MTP: Climate Change Discussion - no Deniers

Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.
Your dishonest dodge is noted. The topic is global warming.

You dodged because you know that there has been no results from all your efforts.
No, your question to me seemed to be aimed at all environmental laws, not just climate change related legislation. The problem with enacting climate change laws is the obstructionism of the right. No doubt that higher café standards helped as well as regs that the Obama Administration enacted and that Trump is trying to undo.

Nope. The context was obvious. Your pretense of confusion is a lie.

You lefties have had your way in Europe, and in the UN, and in many large states, and during the Obama administration, ect.

So, give us a tally of some of the results, or admit is was all bullshit.

Your context was not obvious, but your post is now deflection. The purpose of the thread is to discuss future action. Past action has been stymied by Republican obstructionism whether you choose to admit it or not. For instance tax credits for solar energy were on the rise when the Koch brothers supported a tax on solar panels. Give me solutions and not your typical obstructionism.

1. The context was obvious.

2. You greenies have been addressing Global Warming now for decades. YOu have been asked for a summary of results.

3. You cannot give any.
I gave you examples. You are deflecting give me solutions.
You must convince China to lower their carbon emissions
And that is exactly what we are calling for. A comprehensive conversation regarding the best ways to combat climate change.
First and foremost you need to show what man is responsible for, before you can even engage in how it can be altered. You idiots haven't even done the first step. all you have done is scream climate change and consensus before any science has been done.
A comprehensive conversation requires a wide range of viewpoints, including contrarians.

You never know what might pop up.

We just no longer care about that, because we're no longer listening.

And that is exactly what we are calling for. A comprehensive conversation regarding the best ways to combat climate change. I’m wide open to listening to any and all ideas related to combating the effects of climate change. Let’s have em.

The conversation regarding the existence of climate change has been had. The facts and evidence are not in dispute. Those who want to keep having that conversation so that a pretense of civility can be maintained are being disingenuous. That’s you.
Okay, thanks!
Watching Meet the Press. They have dedicated the whole hour to climate change. They have no deniers on the panel and as Chuck Todd correctly stated the science is long since settled. Now it is time to discuss solutions.

A recent poll shows even a majority of Republicans do not dispute anthropogenic climate change.
Opinion | More Republicans Than You Think Support Action on Climate Change

I applaud Meet the Press. Time to push deniers and their pseudo science to the curb or back into closet. Choose your metaphor. They are just standing in the way and are no more than obstructionists.

We need to discuss only solutions and adaptations.

Its weird, like evolution.
95 % of people believe yet they have one guy on the other side implying both.
Wasn't all the snow and ice supposed to be melted by now in Antarctica? Should be grass there now. Where is the proof previous claims made years ago are true.
And that is exactly what we are calling for. A comprehensive conversation regarding the best ways to combat climate change.
First and foremost you need to show what man is responsible for, before you can even engage in how it can be altered. You idiots haven't even done the first step. all you have done is scream climate change and consensus before any science has been done.
Gawd, read the 90 scientific socities including NASA
Wasn't all the snow and ice supposed to be melted by now in Antarctica? Should be grass there now. Where is the proof previous claims made years ago are true.
Antarctica is one part of the globe darlin.
Get an atlas
So you applaud bias and non diversity. Got it.

One side debating facts, and another farting or making otherwise vulgar, ignorant noises, is not diversity, and excluding the farters isn't "bias". It's just common sense, and a necessary precondition for a real debate.
How can you have a real debate when the other side said "Global Warming science is settled, end of debate". That right there nullified any bullshit from the liberalleftards.

The Dangers Of 'Settled Science' | PSI Intl
How do you discuss with anyone who uses 2 nd grade liberaltards. No college, no Latin, no idea on the def of liberal
And that is exactly what we are calling for. A comprehensive conversation regarding the best ways to combat climate change.
First and foremost you need to show what man is responsible for, before you can even engage in how it can be altered. You idiots haven't even done the first step. all you have done is scream climate change and consensus before any science has been done.
Gawd, read the 90 scientific socities including NASA
I am a Climate Scientist.. I read their garbage every day and have to deal with that crap. Appeals to authority do not impress me and are a sign of how weak your argument is.
Wasn't all the snow and ice supposed to be melted by now in Antarctica? Should be grass there now. Where is the proof previous claims made years ago are true.
Antarctica is one part of the globe darlin.
Get an atlas
Greenland Green yet? Miami under water?
Come on one of your predictions had to of come true by now huh.
Read the NASA Site
After all, what do they know v's a zero college white rube?
Only people who are in complete agreement should communicate with each on the important issues. We must shut down and shut out all contrarian thought .

That's where we are, gang. We've gotten that fucked up.

I'll start taking the Warmists seriously when then get rid of their cars, computers, heaters, air conditioning and only grow their own local food to eat.
And they depend on funding from none other...
Without these “life horrors” they could lose much of it.
Wasn't all the snow and ice supposed to be melted by now in Antarctica? Should be grass there now. Where is the proof previous claims made years ago are true.
Antarctica is one part of the globe darlin.
Get an atlas
Greenland Green yet? Miami under water?
Come on one of your predictions had to of come true by now huh.
Read the NASA Site
After all, what do they know v's a zero college white rube?
Trump admin release the most current report (US National Climate Change Assessment which was compiled by about 300 scientists and 13 federal agencies. It found that wildfires, storms and heatwaves are already taking a major toll on climate change and warns of the disruption in many areas of life in the future.

Trump administration response is that this report is based on extreme scenarios

yet it took all scenarios into account

Denial is a way of life for some

They will ignore their own finding if it goes agains their core beliefs

Solution - get rid of ET and find someone who can read a report

Political change is need as ET admin rolls back climate policies

ET is not worried about it because he will be long dead and his children will be the ones who have to deal with it

Science of the whole VS Me Me Me
Only people who are in complete agreement should communicate with each on the important issues. We must shut down and shut out all contrarian thought .

That's where we are, gang. We've gotten that fucked up.

I'll start taking the Warmists seriously when then get rid of their cars, computers, heaters, air conditioning and only grow their own local food to eat.

Or when they take their protests to the Chinese Embassy
Lol, be serious. You're a climate denying, tRump supporting, conservitard. You wouldn't recognize a fact if it crawled up yer butt.

Amazing... Not one empirical fact or observation to prove your assertions... Heck there isn't even a relevant topic point... Just a bunch of name calling...

I love it when left-tards admit they are defeated....
Lmao! You've presented no facts.

isnt that the point creep,,,we've been given no facts
Lol, you've refused to acknowledge the facts you've been given over and over.

Get back to us when you actually provide some facts.
Get back to me when you have stopped mindlessly denying and are ready to see some.

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