MSNBC Morning Joe is a SICK SHOW!!!

Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
I would take heed yet as a liberal I think you are full of shit and you don't know how liberals think, you just assume you do...
Sure I do. Just watch C-SPAN to see out liberal obstructionist Democrat House members and Senate members follow their leaders' cues to parrot the liberal talking points and vote against every measure proposed by the majority party. The younger ones do this for fear of ending their political careers by bucking the system.

Liberals do not think independently. They have to have a mentor tell them what to think.
And the GOP does the same when they become the minority, so...
The lying Democrats have been against civil rights, against women's rights, against lowering taxes, against spending reductions....from day one. If not for the conservative side of humanity, we would be living under super- wealthy dictatorships replete with low morals, massive child molestation, total disrespect of women, massive poverty, poor infrastructure, slavery and such. Left alone, a liberal enclave would likely evolve into a caliphate.
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!

Ah, everyone you don't agree with is sick. How very convenient.
You saying he's a regressive liberal?
I enjoy Morning Joe

They really know which buttons to push to piss off Fat Donnie
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Trump doing what he promised?
<<President Trump is the author of "The Art of the Deal", so just sit back and watch how he deals with the Hispanics.>>

Admittedly, Trump TALKS a great deal, like the Carrier deal. It's just that it seldom actually happens.

He TALKED about how China would meld N. Korea into a passive State. He TALKED about Mexico paying for a 2000 mile border wall. He TALKED about bringing the steel industry back to America as an American Giant. He TALKS about how tax cuts are going to help middle class families, ignoring the cost of living rises. He TALKS about how America is now respected due to his strong stance on foreign policies, like kissing Saudi butt and pissing off NATO. He TALKS about immigration reform and can't be nailed down on details making his knowledge of the subject suspect. But mostly he TALKS about how great and wonderful and smart and genius and compassionate he is. And TALKS, and TALKS, and TALKS. Excepting that monstrous tax debacle, his only legislation has been by XO.

And again, I hate his habit of the wax on/wax off maneuver every time he speaks. I hate his habit of circling thumb and forefinger with pinkie raised. He needs to return to New York and screw his associates like he did before his Presidency rather than screw the country he is destroying. That way, he can continue his bromance with Vlad openly too.
Joe is now an example of what happens when you get 'LIBERAL P*$$Y WHIPPED'...

Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Trump doing what he promised?
<<President Trump is the author of "The Art of the Deal", so just sit back and watch how he deals with the Hispanics.>>

Admittedly, Trump TALKS a great deal, like the Carrier deal. It's just that it seldom actually happens.

He TALKED about how China would meld N. Korea into a passive State. He TALKED about Mexico paying for a 2000 mile border wall. He TALKED about bringing the steel industry back to America as an American Giant. He TALKS about how tax cuts are going to help middle class families, ignoring the cost of living rises. He TALKS about how America is now respected due to his strong stance on foreign policies, like kissing Saudi butt and pissing off NATO. He TALKS about immigration reform and can't be nailed down on details making his knowledge of the subject suspect. But mostly he TALKS about how great and wonderful and smart and genius and compassionate he is. And TALKS, and TALKS, and TALKS. Excepting that monstrous tax debacle, his only legislation has been by XO.

And again, I hate his habit of the wax on/wax off maneuver every time he speaks. I hate his habit of circling thumb and forefinger with pinkie raised. He needs to return to New York and screw his associates like he did before his Presidency rather than screw the country he is destroying. That way, he can continue his bromance with Vlad openly too.
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
You want us to go along with your premise that any criticism of Trump is either "Fake News" or frustration about Trump's supposed success. Further, you want us to think that President Obama was either corrupt or a failure or both.

Allow me to ask then, what is the number one, platinum plated, undisputed piece of gospel true evidence that you're right about anything?
No. Some criticisms of Trump are warranted. Yes, Obama and his admin were corrupt and Obama IS a failure!

No matter what proof I present for any claim I might make, you will deny it or the authenticity of the source. That is the favorite 'debate' tactic of liberals. If that fails, you will call me Nazi or racist.

You give yourself away above in describing Trump's success as 'supposed'. It is blatantly obvious that the stock market is sky rocketing, the economy is exploding upward, unemployment is down, home ownership is up,....deny all of those.
Anyone who admits to being loyal viewers of Morning Joke is well...admitting they are ignorant dupes.
You'd be surprised. Normally rational people start talking crazy after watching MSNBC for awhile. They're doing the same on NPR and CNN. Nothing but leftists spewing pro-Democrat propaganda.
As a political moderate, I NEVER watch "Morning Joe" anymore.

I agree that Mr. Scarborough is incapable of fair commentary. I personally feel that "unhinged" is an accurate adjective to describe him.

I do realize, however, that many liberals find solace in his show, and that's fine.


I do NOT know the accuracy of the report, but I can believe it.

