Mueller Arguably The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet

Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?

That's controlling your team, dumbass

He does hire the best people... to fire.

You're hella annoying.

Am not. :(
Really? It's been over a year...he is either a partisan hack working for the DNC to harm the Trump agenda or he is an incompetent fool...either way we can do better with a different special investigator...

cons can't even be honest about how long the investigation has been ongoing, let alone anything else.

it's been 7 months.

On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). In this capacity, Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".[4] As special counsel, Mueller has the power to issue subpoenas,[5] hire staff members, request funding, and prosecute federal crimes in connection with the election interference.

Special Counsel investigation (2017–present) - Wikipedia

you should be able to count that high even with your shoes on.

And then there was the Benghazi investigation.....17 months....

Clinton email investigation....still ongoing...reopened...that makes it a year and a half...? long was that one?

Seems to me the Pubs have serious issues when it comes to investigating their own.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Sure. He’ll keep on collecting a check from you. He won’t find any evidence. He already pled a main witness out to a crime that impeaches his testimony. And today we learned the foundation of this investigation was built on illegal surveillance. That means any evidence obtained by the surveillance is inadmissible in court

But sure the investigation isn’t over. I’m sure despite this sloppy investigation they are going to find evidence of crimes to blatantly false its a joke that anyone takes the claims seriously

Your being played man. They’re giving you false hope. And you got no one to blame but yourself.
Carter Page was under surveillance even before Trump announced his candidacy.
All thats required for FISA warrant is suspicion of illegal foreign activity.

You need more than suspicions to obtain a warrant
Has it dawned on anyone that Trump and his entire team and family was under surveillance illegally 24-7 for over a year?

Has it therefore dawned on anyone knowing this, knowing that there is no better way to gather evidence on someone than by tapping 100’s of people’s cell phones, computers, land lines, and reading their every email and text messages and bugging their homes and cars and planes than that?

For God’s sake they not only spied on every thing going on in the campaign and fed that to Obama and Clinton to try to cheat their way to the White House, but they even listened in to President Trump’s Calls to world leaders like The Presidents of Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and others and LEAKED THEM.

They even looked at all his tax returns and reviewed his Financial Disclosures

Yet for all this Wire Tapping and Spying And 7 Investigations, a Billion Dollars, and a Special Counsel full of Partisan Political Hacks and digging in to Financial Records, harassing and intimidating witnesses....


Where’s The Beef?

No charges yet of Russian Collusion?

Nothing you can pin on The President with all that Intel?

You are not going to get anything better than the Intel Mueller and The FBI already has.

Yet this guy just can’t find anything to stick.

He’s down to begging The President to allow him to interview him.

Just like Hillary Clinton who had all the advantages in the Election and 1.5 Billion Dollars, so too does Mueller and he is limited to petty leaks from his Investigation about unsubstantiated petty accusations unworthy of a jay walking fine.

I am therefore OFFICIALLY calling Mueller’s Witch Hunt DOA.

He and his team is just stealing a paycheck at this point for as long as he can.

Use your logic, it’s over or The Intelligence Committee would not have had the guts to release that Memo on FISA Abuses.

It’s over or Paul Ryan doesn’t go from being The President’s biggest critic to loyally defending him and being incensed at the Corruption in The FBI.

Politicians aren’t going to stick their necks out like that unless it’s safe to do so.

The only other reason I have seen politicians take huge political risks is like for instance when Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails and bleach bitted them in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders, to evade prosecution, lied about the classified emails on her server and destroyed 17 devices with a hammer when she testified to only having one.

Brilliant piece of reasoning! Ten Stars! Best post of the year. You got it brother. If Mueller doesn't have it by now he never will.
Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?

That's controlling your team, dumbass

He does hire the best people... to fire.

You're hella annoying.
Northern Californian detected.
Mueller has had 5 team
Members fired from his team already.

Mueller is not actually a Republican.

But This is going to get so bad The President won’t have to fire anyone.

They’ll step down just like McCabe.

The old fool can't even control his own team...either due to unwillingness or sheer incompetence

Um... how many has Trump fired from his team already?

That's controlling your team, dumbass

He does hire the best people... to fire.

or not get the job in the first place because they're unqualified

the best unqualified people work for trump

Really? It's been over a year...he is either a partisan hack working for the DNC to harm the Trump agenda or he is an incompetent fool...either way we can do better with a different special investigator...

cons can't even be honest about how long the investigation has been ongoing, let alone anything else.

it's been 7 months.

