Much Of What The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Much Of hat The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By Augustus Howard

The media told us that President Trump was callous, uninformed, indifferent to facts, unwilling to listen to experts, willing to inflict incalculable damage to our interests — leaving allies abandoned, enemies emboldened and America with its reputation in tatters.
But now, in a tragic turn of events, so much of what the press said about Donald Trump applies to Joe Biden.
Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan — which has cost the lives of 13 US service members and scores of civilians — places this dynamic in stark relief. Announcing in April that the US would leave Afghanistan, the president took no cognizance of the actual terms of Trump’s negotiated deal with the Taliban. Whatever its shortcomings, the so-called Doha Agreement regulated the Taliban’s military actions, while requiring good faith negotiations between it and the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani. Given that the Taliban was in breach of Doha, and the required negotiations were unsuccessful, the United States was entitled to leave the pact. It certainly could not be held to any specific evacuation deadline.
Biden, ignoring all these policy “details” — like Trump was once said to do — simply decreed that the United States would depart Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11, no conditions attached. He thereby placed optics over substance, politicizing what is sacred in the process — as Trump was also once said to do. (At the same time, by changing the withdrawal deadline from Trump’s date of May 1 not once but twice, to Sept. 11 and then to Aug. 31, Biden clearly found flexibility in Doha where he wanted it.)
Even as US intelligence warned of the Taliban’s advance, and even as the estimated timetable for its victory was radically foreshortened, Biden and his administration continued to spin. Another way of putting it: They spurned the experts, choosing instead to live inside a bubble of “alternative facts.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby talked about “very capable” and “very sophisticated” Afghan military units, while White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Afghan forces “have what they need.” In a phone call with Ghani, Biden went further still, pressuring the Afghan leader to claim that military conditions were positive “whether it is true or not.” One must wonder: While building false confidence in the Afghan military — the better to blame it later — did Biden ever consider the consequences of giving US citizens in Afghanistan, or our Afghan allies, false confidence in their continued safety?
Perhaps Biden missed the speech of Tom Tugendhat, a combat veteran of Afghanistan and chairman of the UK’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. Tugendhat expressed his “grief and rage — the feeling [of] abandonment of not just a country but the sacrifice that my friends made.” Or perhaps the president was unaware of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement, lamenting the “bitter, dramatic, and awful” conquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban.
As the Afghanistan disaster shows, what the mainstream media said of Trump is true of Biden. And the consequences have only begun to unfold.

Using Trump as an excuse for Biden's failures should not be the criteria. If that were the case we could also use the Democrat false messiah Barry Soetoro.
This is all on the incompetent president, and the likes of those who illegitimately installed Biden in the WH.
Yet the author is clearly pointing out that whereas the Quisling complicit Media accused Trump of acting unilaterally, of being a fascist, of imposing this, that, and the other, it is actually Joey Xi Bai Dung who is doing all of these things.
Meanwhile Joey Xi has a knack to stutter, mumble, forget, mangle up sentences. I watched Trump today and the man sounded as clear and concise as ever. 2024 is coming on quickly.

Much Of hat The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By Augustus Howard

