best tools of the trade, attract the best instructors, and have parents who tend to have stable jobs with normal work hours....all creating a fairly safe, stable environment in whit h kids can thrive.....That's not even getting into the upper crust and their boarding schools, private tutors and social connections that they make that helps them throughout their lives.

To think that opportunities are "equal" in this country is just right wing kool aid.

EDIT: The ridiculous assumption that you make is that you think I am looking forward to some Communistic overthrow of our country....not even close. But, I fear that as more and more people find it harder and harder to live in this ever more expensive country, it's going to seem like a reasonable option to many who have nothing to lose. If that happens, you can have all the false bravado you want...but if it's something a large majority of people decide they want....there will be little to nothing you can do about it.

You mention schools yet it is the left that refuses to look at ANY actual solution to fixing the education system (or more importantly) allowing children the mobility to transfer to other schools.

Face it, there is even opportunity for those that actually want to put in the hard work and effort to make it. The sad truth is that most simply are not willing anymore.

That's a lie....tell me you consider drug dealers "lazy" and unmotivated? They are hustling all the time and take a hundred times....hell a THOUSAND times more risk than any legitimate businessman does. Am I condoning their profession? Hell no.... but to say that they aren't willing to put forth effort is a's the lack of legitimate opportunity that throws most if them into that lifestyle.

Fixing the education system? are you serious? Your solution is to make teachers more of the working poor, turn everything into a "for profit" system of shitty private schools instead of shitty public schools. We need a Centralized system where every area gets the same matter what kind of money the locality has at it's disposal. There's still a place for private schools....if you want a Christian education for your kid and don't want them to be exposed to differing opinions/beliefs? send them there.....we'll give YOU a voucher to help defray some of the cost...but if it goes over what a public education costs? you're responsible for the rest. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.


So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

Only as seen through your bullshit glasses. Most programs are going to end if the budget problems in them are not addressed. Doing nothing is exactly how you end those programs. Constantly protecting your sacred cow by demonizing the other side shows how idiotic our party system has become. The Democrat’s plan for Medicare (note: nothing) is asinine and not solving anything in the same manner that the Republicans plan for the DoD is asinine.
Oh that's right....I'd rather see those babies starve to death...I guess you get off on visions of stick, skeletal faces and bloated bellies. BTW...abortion has never been mentioned ONCE in this thread....until(big fucking surprise) you.

If you have nothing to add pertaining to the discussion other than your own fucking obsession. Make a thread about it....otherwise keep up or shut up.

Impressive little man, telling a woman to shut this a pattern for you?

Yes, tell the women to shut up, and tell them that if they don't toe the line, children will die.

Before they can kill them. That is the MOST heinous thing lefties can come up with. The idea that children might die before they can kill them.

You love to bait people into your favorite obsession, don't you? Sorry....ain't playing
You already played. Your first reaction to any attack on monstrous big government..."IF WE DIDN'T HAVE THEM CHILDREN WILL SUFFER AND DIE!" When the group you are attempting to control is older, you change it a little to "IF YOU DON'T SUPPORT THIS OLD PEOPLE WILL STARVE AND FREEZE!"

Typical. I said...the desire of you guys to do away with Social programs, abolishing the already anemic minimum wage, the complete lack of accountability that you guys embrace in regards to the unethical activities if the business and banking sectors. Combine all that stuff and bring it to your wet dream of a fruition....and what exactly do you think will result? Prosperity for the poor?

Your ideology is a thousand timed more stupid than my response.

Well except that nobody wants to "do away" with thats one very stupid thing you typed.

Tell to the "minimum wgae"....what would think is "fair"?

....Nobody has called for completely unfettered business....nope......everything you typed is stupid.


So...then all the right wing rhetoric that I see on here everyday is just a bunch lying bullshit? That you really are just Internet tough guys blustering about "freedom" in ways that only benefit those already with the financial freedom to do anything they choose....just for the sake of making you appear tough?

Bullshit....I've seen it here over and over and OVER again. You know it and I know it.

What do I think is a "fair minimum wage"...Well, let me tell ya slick....I know that there were very wealthy people when I grew up and yet my mother. who was a diploma program RN and my father, who had an 8th grade education and worked in a local Steel Fabrication factory was able to pay our family home(simple three bedroom rancher) off in 10 years, purchase a brand new vehicle every other year and take us three kids on one good vacation every Summer. along with smaller camping trips on intermittent weekends throughout the Summer.....Somehow those wealthy "job creators" managed to stay very wealthy and actually pay a wage where a family could not only survive....but actually thrive.

That family sustaining wage should be the minimum wage for adults.....if both parent CHOOSE to work, then the kind of lifestyle that I grew up in should be, if one minds their budget a little bit....should be easily attainable.

But you know what? It's going to take some sacrificing from a lot of people who don't think that they should have to....that they are the privileged.

Only as seen through your bullshit glasses. Most programs are going to end if the budget problems in them are not addressed. Doing nothing is exactly how you end those programs. Constantly protecting your sacred cow by demonizing the other side shows how idiotic our party system has become. The Democrat’s plan for Medicare (note: nothing) is asinine and not solving anything in the same manner that the Republicans plan for the DoD is asinine.

There is a simple solution to all of this....better paying jobs. That will make more taxable income(the real income tax....not the 15% kind) and increase revenues a shit will also lessen the need fir those programs....there.....fixed....see how simple that was?
Impressive little man, telling a woman to shut this a pattern for you?

Yes, tell the women to shut up, and tell them that if they don't toe the line, children will die.

Before they can kill them. That is the MOST heinous thing lefties can come up with. The idea that children might die before they can kill them.

You love to bait people into your favorite obsession, don't you? Sorry....ain't playing

You told a woman to shut up, is that a pattern with you?

Where did you learn to treat them like that?

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