MSNBC hosts pick Obama in landslide!!

But "Hardball" host Chris Matthews waffled, saying Obama's fate will rest largely on the economy as well as his GOP rival.

It would seem that Chris' leg has stopped tingling.
But "Hardball" host Chris Matthews waffled, saying Obama's fate will rest largely on the economy as well as his GOP rival.

It would seem that Chris' leg has stopped tingling.

Has there ever been a more gay statement made by a journalist in the history of the world?

One thing IM definately going to be bummed about come election night! Not being able to see Olbermann look like he's sitting on a big old hot poker!!! It was nothing less than magical on Election NIght 2010.
Trust me....if you're a conservative, dont watch FOX on election night next year. Tune in to MSNBC for the treat of a lifetime. O'Donnell in particular wil not be able to conceal his level of misery..........he'll be ranting about whats to come given the imminent change in government, but you'll know beyond a shadow of a doubt that he's feeling like the most miserable mofu alive. Its gonna be cant miss TV.
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did the diptirds at PMS NBC get the update on the Pennsylvania Poll? That Romney has already won the state? Obama never polls more than 42% in Pennsylvania. It can be Obama VS Santorum or Pawlenty in Pennsylvania,,,OBAMA STILL LOSES !!!! Thank God Pennsylvania only has about 10% Kool-Aid drinkers and 30% with an I.Q. of 45. The rest are all PROUD AMERICANS !!!!
Gee, all three of the MSNBC stooges picked Obama. Like who didn't see that one coming?
You cons having a little bit of trouble deciding which one of your political giants will be the one to crush Obama? I kind of get that from reading some of the posts on this thread thus far.

Yeah . . . I feel your pain.
What a surprise, three liberal tv talking heads think Obama will win.

In other news, Rush Limbaugh thinks that Obama will lose. Who the fuck cares?
MSNBC is so bias. I think they are looking into the wrong crystal ball because there is NO way that NOBAMA in 12 will win. He is loosing to an un named GOP canidate. Perry has not put his name in the race . If Perry and Christi is a ticket I think they will beat NOBAMA in a landslide. I think Romney will beat him( even though he is not my first choice cant get paid ROMENYCARE)
But these are my predication and mine alone :muahaha:
You cons having a little bit of trouble deciding which one of your political giants will be the one to crush Obama? I kind of get that from reading some of the posts on this thread thus far.

Yeah . . . I feel your pain.

s0n........your avatar is gay
I think Matthews picked a democrat landslide last Fall didn't he? I watched Matthews coverage of the returns and it was a disgrace. He looked like he was drunk and that would be his only excuse.
I think Matthews picked a democrat landslide last Fall didn't he? I watched Matthews coverage of the returns and it was a disgrace. He looked like he was drunk and that would be his only excuse.

Chrissy can't help it. He gets that way whenever he doesn't have that Obama feeling going up his leg.

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