The media told us that President Trump was callous, uninformed, indifferent to facts, unwilling to listen to experts, willing to inflict incalculable damage to our interests — leaving allies abandoned, enemies emboldened and America with its reputation in tatters.
But now, in a tragic turn of events, so much of what the press said about Donald Trump applies to Joe Biden.
Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan — which has cost the lives of 13 US service members and scores of civilians — places this dynamic in stark relief. Announcing in April that the US would leave Afghanistan, the president took no cognizance of the actual terms of Trump’s negotiated deal with the Taliban. Whatever its shortcomings, the so-called Doha Agreement regulated the Taliban’s military actions, while requiring good faith negotiations between it and the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani. Given that the Taliban was in breach of Doha, and the required negotiations were unsuccessful, the United States was entitled to leave the pact. It certainly could not be held to any specific evacuation deadline.
Biden, ignoring all these policy “details” — like Trump was once said to do — simply decreed that the United States would depart Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11, no conditions attached. He thereby placed optics over substance, politicizing what is sacred in the process — as Trump was also once said to do. (At the same time, by changing the withdrawal deadline from Trump’s date of May 1 not once but twice, to Sept. 11 and then to Aug. 31, Biden clearly found flexibility in Doha where he wanted it.)
Even as US intelligence warned of the Taliban’s advance, and even as the estimated timetable for its victory was radically foreshortened, Biden and his administration continued to spin. Another way of putting it: They spurned the experts, choosing instead to live inside a bubble of “alternative facts.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby talked about “very capable” and “very sophisticated” Afghan military units, while White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Afghan forces “have what they need.” In a phone call with Ghani, Biden went further still, pressuring the Afghan leader to claim that military conditions were positive “whether it is true or not.” One must wonder: While building false confidence in the Afghan military — the better to blame it later — did Biden ever consider the consequences of giving US citizens in Afghanistan, or our Afghan allies, false confidence in their continued safety?
Perhaps Biden missed the speech of Tom Tugendhat, a combat veteran of Afghanistan and chairman of the UK’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. Tugendhat expressed his “grief and rage — the feeling [of] abandonment of not just a country but the sacrifice that my friends made.” Or perhaps the president was unaware of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement, lamenting the “bitter, dramatic, and awful” conquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban.
As the Afghanistan disaster shows, what the mainstream media said of Trump is true of Biden. And the consequences have only begun to unfold.

Using Trump as an excuse for Biden's failures should not be the criteria. If that were the case we could also use the Democrat false messiah Barry Soetoro.
This is all on the incompetent president, and the likes of those who illegitimately installed Biden in the WH.
Yet the author is clearly pointing out that whereas the Quisling complicit Media accused Trump of acting unilaterally, of being a fascist, of imposing this, that, and the other, it is actually Joey Xi Bai Dung who is doing all of these things.
Meanwhile Joey Xi has a knack to stutter, mumble, forget, mangle up sentences. I watched Trump today and the man sounded as clear and concise as ever. 2024 is coming on quickly.
Brainwashing victims sure have strange opinions.

Much Of hat The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By Augustus Howard

The media told us that President Trump was callous, uninformed, indifferent to facts, unwilling to listen to experts, willing to inflict incalculable damage to our interests — leaving allies abandoned, enemies emboldened and America with its reputation in tatters.
But now, in a tragic turn of events, so much of what the press said about Donald Trump applies to Joe Biden.
Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan — which has cost the lives of 13 US service members and scores of civilians — places this dynamic in stark relief. Announcing in April that the US would leave Afghanistan, the president took no cognizance of the actual terms of Trump’s negotiated deal with the Taliban. Whatever its shortcomings, the so-called Doha Agreement regulated the Taliban’s military actions, while requiring good faith negotiations between it and the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani. Given that the Taliban was in breach of Doha, and the required negotiations were unsuccessful, the United States was entitled to leave the pact. It certainly could not be held to any specific evacuation deadline.
Biden, ignoring all these policy “details” — like Trump was once said to do — simply decreed that the United States would depart Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11, no conditions attached. He thereby placed optics over substance, politicizing what is sacred in the process — as Trump was also once said to do. (At the same time, by changing the withdrawal deadline from Trump’s date of May 1 not once but twice, to Sept. 11 and then to Aug. 31, Biden clearly found flexibility in Doha where he wanted it.)
Even as US intelligence warned of the Taliban’s advance, and even as the estimated timetable for its victory was radically foreshortened, Biden and his administration continued to spin. Another way of putting it: They spurned the experts, choosing instead to live inside a bubble of “alternative facts.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby talked about “very capable” and “very sophisticated” Afghan military units, while White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Afghan forces “have what they need.” In a phone call with Ghani, Biden went further still, pressuring the Afghan leader to claim that military conditions were positive “whether it is true or not.” One must wonder: While building false confidence in the Afghan military — the better to blame it later — did Biden ever consider the consequences of giving US citizens in Afghanistan, or our Afghan allies, false confidence in their continued safety?
Perhaps Biden missed the speech of Tom Tugendhat, a combat veteran of Afghanistan and chairman of the UK’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. Tugendhat expressed his “grief and rage — the feeling [of] abandonment of not just a country but the sacrifice that my friends made.” Or perhaps the president was unaware of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement, lamenting the “bitter, dramatic, and awful” conquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban.
As the Afghanistan disaster shows, what the mainstream media said of Trump is true of Biden. And the consequences have only begun to unfold.

