MSNBC Smears Bundy Supporters as “Insurgents,” Attacks Infowars, Drudge

The established Authority is the Constitution.
And Bundy is in violation of both Nevada's constitution and the US Federal Constitution, so fuck him and his supporters.

Yeah, scrote. I love the Federal government.

Try harder or don't try at all.
And Bundy is in violation of both Nevada's constitution and the US Federal Constitution, so fuck him and his supporters.

Yeah, scrote. I love the Federal government.

Try harder or don't try at all.

All anyone has to know about you, subversive!

And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some racist ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.
And Bundy's actions are not in accordance with the Constitution. There is no protected right in the Constitution for citizens to unilaterally decide - without consequences[/B] - which laws they will or will not obey.

Yes there is, it's called Trial by Jury.

Or can Juries now be punished for rendering verdicts that the Government disagrees with?

Thomas Jefferson:
"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by
man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its
constitution." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 1789.

"It is left... to the juries, if they think the permanent judges
are under any bias whatever in any cause, to take on themselves
to judge the law as well as the fact. They never exercise this
power but when they suspect partiality in the judges; and by the
exercise of this power they have been the firmest bulwarks of
English liberty." --Thomas Jefferson to Abbe Arnond, 1789.

"If the question [before justices of the peace] relate to any point
of public liberty, or if it be one of those in which the judges may
be suspected of bias, the jury undertake to decide both law and
fact." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia, 1782.

Why do you think the feds didn't' prosecute the veterans at the Battle Of Athens in 1946? Why do you think they won't prosecute the militias now? Because they know no Jury will convict them. Why do you think the NDAA allows indefinite detention WITHOUT JURY TRIAL in article II courts, and does not differentiate between foreign and domestic terrorists?

If th people resort to arms to resist immoral and unjust laws, you can rest assured that their Right to Trial by Jury of their PEERS will protect them.

That is why:
A: Confiscation of firearms.
B: Suspension of Jury Trials

Are automatic signals to overthrow the Tyranny that did either, because without either, you cannot resist the Tyranny. It appears, for now, that the Feds have backed off and respected the Will of the People. If this continues and the feds keep backing off, there will be no need to overthrow the Federal Government, it will actually be a peaceful (through strength) revolution.

And if you think the NSA and NDAA are the limits to which the Feds will ever abuse their powers, you are very naive. We must have either a peaceful revolution or a violent one to reverse the current course. I hope you desire the former.
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All anyone has to know about you, subversive!

And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some racist ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.
Okay, chimp, I said something that is obviously way over your head and now you're just being an idiot trying to trash me all over the board with it. Knock it off. I don't care how ignorant you want to be. Unfortunately that is your "right" as an American. But all you're doing is making yourself look more and more ridiculous, so please stop.

All anyone has to know about you, subversive!

And the Teabaggers of 1773 were some racist ***** dressed up like Natives, hiding their identities like cowards, trying to make someone else face the consequences for their actions. In other words, pussies just like the American Talibaggers today.
Okay, chimp, I said something that is obviously way over your head and now you're just being an idiot trying to trash me all over the board with it. Knock it off. I don't care how ignorant you want to be. Unfortunately that is your "right" as an American. But all you're doing is making yourself look more and more ridiculous, so please stop.

STOP???? You fucking piece of shit, coward, mother fucker couldn't stand NEAR those PATRIOTS you called RACIST ***** from 1773. The very MEN who started what we are today! You are a PRIME EXAMPLE of the FAGERAL LEFT that sucks this country DRY from your REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, and a clown in the WH that doesn't CARE what happens to us, as long as he can get that next game of GOLF in, or his MOOCHER WIFE can go on another $10 MILLION trip to somewhere! Fuck off scumbag, you've been had, and so have you liberal friends that say NOTHING about you calling these men, these TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS, RACIST *****!

