Mueller Desperate To Interview Trump Prior To Memo Release

Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
Grassley s a partisan punk, and has always been one, and is the main leaker of false information to FOX news on the Hillary email investigation.

The Justice Department, a Sessions assistant who is second in charge, sent a letter to Nunes and everyone else involved in this sham, to basically cease and desist and Nunes is breaking the law by spreading that memo of lies that does have highly classified methods listed...of which Nunes was only allowed to view in a SCIF and only got permission for him and 2 assistants to view the info, and was NOT given permission to write this twisted and skewed partisan memo and pass it around like it is candy on away the methods our intelligence community top secret methods for all of our Enemies to see...

So, bottom line, imo, Nunes could and should be charged with Obstruction of Justice....

So we will see....

Democrats are now asking that Don Junior's testimony before congress be released to the Public....

ROTFLMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Busting up hard-drives, BlackBerrys and deleting 33,000 e-mails while being exonerated before the investigation already began along with the Bill "drop trou" tarmac meeting with Loretta Lynch = "Move along folks!Nothing to see here!!!! Wikileaks data dump showing the criminality of the DNC and utter corruption? Leftards SEZ?!?!?!? "That information was illegally obtained because Trump colluded with the ROOSKIES so they could steal the election from us leftards!!! NO FAIR!"

Holy shit.......seriously. They say that the average I.Q score of Americans has dropped to 98 and it is is my educated opinion and observation that it is leftards that are the most responsible for the drop.
Dale, I can get in to the best conspiracy theories out there, but at some point one has to think things thoroughly through...without emotion.

Clinton broke plenty of rules and protocol for the way she handled her own and staff emails and devices.... but it was not against a LAW.... there is a difference.....she did not committ espionage with the enemy....she did not break any of the laws in the espionage act, which is what you that are obsessed with her wanted.

Having top secret e-mails on an unsecured private server and away from the prying eyes of the Dot.Gov I.T folks where 33,000 thousand e-mails were deleted and never handed over AND for good measure they tried to scrub them by busting hard-drives and Blackberry phones was simply breaking a few piddly rules and protocol? Go try and pull someone else's leg......mine are long enough. You are not going to win this argument nor can you "soft sell" the Hildebeast's wide eyed claim of innocence. We have the Wikileaks e-mail where she tells her staff not to worry because the "shadow government" or "The 7th Floor Group" has got her back. Who do you think you are dealing with here, exactly? This is what I do all day even when at work.........constantly downloading information and then vetting it. You can't put a lipstick on this way, no how.
Since Hillary 'bougjt' and still 'owns' the DNC the entire Party is officially part of the Clinton Crime Syndicate....
Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.

That is not MY contention.....that is the official story of your beloved clown posse party. Seth Rich was the "leak" and he paid for it with his life. Julian Assange offered a huge reward for the arrest of the murderer of Seth Rich......., you really want to rehash the whole Seth Rich story again? Because I can "cut and paste" all my posts from this obvious DNC hit that includes collusion of the D.C police that notified the DNC that a private investigator was snooping around asking questions and how the DNC sent in a P.R "cleaner" Brad Bauman in to the fray to become the official spokesperson of the Seth Rich about this??? Educating people is what I do..........
STFU you SPAWN of Satan!

WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Clinton emails not from 'state parties', says julian assange | Daily Mail Online

kim dotcom tweeted he has evidence that seth rich was wikileak source - AR15.COM

Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks? - Original

Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits 'Seth' Rich Was DNC Leaker

Interesting that Seth Rich was assaulted and murdered just a couple feet away from Mueller’s front porch.

Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.
Last edited:
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
Waiting for the memo....any day now...any day now...any day now...d
STFU you spawn of Satan!

WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Clinton emails not from 'state parties', says julian assange | Daily Mail Online

kim dotcom tweeted he has evidence that seth rich was wikileak source - AR15.COM

Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks? - Original

Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits 'Seth' Rich Was DNC Leaker

Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.

What leftards don't understand or have a clue about is that to be able to lift that amount of info from a server that far away would have required many, many hours that would have set off the alarm of the I.T peeps if they had a decent firewall system. Seth Rich had the e-mails and put them on a thumb-drive and could do it in minutes....which he did.
Last edited:
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
Waiting for the memo....any day now...any day now...any day now...d

Will you be around when it is released, Buttecea?????? Please say that you will instead of using a sock account......