Using Trump as an excuse for Biden's failures should not be the criteria. If that were the case we could also use the Democrat false messiah Barry Soetoro.
This is all on the incompetent president, and the likes of those who illegitimately installed Biden in the WH.
Yet the author is clearly pointing out that whereas the Quisling complicit Media accused Trump of acting unilaterally, of being a fascist, of imposing this, that, and the other, it is actually Joey Xi Bai Dung who is doing all of these things.
Meanwhile Joey Xi has a knack to stutter, mumble, forget, mangle up sentences. I watched Trump today and the man sounded as clear and concise as ever. 2024 is coming on quickly.

Americans should probably settle down and go to work instead of indulging in all this Trump style BS. Life is more than talk , lies and name calling. Its more than wild conspiracy theories.

Much Of hat The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By Augustus Howard

The media told us that President Trump was callous, uninformed, indifferent to facts, unwilling to listen to experts, willing to inflict incalculable damage to our interests — leaving allies abandoned, enemies emboldened and America with its reputation in tatters.
But now, in a tragic turn of events, so much of what the press said about Donald Trump applies to Joe Biden.
Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan — which has cost the lives of 13 US service members and scores of civilians — places this dynamic in stark relief. Announcing in April that the US would leave Afghanistan, the president took no cognizance of the actual terms of Trump’s negotiated deal with the Taliban. Whatever its shortcomings, the so-called Doha Agreement regulated the Taliban’s military actions, while requiring good faith negotiations between it and the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani. Given that the Taliban was in breach of Doha, and the required negotiations were unsuccessful, the United States was entitled to leave the pact. It certainly could not be held to any specific evacuation deadline.
Biden, ignoring all these policy “details” — like Trump was once said to do — simply decreed that the United States would depart Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11, no conditions attached. He thereby placed optics over substance, politicizing what is sacred in the process — as Trump was also once said to do. (At the same time, by changing the withdrawal deadline from Trump’s date of May 1 not once but twice, to Sept. 11 and then to Aug. 31, Biden clearly found flexibility in Doha where he wanted it.)
Even as US intelligence warned of the Taliban’s advance, and even as the estimated timetable for its victory was radically foreshortened, Biden and his administration continued to spin. Another way of putting it: They spurned the experts, choosing instead to live inside a bubble of “alternative facts.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby talked about “very capable” and “very sophisticated” Afghan military units, while White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Afghan forces “have what they need.” In a phone call with Ghani, Biden went further still, pressuring the Afghan leader to claim that military conditions were positive “whether it is true or not.” One must wonder: While building false confidence in the Afghan military — the better to blame it later — did Biden ever consider the consequences of giving US citizens in Afghanistan, or our Afghan allies, false confidence in their continued safety?
Perhaps Biden missed the speech of Tom Tugendhat, a combat veteran of Afghanistan and chairman of the UK’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. Tugendhat expressed his “grief and rage — the feeling [of] abandonment of not just a country but the sacrifice that my friends made.” Or perhaps the president was unaware of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement, lamenting the “bitter, dramatic, and awful” conquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban.
As the Afghanistan disaster shows, what the mainstream media said of Trump is true of Biden. And the consequences have only begun to unfold.

