Mueller a Dictator, Traitor & Law Unto Himself

This putrid piece of shit has become intolerable!

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

Fuck this guy! He needs publicly flogged and then fired!

This assface is usurping Democracy, is acting as The Defacto head of The FBI, DOJ and has effectively become The Attorney General too doing whatever the Hell he wants without regard to Constitutional Rights and Protextions Guaranteed to All Americans.

He needs to be prosecuted along with Comey & McCabe!

Mueller Investigating Donations to Trump Inaugural Committee

The guy is looking into what is legal and what is illegal. Why do you have a problem with this?

If Trump's done nothing illegal, then why are you worried?
Because no matter how much they protest, they know as well as we do that tRump is guilty.
This putrid piece of shit has become intolerable!

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

Fuck this guy! He needs publicly flogged and then fired!

This assface is usurping Democracy, is acting as The Defacto head of The FBI, DOJ and has effectively become The Attorney General too doing whatever the Hell he wants without regard to Constitutional Rights and Protextions Guaranteed to All Americans.

He needs to be prosecuted along with Comey & McCabe!

Mueller Investigating Donations to Trump Inaugural Committee
This putrid piece of shit has become intolerable!

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

Fuck this guy! He needs publicly flogged and then fired!

This assface is usurping Democracy, is acting as The Defacto head of The FBI, DOJ and has effectively become The Attorney General too doing whatever the Hell he wants without regard to Constitutional Rights and Protextions Guaranteed to All Americans.

He needs to be prosecuted along with Comey & McCabe!

Mueller Investigating Donations to Trump Inaugural Committee
I had to look up some facts but you are right, there are restrictions on what a special prosecutor can do. He has over stepped his authority and turned it into a political free for all. Investigation of old cases is not allowed. I'll agree he needs to come forth and account for his wandering.

nope ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Muellers appointment -

Rod Rosenstein’s Letter Appointing Mueller Special Counsel

(c) just about cover anything and everything

write this down .........


Mueller Aint Going Away

just deal with it Rubes.
This putrid piece of shit has become intolerable!

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

Fuck this guy! He needs publicly flogged and then fired!

This assface is usurping Democracy, is acting as The Defacto head of The FBI, DOJ and has effectively become The Attorney General too doing whatever the Hell he wants without regard to Constitutional Rights and Protextions Guaranteed to All Americans.

He needs to be prosecuted along with Comey & McCabe!

Mueller Investigating Donations to Trump Inaugural Committee
Oh dear, don't be stupid. Stupid is wrong in so many ways.

It's embarrassing, it's uncomfortable, it's difficult to deny.

You said:

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

It is if you get something in return. It's called Quid Pro Quo. And yes, it's highly illegal.
Yes you would agree that he is doing an awesome job destroying The Rule of Law and usurping power that does not belong to him.

He is a Nefligent asshole that should be shot for Treason. His illegal Mandate was to look at Collusion with Russia. So any day now a pre dawn raid on Clinton’s rotten vagina and her attorney....right cuz, you know his so called directive means he is negligent if he doesn’t look in to how Clinton paid for Russian Propaganda, Right?

This putrid piece of shit has become intolerable!

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

Fuck this guy! He needs publicly flogged and then fired!

This assface is usurping Democracy, is acting as The Defacto head of The FBI, DOJ and has effectively become The Attorney General too doing whatever the Hell he wants without regard to Constitutional Rights and Protextions Guaranteed to All Americans.

He needs to be prosecuted along with Comey & McCabe!

Mueller Investigating Donations to Trump Inaugural Committee

He’s doing an awesome job.

You and Trump should be shot for treason. The fact is that Russia wanted Trump to win not Clinton. She didn't pay for Russian propaganda. The Trump campaign met with a Russian expecting propaganda or dirt on Clinton.
Fusion GPS was hired to dig dirt on Trump. Hired Steele a ex Russian spy to get it done using contacts in RUSSIA..........

Clinton lawyer kept Russian dossier project closely held

When Marc Elias, general counsel for Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign, hired a private research firm in the spring of 2016 to investigate Donald Trump, he drew from funds he was authorized to spend without oversight by campaign officials, according to a spokesperson for his law firm.