Francis Akeley (Eckley)
Nathaniel Barber
Samuel Barnard
Henry Bass
Joseph Bassett
Edward Bates
Adam Beals Jr
Thomas Bolter
David Bradlee
Josiah Bradlee
Nathaniel Bradlee
Thomas Bradlee
James Brewer
John Brown
Seth Ingersoll Browne
Stephen Bruce
Benjamin Burton
Nicholas Campbell
George Carleton
Thomas Chase
Nathaniel Child
Benjamin Clark
Jonathan Clark
John Cochran
Gilbert Colesworthy
Gersham Collier
Adam Collson
James Foster Condy
Daniel Coolidge
Joseph Coolidge
Samuel Coolidge
Samuel Cooper
William Cox
Thomas Crafts
John Crane
… Crockett
Obadiah Curtis
Thomas Dana, Jr.
Robert Davis
John DeCarteret
David Decker
John Dickman
Edward Dolbeare
Samuel Dolbeare
John Dyar, Jr.
Joseph Eaton
Joseph Eayres
Eckley (see Francis Akeley)
Benjamin Edes
William Etheridge
Samuel Fenno
Samuel Foster
Thomas Fracker
Nathaniel Frothingham, Jr.
John Fulton
John Gammell
Eleazer Gay
Thomas Gerrish
Samuel Gore
Moses Grant
Nathaniel Greene
Timothy Guy
Samuel Hammond
Peter Harrington
William Haskins
William Hendley
George Robert Twelves Hewes
John Hicks
Samuel Hobbs
John Hooton
Elisha Horton
Elijah Houghton
Samuel Howard (born Hayward)
Edward Compton Howe
Jonathan Hunnewell
Richard Hunnewell
Richard Hunnewell, Jr.
Thomas Hunstable
Abraham Hunt
Daniel Ingersoll
Daniel Ingoldson
Charles Jameson
Robert Jameson
Jared Joy
David Kinnison
Robert Lash
Amariah Learned
Joseph Lee
Nathaniel Lee
Amos Lincoln
John Locke
Matthew Loring
Joseph Lovering
Joseph Ludden
David Lyon
Thomas Machin
Ebenezer MacIntosh
Peter McIntosh
Archibald MacNeil
John Marston
Martin, probably Wm. P.
Thompson Maxwell
John May
Mead, probably John
Henry Mellius
Thomas Melville
Aaron John Miller
James Mills
William Molineaux
Francis Moore
Thomas Moore
Anthony Morse
Joseph Mountfort
Eliphalet Newell
Joseph Nicholls
Samuel Nowell
Joseph Pearse Palmer
Jonathan Parker
Joseph Payson
Samuel Peck John Peters
William Pierce
Isaac Pitman
Lendall Pitts
Samuel Pitts
Thomas Porter
Henry Prentiss
Nathaniel Prentiss
Rev. John Prince
Edward Procter
Henry Purkitt
Seth Putnam
John Randall
Joseph Reed
Paul Revere
Benjamin Rice
Jonathan Dorby Robins
Joseph Roby
John Russell
William Russell
John Sawtelle
George Sayward
Edmund Sears
Robert Sessions
Joseph Shed
Benjamin Simpson
Peter Slater, Jr.
Samuel Sloper
Ephriam Smith
Josiah Snelling
Thomas Spear
Samuel Sprague
John Spurr
James Starr
Phineas Stearns
Ebeneezer Stevens
James Stoddard
Elisha Story
James Swan
Abraham Tower
Bartholomew Trow
John Truman
Benjamin Tucker Jr
Thomas Urann
James Watson
Henry Wells
Thomas Wells
Josiah Wheeler
John Whitehead
David Williams
Isaac Williams
Jeremiah Williams
Thomas Williams
Nathaniel Willis
Joshua Wyeth

You're so stupid, I doubt you would know who just one of these patriots were! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
And Bundy's actions are not in accordance with the Constitution. There is no protected right in the Constitution for citizens to unilaterally decide - without consequences[/B] - which laws they will or will not obey.

Yes there is, it's called Trial by Jury.

Or can Juries now be punished for rendering verdicts that the Government disagrees with?

Thomas Jefferson:
"I consider trial by jury as the only anchor ever yet imagined by
man, by which a government can be held to the principles of its
constitution." --Thomas Jefferson to Thomas Paine, 1789.

"It is left... to the juries, if they think the permanent judges
are under any bias whatever in any cause, to take on themselves
to judge the law as well as the fact. They never exercise this
power but when they suspect partiality in the judges; and by the
exercise of this power they have been the firmest bulwarks of
English liberty." --Thomas Jefferson to Abbe Arnond, 1789.

