MSNBC Says Sen Tim Scott Needs To Remember He's Black And Not Just A GOP Token

Can you just imagine the OUTRAGE if I want on t.v and said the same thing for whites?

O'shittttttttttttttt, there would be a 900 page leftist thread on this site right now. Now tell me all about outrage.

So he shouldn't vote for limited government. He shouldn't have a choice?

MSNBC's Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said a few minutes ago that Tim Scott, SC's new Senator needs to remember he's Black and not just what some people call a "Token Black".

She said this racist BS with such a happy manner and it seemed delivered with such a "Well everybody thinks that way" attitude that it's easy to understand how so many good people could be so racist and not even know it.

After Robert Griffin III got this same treatment from a Black ESPN commentator a couple of weeks ago I think that it is becoming more and more clear the angle the left uses to keep blacks on the plantation.........and it is an old story.

Peer-pressure is a very strong stimulant. If you want to remain welcome in your respective communities you'd better tow the party line.

Joy Reid has voiced this opinion before calling blacks and Hispanics in the GOP "Window Dressing".

I don't sense one iota of belief that their core values, that their core belief system needs to change. They just think they need to put more window dressing on it, and find some more black and brown people to say the exact same things they believe. They don't believe they need to change their positions on issues. They just believe they need to change the decoration.


MSNBC Contributor Joy-Ann Reid Dismisses Black, Hispanic Republicans As Mere 'Window-Dressing' |

Obama-boosting MSNBC Contributor Reid Annoyed with Ron Fournier's Quest for Truth in Benghazi Fiasco |

Please stop the fake outrage, it's really funny watching your twist and turn to make hey out of this. When your own Allen West has said far worst. :lol:

Newsbuster, a legitimate news source nowadays? No wonder you're so fooking stupid on the right. :eusa_clap:

So a black person shouldn't have the right to do so? :eusa_eh: You're dense.
are you guys going to stop saying blacks are FOOLED into voting for dems?

do you EVEN have a clue how many Americans who are black and NOT black you insult when you spew that lie?

I think it's blacks vote for Dems because they like getting stuff.... :D
Please stop the fake outrage, it's really funny watching your twist and turn to make hey out of this. When your own Allen West has said far worst. :lol:

Newsbuster, a legitimate news source nowadays? No wonder you're so fooking stupid on the right. :eusa_clap:

So a black person shouldn't have the right to do so? :eusa_eh: You're dense.

Most Blacks aren't and I'm speaking from a "Black Man's" perspective...And you're NOT Black, so stop it.

That's not the point. MSNBC is the Obama Administration's propaganda arm. This is their opinion of how blacks are supposed to act.

Do you understand?
Thread title: MSNBC Says Sen Tim Scott Needs To Remember He's Black And Not Just A GOP Token

First line:
MSNBC's Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said a few minutes ago ...

How do some of y'all keep shooting yourselves in the foot this way?

First it's "MSNBC says", then the reality: "Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said..."

Essentially said.

Do you not understand that one person, and an entire TV network, are different things??
Do you not grasp that one person "essentially" saying X (which is subjective analysis) is a different animal from an entire news network actually saying X?
Do you just parrot whatever the CEC Bubble® tells you to say?
Do you not vet your own sources (Newsbusters? Seriously??)
Do you actually think nobody sees this dishonest ploy?

I mean what the hell is wrong with you people?
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Thread title: MSNBC Says Sen Tim Scott Needs To Remember He's Black And Not Just A GOP Token

First line:
MSNBC's Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said a few minutes ago ...

How do some of y'all keep shooting yourselves in the foot this way?

First it's "MSNBC says", then the reality: "Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said..."

Essentially said.

Do you not understand that one person and an entire TV network are different things??
Do you actually think nobody sees this ploy?
Do you not grasp that one person "essentially" saying (which is analysis) is a different animal from an entire news network actually saying?
Do you just parrot whatever the CEC Bubble® tells you to say?
Do you not vet your own sources (Newsbusters? Seriously??)

I didn't see or hear of anyone telling her to STFU nor complain about it.

And I heard her say it live on the program. Then I did a search and found out this isn't the first time she's said this crapola as evidenced by the link. It pretty much illustrates that they like her ideas.

