MSNBC: NRA "in the Business of Helping Bombers Get Away With Their Crimes"


Diamond Member
Apr 1, 2011
MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell made the case this evening that the National Rifle Association is to blame for the slow investigation into the Boston bombings:

"There are new developments tonight in the bombing investigation here in Boston," said O'Donnell. "But that investigation could be moving faster were it not for the successful lobbying efforts of the National Rifle Association. The NRA's efforts to guarantee that American mass murderers are the best-equipped mass murders in the world is not limited to murderers who use assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The NRA is also in the business of helping bombers get away with their crimes. Gunpowder could be traced by investigators to a buyer at the point of sale if gunpowder contained a taggant, an element that would enable tracing of the purchase of gunpowder. But thanks to the National Rifle Association, identification taggants are required by law only in plastic explosives. The NRA has successfully blocked any requirements for such taggants in gunpowder. So such supremely helpful evidence as taggants are not available to the FBI in this investigation."

MSNBC: NRA 'in the Business of Helping Bombers Get Away With Their Crimes' | The Weekly Standard
Besides, that's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard. The NRA doesn't use bombs, it uses guns. How stupid can people be?
Sounds like Lawrence may have a point. I didn't know the NRA lobbied and blocked taggants in gunpowder. Why would they do that?
Sounds like Lawrence may have a point. I didn't know the NRA lobbied and blocked taggants in gunpowder. Why would they do that?
Gee, you agree with a socialist commentator on a state-run network. What a surprise!
Sounds like Lawrence may have a point. I didn't know the NRA lobbied and blocked taggants in gunpowder. Why would they do that?
Gee, you agree with a socialist commentator on a state-run network. What a surprise!

Well, can you provide a "logical" reason why the NRA doesn't want taggants in gunpowder? Is there anything the right isn't afraid of?
Besides, that's the most hilarious thing I've ever heard. The NRA doesn't use bombs, it uses guns. How stupid can liarberals be?

fixed it fer ya ! there is no limit to the stupidity of liberals.., but ! OTH.., they are smart enough to know where the freebies come from......, thus we have another 4 years of an AMERICA destroying commie son-of-a-bitch.
Sounds like Lawrence may have a point. I didn't know the NRA lobbied and blocked taggants in gunpowder. Why would they do that?
Gee, you agree with a socialist commentator on a state-run network. What a surprise!

Well, can you provide a "logical" reason why the NRA doesn't want taggants in gunpowder? Is there anything the right isn't afraid of?
If you understood the second amendment, you wouldn't have to ask that question.
Rather than swallowing MSNBC's bullshit, you might be wise to research first.

It took me less than 20 seconds to find this on Bing..

Gunpowder Taggant Study Included in Bill - Los Angeles Times

We object strongly to the commentary by John Shepard Wiley Jr., on the study of taggants in black and smokeless powder (Nov. 11). The National Rifle Assn. devoted considerable time to educating the Congress on the problems with immediate inclusion of taggants in gunpowder. The NRA, not President Clinton, called for matters of safety and effectiveness to be resolved by an independent scientific panel.

The government's own research in the 1970s and early 1980s found taggants to be potentially very dangerous, as they were found to increase chemical activity and prompt spontaneous combustion when mixed with some powders. The law enforcement benefits of tagging black and smokeless powders have been questioned, since a single batch of gunpowder is distributed in half-pound or one-pound cans which are ultimately sold to as many as 30,000 sportsmen for hand-loading.

The NRA worked with members of Congress to designate the National Academy of Sciences to conduct an independent study on the feasibility, safety and investigative effectiveness of taggants. The NRA not only supports this study, we also recommended the provision which directs an examination of new preventive technologies. Unlike taggants, these technologies are truly preventive and can detect the presence of the tools of terrorist attack before a tragedy occurs. Taggants come into play only after tragedy has struck.

A lot is at stake. Over 3.5 million Americans make their own ammunition using bulk powders. Five million additional shooters use black powder in muzzle-loading firearms. Sixty million other gun owners rely on factory-loaded ammunition. These citizens and all others deserve protection.


Executive Director, NRA Institute
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MSNBC host Lawrence O'Donnell made the case this evening that the National Rifle Association is to blame for the slow investigation into the Boston bombings:

"There are new developments tonight in the bombing investigation here in Boston," said O'Donnell. "But that investigation could be moving faster were it not for the successful lobbying efforts of the National Rifle Association. The NRA's efforts to guarantee that American mass murderers are the best-equipped mass murders in the world is not limited to murderers who use assault weapons and high-capacity magazines. The NRA is also in the business of helping bombers get away with their crimes. Gunpowder could be traced by investigators to a buyer at the point of sale if gunpowder contained a taggant, an element that would enable tracing of the purchase of gunpowder. But thanks to the National Rifle Association, identification taggants are required by law only in plastic explosives. The NRA has successfully blocked any requirements for such taggants in gunpowder. So such supremely helpful evidence as taggants are not available to the FBI in this investigation."