Using Trump as an excuse for Biden's failures should not be the criteria. If that were the case we could also use the Democrat false messiah Barry Soetoro.
This is all on the incompetent president, and the likes of those who illegitimately installed Biden in the WH.
Yet the author is clearly pointing out that whereas the Quisling complicit Media accused Trump of acting unilaterally, of being a fascist, of imposing this, that, and the other, it is actually Joey Xi Bai Dung who is doing all of these things.
Meanwhile Joey Xi has a knack to stutter, mumble, forget, mangle up sentences. I watched Trump today and the man sounded as clear and concise as ever. 2024 is coming on quickly.
"blame others for what you do"

-Saul Alinsky
Biden did what Trump refused to do. It wasn't pretty but it was necessary.

Good Job Joe.
Biden did what Trump refused to do? You mean sell out to the chinese, get our troops murdered, and aid the terrorists? You damn right Trump refused that. Gawd, don't you have any morals candy?

Much Of hat The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden

Kinda just noticing that? Of course not. After four years of tortured wailing about Trump, the Left is now deliriously happy with a guy who actually IS everything they ever claimed and feared of Trump but even actually MUCH WORSE!

  • Absolute mental case.
  • Power-mad Dictator.
  • Sex fiend and pervert.
  • Total incompetent.
  • Pathological liar.
  • Total crook and a cheat.
  • Tries to lead by EO.
  • Mad to spend money.
  • Danger to the nation.
  • Bought and owned by our enemies.
  • Laughing stock of the world.
  • A public embarrassment.
Just this morning after a news program got finished interviewing Trump about the border and Afghanistan, they pointed out that they had been trying to get Joe, Kammy, and one other top official to come on their show to discuss the very same questions FOR OVER A YEAR, and still have never even heard back from the Bidenistas.
Americans should probably settle down and go to work instead of indulging in all this Trump style BS. Life is more than talk , lies and name calling. Its more than wild conspiracy theories.

Yep the Media said those lies for 4 years, but now they see the Joey Xi and Progressive Marxist/DSA Dem Commies are the true perpetrators
Toobfreak listed them so I won't have to repeat all the facts..
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"blame others for what you do"

-Saul Alinsky
EVERYTHING the bed wetters have thrown at their enemies is nothing more than what the bed wetters themselves ARE. They are the National Socialists, their political agenda is almost parallel except that democrooks lean towards globalism even more than the bolsheviks. Remember their asinine response to the spending Bush allowed? The meat puppet faggot as a senator called it "unpatriotic", as a primary candidate pledged to cut it in half, and then once elected DOUBLED IT.

Did any of the bed wetters condemn it? Not only FUCK NO!!!!! They invented a dempanic out of a cold, manufactured hysteria with a sycophantic media that continues to push masks, mail in voting and government authority while insisting on unbelievable levels of spending and on top of it all...

After denouncing "Trump's vaccine" are now insisting everyone takes it regardless of their desires.

Then they wonder why everyone loathes them.

EVERYTHING the bed wetters have thrown at their enemies is nothing more than what the bed wetters themselves ARE. They are the National Socialists, their political agenda is almost parallel except that democrooks lean towards globalism even more than the bolsheviks. Remember their asinine response to the spending Bush allowed? The meat puppet faggot as a senator called it "unpatriotic", as a primary candidate pledged to cut it in half, and then once elected DOUBLED IT.

Did any of the bed wetters condemn it? Not only FUCK NO!!!!! They invented a dempanic out of a cold, manufactured hysteria with a sycophantic media that continues to push masks, mail in voting and government authority while insisting on unbelievable levels of spending and on top of it all...

After denouncing "Trump's vaccine" are now insisting everyone takes it regardless of their desires.

Then they wonder why everyone loathes them.

All normal thinking Americans know it ....
Biden did what Trump refused to do. It wasn't pretty but it was necessary.