So why don't you STFU till you can get the taste of foot out of your mouth.
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Thread title: MSNBC Says Sen Tim Scott Needs To Remember He's Black And Not Just A GOP Token

First line:
MSNBC's Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said a few minutes ago ...

How do some of y'all keep shooting yourselves in the foot this way?

First it's "MSNBC says", then the reality: "Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said..."

Essentially said.

Do you not understand that one person and an entire TV network are different things??
Do you actually think nobody sees this ploy?
Do you not grasp that one person "essentially" saying (which is analysis) is a different animal from an entire news network actually saying?
Do you just parrot whatever the CEC Bubble® tells you to say?
Do you not vet your own sources (Newsbusters? Seriously??)

I didn't see or hear of anyone telling her to STFU nor complain about it.

And I heard her say it live on the program. Then I did a search and found out this isn't the first time she's said this crapola as evidenced by the link. It pretty much illustrates that they like her ideas.

So why don't you STFU till you can get the taste of foot out of your mouth.

That's it? I point out the obvious glaring error in the premise, and your response is I should "shut the fuck up"?
What the hell does that mean? That you'd prefer to live on demonstrable fallacies?

Again -- what the hell is wrong with you people?
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Thread title: MSNBC Says Sen Tim Scott Needs To Remember He's Black And Not Just A GOP Token

First line:

How do some of y'all keep shooting yourselves in the foot this way?

First it's "MSNBC says", then the reality: "Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said..."

Essentially said.

Do you not understand that one person and an entire TV network are different things??
Do you actually think nobody sees this ploy?
Do you not grasp that one person "essentially" saying (which is analysis) is a different animal from an entire news network actually saying?
Do you just parrot whatever the CEC Bubble® tells you to say?
Do you not vet your own sources (Newsbusters? Seriously??)

I didn't see or hear of anyone telling her to STFU nor complain about it.

And I heard her say it live on the program. Then I did a search and found out this isn't the first time she's said this crapola as evidenced by the link. It pretty much illustrates that they like her ideas.

So why don't you STFU till you can get the taste of foot out of your mouth.

That's it? I point out the obvious glaring error in the premise, and your response is I should "shut the fuck up"?
What the hell does that mean? That you'd prefer to live on demonstrable fallacies?

Again -- what the hell is wrong with you people?

Your point is pointless.

There's nothing wrong with "Us People", but it's clear there is something wrong with the way they think on MSNBC and if you don't have a problem with it then I guess that means you think the same way.

Do you feel that blacks should act black?

That is what Joy Reid, an MSNBC talk-show host said.

I'm pretty certain that you wouldn't cut Fox News the same kind of slack.
You people want violence and hatred against whites. It isn't about getting us all to get along as you promote that it is ok for blacks to be racist.

Please check out black on white violence. You will see that blacks are far more violent against whites. Do you want this?
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MSNBC is black nationalism on t.v. Hatred of whites 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you better not become a republican if you're black! As that wouldn't be black they scream.

Fuck these bastards.

I don't mind getting the negative points you gave me, but what I do mind is the chickenshit message you included. I consider that to be a coward and the very first person to do that to me I put their ass on blast in the "Flame Thrower" section. Got something to say, say it on the open board, BITCH!

P.S. I don't need your dumb white ass telling me what I need or should do or watch on tv, you continue watching Faux and remain dumb as shit.

Sometimes you have to look at both sides and decide for yourself what is right. Do some background checking instead of taking everything at face-value.

Just listening to the Democrap talking points and ignoring the opposition is pretty dumb too.
I probably on a daily basis consume more news, from a various of radio talk show hosts and various websites than some of your hillybilly fooks do in a week. I know the difference between a talking point and facts. And if you believe for one minute that I agree with everything this President has done or do or with the Democratic Party lock step, you're dumber than I thought.

The radio stations I listen to always tells it listeners for the most part, not to take their word and go research it yourself. They talk about a story and give you the information to research it for your damn self.

What fooking radio host on the right tells your that? None, most don't take calls and that is why I hear your whining asses calling lefty radio hosts for the most part don't screen calls and a couple will put righties to the front.

So spare me this bullshit about getting news from both sides, give me a credible talk show host on the right or fooking middle who gives your straight talk?

So you think you know everything.

