MSNBC is such a bull sh t channel

LOL!! Sucks getting put in your place doesn't it? :2up:

Delusions of grandeur. Nothing you posted proved anything other than you are to retarded to even realize it.

LOL!! You right wingers are too much. Even when it's proven beyond any doubt that your beloved fox propaganda outlet does nothing but spreads lies and falsehoods to program their obedient sheep, you still don't care.

Fox would be proud, their job is done :D
You have still not proven that nipples. You post one thing that EVERONE reported on and amazingly enough it was FOX that corrected it first and another you posted was someone scamming them .....You are more than stupid . You are blatantly dishonest.
All fox does is lie and spread falsehoods. Though we know in the right wing mind just as long as it's distorted right wing trash you want to hear, then it's ok.

Post proof of that please. That of crawl back under whatever slimy rock you came from.

Here you go, this is just a tiny fraction of the lies from fox

[ame=]Daily Show Jon Stewart lists a few lies from Fox News - YouTube[/ame]

shirley sherrod anyone?

Also don't forget fox spreading that the city of los angeles spent 1 billion on jetpacks

[ame=]YouTube - Fox News Fooled By Fake Jet Pack Story.flv - YouTube[/ame]

Be sure to watch out not to "fly into choppers!" :lol:

Now, don't get me wrong here. . . Fox is undoubtedly a partisan network. But Shirley Sherrod? Really? That was a Fox news lie? When they reported the same shit -everyone- reported?

I'm an avid pothead, but even my memory is clear enough to remember some shit that recent. The right winger you're supposed to bash for Shirley Sherrod is Breitbart, he was the one that released the edited video that spurred the hasty overreaction that resulted in Sherrod being fired. Just because Fox and Breitbart clearly shared similar political philosophies does -not- make them part of the same organization.

Get your facts straight before you claim to have proven some shit.
Post proof of that please. That of crawl back under whatever slimy rock you came from.

Here you go, this is just a tiny fraction of the lies from fox

[ame=]Daily Show Jon Stewart lists a few lies from Fox News - YouTube[/ame]

shirley sherrod anyone?

Also don't forget fox spreading that the city of los angeles spent 1 billion on jetpacks

[ame=]YouTube - Fox News Fooled By Fake Jet Pack Story.flv - YouTube[/ame]

Be sure to watch out not to "fly into choppers!" :lol:

Now, don't get me wrong here. . . Fox is undoubtedly a partisan network. But Shirley Sherrod? Really? That was a Fox news lie? When they reported the same shit -everyone- reported?

I'm an avid pothead, but even my memory is clear enough to remember some shit that recent. The right winger you're supposed to bash for Shirley Sherrod is Breitbart, he was the one that released the edited video that spurred the hasty overreaction that resulted in Sherrod being fired. Just because Fox and Breitbart clearly shared similar political philosophies does -not- make them part of the same organization.

Get your facts straight before you claim to have proven some shit.

You are correct, Breitfart did start the lie, but fox slobbered all over themselves and put the story out without even checking in the slightest for it's credibility.

Fox like any network has the obligation to fact check their information before spreading something as major as the Sherrod incident, and by not doing so, it became one of the biggest monstrosities fox has ever spewed.
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Here you go, this is just a tiny fraction of the lies from fox

Daily Show Jon Stewart lists a few lies from Fox News - YouTube

shirley sherrod anyone?

Also don't forget fox spreading that the city of los angeles spent 1 billion on jetpacks

YouTube - Fox News Fooled By Fake Jet Pack Story.flv - YouTube

Be sure to watch out not to "fly into choppers!" :lol:

Now, don't get me wrong here. . . Fox is undoubtedly a partisan network. But Shirley Sherrod? Really? That was a Fox news lie? When they reported the same shit -everyone- reported?

I'm an avid pothead, but even my memory is clear enough to remember some shit that recent. The right winger you're supposed to bash for Shirley Sherrod is Breitbart, he was the one that released the edited video that spurred the hasty overreaction that resulted in Sherrod being fired. Just because Fox and Breitbart clearly shared similar political philosophies does -not- make them part of the same organization.

Get your facts straight before you claim to have proven some shit.

You are correct, Breitfart did start the lie, but fox slobbered all over themselves and put the story out without even checking in the slightest for it's credibility.

Fox like any network has the obligation to fact check their information before spreading something as major as the Sherrod incident, and by not doing so, it became one of the biggest monstrosities fox has ever spewed.

I'll give you that, news agencies in general are too quick to hop on the hype train these days, and Fox is no exception.

However, the Shirley Sherrod case doesn't relate directly to this argument, as MSNBC's Romney -EDIT- implies a willful omission, a news network intentionally misleading its viewers to sway public opinion in favor of their party. When Fox aired the same Sherrod story that a lot of different networks aired after Breitbart's edit, despite being a monumental fuckup and a disgrace to thorough journalism, it wasn't definitively willful.

Even aside from that example, lot of these are more issues of stupidity (jet packs) and typical right wing fringe paranoia (the school board's gonna attack Jesus again!), neither of which I'd personally count among journalism sins as vile as outright dishonesty. That said, a couple of Stewart's examples do add up to genuine bullshit, which I find equally detestable from any source.