"If the question [before justices of the peace] relate to any point
of public liberty, or if it be one of those in which the judges may
be suspected of bias, the jury undertake to decide both law and
fact." --Thomas Jefferson: Notes on Virginia, 1782.

Why do you think the feds didn't' prosecute the veterans at the Battle Of Athens in 1946? Why do you think they won't prosecute the militias now? Because they know no Jury will convict them. Why do you think the NDAA allows indefinite detention WITHOUT JURY TRIAL in article II courts, and does not differentiate between foreign and domestic terrorists?

If th people resort to arms to resist immoral and unjust laws, you can rest assured that their Right to Trial by Jury of their PEERS will protect them.

That is why:
A: Confiscation of firearms.
B: Suspension of Jury Trials

Are automatic signals to overthrow the Tyranny that did either, because without either, you cannot resist the Tyranny. It appears, for now, that the Feds have backed off and respected the Will of the People. If this continues and the feds keep backing off, there will be no need to overthrow the Federal Government, it will actually be a peaceful (through strength) revolution.

And if you think the NSA and NDAA are the limits to which the Feds will ever abuse their powers, you are very naive. We must have either a peaceful revolution or a violent one to reverse the current course. I hope you desire the former.

Trials are the consequence. The courts are the consequence. Bundy lost in the courts.

We already had a violent revolution, in 1995. Timothy McVeigh and his fellow 'revolutionaries' blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City over the same principles you support, and over the same sort of 'tyranny' you rant about.

How did that work out for you?
The government crying about Bundy disobeying the law and not paying fees is the same government that gives generous bonuses to government employees who don't pay their own taxes. The same government that doesn't mind that the national forests are used as marijuana farms, by the thousands of acres.

The complaints of the federal government about some sort of righteous indignation at Bundy's not paying his fees for desert scrub are laughable.
For all the people working at PMSnbc, their motto is
Party over country...if that means repeating what some ELECTED Democrat politician says about you the people HE supposedly "represents" in this country, so be it

shun that puke station folks
All anyone has to know about you, subversive!
Okay, chimp, I said something that is obviously way over your head and now you're just being an idiot trying to trash me all over the board with it. Knock it off. I don't care how ignorant you want to be. Unfortunately that is your "right" as an American. But all you're doing is making yourself look more and more ridiculous, so please stop.

STOP???? You fucking piece of shit, coward, mother fucker couldn't stand NEAR those PATRIOTS you called RACIST ***** from 1773. The very MEN who started what we are today! You are a PRIME EXAMPLE of the FAGERAL LEFT that sucks this country DRY from your REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, and a clown in the WH that doesn't CARE what happens to us, as long as he can get that next game of GOLF in, or his MOOCHER WIFE can go on another $10 MILLION trip to somewhere! Fuck off scumbag, you've been had, and so have you liberal friends that say NOTHING about you calling these men, these TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS, RACIST *****!