MSNBC: NRA 'in the Business of Helping Bombers Get Away With Their Crimes' | The Weekly Standard

what sort of mental midgets

actually believe this crap
Sounds like Lawrence may have a point. I didn't know the NRA lobbied and blocked taggants in gunpowder. Why would they do that?

Because tagants in gunpowder won't do anything to stop a bomber probably. Gunpowder is virtually useless for explosives. Match heads work far better, though they are dangerous to use...
Sounds like Lawrence may have a point. I didn't know the NRA lobbied and blocked taggants in gunpowder. Why would they do that?

Because tagants in gunpowder won't do anything to stop a bomber probably. Gunpowder is virtually useless for explosives. Match heads work far better, though they are dangerous to use...

yes match tips are more energetic

in times (like this) when ammo is hard to come by

one can make spent primers usable again

takes about 8-10 tips (just the white part)

buzz off Saigon
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Sounds like Lawrence may have a point. I didn't know the NRA lobbied and blocked taggants in gunpowder. Why would they do that?

Hey, chief dumb ass...that would be because taggants don't work in gunpowder.

The National Academy of Sciences studied the subject, commissioned by Congress to do so, and found no taggant system to be technically feasible for use in black and smokeless powders. They recommended against pursuing markers in gun powders.

The NRA did NOT lobby against markers in gun powder. In fact, quite the opposite. The NRA is on record in support of "examining all technologies that allow explosives to be detected before a terrorist or criminal explodes his bomb in addition to those that will identify the explosive after a blast".

Geez, you and comrade Larry just pull this shit right out of your ass, don't you?
Gunpowder is virtually useless for explosives.

So much so, that gunpowder is NOT an explosive. Look on the side of any container of it, the government required labeling clearly states "NOT AN EXPLOSIVE"

Gunpowder is actually a low explosive. The velocity of the shockwave is a lot slower than in Dynamite or C4.

"Gunpowder is classified as a low explosive because of its relatively slow decomposition rate and consequently low brisance. Low explosives deflagrate (i.e., burn) at subsonic speeds, whereas high explosives detonate, producing a supersonic wave. Ignition of the powder packed behind a bullet must generate enough pressure to force it from the muzzle at high speed, but not enough to rupture the gun barrel. Gunpowder thus makes a good propellant, but is less suitable for shattering rock or fortifications. Gunpowder was widely used to fill artillery shells and in mining and civil engineering to blast rock roughly until the second half of the 19th century, when the first high explosives (nitro-explosives) were discovered. Gunpowder is no longer used in modern explosive military warheads, nor is it used as main explosive in mining operations due to its cost relative to that of newer alternatives such as ammonium nitrate/fuel oil (ANFO)"

-Wikipedia, Gunpowder.
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Hey, shithead...that article was from 1995, about six months before the NRA supported (that's right, SUPPORTED) a proposal to find way to add markers to gun powders. The NRA is on record in support of finding a way to mark powder, "knowing that preventive technologies offer our best hope for enhanced public safety and more effective law enforcement".

Does it hurt to always be so damn wrong?
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09-06-2011, 11:33 PM
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The Reason Democracy sucks


Why Bad Men Rule by Hans-Hermann Hoppe

One of the most widely accepted propositions among political economists is the following: Every monopoly is bad from the viewpoint of consumers. Monopoly is understood in its classical sense to be an exclusive privilege granted to a single producer of a commodity or service, i.e., as the absence of free entry into a particular line of production. In other words, only one agency, A, may produce a given good, x. Any such monopolist is bad for consumers because, shielded from potential new entrants into his area of production, the price of the monopolist's product x will be higher and the quality of x lower than otherwise.

This elementary truth has frequently been invoked as an argument in favor of democratic government as opposed to classical, monarchical or princely government. This is because under democracy entry into the governmental apparatus is free — anyone can become prime minister or president — whereas under monarchy it is restricted to the king and his heir.

However, this argument in favor of democracy is fatally flawed. Free entry is not always good. Free entry and competition in the production of goods is good, but free competition in the production of bads is not. Free entry into the business of torturing and killing innocents, or free competition in counterfeiting or swindling, for instance, is not good; it is worse than bad. So what sort of "business" is government? Answer: it is not a customary producer of goods sold to voluntary consumers. Rather, it is a "business" engaged in theft and expropriation — by means of taxes and counterfeiting — and the fencing of stolen goods. Hence, free entry into government does not improve something good. Indeed, it makes matters worse than bad, i.e., it improves evil.

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