Mueller Arguably The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet

Fat Donnie is in a panic

Mueller must be doing his job
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Yep....and eventually you lefties will start admitting that Joe McCarthy was right, and Russia was trying to to infiltrate our political system......

Fat Donnie is in a panic

Mueller must be doing his job

If you've been harboring dreams of going to work for the disinformation department of CNN or MSNBC, take my advice: Don't wast your time.

You suck at it.
I say we wait to see the end of the investigation. He might just surprise us all. Do remember he is following where it leads, and for all we know he could be investigating the investigators, as well.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Sure. He’ll keep on collecting a check from you. He won’t find any evidence. He already pled a main witness out to a crime that impeaches his testimony. And today we learned the foundation of this investigation was built on illegal surveillance. That means any evidence obtained by the surveillance is inadmissible in court

But sure the investigation isn’t over. I’m sure despite this sloppy investigation they are going to find evidence of crimes to blatantly false its a joke that anyone takes the claims seriously

Your being played man. They’re giving you false hope. And you got no one to blame but yourself.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.
/----/ The Steele dossier, which has not been corroborated, which has not been verified, which has no facts in it, formed the essential basis for the initial FISA warrant
Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

Mueller is not actually a Republican.

But This is going to get so bad The President won’t have to fire anyone.

They’ll step down just like McCabe.
Mewler is coming across like a partisan fucking moron.

He'll get nowhere now.

Look for Rosenstein to get the ax, Trump appoints new Deputy Attorney General and Mewler gets neutered

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?
Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

Mueller is not actually a Republican.

But This is going to get so bad The President won’t have to fire anyone.

They’ll step down just like McCabe.
Mewler is coming across like a partisan fucking moron.

He'll get nowhere now.

Look for Rosenstein to get the ax, Trump appoints new Deputy Attorney General and Mewler gets neutered

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?

That's controlling your team, dumbass
I guess I should forgive 'the original tree' for being a complete dummy, trees just aren't very politically smart, there was no need to prove that was there?

The Nunes Memo Undermines the Right’s Trump-Russia Conspiracy Theory

Fact checking Trump:

Analysis | Fact-checking the 2018 State of the Union address
What Happened to All the Jobs Trump Promised?

"It’s easy to laugh, as some of us do, at the phrase “conservative intellectual.” When the most prominent public spokesmen for the right’s ideas include Milo Yiannopoulos, Charles Murray, and Dinesh D’Souza, one might conclude that the movement does not have anything serious to offer beyond “Feminism is cancer,” “Black people are dumb,” and “Democrats are Nazis.” (Those are, as I understand it, the central intellectual contributions of Yiannopoulos, Murray, and D’Souza, respectively.)

Current Affairs | Culture & Politics
Really? It's been over a year...he is either a partisan hack working for the DNC to harm the Trump agenda or he is an incompetent fool...either way we can do better with a different special investigator...

cons can't even be honest about how long the investigation has been ongoing, let alone anything else.

it's been 7 months.

On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). In this capacity, Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".[4] As special counsel, Mueller has the power to issue subpoenas,[5] hire staff members, request funding, and prosecute federal crimes in connection with the election interference.

Special Counsel investigation (2017–present) - Wikipedia

you should be able to count that high even with your shoes on.
I say we wait to see the end of the investigation. He might just surprise us all. Do remember he is following where it leads, and for all we know he could be investigating the investigators, as well.
This is a good comment. There is nothing that shows Mueller is partisan and he is a Republican. I trust him. If he finds no wrong doing or finds Democratic wrong doing instead I will accept it.
That’s covering your ass because your team can’t conceal their bias and your agenda


Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

Mueller is not actually a Republican.

But This is going to get so bad The President won’t have to fire anyone.

They’ll step down just like McCabe.
Mewler is coming across like a partisan fucking moron.

He'll get nowhere now.

Look for Rosenstein to get the ax, Trump appoints new Deputy Attorney General and Mewler gets neutered

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?

That's controlling your team, dumbass
conwring your ass?

must be some kind of con sex thing

Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

Mueller is not actually a Republican.

But This is going to get so bad The President won’t have to fire anyone.

They’ll step down just like McCabe.
Mewler is coming across like a partisan fucking moron.

He'll get nowhere now.

Look for Rosenstein to get the ax, Trump appoints new Deputy Attorney General and Mewler gets neutered

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?

That's controlling your team, dumbass

He does hire the best people... to fire.
Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

Mueller is not actually a Republican.

But This is going to get so bad The President won’t have to fire anyone.

They’ll step down just like McCabe.

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?

That's controlling your team, dumbass

He does hire the best people... to fire.

You're hella annoying.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Sure. He’ll keep on collecting a check from you. He won’t find any evidence. He already pled a main witness out to a crime that impeaches his testimony. And today we learned the foundation of this investigation was built on illegal surveillance. That means any evidence obtained by the surveillance is inadmissible in court

But sure the investigation isn’t over. I’m sure despite this sloppy investigation they are going to find evidence of crimes to blatantly false its a joke that anyone takes the claims seriously

Your being played man. They’re giving you false hope. And you got no one to blame but yourself.
Carter Page was under surveillance even before Trump announced his candidacy.
All thats required for FISA warrant is suspicion of illegal foreign activity.

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