Mueller Arguably The Most Incompetent Person On The Planet

Can someone tell me why Mueller never gave a fuck about Kislyak during The Uranium One Scandal?
Has it dawned on anyone that Trump and his entire team and family was under surveillance illegally 24-7 for over a year?

Has it therefore dawned on anyone knowing this, knowing that there is no better way to gather evidence on someone than by tapping 100’s of people’s cell phones, computers, land lines, and reading their every email and text messages and bugging their homes and cars and planes than that?

For God’s sake they not only spied on every thing going on in the campaign and fed that to Obama and Clinton to try to cheat their way to the White House, but they even listened in to President Trump’s Calls to world leaders like The Presidents of Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Thailand and others and LEAKED THEM.

They even looked at all his tax returns and reviewed his Financial Disclosures

Yet for all this Wire Tapping and Spying And 7 Investigations, a Billion Dollars, and a Special Counsel full of Partisan Political Hacks and digging in to Financial Records, harassing and intimidating witnesses....


Where’s The Beef?

No charges yet of Russian Collusion?

Nothing you can pin on The President with all that Intel?

You are not going to get anything better than the Intel Mueller and The FBI already has.

Yet this guy just can’t find anything to stick.

He’s down to begging The President to allow him to interview him.

Just like Hillary Clinton who had all the advantages in the Election and 1.5 Billion Dollars, so too does Mueller and he is limited to petty leaks from his Investigation about unsubstantiated petty accusations unworthy of a jay walking fine.

I am therefore OFFICIALLY calling Mueller’s Witch Hunt DOA.

He and his team is just stealing a paycheck at this point for as long as he can.

Use your logic, it’s over or The Intelligence Committee would not have had the guts to release that Memo on FISA Abuses.

It’s over or Paul Ryan doesn’t go from being The President’s biggest critic to loyally defending him and being incensed at the Corruption in The FBI.

Politicians aren’t going to stick their necks out like that unless it’s safe to do so.

The only other reason I have seen politicians take huge political risks is like for instance when Hillary Clinton deleted 33,000 emails and bleach bitted them in violation of two Federal Preservation Orders, to evade prosecution, lied about the classified emails on her server and destroyed 17 devices with a hammer when she testified to only having one.

actually, Robert Mueller is incredibly well-respected..... on both sides of the aisle.

how sad that a blowhard like the incompetent t Donald and his little twit brigade are trying to damage that reputation.

what sad deluded imbeciles you are
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.

Sure. He’ll keep on collecting a check from you. He won’t find any evidence. He already pled a main witness out to a crime that impeaches his testimony. And today we learned the foundation of this investigation was built on illegal surveillance. That means any evidence obtained by the surveillance is inadmissible in court

But sure the investigation isn’t over. I’m sure despite this sloppy investigation they are going to find evidence of crimes to blatantly false its a joke that anyone takes the claims seriously

Your being played man. They’re giving you false hope. And you got no one to blame but yourself.
Carter Page was under surveillance even before Trump announced his candidacy.
All thats required for FISA warrant is suspicion of illegal foreign activity.

Wrong. The statute required that every 90 days, a FISA order on an American citizen “must be renewed.” Whether he was under surveillance before is irrelevant because subsequent FISA warrants for Page should not have been issued on the basis of the the phony Steele dossier. What the FISA court did unprecedented abuse of process and eventually, the judges who issued the warrants will be pulled into the soon to come investigation.

The memo released today only showed 10% of the shit that was going on. An independent investigation will reveal the full scope of how top leaders in the FBI, DOJ, and Obama administration committed numerous felonies.
They were let go from Mueller’s Partisan team as soon as a whistleblower exposed their bias and made it more public.

Their bias was known when they were hired as was every member of Mueller’s team.

They just couldn’t keep it under wraps.

My understanding is they were let go from his team as soon as he discovered their texts.
He got rid of Strzok and Page because of Public Pressure and a whistleblower, because they exposed the Bias, same as they fired Steele because he talked to another Jones and Yahoo news, and then went through back channels to still work with him to promote
FBI and Russian Propaganda.

Same reason he had to get rid of Baker, Ohr & Zelinsky again because of Bias and extreme conflicts of interest that was exposed.

He is going to have to fire Weinstein and is now interviewing Russians.

What do you need me to repeat that again?

Mueller has resorted to interviewing Russians.

He has 4 Phone Books full of Survance and Intelligence on President Trump, his team and family and he can’t find anything, and has to interview Russians for answers?

LMFAO! Exactly what Is a guy like Kislyak going to tell him?

Do realize he got rid of Strzok and Page because he knew what was going on with them. That may be a clue he could be investigating the investigators, as well.
Not true. Dumbest thread today. Mueller investigation ain't over, yet. He'll let us know when it's time.
/----/ The Steele dossier, which has not been corroborated, which has not been verified, which has no facts in it, formed the essential basis for the initial FISA warrant

now you're just lying
They were let go from Mueller’s Partisan team as soon as a whistleblower exposed their bias and made it more public.

