MTG calls the democrat party the party of pedophiles on 60 minutes

good question why do you do that G5000?
MTG and the parroting tards say the Democrats are the party of pedophiles, when the facts prove both parties have a serious pedophilia problem.

You see, MTG and the parroting tards tell lies of omission.

All caught up now?

Lawmaker Quits Over Messages Sent to Teenage Pages

Representative Mark Foley, a Republican, became well known for his ardent efforts to safeguard the young and vulnerable, leading the House caucus on missing and exploited children and championing laws against sexual predators.

On Friday, Mr. Foley resigned abruptly after being confronted with a series of sexually explicit Internet messages he is reported to have sent to under-age Congressional pages. He stands accused of being the very kind of predator he had denounced.
Democratic Massachusetts Congressman, Gerry Studds, was censured by the House of Representatives after he admitted to an inappropriate relationship with a 17-year-old page.
MTG and the parroting tards say the Democrats are the party of pedophiles, when the facts prove both parties have a serious pedophilia problem.

You see, MTG and the parroting tards tell lies of omission.

All caught up now?
There are hundreds of Demoocrat perverts in Congress. Only a few of the Republican variety.
Couldn't tell ya, Takes one to know one, which is why it's so strange that the Neo-GOP is identifying them everywhere.
“It takes one to know one”? What kind of grade school crap is that?

You don’t know what a pedophile is? It is an adult that preys on and molests children. It doesn’t “take one to know one”. It’s crazy how you people continue to defend pedophiles time and time again.
“It takes one to know one”? What kind of grade school crap is that?

You don’t know what a pedophile is? It is an adult that preys on and molests children. It doesn’t “take one to know one”. It’s crazy how you people continue to defend pedophiles time and time again.
Go fuck yourself too asshole. No one had defended pedophiles.
Like the boy who cried wolf, whining that everyone not on your side is a pedo makes it a meaningless accusation.
Progs need to test the waters and enter so-called right-wing areas. Thats the way to tell the truth. Daytona is mixed and leans Prog a lot. Ormond seems red. Port Orange is red. Make a push there and see where it gets you as an example. Many other places to experiment. Progs are winning the war so this will eventually be accepted.
Yes you are. All you do is attack people going after pedophiles…
LIke most all of the New Republicans, you just can't help yourself. You have to lie about the opposition to justify all the putrid hate you have where your heart used to be. The Neo-GOP's Heart/Hate replacement theory.
Progs need to test the waters and enter so-called right-wing areas. Thats the way to tell the truth. Daytona is mixed and leans Prog a lot. Ormond seems red. Port Orange is red. Make a push there and see where it gets you as an example. Many other places to experiment. Progs are winning the war so this will eventually be accepted.
Pedophilia will never be accepted.
Lesley Stahl had to take a time out right after that quip. MTG walked right into the hive and pissed on the queen. Beautiful.
Pedophilia will never be accepted.
This is what democrats kept saying as more and more sexual perversion has been accepted over time.

I even remember when democrats here denied that children could undergo a sex change and were appalled by it.

And now, now they accept it with open arms.

Nothing surprises me now.
Actually, here's a crazy idea.

How about we don't obsess about what other people are doing in their bedrooms.

People will figure out what they like or don't like.

60 years ago, being in a relationship with someone outside your own race was considered abnormal. Heck, it was a crime in a lot of states. Today, except for a few rabid racists, most normal people are fine with it.
Nice deflection but that was not what I asked you. Let's try again.

What other forms of sexuality besides heterosexual would one consider a normal mental state?
even remember when democrats here denied that children could undergo a sex change and were appalled by it.

And now, now they accept it with open arms.
Again with the lies. Most everyone is appalled with the few minor girls who have their breast removed at a very early age, and there certainly is no universal acceptance of that practice. But you guys are doing a damn good job convincing yourselves that the opposition party accepts it with open arms. But ya'll aint the sharpest tools in the shed though......

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