Guess who reportedly watches the show on a regular basis?

That's right: the President.
Know your enemy. That rule is practiced by many a successful General.

For the liberal snowflakes, Morning Joe is a safe space. They can curl up in their Linus blankie and suck their thumbs.
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Trump doing what he promised?
<<President Trump is the author of "The Art of the Deal", so just sit back and watch how he deals with the Hispanics.>>

Admittedly, Trump TALKS a great deal, like the Carrier deal. It's just that it seldom actually happens.

He TALKED about how China would meld N. Korea into a passive State. He TALKED about Mexico paying for a 2000 mile border wall. He TALKED about bringing the steel industry back to America as an American Giant. He TALKS about how tax cuts are going to help middle class families, ignoring the cost of living rises. He TALKS about how America is now respected due to his strong stance on foreign policies, like kissing Saudi butt and pissing off NATO. He TALKS about immigration reform and can't be nailed down on details making his knowledge of the subject suspect. But mostly he TALKS about how great and wonderful and smart and genius and compassionate he is. And TALKS, and TALKS, and TALKS. Excepting that monstrous tax debacle, his only legislation has been by XO.

And again, I hate his habit of the wax on/wax off maneuver every time he speaks. I hate his habit of circling thumb and forefinger with pinkie raised. He needs to return to New York and screw his associates like he did before his Presidency rather than screw the country he is destroying. That way, he can continue his bromance with Vlad openly too.
Yakity Yak ....."".We'll see what happens"" No collusion 7 times in 90 seconds ?? Are you dumb repubs kidding ?You can't see the man is a crook at heart unfit for the Presidency?
Anyone who admits to being loyal viewers of Morning Joke is well...admitting they are ignorant dupes.
You'd be surprised. Normally rational people start talking crazy after watching MSNBC for awhile. They're doing the same on NPR and CNN. Nothing but leftists spewing pro-Democrat propaganda.
The hysteria of the left has set in. They are frantically trying to regain composure after the defeat of Queen Hillary at the polls. The bottom dropped out of their ship of fools.
Anyone who admits to being loyal viewers of Morning Joke is well...admitting they are ignorant dupes.
You'd be surprised. Normally rational people start talking crazy after watching MSNBC for awhile. They're doing the same on NPR and CNN. Nothing but leftists spewing pro-Democrat propaganda.
The hysteria of the left has set in. They are frantically trying to regain composure after the defeat of Queen Hillary at the polls. The bottom dropped out of their ship of fools.

Just keeping the pressure on Fat Donnie

He does not appear to be handling it that well
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
Trump doing what he promised?
<<President Trump is the author of "The Art of the Deal", so just sit back and watch how he deals with the Hispanics.>>

Admittedly, Trump TALKS a great deal, like the Carrier deal. It's just that it seldom actually happens.

He TALKED about how China would meld N. Korea into a passive State. He TALKED about Mexico paying for a 2000 mile border wall. He TALKED about bringing the steel industry back to America as an American Giant. He TALKS about how tax cuts are going to help middle class families, ignoring the cost of living rises. He TALKS about how America is now respected due to his strong stance on foreign policies, like kissing Saudi butt and pissing off NATO. He TALKS about immigration reform and can't be nailed down on details making his knowledge of the subject suspect. But mostly he TALKS about how great and wonderful and smart and genius and compassionate he is. And TALKS, and TALKS, and TALKS. Excepting that monstrous tax debacle, his only legislation has been by XO.

And again, I hate his habit of the wax on/wax off maneuver every time he speaks. I hate his habit of circling thumb and forefinger with pinkie raised. He needs to return to New York and screw his associates like he did before his Presidency rather than screw the country he is destroying. That way, he can continue his bromance with Vlad openly too.
Yakity Yak ....."".We'll see what happens"" No collusion 7 times in 90 seconds ?? Are you dumb repubs kidding ?You can't see the man is a crook at heart unfit for the Presidency?
...and from the evidence of collusion, not yet, no...after 11 fuckin' months of looking at 'evidence'....there is NO EVIDENCE OF COLLUSION ON THE PART OF TRUMP OR THE TRUMP CAMPAIGN...

There IS evidence of collusion on the part of Hillary, the DNC, the FBI .... Mueller is deliberately ignoring that BLATANTLY OBVIOUS information.

What really scares the liberals today is that deep down, they know the end is near.
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
You want us to go along with your premise that any criticism of Trump is either "Fake News" or frustration about Trump's supposed success. Further, you want us to think that President Obama was either corrupt or a failure or both.

Allow me to ask then, what is the number one, platinum plated, undisputed piece of gospel true evidence that you're right about anything?
No. Some criticisms of Trump are warranted. Yes, Obama and his admin were corrupt and Obama IS a failure!

