Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

Fox News can no longer be considered an impartial news source with former Fox anchors and producers on board. Larry Kudlow, Bill Shine, John Bolton, Heather Nauert, Mercedes Schlapp, Tony Sayegh and K. T. McFarland all working in the White House now. And of course nightly phone calls between Trump and Sean Hannity.

Give it up.

This piece with MCarthy is nothing but tabloid trash.

It's pathetic to call Mueller incompetent. What the fuck does that make Trump?

No one one is calling Mueller incompetent. His record of prosecutorial misconduct is. That is the difference between we and you. We cling to facts, while you cling to trash.
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.

Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.

Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation

Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins
Know how I know you’re full of shit?? Cause Trump is in power now. Republicans have had control both houses for the past two years. Trump has appointed new directors to all our law enforcement agencies. So if Obama, Clinton, Comey or anybody else was truly guilty of all these “obvious” crimes then they should and would be prosecuted. The fact that none of them are shows 1 of 2 possible things. 1 Trump and his people are incompetent in law enforcement or 2. The real facts and evidence don’t add up to criminal activity and you are misinformed

My money is on option 2
When Obama, who paid for The Dirty Russian Dossier along with Clinton along with Comey, McCabe, Yates, Rosentstein KNOWINGLY took a Salacious and Unverifiable Russian Dossier they KNEW was paid for by Clinton and Obama and paid Russian Operatives for and used that to File False Affidavits to Defraud The FISA COURT, A CRIME WAS COMMITTED!

There are 8 people right now from The Obama Administration under Criminal Investigation. Several other high ranking officials have been fired or demoted.

You really don't know WTF you are talking about.
There were people who were fired or demoted for inappropriate behavior but no criminal charges. Trump and his people are in charge so if you were telling the truth and real crimes actually were committed then these guys would be in court or jail by now. That hasn’t happened. You’re full of shit

If you call "inappropriate behavior" lying to a FISA Court, concealing the source of your information you used in a False Affidavit, and engaging in Illegal Wiretapping to give a rival candidate an unfair advantage during an election which was based on Propaganda purchased from Russia by Hillary Clinton and Obama...I have ocean front property to sell you in Arizona
It’s not me calling it that it’s Trumps people. Again I’ll say it. NO CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS OR CHARGES!! Get it through your thick head. This is Trumps show and there is no action from law enforcement to back up your lies. Youre done. I don’t care how many times you repeat your falsehoods. The facts don’t back it up
That's only because the two biggest criminals of all, Lynch and Eric Holder, are protecting all the other criminals. That's why Obama picked them.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

If, while investigating a burglary, the police find a corpse, they are supposed to ignore the murder?

I can hear you defending the murderer, "This burglary investigation turned into a clown show!"

The Trump criminal enterprise is vast. It was inevitable Mueller would stumble upon other crimes while investigating Russian interference in our election and the part Trump's family and campaign team played in it.

So what was the burglary? Can you even find that? What Trump Associate committed this crime?

And the only dead body we know about is Seth Rich.

You are a criminal. I don't have to prove it....I just say it.

I am sure you will find Russian Collusion as soon as you publicize Trump's tax returns.... like Mad Cow did.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

The clown show is from the partisan hacks making shit up about the probe. So far very little if anything has leaked out so we really don’t know what they know. We are left with idiots like you creating your own narratives to suit your political agenda. You’re not fooling anybody.

Is it made up that Mueller and his cronies on this Investigation were involved in Prosecutorial Misconduct?

Altering Witness Statements?

Manufacturing Evidence?

Laying Perjury Traps?

Railroading Innocent Men to Jail?

Forced The US Taxpayer to pay millions in Restitution to their Victims?

Half of his team was fired because of Corruption and Bias and are under criminal investigation?

Were financial donors to Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama's campaigns?

Please show me which of these statements are untrue.

I'll be waiting.

There are no such thing as 'perjury traps'. That's just a made up term used by liars who don't want to testify.

Like....our President for example.

And its laughable that conservatives would *ever* complain about a special counsel investigation 'drifting from its initial purpose'. As Ken Starr's investigation spanned half a decade and somehow folded a blowjob into an investigation into real estate.

Mueller’s sweat is more patriotic than the OP.
Mueller is a thug and a criminal.

