Mubarak to step down soon

The dam holding back the river of blood will break tonight.
He's still speaking, and the crowd is growing angrier.....
Did he just gloss over "I gave the powers to the Vice President????"

Holy crap......this is going to get ugly REAL fast.
Considering all things, it is best if he remain in office until September - but he must relinquish authority to someone else.
You have to remember...speedy elections are never a good thing...never.
Remaining in office, but signing a document relinquishing his power to his VP is ok with their constitution. If he all out quits, by Egypts constitution a new election must take place in 60 days - that would be a disaster.
I did get a chuckle when he basically said "Hey Obama......fuck off."

Other than that, I was amazed that they had staged this charade. Surely they know it will only enrage the Egyptian People?

It will be interesting to see where and how the military is engaged.
Considering all things, it is best if he remain in office until September - but he must relinquish authority to someone else.
You have to remember...speedy elections are never a good thing...never.
Remaining in office, but signing a document relinquishing his power to his VP is ok with their constitution. If he all out quits, by Egypts constitution a new election must take place in 60 days - that would be a disaster.

It might be ok with the Constitution (handing power to the VP), but it would go over like a lead balloon with the People.
I'm not sure what the Protesters want at this point. They have already won. Mubarak will not be running in the September Elections. So he is finished as leader of Egypt. Forcing him to leave the country immediately is probably an unfair demand. The man has served his country with honor & bravery for many many years. He should be allowed to step down gracefully. I think he has earned that right. The Protesters might be over-stepping with these demands. Mubarak has vowed to die on Egyptian soil. So unless these Protesters are prepared to storm the Palace and publicly lynch him,they'll just have to accept that he'll be stepping down in September. The man loves his country and isn't leaving. The Protesters should probably just accept this and go home. They have won.
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No one still seems to understand what it was he said about the VP? Did he hand over power to him or not?

I think that line was intentionally vague. He glossed right over it, and never elaborated or revisited that topic.

I don't know that anyone truly knows who is in power tonight.
"Our country's in the very best of hands."
The Protesters need to be careful not to over-step with their demands. The Egyptian People could turn on them. Mubarak shouldn't be forced to leave the country immediately. This is an unfair demand. I have a feeling the majority of Egyptians do not want to humiliate the man. So the Protesters should be very careful. He'll be gone in September. So it's probably time to go home and get back to work.
2 hours after the speech, and no one still understands Sulemain's role in all of this.

Egyptian Ambassador on CNN is now saying that Sulemain has ALL the power, but Mubarak remains the Head of State.

It is becoming glaringly obvious that this was intentionally vague.

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