No matter what proof I present for any claim I might make, you will deny it or the authenticity of the source. That is the favorite 'debate' tactic of liberals. If that fails, you will call me Nazi or racist.

You give yourself away above in describing Trump's success as 'supposed'. It is blatantly obvious that the stock market is sky rocketing, the economy is exploding upward, unemployment is down, home ownership is up,....deny all of those.
I'm sorry but I don't traffic in "fake news" and deflection. Could you just answer my question? What is the one sterling piece of evidence that President Obama was a failure?
That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
You want us to go along with your premise that any criticism of Trump is either "Fake News" or frustration about Trump's supposed success. Further, you want us to think that President Obama was either corrupt or a failure or both.

Allow me to ask then, what is the number one, platinum plated, undisputed piece of gospel true evidence that you're right about anything?
No. Some criticisms of Trump are warranted. Yes, Obama and his admin were corrupt and Obama IS a failure!

No matter what proof I present for any claim I might make, you will deny it or the authenticity of the source. That is the favorite 'debate' tactic of liberals. If that fails, you will call me Nazi or racist.

You give yourself away above in describing Trump's success as 'supposed'. It is blatantly obvious that the stock market is sky rocketing, the economy is exploding upward, unemployment is down, home ownership is up,....deny all of those.
I'm sorry but I don't traffic in "fake news" and deflection. Could you just answer my question? What is the one sterling piece of evidence that President Obama was a failure?
There would be no trump If there was no Obama...
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
You want us to go along with your premise that any criticism of Trump is either "Fake News" or frustration about Trump's supposed success. Further, you want us to think that President Obama was either corrupt or a failure or both.

Allow me to ask then, what is the number one, platinum plated, undisputed piece of gospel true evidence that you're right about anything?
No. Some criticisms of Trump are warranted. Yes, Obama and his admin were corrupt and Obama IS a failure!

No matter what proof I present for any claim I might make, you will deny it or the authenticity of the source. That is the favorite 'debate' tactic of liberals. If that fails, you will call me Nazi or racist.

You give yourself away above in describing Trump's success as 'supposed'. It is blatantly obvious that the stock market is sky rocketing, the economy is exploding upward, unemployment is down, home ownership is up,....deny all of those.
I'm sorry but I don't traffic in "fake news" and deflection. Could you just answer my question? What is the one sterling piece of evidence that President Obama was a failure?
There would be no trump If there was no Obama...
So you're blaming Obama for Trump?
Though it pains me to tune in at all to MSNBC, I occasionally catch a few minutes of Joe Scarborough just to see if he has yet completely lost his mind. I suspect him to be quite near that inevitable end.

That stupid bastard, his bleached blonde co-host and their habitually stacked deck of liberal panelists are so blatantly biased against President Trump that they cannot see the obvious justification of his attacks on corruption within government agencies, disrespect of the Constitution by government officials (and his predecessor), the criminality of the Clintons or the massive FAKE NEWS MOVEMENT of which MSNBC is an integral part.

Their main problem is that President Trump is succeeding. He is making America great again. He is demolishing the damage done by that incompetent POTUS 44 that we suffered through for 8 years...and continue to suffer from by way of his insistence upon spear heading the resistance and his futile attempts to remain relevant.

They are currently touting the Fire and Fury book that has been denounced basically as fiction and garbage by many of their mainstream media buddies that have previous knowledge of the author and put credence in the denials by many of those quoted in the tabloid publication.

Basically, Morning Joe exemplifies the fear and frustrations now embedded within liberals who have actually realized that Trump is doing what he promised to do. THAT has been heretofore absent in the Office of the President. Liberals expect to be lied to and led by compliant, suitably corrupt swamp dwellers.

Liberalism is a mental disorder!
You want us to go along with your premise that any criticism of Trump is either "Fake News" or frustration about Trump's supposed success. Further, you want us to think that President Obama was either corrupt or a failure or both.

Allow me to ask then, what is the number one, platinum plated, undisputed piece of gospel true evidence that you're right about anything?
No. Some criticisms of Trump are warranted. Yes, Obama and his admin were corrupt and Obama IS a failure!

No matter what proof I present for any claim I might make, you will deny it or the authenticity of the source. That is the favorite 'debate' tactic of liberals. If that fails, you will call me Nazi or racist.

You give yourself away above in describing Trump's success as 'supposed'. It is blatantly obvious that the stock market is sky rocketing, the economy is exploding upward, unemployment is down, home ownership is up,....deny all of those.
I'm sorry but I don't traffic in "fake news" and deflection. Could you just answer my question? What is the one sterling piece of evidence that President Obama was a failure?
There would be no trump If there was no Obama...
So you're blaming Obama for Trump?
No I’m blaming progressives, they voted in the half white Obama thinking he was a savior. They could’ve not been more wrong… As a result the country elected a non-career politician. Anything the damages the federal government is a good thing

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