A criminal like Manafort? Cohen? Flynn? Papodapolous? Gates?

Or as Trump likes to call them, the 'best people'?
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

Fox News can no longer be considered an impartial new source with former Fox anchors and producers on board. Larry Kudlow, Bill Shine, John Bolton, Heather Nauert, Mercedes Schlapp, Tony Sayegh and K. T. McFarland all working in the White House now. And of course nightly phone calls between Trump and Sean Hannity.

Give it up.

This piece with MCarthy is nothing but tabloid trash.

It's pathetic to call Mueller incompetent. What the fuck does that make Trump?

McCarthy has been corrupted by Trump. He has no credibility to judge Mueller. Geraldo Rivera is the latest to speak out against what Fox News is about. It's a bad joke. Fox News was voted the number one source for fake news.
Russian Bot? Or Dem Bot?

I'm going with number 2. So is CNN.

Don Lemon is that you?

Come on Don, you can do it. Just take some time and site US CODE to let us know how to define Russian Collusion.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

If, while investigating a burglary, the police find a corpse, they are supposed to ignore the murder?

I can hear you defending the murderer, "This burglary investigation turned into a clown show!"

The Trump criminal enterprise is vast. It was inevitable Mueller would stumble upon other crimes while investigating Russian interference in our election and the part Trump's family and campaign team played in it.

So what was the burglary? Can you even find that? What Trump Associate committed this crime?

You'll have to factually establish the 'burglary'. As you routinely make shit up in snivelling bounts of 'This is Nazi GERMANY!!' panty shitting hysterics.

Less hyserics. More evidence. Show us, don't tell us.

And the only dead body we know about is Seth Rich.

You're accusing Mueller of random crimes and then mention 'Seth Rich'? Care to elaborate?

Or is this another of your famous 'fire and forget' conspiracy batshit that you flee from the moment you're challenged?
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

If, while investigating a burglary, the police find a corpse, they are supposed to ignore the murder?

I can hear you defending the murderer, "This burglary investigation turned into a clown show!"

The Trump criminal enterprise is vast. It was inevitable Mueller would stumble upon other crimes while investigating Russian interference in our election and the part Trump's family and campaign team played in it.

So what was the burglary? Can you even find that? What Trump Associate committed this crime?

You'll have to factually establish the 'burglary'. As you routinely make shit up in snivelling bounts of 'This is Nazi GERMANY!!' panty shitting hysterics.

Less hyserics. More evidence. Show us, don't tell us.

And the only dead body we know about is Seth Rich.

You're accusing Mueller of random crimes and then mention 'Seth Rich'? Care to elaborate?

Or is this another of your famous 'fire and forget' conspiracy batshit that you flee from the moment you're challenged?

Mueller indeed committed crimes.

He is an accessory to 19 counts of murder.

He has engaged in Prosecutorial Misconduct.

He and his team of hacks have nearly lost their law licenses several times.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

If, while investigating a burglary, the police find a corpse, they are supposed to ignore the murder?

I can hear you defending the murderer, "This burglary investigation turned into a clown show!"

The Trump criminal enterprise is vast. It was inevitable Mueller would stumble upon other crimes while investigating Russian interference in our election and the part Trump's family and campaign team played in it.

So what was the burglary? Can you even find that? What Trump Associate committed this crime?

You'll have to factually establish the 'burglary'. As you routinely make shit up in snivelling bounts of 'This is Nazi GERMANY!!' panty shitting hysterics.

Less hyserics. More evidence. Show us, don't tell us.

And the only dead body we know about is Seth Rich.

You're accusing Mueller of random crimes and then mention 'Seth Rich'? Care to elaborate?

Or is this another of your famous 'fire and forget' conspiracy batshit that you flee from the moment you're challenged?

Seth Rich died On Mueller's Doorstep. True story. Mueller also is an accessory to 19 Murders.
Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

If, while investigating a burglary, the police find a corpse, they are supposed to ignore the murder?

I can hear you defending the murderer, "This burglary investigation turned into a clown show!"

The Trump criminal enterprise is vast. It was inevitable Mueller would stumble upon other crimes while investigating Russian interference in our election and the part Trump's family and campaign team played in it.

So what was the burglary? Can you even find that? What Trump Associate committed this crime?