Good Job Joe.
Tell that to the families of the 13 Marines that Joe Biden got killed! Tell that to the loved ones of the innocent family that Joe Biden called in a drone strike on so that he could pretend that he was striking back at ISIS! Tell that to the thousands of Americans and Afghan allies that he abandoned in Afghanistan! Tell that to the people who will be killed with the weapons that Joe Biden left behind for the Taliban! Good job, Joe? You've GOT to be kidding! It's hard to even conceive a President fucking up a withdrawal any worse than Joe Biden did.
Tell that to the families of the 13 Marines that Joe Biden got killed! Tell that to the loved ones of the innocent family that Joe Biden called in a drone strike on so that he could pretend that he was striking back at ISIS! Tell that to the thousands of Americans and Afghan allies that he abandoned in Afghanistan! Tell that to the people who will be killed with the weapons that Joe Biden left behind for the Taliban! Good job, Joe? You've GOT to be kidding! It's hard to even conceive a President fucking up a withdrawal any worse than Joe Biden did.

Joe had the guts to do what your blob was too cowardly to do....

So when the next GOP president has a terrorist attack and Americans die...are you going to be as hard on them, shit brains?

Much Of hat The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By Augustus Howard

The media told us that President Trump was callous, uninformed, indifferent to facts, unwilling to listen to experts, willing to inflict incalculable damage to our interests — leaving allies abandoned, enemies emboldened and America with its reputation in tatters.
But now, in a tragic turn of events, so much of what the press said about Donald Trump applies to Joe Biden.
Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan — which has cost the lives of 13 US service members and scores of civilians — places this dynamic in stark relief. Announcing in April that the US would leave Afghanistan, the president took no cognizance of the actual terms of Trump’s negotiated deal with the Taliban. Whatever its shortcomings, the so-called Doha Agreement regulated the Taliban’s military actions, while requiring good faith negotiations between it and the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani. Given that the Taliban was in breach of Doha, and the required negotiations were unsuccessful, the United States was entitled to leave the pact. It certainly could not be held to any specific evacuation deadline.
Biden, ignoring all these policy “details” — like Trump was once said to do — simply decreed that the United States would depart Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11, no conditions attached. He thereby placed optics over substance, politicizing what is sacred in the process — as Trump was also once said to do. (At the same time, by changing the withdrawal deadline from Trump’s date of May 1 not once but twice, to Sept. 11 and then to Aug. 31, Biden clearly found flexibility in Doha where he wanted it.)
Even as US intelligence warned of the Taliban’s advance, and even as the estimated timetable for its victory was radically foreshortened, Biden and his administration continued to spin. Another way of putting it: They spurned the experts, choosing instead to live inside a bubble of “alternative facts.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby talked about “very capable” and “very sophisticated” Afghan military units, while White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Afghan forces “have what they need.” In a phone call with Ghani, Biden went further still, pressuring the Afghan leader to claim that military conditions were positive “whether it is true or not.” One must wonder: While building false confidence in the Afghan military — the better to blame it later — did Biden ever consider the consequences of giving US citizens in Afghanistan, or our Afghan allies, false confidence in their continued safety?
Perhaps Biden missed the speech of Tom Tugendhat, a combat veteran of Afghanistan and chairman of the UK’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. Tugendhat expressed his “grief and rage — the feeling [of] abandonment of not just a country but the sacrifice that my friends made.” Or perhaps the president was unaware of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement, lamenting the “bitter, dramatic, and awful” conquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban.
As the Afghanistan disaster shows, what the mainstream media said of Trump is true of Biden. And the consequences have only begun to unfold.

Using Trump as an excuse for Biden's failures should not be the criteria. If that were the case we could also use the Democrat false messiah Barry Soetoro.
This is all on the incompetent president, and the likes of those who illegitimately installed Biden in the WH.
Yet the author is clearly pointing out that whereas the Quisling complicit Media accused Trump of acting unilaterally, of being a fascist, of imposing this, that, and the other, it is actually Joey Xi Bai Dung who is doing all of these things.
Meanwhile Joey Xi has a knack to stutter, mumble, forget, mangle up sentences. I watched Trump today and the man sounded as clear and concise as ever. 2024 is coming on quickly.
The former president is still full of lies and uniformed opinion.