On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). In this capacity, Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".[4] As special counsel, Mueller has the power to issue subpoenas,[5] hire staff members, request funding, and prosecute federal crimes in connection with the election interference.

Special Counsel investigation (2017–present) - Wikipedia

you should be able to count that high even with your shoes on.

And then there was the Benghazi investigation.....17 months....

Clinton email investigation....still ongoing...reopened...that makes it a year and a half...? long was that one?

Seems to me the Pubs have serious issues when it comes to investigating their own.

yeah, it's pretty sad

there isn't an ounce of integrity in a ton of republicans
Del is the lowest rated posters on this board. Just pitiful ranking. You should be ashamed of that. So on my IGNORE list you go because you are intellectually dishonest

Investigations, 7 in total, have been going on since May of 2016 and each one concluded the same.

No Russian Collusion

At the cost of a Billion Dollars for all these combined, and having transcripts of 24-7 illegal surveillance on The Trump Campaign and his family and still being unable to find even one instance of Collusion spells certain doom for Mueller.

And his Investigation will end in failure like the 6 before it, as will The Democrat Party end in failure when they Knowigly Peomoted a Lie in The Pursuit of Political Power.
Really? It's been over a year...he is either a partisan hack working for the DNC to harm the Trump agenda or he is an incompetent fool...either way we can do better with a different special investigator...

cons can't even be honest about how long the investigation has been ongoing, let alone anything else.

it's been 7 months.

On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). In this capacity, Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".[4] As special counsel, Mueller has the power to issue subpoenas,[5] hire staff members, request funding, and prosecute federal crimes in connection with the election interference.

Special Counsel investigation (2017–present) - Wikipedia

you should be able to count that high even with your shoes on.

And then there was the Benghazi investigation.....17 months....

Clinton email investigation....still ongoing...reopened...that makes it a year and a half...? long was that one?

Seems to me the Pubs have serious issues when it comes to investigating their own.
They have problems when crooked Dimwits obstruct justice and block investigations. Doesn't mean Hillary is innocent, just means she has gotten away with it, so far.
The Clintons have been investigated for over 30 years. If Trump being investigated for a year clears him of all crimes does that clear the Clintons 30 times over?

Big difference behind having the full weight of the entire federal government behind protecting your ass and the full weight of it out to get you.
The Clintons have been investigated for over 30 years. If Trump being investigated for a year clears him of all crimes does that clear the Clintons 30 times over?

Big difference behind having the full weight of the entire federal government behind protecting your ass and the full weight of it out to get you.

bigger difference between reality and whatever the fuck you're spewing, toobie

conwring your ass?

must be some kind of con sex thing

Rancher Nunes knows all a
The Clintons have been investigated for over 30 years. If Trump being investigated for a year clears him of all crimes does that clear the Clintons 30 times over?

Big difference behind having the full weight of the entire federal government behind protecting your ass and the full weight of it out to get you.
Dude. Republicans control all three branches of govt. If there is stuff against the Clintons they can go after them. Why aren't they? Hell trump can release anything he wants that is classified.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Fucking idiot O/P must have been twelve years old during Watergate. Mueller doesn't Tweet or give press conferences so stupid fucking idiot O/P doesn't think anything is there.

Stupid fucking idiot O/P doesn't even remember Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI a few months ago, and now he's flipped and telling Mueller everything.

So things aren't happening like an Alex Jones radio show or the first 15 minutes of Sean Hannity, so stupid fucking idiot O/P thinks it's all a lie.
Do realize he got rid of Strzok and Page because he knew what was going on with them. That may be a clue he could be investigating the investigators, as well.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.
/----/ The Steele dossier, which has not been corroborated, which has not been verified, which has no facts in it, formed the essential basis for the initial FISA warrant
Mewler is coming across like a partisan fucking moron.

He'll get nowhere now.
Republican Mueller hasn't shown a hint of being partisan so far. Partisan hack Nunes on the other hand has his head shoved deep up trump's fat ass.

Go away, troll I gave no interest in your blabbering ramblings

Mewler doesn't have to go away he can be shut down in other ways

So amazing to see how easily Trump has you idiots turned against one of the pillars of conservative America.
Used to be the liberals and communists who called foul on the FBI.
Trump knows how to work you guys and you don't even know all he's given you is a bottle of snake oil.
Fucking idiots.

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