And I'm not a fucken hillbilly asshole.

I'm from Montana. Hillbillies are from Kentucky.
Oh and when someone calls you an asshole it's not some lib talking point referring to codewords that bigots use.

It means your an asshole.
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MSNBC is black nationalism on t.v. Hatred of whites 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and you better not become a republican if you're black! As that wouldn't be black they scream.

Fuck these bastards.

I don't mind getting the negative points you gave me, but what I do mind is the chickenshit message you included. I consider that to be a coward and the very first person to do that to me I put their ass on blast in the "Flame Thrower" section. Got something to say, say it on the open board, BITCH!

P.S. I don't need your dumb white ass telling me what I need or should do or watch on tv, you continue watching Faux and remain dumb as shit.

You are the most racist person ever. Oh I forgot racism is not illegal.
well you just do not like the white people you know the ones who purchased you from the African kings--then realized slavery was bad and wasted 600,000 lives to free you. have never heard a black person say thank you for that (your comments will be very entertaining and racist) Oh yea racism is not illegal..One more note if racism was illegal then we would have to lock up 95% of all black because they only voted for the magic negro because he is black.
Most Blacks aren't and I'm speaking from a "Black Man's" perspective...And you're NOT Black, so stop it.

That's not the point. MSNBC is the Obama Administration's propaganda arm. This is their opinion of how blacks are supposed to act.

Do you understand?

And I should listen to what FAUX Fake whose the propaganda arm of the Republican Party?

News Flash for you, I don't need either one and especially Faux trying to tell me how to think or what to think or what's best for Black People. Like Faux really gives a fook about someone Black that isn't Republican?

I've heard and seen clips from Faux from White Men and White Woman calling this President every thing but a child of God and one of the last things they would call would be a "Token", so do you understand why I say stop the bullshit with the fake outrage?

well then lets call Obama what he really is, a Token for Blacks to use to bludgen people over the head with
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That's not the point. MSNBC is the Obama Administration's propaganda arm. This is their opinion of how blacks are supposed to act.

Do you understand?

And I should listen to what FAUX Fake whose the propaganda arm of the Republican Party?

News Flash for you, I don't need either one and especially Faux trying to tell me how to think or what to think or what's best for Black People. Like Faux really gives a fook about someone Black that isn't Republican?

I've heard and seen clips from Faux from White Men and White Woman calling this President every thing but a child of God and one of the last things they would call would be a "Token", so do you understand why I say stop the bullshit with the fake outrage?

well then lets call Obama what he really is, a Token for Blacks to use to bludgen people over the head with

Obama is not a token. He is a perfect example on how the left wants you to act if you're black. Be an asshole to those you hate. Throw your weight around when you get some power. Abraham Lincoln said the best way to find out someones character was to give him power.

One thing that you never see is how he acts behind closed doors. His idea of bargaining with "white" GOP members is "STFU and do what I tell you to do". Boehner offered him $800 billion in tax increases and then asked what Obama had to offer in return. Obama said nothing, "I get that for free because I won the election".

The left doesn't want us to get along. The left wants us at each others throats. They want to divide us. The best way is by making up reasons to hate those who want to oppose Obama and eventually it all boils down to racism. He calls the GOP racists and it's easy for many blacks to believe it. He calls them evil by disparaging their Christian supporters and their pro-gun supporters, even though many blacks are both. He says he hates gun violence at the same moment his guns are killing folks in Mexico, Syria, and Libya.

If you call him a liar when he lies you're called a racist. He lies so blatantly it's hard to believe but now has become acceptable.

Jesus. Without this perfect candidate the Democrats wouldn't have a chance in hell and yet they think they've got the GOP on the run. The only reason that may appear so is because we're having a battle between those who want to bargain in hopes that Obama will eventually do the right thing and those who know he's a worthless POS that will never do the right thing. Ether way Obama and his media will demonize them. Demonize them for being a major roadblock in Washington or demonize them for turning their backs on the Tea Party.

Right now we need someone to bring us together. Obama can't bring us together. He's too busy exacting revenge for every slight he received in his life. He acts like he represents blacks but he's never been through what they go through. Obama has been pampered all of his life. He doesn't really know what it's like to live on the other side of the tracks.
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