You'll have to factually establish the 'burglary'. As you routinely make shit up in snivelling bounts of 'This is Nazi GERMANY!!' panty shitting hysterics.

Less hyserics. More evidence. Show us, don't tell us.

And the only dead body we know about is Seth Rich.

You're accusing Mueller of random crimes and then mention 'Seth Rich'? Care to elaborate?

Or is this another of your famous 'fire and forget' conspiracy batshit that you flee from the moment you're challenged?

Mueller indeed committed crimes.

Show me one crime he has ever been charged with.

He is an accessory to 19 counts of murder.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're batshit crazy.

Less crazy, more evidence. Show us, don't tell us.

He and his team of hacks have nearly lost their law licenses several times.

And by 'nearly', you mean never. Mueller has *never* lost his law license. Nor has he ever been convicted or charged with any crime.

Mueller has a history of incompetence that he often covers with Prosecutorial Misconduct, Altering Witness Statements, Railroading Innocent Men, and Charging People with Petty Offenses, Setting Perjury Traps and Encouraging Witnesses to Perjure themselves in exchange for lenient sentences.

Avoiding The Obvious Truth that Mueller was Illegitimately Appointed as a Special Counsel with No Crime to Investigate, why was this guy touted at all? His History is one of Miserable Flops, Incompetence, Negligence, and Misconduct!

McCarthy: Mueller Probe Started With 'Worthy' Purpose, But Turned Into 'Clown Show'

Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy said Special Counsel Robert Mueller's probe has turned into a "clown show" as it's seemingly drifted away from its initial purpose of investigating Russia's meddling in the 2016 election and possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Moscow.

McCarthy made the remark on "America's Newsroom" Wednesday in response to several developments in the Mueller investigation.

Mueller's office has accused former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort of lying and violating his plea agreement. Manafort, 69, was convicted on multiple counts of financial fraud over the summer in connection to work he completed in Ukraine as a political consultant.

Additionally, conservative author Jerome Corsi announced he would reject a deal with investigators that would have required him to plead guilty to perjury. A draft court filing prepared as part of the abortive plea deal said Corsi notified Trump adviser Roger Stone in August 2016 that WikiLeaks intended to release information damaging to Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign.

McCarthy said that even if Corsi got information from WikiLeaks and gave it to Stone who then gave it to Trump -- although there are no facts that establish that -- it's not a crime.

If, while investigating a burglary, the police find a corpse, they are supposed to ignore the murder?

I can hear you defending the murderer, "This burglary investigation turned into a clown show!"

The Trump criminal enterprise is vast. It was inevitable Mueller would stumble upon other crimes while investigating Russian interference in our election and the part Trump's family and campaign team played in it.

So what was the burglary? Can you even find that? What Trump Associate committed this crime?

You'll have to factually establish the 'burglary'. As you routinely make shit up in snivelling bounts of 'This is Nazi GERMANY!!' panty shitting hysterics.

Less hyserics. More evidence. Show us, don't tell us.

And the only dead body we know about is Seth Rich.

You're accusing Mueller of random crimes and then mention 'Seth Rich'? Care to elaborate?

Or is this another of your famous 'fire and forget' conspiracy batshit that you flee from the moment you're challenged?

Seth Rich died On Mueller's Doorstep. True story. Mueller also is an accessory to 19 Murders.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're absolutely nuts.

If you have a claim to make about Mueller and Seth Rich, prove it. Show us the evidence. Yet every time I challenge you to show us the evidence of your last conspiracy, you just flee make up another conspiracy.

All backed by the same steaming pile of jack shit.

It really doesn't take much to run you off, does it?
Two year waste of effort coming to an end soon. Mueller will be gone way before Trump ever is. Then libs can look to some other fake news to investigate and pull their hair out over.

Swap out Mueller and put in Gowdy and you might have a point.
And Mueller hasn't been on this job for two years. He was appointed in May 2017.
You can't even understand a calendar much less the investigation itself.
Oh my golly. One year and 8 months
Sorry for my egregious error of two years
Libs are so emotionally addled that they hurl what they think are damning insults when in fact their effort makes Them and them alone look stupid.
Two year waste of effort coming to an end soon. Mueller will be gone way before Trump ever is. Then libs can look to some other fake news to investigate and pull their hair out over.