Francis Akeley (Eckley)
Nathaniel Barber
Samuel Barnard
Henry Bass
Joseph Bassett
Edward Bates
Adam Beals Jr
Thomas Bolter
David Bradlee
Josiah Bradlee
Nathaniel Bradlee
Thomas Bradlee
James Brewer
John Brown
Seth Ingersoll Browne
Stephen Bruce
Benjamin Burton
Nicholas Campbell
George Carleton
Thomas Chase
Nathaniel Child
Benjamin Clark
Jonathan Clark
John Cochran
Gilbert Colesworthy
Gersham Collier
Adam Collson
James Foster Condy
Daniel Coolidge
Joseph Coolidge
Samuel Coolidge
Samuel Cooper
William Cox
Thomas Crafts
John Crane
… Crockett
Obadiah Curtis
Thomas Dana, Jr.
Robert Davis
John DeCarteret
David Decker
John Dickman
Edward Dolbeare
Samuel Dolbeare
John Dyar, Jr.
Joseph Eaton
Joseph Eayres
Eckley (see Francis Akeley)
Benjamin Edes
William Etheridge
Samuel Fenno
Samuel Foster
Thomas Fracker
Nathaniel Frothingham, Jr.
John Fulton
John Gammell
Eleazer Gay
Thomas Gerrish
Samuel Gore
Moses Grant
Nathaniel Greene
Timothy Guy
Samuel Hammond
Peter Harrington
William Haskins
William Hendley
George Robert Twelves Hewes
John Hicks
Samuel Hobbs
John Hooton
Elisha Horton
Elijah Houghton
Samuel Howard (born Hayward)
Edward Compton Howe
Jonathan Hunnewell
Richard Hunnewell
Richard Hunnewell, Jr.
Thomas Hunstable
Abraham Hunt
Daniel Ingersoll
Daniel Ingoldson
Charles Jameson
Robert Jameson
Jared Joy
David Kinnison
Robert Lash
Amariah Learned
Joseph Lee
Nathaniel Lee
Amos Lincoln
John Locke
Matthew Loring
Joseph Lovering
Joseph Ludden
David Lyon
Thomas Machin
Ebenezer MacIntosh
Peter McIntosh
Archibald MacNeil
John Marston
Martin, probably Wm. P.
Thompson Maxwell
John May
Mead, probably John
Henry Mellius
Thomas Melville
Aaron John Miller
James Mills
William Molineaux
Francis Moore
Thomas Moore
Anthony Morse
Joseph Mountfort
Eliphalet Newell
Joseph Nicholls
Samuel Nowell
Joseph Pearse Palmer
Jonathan Parker
Joseph Payson
Samuel Peck John Peters
William Pierce
Isaac Pitman
Lendall Pitts
Samuel Pitts
Thomas Porter
Henry Prentiss
Nathaniel Prentiss
Rev. John Prince
Edward Procter
Henry Purkitt
Seth Putnam
John Randall
Joseph Reed
Paul Revere
Benjamin Rice
Jonathan Dorby Robins
Joseph Roby
John Russell
William Russell
John Sawtelle
George Sayward
Edmund Sears
Robert Sessions
Joseph Shed
Benjamin Simpson
Peter Slater, Jr.
Samuel Sloper
Ephriam Smith
Josiah Snelling
Thomas Spear
Samuel Sprague
John Spurr
James Starr
Phineas Stearns
Ebeneezer Stevens
James Stoddard
Elisha Story
James Swan
Abraham Tower
Bartholomew Trow
John Truman
Benjamin Tucker Jr
Thomas Urann
James Watson
Henry Wells
Thomas Wells
Josiah Wheeler
John Whitehead
David Williams
Isaac Williams
Jeremiah Williams
Thomas Williams
Nathaniel Willis
Joshua Wyeth

You're so stupid, I doubt you would know who just one of these patriots were! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

[MENTION=47870]Vigilante[/MENTION] You really think all that foul language makes up for your ignorance?

Grow up, sonny boy. Try addressing issues instead of throwing tantrums.
Well of course we all know Faux News would never smear anyone with a false characterization.
I'm sure all 8 viewers at Drudge and InfoWars were amused.

And being you didn't say shit, I imagine that you think the Patriots of the Boston Tea Party are RACIST *****, like your other OCD boy does! See below signature for direct quote!

Son, real Americans pay little attention to the likes of CNN and Drudge and Infowars and OffTheGridNews, etc.

I am quite sure many of the Boston Tea Party were racists. as most colonists were.

How can you smear a bunch of insane fruitloops with guns that want to take on the rest of America? They are traitors, pure and simple. Supporting someone that doesn't recognize the Federal Government and illegally uses public land by trotting out war weapons is a felony, and those people should have been charged with treason.
Okay, chimp, I said something that is obviously way over your head and now you're just being an idiot trying to trash me all over the board with it. Knock it off. I don't care how ignorant you want to be. Unfortunately that is your "right" as an American. But all you're doing is making yourself look more and more ridiculous, so please stop.

STOP???? You fucking piece of shit, coward, mother fucker couldn't stand NEAR those PATRIOTS you called RACIST ***** from 1773. The very MEN who started what we are today! You are a PRIME EXAMPLE of the FAGERAL LEFT that sucks this country DRY from your REDISTRIBUTION OF WEALTH, and a clown in the WH that doesn't CARE what happens to us, as long as he can get that next game of GOLF in, or his MOOCHER WIFE can go on another $10 MILLION trip to somewhere! Fuck off scumbag, you've been had, and so have you liberal friends that say NOTHING about you calling these men, these TRUE AMERICAN PATRIOTS, RACIST *****!

