MSNBC Says Sen Tim Scott Needs To Remember He's Black And Not Just A GOP Token


MSNBC's Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said a few minutes ago that Tim Scott, SC's new Senator needs to remember he's Black and not just what some people call a "Token Black".

She said this racist BS with such a happy manner and it seemed delivered with such a "Well everybody thinks that way" attitude that it's easy to understand how so many good people could be so racist and not even know it.

After Robert Griffin III got this same treatment from a Black ESPN commentator a couple of weeks ago I think that it is becoming more and more clear the angle the left uses to keep blacks on the plantation.........and it is an old story.

Peer-pressure is a very strong stimulant. If you want to remain welcome in your respective communities you'd better tow the party line.

Joy Reid has voiced this opinion before calling blacks and Hispanics in the GOP "Window Dressing".

I don't sense one iota of belief that their core values, that their core belief system needs to change. They just think they need to put more window dressing on it, and find some more black and brown people to say the exact same things they believe. They don't believe they need to change their positions on issues. They just believe they need to change the decoration.


MSNBC Contributor Joy-Ann Reid Dismisses Black, Hispanic Republicans As Mere 'Window-Dressing' |

Obama-boosting MSNBC Contributor Reid Annoyed with Ron Fournier's Quest for Truth in Benghazi Fiasco |

I just watched this Joy woman for the first time today - at the time she was going on about how many blacks/women/Latinos/LBGT O'bama has or has not appointed to his Cabinet, as if it's some kind of scoreboard.

I happen to think that's the wrong approach, but... so what? People still are allowed opinions (for now) so some of them are going to be silly. That doesn't give you the right to misrepresent a substitute talking head with the entire channel as if it's corporate policy.

And more to the point -- who exactly is sitting you down in a chair with your eyelids pinned open, forcing you to watch this? That may be your problem. Or did you actually see it at all?

Here's the real issue: the political "sport" of hunting down alternate opinions and silencing them. The whole sorryass "Eliminationism" game, where any dissent must be not challenged or refuted but actually destroyed, even if it requires the dishonesty in the OP here. It's not just intellectually dishonest, it's rhetorically bankrupt. You don't make a point by eliminating everybody else's point.

MSNBC's Joy Reid subbing for Melissa Harris-Perry essentially said a few minutes ago that Tim Scott, SC's new Senator needs to remember he's Black and not just what some people call a "Token Black".

She said this racist BS with such a happy manner and it seemed delivered with such a "Well everybody thinks that way" attitude that it's easy to understand how so many good people could be so racist and not even know it.

After Robert Griffin III got this same treatment from a Black ESPN commentator a couple of weeks ago I think that it is becoming more and more clear the angle the left uses to keep blacks on the plantation.........and it is an old story.

Peer-pressure is a very strong stimulant. If you want to remain welcome in your respective communities you'd better tow the party line.

Joy Reid has voiced this opinion before calling blacks and Hispanics in the GOP "Window Dressing".

I don't sense one iota of belief that their core values, that their core belief system needs to change. They just think they need to put more window dressing on it, and find some more black and brown people to say the exact same things they believe. They don't believe they need to change their positions on issues. They just believe they need to change the decoration.


MSNBC Contributor Joy-Ann Reid Dismisses Black, Hispanic Republicans As Mere 'Window-Dressing' |

Obama-boosting MSNBC Contributor Reid Annoyed with Ron Fournier's Quest for Truth in Benghazi Fiasco |

I just watched this Joy woman for the first time today - at the time she was going on about how many blacks/women/Latinos/LBGT O'bama has or has not appointed to his Cabinet, as if it's some kind of scoreboard.

I happen to think that's the wrong approach, but... so what? People still are allowed opinions (for now) so some of them are going to be silly. That doesn't give you the right to misrepresent a substitute talking head with the entire channel as if it's corporate policy.

And more to the point -- who exactly is sitting you down in a chair with your eyelids pinned open, forcing you to watch this? That may be your problem. Or did you actually see it at all?

Here's the real issue: the political "sport" of hunting down alternate opinions and silencing them. The whole sorryass "Eliminationism" game, where any dissent must be not challenged or refuted but actually destroyed, even if it requires the dishonesty in the OP here. It's not just intellectually dishonest, it's rhetorically bankrupt. You don't make a point by eliminating everybody else's point.

First off, you start with illustrating my point. Joy Reid believes in racist doctrine ala quotas and such. Then you pull a 180 and start browbeating me over simply wanting to watch what the left is up to. Instead of going through 3rd parties I want to hear it from the horses-mouth in full context, but even that is something for you to criticize.