Swap out Mueller and put in Gowdy and you might have a point.
And Mueller hasn't been on this job for two years. He was appointed in May 2017.
You can't even understand a calendar much less the investigation itself.
Oh my golly. One year and 8 months
Sorry for my egregious error of two years
Libs are so emotionally addled that they hurl what they think are damning insults when in fact their effort makes Them and them alone look stupid.
There have been 6 investigations before this starting immediately after the election and none of them found collusion. Mueller won't find it either unless he sticks his hands down Hillary Clinton's granny panties and comes up with a stinky finger.

If you could not find collusion after 6 months with all of that Unconstitutional Power you aren't going to find it in 2 years.
Of course that is fake news. The judge in one of the cases that Mueller tried wrote a editorial defending Mueller.

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

Everybody is colluding with the DNC. Typical Trump blather. Is your microwave spying on you?
Not everyone agrees with this judge .In fact most everyone does not.
Alan Dershowitz Rips Special Counsel Mueller as 'a Partisan and Zealot'
I see your link and I'll raise you one. Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, the FBI and the Mob - Sara A. Carter
Two year waste of effort coming to an end soon. Mueller will be gone way before Trump ever is. Then libs can look to some other fake news to investigate and pull their hair out over.

Swap out Mueller and put in Gowdy and you might have a point.
And Mueller hasn't been on this job for two years. He was appointed in May 2017.
You can't even understand a calendar much less the investigation itself.
Oh my golly. One year and 8 months
Sorry for my egregious error of two years
Libs are so emotionally addled that they hurl what they think are damning insults when in fact their effort makes Them and them alone look stupid.
There have been 6 investigations before this starting immediately after the election and none of them found collusion. Mueller won't find it either unless he sticks his hands down Hillary Clinton's granny panties and comes up with a stinky finger.

If you could not find collusion after 6 months with all of that Unconstitutional Power you aren't going to find it in 2 years.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're batshit crazy.

You don't know the evidence that Mueller has or doesn't have until his final report. You don't know if Mueller has found evidence of collusion or not.

As you do in virtually any topic you discuss, merely make shit up. And then insist that your imagination is fact.

Alas, that's not how reality works.
Of course that is fake news. The judge in one of the cases that Mueller tried wrote a editorial defending Mueller.

Opinion | Smearing Robert Mueller

Everybody is colluding with the DNC. Typical Trump blather. Is your microwave spying on you?
Not everyone agrees with this judge .In fact most everyone does not.
Alan Dershowitz Rips Special Counsel Mueller as 'a Partisan and Zealot'
I see your link and I'll raise you one. Robert Mueller, Andrew Weissmann, the FBI and the Mob - Sara A. Carter

And by 'most everyone', you mean Alan Dershowitz.

I don't think 'most everyone' means what you think it means.
Two year waste of effort coming to an end soon. Mueller will be gone way before Trump ever is. Then libs can look to some other fake news to investigate and pull their hair out over.

Swap out Mueller and put in Gowdy and you might have a point.
And Mueller hasn't been on this job for two years. He was appointed in May 2017.
You can't even understand a calendar much less the investigation itself.
Oh my golly. One year and 8 months
Sorry for my egregious error of two years
Libs are so emotionally addled that they hurl what they think are damning insults when in fact their effort makes Them and them alone look stupid.
There have been 6 investigations before this starting immediately after the election and none of them found collusion. Mueller won't find it either unless he sticks his hands down Hillary Clinton's granny panties and comes up with a stinky finger.

If you could not find collusion after 6 months with all of that Unconstitutional Power you aren't going to find it in 2 years.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're batshit crazy.

You don't know the evidence that Mueller has or doesn't have until his final report. You don't know if Mueller has found evidence of collusion or not.

As you do in virtually any topic you discuss, merely make shit up. And then insist that your imagination is fact.

Alas, that's not how reality works.

Any Day Now.

Mueller is such a bumbling idiot he entirely exposed The Crooked FBI scheme, DOJ Scheme and FISA ABUSE used to get Trump.

The Dumb Fuck was hired to continue Comey's Coverup job, but he was incompetent even doing that.