Francis Akeley (Eckley)
Nathaniel Barber
Samuel Barnard
Henry Bass
Joseph Bassett
Edward Bates
Adam Beals Jr
Thomas Bolter
David Bradlee
Josiah Bradlee
Nathaniel Bradlee
Thomas Bradlee
James Brewer
John Brown
Seth Ingersoll Browne
Stephen Bruce
Benjamin Burton
Nicholas Campbell
George Carleton
Thomas Chase
Nathaniel Child
Benjamin Clark
Jonathan Clark
John Cochran
Gilbert Colesworthy
Gersham Collier
Adam Collson
James Foster Condy
Daniel Coolidge
Joseph Coolidge
Samuel Coolidge
Samuel Cooper
William Cox
Thomas Crafts
John Crane
… Crockett
Obadiah Curtis
Thomas Dana, Jr.
Robert Davis
John DeCarteret
David Decker
John Dickman
Edward Dolbeare
Samuel Dolbeare
John Dyar, Jr.
Joseph Eaton
Joseph Eayres
Eckley (see Francis Akeley)
Benjamin Edes
William Etheridge
Samuel Fenno
Samuel Foster
Thomas Fracker
Nathaniel Frothingham, Jr.
John Fulton
John Gammell
Eleazer Gay
Thomas Gerrish
Samuel Gore
Moses Grant
Nathaniel Greene
Timothy Guy
Samuel Hammond
Peter Harrington
William Haskins
William Hendley
George Robert Twelves Hewes
John Hicks
Samuel Hobbs
John Hooton
Elisha Horton
Elijah Houghton
Samuel Howard (born Hayward)
Edward Compton Howe
Jonathan Hunnewell
Richard Hunnewell
Richard Hunnewell, Jr.
Thomas Hunstable
Abraham Hunt
Daniel Ingersoll
Daniel Ingoldson
Charles Jameson
Robert Jameson
Jared Joy
David Kinnison
Robert Lash
Amariah Learned
Joseph Lee
Nathaniel Lee
Amos Lincoln
John Locke
Matthew Loring
Joseph Lovering
Joseph Ludden
David Lyon
Thomas Machin
Ebenezer MacIntosh
Peter McIntosh
Archibald MacNeil
John Marston
Martin, probably Wm. P.
Thompson Maxwell
John May
Mead, probably John
Henry Mellius
Thomas Melville
Aaron John Miller
James Mills
William Molineaux
Francis Moore
Thomas Moore
Anthony Morse
Joseph Mountfort
Eliphalet Newell
Joseph Nicholls
Samuel Nowell
Joseph Pearse Palmer
Jonathan Parker
Joseph Payson
Samuel Peck John Peters
William Pierce
Isaac Pitman
Lendall Pitts
Samuel Pitts
Thomas Porter
Henry Prentiss
Nathaniel Prentiss
Rev. John Prince
Edward Procter
Henry Purkitt
Seth Putnam
John Randall
Joseph Reed
Paul Revere
Benjamin Rice
Jonathan Dorby Robins
Joseph Roby
John Russell
William Russell
John Sawtelle
George Sayward
Edmund Sears
Robert Sessions
Joseph Shed
Benjamin Simpson
Peter Slater, Jr.
Samuel Sloper
Ephriam Smith
Josiah Snelling
Thomas Spear
Samuel Sprague
John Spurr
James Starr
Phineas Stearns
Ebeneezer Stevens
James Stoddard
Elisha Story
James Swan
Abraham Tower
Bartholomew Trow
John Truman
Benjamin Tucker Jr
Thomas Urann
James Watson
Henry Wells
Thomas Wells
Josiah Wheeler
John Whitehead
David Williams
Isaac Williams
Jeremiah Williams
Thomas Williams
Nathaniel Willis
Joshua Wyeth

You're so stupid, I doubt you would know who just one of these patriots were! :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:

@Vigilante You really think all that foul language makes up for your ignorance?

Grow up, sonny boy. Try addressing issues instead of throwing tantrums.

So Libtard Luddley, you agree with the OCD Boy, that the patriots of the Boston Tea Party were Racist *****! Well, it does take one to know one!

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