Their bias was known when they were hired as was every member of Mueller’s team.

They just couldn’t keep it under wraps.

My understanding is they were let go from his team as soon as he discovered their texts.
He got rid of Strzok and Page because of Public Pressure and a whistleblower, because they exposed the Bias, same as they fired Steele because he talked to another Jones and Yahoo news, and then went through back channels to still work with him to promote
FBI and Russian Propaganda.

Same reason he had to get rid of Baker, Ohr & Zelinsky again because of Bias and extreme conflicts of interest that was exposed.

He is going to have to fire Weinstein and is now interviewing Russians.

What do you need me to repeat that again?

Mueller has resorted to interviewing Russians.

He has 4 Phone Books full of Survance and Intelligence on President Trump, his team and family and he can’t find anything, and has to interview Russians for answers?

LMFAO! Exactly what Is a guy like Kislyak going to tell him?

Do realize he got rid of Strzok and Page because he knew what was going on with them. That may be a clue he could be investigating the investigators, as well.
/----/ The Steele dossier, which has not been corroborated, which has not been verified, which has no facts in it, formed the essential basis for the initial FISA warrant

now you're just lying

I need to say this one more time.

Mueller has 4 Phone Books Full of Surveillance, Wiretaps, Emails, Text Messages and Intel on President Trump, His Family & Team.

So why in the Hell can’t this Partisan Dumbass and his Partisan Team Find Russian Collusion in one of those “Phone Books”?
I need to say this one more time.

Mueller has 4 Phone Books Full of Surveillance, Wiretaps, Emails, Text Messages and Intel on President Trump, His Family & Team.

So why in the Hell can’t this Partisan Dumbass and his Partisan Team Find Russian Collusion in one of those “Phone Books”?

how do you know he hasn't, dumbass?

I need to say this one more time.

Mueller has 4 Phone Books Full of Surveillance, Wiretaps, Emails, Text Messages and Intel on President Trump, His Family & Team.

So why in the Hell can’t this Partisan Dumbass and his Partisan Team Find Russian Collusion in one of those “Phone Books”?

You pitiful dumbass. Mueller operates on his timetable - not yours. He's looking at much more than Russian collusion - money laundering, obstruction of justice, etc....
Yep, Mueller is definitely incompetent. I mean so incompetent that he was appointed by Bush and served for 10 years, did such a great job the Democrat Obama asked him to serve another 2... was well respected and liked by BOTH parties. In his initial confirmation hearing he was approved 98-0.

Mueller could take a shit that would have a higher IQ and more morals than half of the Trump supporters on this forum.
I love the IGNORE Button. Three Trolls in a row blocked. Wonder who they are?

Maybe Mueller should call Hillary Clinton and ask if she has The Phone Number For Russian Collusion?

He can't Find it in his 4 Phone books full of Illegal Wiretapping
I love the IGNORE Button. Two Trolls in a row blocked.

Maybe Mueller should call Hillary Clinton and ask if she has The Phone Number For Russian Collusion?

He can't Find it in his 4 Phone books of Illegal Wiretapping

Funny. You remind me of Trump.

I think that many thoughtful Democrats and Republicans feel a bit sorry for Mr. Mueller.

Before his appointment, everyone was praising him to the heavens for being FANTASTIC! WONDERFUL! SENSATIONAL! THE GREATEST THING SINCE SLICED BREAD!

We all know from life experiences that no one is that good!

When he does come up with his final report, one side, of course, will tear his present reputation to shreds.
Fat Donnie is in a panic

Mueller must be doing his job

Donnie is a step ahead of Mewler...and pardon the pun holds the Trump card.
Mueller is Trumps best friend

Mueller is able to clear the Trump administration of any inference that they were involved with Russia

Once Mueller gives him a clean bill of health, Trump will not have the dark cloud of Russia hanging over him

What are you worried about?
Really? It's been over a year...he is either a partisan hack working for the DNC to harm the Trump agenda or he is an incompetent fool...either way we can do better with a different special investigator...

cons can't even be honest about how long the investigation has been ongoing, let alone anything else.

it's been 7 months.

On May 17, 2017, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein appointed Mueller, a former Director of the FBI, to serve as Special Counsel for the United States Department of Justice (DOJ). In this capacity, Mueller oversees the investigation into "any links and/or coordination between Russian government and individuals associated with the campaign of President Donald Trump, and any matters that arose or may arise directly from the investigation".[4] As special counsel, Mueller has the power to issue subpoenas,[5] hire staff members, request funding, and prosecute federal crimes in connection with the election interference.

Special Counsel investigation (2017–present) - Wikipedia

you should be able to count that high even with your shoes on.

And then there was the Benghazi investigation.....17 months....

Clinton email investigation....still ongoing...reopened...that makes it a year and a half...? long was that one?

Seems to me the Pubs have serious issues when it comes to investigating their own.
We still haven't seen a report on Trump

Republicans never want to close one of their investigations. When it is about them......are we there yet?

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