This guy is a buffoon who only because he has unlimited and unconstitutional powers and is illegally running the FBI usurping the Executive Branch authority in violation of separation of powers is only able to tag people with petty process crimes completely unrelated to "Russia"

All That Power and all he can do is piss down his own leg and tell Lefty that it's raining.
Two year waste of effort coming to an end soon. Mueller will be gone way before Trump ever is. Then libs can look to some other fake news to investigate and pull their hair out over.

Swap out Mueller and put in Gowdy and you might have a point.
And Mueller hasn't been on this job for two years. He was appointed in May 2017.
You can't even understand a calendar much less the investigation itself.
Oh my golly. One year and 8 months
Sorry for my egregious error of two years
Libs are so emotionally addled that they hurl what they think are damning insults when in fact their effort makes Them and them alone look stupid.
There have been 6 investigations before this starting immediately after the election and none of them found collusion. Mueller won't find it either unless he sticks his hands down Hillary Clinton's granny panties and comes up with a stinky finger.

If you could not find collusion after 6 months with all of that Unconstitutional Power you aren't going to find it in 2 years.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're batshit crazy.

You don't know the evidence that Mueller has or doesn't have until his final report. You don't know if Mueller has found evidence of collusion or not.

As you do in virtually any topic you discuss, merely make shit up. And then insist that your imagination is fact.

Alas, that's not how reality works.

Any Day Now.

Mueller is such a bumbling idiot he entirely exposed The Crooked FBI scheme to get Trump. This guy is a buffoon who only because he has unlimited and unconstitutional powers and is illegally running the FBI usurping the Executive Branch authority in violation of separation of powers is only able to tag people with petty process crimes completely unrelated to "Russia"

Says you, citing you. And you're batshit crazy,

Its Trump himself that hand picked liars, thieves, frauds, grifters, tax cheats, and Conspirators Against the United States, and surrounded himself with such crooks.

Or as Trump likes to call them, the 'Best People'.
A lack of prosecution does not indicate a lack of criminal activity. This is so fallacious and obviously false.
This is not cause and effect as you allege (if not prosecuted no crimes committed) and in fact the higher up one is embedded in a place of power (like Obama, Clinton, Comey, etc.) the less likely one will be prosecuted for
crimes committed purely due to political inertia and the many layers of protection surrounding a powerful political figure.

Purely on a logical level alone your angry screed is false and easily disproved.
When you have a candidate in there that ran on draining the swamp and “locking her up” he has a mandate and every right to go after her an anybody else that were involved in these “deep state” crimes. They aren’t being pursued because the facts don’t line up with the fake narrative y’all spit out. Trumps move is to turn the table so when he gets heat he blames his opponents. Only problem is he doesn’t use honest arguments. He takes crumbs of truth and spins up his own narrative which his minions run with. He convincing, I’ll give you that but if you could look at his statements skeptically for a minute I think you’d see the game he is playing. It’s transparent and obvious. Sorry but when it comes to facts and reality y’all got nothing.

If Trump wasn't Draining The Swamp then we would never Know about The Insurance Policy, FISA GATE, and Clinon-Obama-DNC-Fusion GPS-COIE Lawfirm Collusion with Russia, Steel and Skirpal
It’s funny that you pretend to champion “law and order” and “draining the swamp” yet when Mueller (the actual swamp drainer) indicts many people for crimes including lying to Congress, the FBI and the American people, you attack it as a witch hunt! If you weren’t such a blind puppet you’d see that he is actually draining the swamp, he is arresting people who are lying and covering things up and he is uncovering foul play on many levels. That’s a good thing. If you truly respect law and order you wouldn’t be taking the position you are taking. You’re a fraud.

Hey.....what did anybody lie about? Yah gots any information on that? Is that super duper double probation top secret?

People are choosing to go to jail for two weeks rather than lie for Mueller. You can get more time for a DUI than that.
What is that? Like the equivalent of spitting on the sidewalk or jay walking. Give me a break. You are a fraud. You think you are going to bully a Naval Academy Graduate in to lying?

We know Mueller is a rotten egg. He was officially charged with numerous prosecutorial crimes and railroaded innocent people to jail.