But that's why I don't trust partisans in general. The Republicans are no less full of shit than the Democrats if you ask me. . . I'd guess that 90 percent of both parties are either corrupt or incompetent (with the politicians themselves, mostly corrupt, but with the constituents, mostly incompetent). But, since you can't really find a news outlet these days that isn't stuffed snugly into an elephant's or a donkey's pocket, I just keep my eye on both sides' news feeds in the hope that I can triangulate my way to something nearing factual.

Why the left gets away with it

By Jennifer Rubin

Imagine the roles were reversed. An employee of the Christian conservative Family Research Council goes over to the D.C. Center for the LGBT Community. He shouts, “It’s not you, it’s about the policy!” He shoots a security guard. The FRC leadership expresses remorse, but the media are out for blood. The story is above the fold in the major newspapers. It leads on every network news program. MSNBC runs a banner all day: Christian hate group attempts mayhem against gays. The president goes on camera to deliver remarks on tolerance and goes to the bedside of the wounded LGBT security guard. The hue and cry goes up for FRC to shut its doors. Its “hateful rhetoric” is responsible for the violence, we are told. Sponsors of FRC are targeted for harassment, and groups that donate to FRC are denounced as well. This must end!


Why the left gets away with it - Right Turn - The Washington Post
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I'm so glad that Andrea didn't capitulate on this one, she didn't apologize.

You go girl!!!!!
Ruh oh....smoddy got upset.

Ernie S. said:
Hi, you have received -1130 reputation points from Ernie S..
Reputation was given for this post.

Fucking hack!

Ernie S.

Note: This is an automated message.

Did I hut your widdle feewings?
I'm so glad that Andrea didn't capitulate on this one, she didn't apologize.

You go girl!!!!!
Ruh oh....smoddy got upset.

Ernie S. said:
Hi, you have received -1130 reputation points from Ernie S..
Reputation was given for this post.

Fucking hack!

Ernie S.

Note: This is an automated message.

Did I hut your widdle feewings?
Nope, you will note that I'm not the one cursing and expressing emotion.

I'm the one laughing.

Carry on Elmer.



Mitt Romney: Victim of a race-baiting Democratic strategy

By Crystal Wright

First, Vice President Biden tells blacks Mitt Romney’s “going to put y’all back in chains.” Then MSNBC host and presidential supporter Toure charges Romney with engaging in the “niggerization” of President Obama.

The last several days have not been good for the integrity of the Obama campaign and the president’s supporters. Instead, it was race-baiting at its worst, a pattern that isn’t limited to this past week.


Mitt Romney: Victim of a race-baiting Democratic strategy - The Root DC Live - The Washington Post
It’s Time To Occupy The Corners To Save Our Lives

Aug 10, 2012 9 By Tamika Mallory

Rev. Al Sharpton and the National Action Network have also called for a meeting with N.Y.C. Mayor Michael Bloomberg to seek methods of funding many of the great grassroots efforts out here working daily to curb the violence. The fact remains that numerous organizations are on the ground, in our communities, but don’t receive the sort of monetary support that for-profit and many other non-profits receive.

Al Sharpton Occupy the Corners | Breaking News for Black America


Look, al sharpton getting some blueberry pie

Politifact Calls Lawrence O‘Donnell’s MSNBC ‘Lean Forward’ Ad ‘Mostly False’

February 19, 2012 by Christopher Santarelli

MSNBC has once again found itself at odds with the fact-checking website

One of the latest ads in the network’s “Lean Forward” campaign, a string of overtly partisan rants from primetime hosts, has Last Word anchor Lawrence O’Donnell making the case for the G I bill as “the most successful educational program that we’ve ever had in this country” which O’Donnell claims was criticized by opponents as welfare.

Politifact analysis has determined O‘Donnell’s statement to be “mostly false.”

“We found no evidence of critics referring to the GI Bill as welfare. Yet some fretted that the law’s unemployment compensation element would encourage laziness. We see a touch of truth to O’Donnell’s claim, which we rate Mostly False.”

MSNBC host Rachel Maddow has become particularly frustrated with the organization for their analyses on President Obama’s State of the Union address claims, Sen. Marco Rubio’s claim that the”majority of Americans are conservative,“ and the organization’s own criticism of statements made by Maddow during the Wisconsin labor protests.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman and MSNBC host Ed Schultz among many other leftist commentators were infuriated when the nonpartisan fact-checking site dared to rule attacks against Republican Rep. Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan the 2011 “Lie of the Year.”

Politifact Calls Lawrence O‘Donnell MSNBC ’Lean Forward‘ Ad ’Mostly False’ | Video |


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MSNBC gives 50/50 time to liberals and conservatives, which is why liberals enjoy it. We aren't afraid to give conservatives that 50%, because we know we win if liberals get equal time.

Likewise, conservatives despise MSNBC for being 50/50. They also know liberals win with that ratio. They want MSNBC to be like all the other 90+% conservative media outlets.

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