I don't hunt down opposing viewpoints because they're different like the left seems to want to do. They don't like it when anyone hears what the other guys are saying. They only want their views known. They want us to only focus on their warped viewpoints. I'm not the one calling for boycotts and shutting their media sources down after all, they are.
First off, you start with illustrating my point. Joy Reid believes in racist doctrine ala quotas and such. Then you pull a 180 and start browbeating me over simply wanting to watch what the left is up to. Instead of going through 3rd parties I want to hear it from the horses-mouth in full context, but even that is something for you to criticize.

That's not a "180" at all -- it's a valid point, and when you're right I'll say so. On this particular point we agree. I just don't agree that you have a rigth to misrepresent what it is and whose point it is. I have this thing about honesty. And that deliberate misrepresentation tells me you must have an agenda in committing it.

I don't hunt down opposing viewpoints because they're different like the left seems to want to do. They don't like it when anyone hears what the other guys are saying. They only want their views known. They want us to only focus on their warped viewpoints. I'm not the one calling for boycotts and shutting their media sources down after all, they are.

Actually you are the one calling for shutting down -- as soon as I pointed out your obvious fallacy, you posted that I should "shut the fuck up". If that's not an attempt to shut down somebody else's opinion, I don't know what it is except dishonest.
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LBJ was willing to sacrifice the South for the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Sure enough, after it was passed, the South became republican. Even David Duke finds happiness in the GOP, now.

We gave them civil rights just to tell them not to do something. LOL. Republicans want limited government and that idea just isn't going to get many blacks to vote for us...NOT ALL.

Must be something to think that you own all blacks. Democrats need to look in the mirror.
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First off, you start with illustrating my point. Joy Reid believes in racist doctrine ala quotas and such. Then you pull a 180 and start browbeating me over simply wanting to watch what the left is up to. Instead of going through 3rd parties I want to hear it from the horses-mouth in full context, but even that is something for you to criticize.

That's not a "180" at all -- it's a valid point, and when you're right I'll say so. On this particular point we agree. I just don't agree that you have a rigth to misrepresent what it is and whose point it is. I have this thing about honesty. And that deliberate misrepresentation tells me you must have an agenda in committing it.

I don't hunt down opposing viewpoints because they're different like the left seems to want to do. They don't like it when anyone hears what the other guys are saying. They only want their views known. They want us to only focus on their warped viewpoints. I'm not the one calling for boycotts and shutting their media sources down after all, they are.

Actually you are the one calling for shutting down -- as soon as I pointed out your obvious fallacy, you posted that I should "shut the fuck up". If that's not an attempt to shut down somebody else's opinion, I don't know what it is except dishonest.

I see nothing in my quote telling you to STFU, so you're the one being dishonest.

I didn't misrepresent what you said. Honestly, I just think you want to argue. I also think you're one seriously confused individual. You can't even remember what you posted.

Suggestion......if you want to complain about something I post try quoting it with highlights so I can tell exactly what you're talking about.
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I probably on a daily basis consume more news, from a various of radio talk show hosts and various websites than some of your hillybilly fooks do in a week. I know the difference between a talking point and facts. And if you believe for one minute that I agree with everything this President has done or do or with the Democratic Party lock step, you're dumber than I thought.

The radio stations I listen to always tells it listeners for the most part, not to take their word and go research it yourself. They talk about a story and give you the information to research it for your damn self.

What fooking radio host on the right tells your that? None, most don't take calls and that is why I hear your whining asses calling lefty radio hosts for the most part don't screen calls and a couple will put righties to the front.

So spare me this bullshit about getting news from both sides, give me a credible talk show host on the right or fooking middle who gives your straight talk?

So you think you know everything.

And I'm not a fucken hillbilly asshole.

I'm from Montana. Hillbillies are from Kentucky.

Don't claim to know everything or even close to that, but I know bullshit when bullshit is being tossed my way.

I know that I consume more news than you do and from a variety of sources, I know the difference between bullshit and actual news and you don't. Because when you came back with this weak ass argument about getting news from both sides, tells me you still believe in Faux Fake News bullshit.

So name me that "in the middle" source you get your news from again? I missed it :clap2:

well big friggen whoop:doubt:
I see nothing in my quote telling you to STFU, so you're the one being dishonest.

I didn't misrepresent what you said. Honestly, I just think you want to argue. I also think you're one seriously confused individual. You can't even remember what you posted.

Suggestion......if you want to complain about something I post try quoting it with highlights so I can tell exactly what you're talking about.

Ah, records are inconvenient things... that wasn't a "complaint"; it was a note of hypocrisy. "Complaint" means you expect something done about it.

So why don't you STFU till you can get the taste of foot out of your mouth.

The memory is the second thing to go... of course it was a whole day ago.
If blacks are truly free then they can vote and be republicans. Got a problem with that, asshole?
How am I the racist in this thread? I'm not the one telling blacks who or what to vote for because they're black.

I'm saying that blacks should have a right to be conservate and vote republican. Get it, got it, good?

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