President Biden is not.
The former president is still full of lies and uniformed opinion.

President Biden is not.


Much Of hat The Press Said About Trump Now Applies To Biden

11 Sep 2021 ~~ By Augustus Howard

The media told us that President Trump was callous, uninformed, indifferent to facts, unwilling to listen to experts, willing to inflict incalculable damage to our interests — leaving allies abandoned, enemies emboldened and America with its reputation in tatters.
But now, in a tragic turn of events, so much of what the press said about Donald Trump applies to Joe Biden.
Biden’s disaster in Afghanistan — which has cost the lives of 13 US service members and scores of civilians — places this dynamic in stark relief. Announcing in April that the US would leave Afghanistan, the president took no cognizance of the actual terms of Trump’s negotiated deal with the Taliban. Whatever its shortcomings, the so-called Doha Agreement regulated the Taliban’s military actions, while requiring good faith negotiations between it and the Afghan government of President Ashraf Ghani. Given that the Taliban was in breach of Doha, and the required negotiations were unsuccessful, the United States was entitled to leave the pact. It certainly could not be held to any specific evacuation deadline.
Biden, ignoring all these policy “details” — like Trump was once said to do — simply decreed that the United States would depart Afghanistan by the anniversary of 9/11, no conditions attached. He thereby placed optics over substance, politicizing what is sacred in the process — as Trump was also once said to do. (At the same time, by changing the withdrawal deadline from Trump’s date of May 1 not once but twice, to Sept. 11 and then to Aug. 31, Biden clearly found flexibility in Doha where he wanted it.)
Even as US intelligence warned of the Taliban’s advance, and even as the estimated timetable for its victory was radically foreshortened, Biden and his administration continued to spin. Another way of putting it: They spurned the experts, choosing instead to live inside a bubble of “alternative facts.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby talked about “very capable” and “very sophisticated” Afghan military units, while White House press secretary Jen Psaki said that Afghan forces “have what they need.” In a phone call with Ghani, Biden went further still, pressuring the Afghan leader to claim that military conditions were positive “whether it is true or not.” One must wonder: While building false confidence in the Afghan military — the better to blame it later — did Biden ever consider the consequences of giving US citizens in Afghanistan, or our Afghan allies, false confidence in their continued safety?
Perhaps Biden missed the speech of Tom Tugendhat, a combat veteran of Afghanistan and chairman of the UK’s parliamentary Foreign Affairs Committee. Tugendhat expressed his “grief and rage — the feeling [of] abandonment of not just a country but the sacrifice that my friends made.” Or perhaps the president was unaware of German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s statement, lamenting the “bitter, dramatic, and awful” conquest of Afghanistan by the Taliban.
As the Afghanistan disaster shows, what the mainstream media said of Trump is true of Biden. And the consequences have only begun to unfold.

Using Trump as an excuse for Biden's failures should not be the criteria. If that were the case we could also use the Democrat false messiah Barry Soetoro.
This is all on the incompetent president, and the likes of those who illegitimately installed Biden in the WH.
Yet the author is clearly pointing out that whereas the Quisling complicit Media accused Trump of acting unilaterally, of being a fascist, of imposing this, that, and the other, it is actually Joey Xi Bai Dung who is doing all of these things.
Meanwhile Joey Xi has a knack to stutter, mumble, forget, mangle up sentences. I watched Trump today and the man sounded as clear and concise as ever. 2024 is coming on quickly.

How true. The cosmic humor is how the Left wailed about Trump for 5 years, only to replace him with someone actually far worse in most every way than what they claimed of Trump, and they are now partly too stupid to complain and the rest just too ashamed.
Nothingburgers by the right.

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