The firm hired by Elias, Fusion GPS, produced research that resulted a dossier detailing alleged connections between Trump and Russia. While the funding for the work came from the campaign and the Democratic National Committee, Elias kept the information about the investigation closely held as he advised the campaign on its strategy, according to the spokesperson, who requested anonymity to discuss the internal dynamics.

Elias's involvement in the financing and internal dissemination of the Trump research underscores the influence he wields behind the scenes in Democratic politics — a role that is now being pushed into the spotlight amid multiple investigations into Russia's attempts to meddle in the 2016 elections.

In September, he accompanied former Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta to a closed-door interview with Senate Intelligence Committee staffers, during which Podesta said he had no knowledge of payments to Fusion GPS, according to CNN.

At the time, it was not publicly known Elias had hired Fusion GPS; that was revealed by The Washington Post this week. Elias, who was there as Podesta's lawyer, did not participate in the interview as a witness, CNN reported.

Podesta did not respond to a request for comment.
How Ex-Spy Christopher Steele Compiled His Explosive Trump-Russia Dossier

How good were these sources? Consider what Steele would write in the memos he filed with Simpson: Source A—to use the careful nomenclature of his dossier—was “a senior Russian Foreign Ministry figure.” Source B was “a former top level intelligence officer still active in the Kremlin.” And both of these insiders, after “speaking to a trusted compatriot,” would claim that the Kremlin had spent years getting its hooks into Donald Trump.

Source E was “an ethnic Russian” and “close associate of Republican US presidential candidate Donald Trump.”

This individual proved to be a treasure trove of information. “Speaking in confidence to a compatriot,” the talkative Source E “admitted there was a well-developed conspiracy of cooperation between them [the Trump campaign] and the Russian leadership.” Then this: “The Russian regime had been behind the recent leak of embarrassing e-mail messages, emanating from the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to the WikiLeaks platform.” And finally: “In return the Trump team had agreed to sideline Russian intervention in Ukraine as a campaign issue and to raise US/NATO defense commitments in the Baltic and Eastern Europe to deflect attention away from Ukraine.”

Then there was Source D, “a close associate of Trump who had organized and managed his recent trips to Moscow,” and Source F, “a female staffer” at the Moscow Ritz-Carlton hotel, who was co-opted into the network by an Orbis “ethnic Russian operative” working hand in hand with the loquacious Trump insider, Source E.
Poor trumpanzees.


It's you poor dumb libtards....

You Huffed and you Puffed all your

"Russia Russia" Bull Shit to try and

subvert democracy and now it's all

coming back to bite you in the ass...


SPANKING your ass day in and day out...

It's got to suck to be you..
This putrid piece of shit has become intolerable!

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

Fuck this guy! He needs publicly flogged and then fired!

This assface is usurping Democracy, is acting as The Defacto head of The FBI, DOJ and has effectively become The Attorney General too doing whatever the Hell he wants without regard to Constitutional Rights and Protextions Guaranteed to All Americans.

He needs to be prosecuted along with Comey & McCabe!

Mueller Investigating Donations to Trump Inaugural Committee
This putrid piece of shit has become intolerable!

He is now harassing Foreign Governments for making donations to The Innaugural Fund which has been going on over 200 years and is not illegal.

Fuck this guy! He needs publicly flogged and then fired!

This assface is usurping Democracy, is acting as The Defacto head of The FBI, DOJ and has effectively become The Attorney General too doing whatever the Hell he wants without regard to Constitutional Rights and Protextions Guaranteed to All Americans.

He needs to be prosecuted along with Comey & McCabe!

Mueller Investigating Donations to Trump Inaugural Committee
I had to look up some facts but you are right, there are restrictions on what a special prosecutor can do. He has over stepped his authority and turned it into a political free for all. Investigation of old cases is not allowed. I'll agree he needs to come forth and account for his wandering.
He's not wandering on his own, he has to ask permission from the Justice department, of which he has, and gotten permission to pursue it....

And it is tied in to Russia, and the Russian person who donated is one of the Russian oligarch's sanctioned by the US.

It is very much all related to the Russian Influence in our election investigation....

Original Tree is a Comrade, or plays one, because he staid at a Holiday Inn Express last night??? :D

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