So what did anyone lie about? Please provide specific evidence. Oh, and why we are at it, anyone get charged with Russian Collusion, yet?
You tend to shoot yourself in the foot with your first sentence quite often. What did they lie about? Does it matter, are you going to defend lying to the FBI? It’s not being disputed. Cohen for example just admitted today that he lied to the FBI.
They didn't lie, dumbass. They simply didn't remember with 100% accuracy events that happened years in the past. For that they are being crucified. However, we all know the real reason is that Torquemada Mueller has no evidence, so he has to manufacture it by torturing and persecuting innocent people.
Swap out Mueller and put in Gowdy and you might have a point.
And Mueller hasn't been on this job for two years. He was appointed in May 2017.
You can't even understand a calendar much less the investigation itself.
Oh my golly. One year and 8 months
Sorry for my egregious error of two years
Libs are so emotionally addled that they hurl what they think are damning insults when in fact their effort makes Them and them alone look stupid.
There have been 6 investigations before this starting immediately after the election and none of them found collusion. Mueller won't find it either unless he sticks his hands down Hillary Clinton's granny panties and comes up with a stinky finger.

If you could not find collusion after 6 months with all of that Unconstitutional Power you aren't going to find it in 2 years.

Says you, citing yourself. And you're batshit crazy.

You don't know the evidence that Mueller has or doesn't have until his final report. You don't know if Mueller has found evidence of collusion or not.

As you do in virtually any topic you discuss, merely make shit up. And then insist that your imagination is fact.

Alas, that's not how reality works.

Any Day Now.

Mueller is such a bumbling idiot he entirely exposed The Crooked FBI scheme to get Trump. This guy is a buffoon who only because he has unlimited and unconstitutional powers and is illegally running the FBI usurping the Executive Branch authority in violation of separation of powers is only able to tag people with petty process crimes completely unrelated to "Russia"

Says you, citing you. And you're batshit crazy,

Its Trump himself that hand picked liars, thieves, frauds, grifters, tax cheats, and Conspirators Against the United States, and surrounded himself with such crooks.

Or as Trump likes to call them, the 'Best People'.

Mueller is running the FBI is he NOT?

Lets call Mueller what he really is.... The Bungler in Chief.
When you have a candidate in there that ran on draining the swamp and “locking her up” he has a mandate and every right to go after her an anybody else that were involved in these “deep state” crimes. They aren’t being pursued because the facts don’t line up with the fake narrative y’all spit out. Trumps move is to turn the table so when he gets heat he blames his opponents. Only problem is he doesn’t use honest arguments. He takes crumbs of truth and spins up his own narrative which his minions run with. He convincing, I’ll give you that but if you could look at his statements skeptically for a minute I think you’d see the game he is playing. It’s transparent and obvious. Sorry but when it comes to facts and reality y’all got nothing.

If Trump wasn't Draining The Swamp then we would never Know about The Insurance Policy, FISA GATE, and Clinon-Obama-DNC-Fusion GPS-COIE Lawfirm Collusion with Russia, Steel and Skirpal
It’s funny that you pretend to champion “law and order” and “draining the swamp” yet when Mueller (the actual swamp drainer) indicts many people for crimes including lying to Congress, the FBI and the American people, you attack it as a witch hunt! If you weren’t such a blind puppet you’d see that he is actually draining the swamp, he is arresting people who are lying and covering things up and he is uncovering foul play on many levels. That’s a good thing. If you truly respect law and order you wouldn’t be taking the position you are taking. You’re a fraud.

Hey.....what did anybody lie about? Yah gots any information on that? Is that super duper double probation top secret?

People are choosing to go to jail for two weeks rather than lie for Mueller. You can get more time for a DUI than that.
What is that? Like the equivalent of spitting on the sidewalk or jay walking. Give me a break. You are a fraud. You think you are going to bully a Naval Academy Graduate in to lying?

We know Mueller is a rotten egg. He was officially charged with numerous prosecutorial crimes and railroaded innocent people to jail.

So what did anyone lie about? Please provide specific evidence. Oh, and why we are at it, anyone get charged with Russian Collusion, yet?
You tend to shoot yourself in the foot with your first sentence quite often. What did they lie about? Does it matter, are you going to defend lying to the FBI? It’s not being disputed. Cohen for example just admitted today that he lied to the FBI.
lying to the FBI happens all the time and people don't go to jail or get indicted. Fk. if that were so, then why aren't Stzrok and Page in jail? you wear politics colored glasses and you only see one thing. you're truly a sad fk.
I don't even know why it's illegal to lie to the FBI. It certainly isn't illegal to lie to cops.

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