...unfortunately it is being reported Trump stated he is willing to be interrogated by Mueller under oath...

Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.

Mueller, known for bullying winesses and for prosecutorial misbehavior in the past will use every trick he has to try to trip Trump up.

Mueller HAS to take Trump down BEFORE the whole FBI Treason / 'Secret Society' scandal takes THEM all down...and Trump just played into Mueller's desperate little hands.

More than 20 White House aides have been interviewed for Mueller probe, Trump attorney says

"A personal attorney for President Donald Trump also said the White House turned over more than 20,000 pages of records to investigators, calling the level of cooperation and transparency “unprecedented.”


Hey Barry, you POS, THIS is what 'transparency' looks like.

Mueller is scared. He knows the end is coming.

Really? Like what kind of end?
He's a Republican, you fucking nitwit.
The Republicans are eating their own.
James Comey, Republican.
Rod Rosenstein, Republican.
Robert Mueller, Republican.
You, a fucking idiot.

LMAO! Mueller is a deep state operative that worked for HSBC as chief counsel for the London based bank that is a CIA friendly/drug laundering entity. Comey? Deep state operative that ALSO worked for HSBC. Comey claims to be worth over 33 MILLION dollars? He exonerated the Hildebeast before the investigation into her unsecured server was even over?

Who the hell is the "fucking nitwit"? You need but to look in the mirror.
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I work in IT and those
Emails protected by the password password...Podestas account and password was Known and given to The Pakistani Hackers who were criminals Of opportunity.

Nothing was hacked. You can’t hack an account you already have the password to!

You log in and copy wtf you want. Or if you have admin rights, you use UNC and access the machine in that way too.



It was an inside job and that’s why The DNC refuses to let anyone near their server

I think it was The Pakistanis who gave the emails to Seth Rich.

STFU you spawn of Satan!

WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Clinton emails not from 'state parties', says julian assange | Daily Mail Online

kim dotcom tweeted he has evidence that seth rich was wikileak source - AR15.COM

Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks? - Original

Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits 'Seth' Rich Was DNC Leaker

Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.

What leftards don't understand or have a clue about is that to be able to lift that amount of info from a server that far away would have required many, many hours that would have set off the alarm of the I.T peeps if they had a decent firewall system. Seth Rich had the e-mails and put them on a hard-drive and could do it in minutes....which he did.
Last edited:
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
It's fun watching the trumpanzees in a circle jerk trying to convince each other that all is well.
STFU you spawn of Satan!

WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Clinton emails not from 'state parties', says julian assange | Daily Mail Online

kim dotcom tweeted he has evidence that seth rich was wikileak source - AR15.COM

Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks? - Original

Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits 'Seth' Rich Was DNC Leaker

Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.

What leftards don't understand or have a clue about is that to be able to lift that amount of info from a server that far away would have required many, many hours that would have set off the alarm of the I.T peeps if they had a decent firewall system. Seth Rich had the e-mails and put them on a thumb-drive and could do it in minutes....which he did.

Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!

STFU you spawn of Satan!

WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Clinton emails not from 'state parties', says julian assange | Daily Mail Online

kim dotcom tweeted he has evidence that seth rich was wikileak source - AR15.COM

Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks? - Original

Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits 'Seth' Rich Was DNC Leaker

Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.

What leftards don't understand or have a clue about is that to be able to lift that amount of info from a server that far away would have required many, many hours that would have set off the alarm of the I.T peeps if they had a decent firewall system. Seth Rich had the e-mails and put them on a thumb-drive and could do it in minutes....which he did.


Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!


Leftards cheating is the norm....ends justifies the means. Any exposure of their corruption had to be the result of foul play.......

There were no Hackers.

How can you be a hacker
when you work for The DNC and already have Podesta’s password and have Admin rights to his
system and files?

This was done from inside, and Seth Rich was part of it. So were The Pakistanis.

Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!

Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!

Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!

Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!

just to be clear....NONE of that garbage above happened as you describe.... and that's a FACT, Jack!
They just threatened Nunez over #ReleaseTheMemo

And now it’s being reported that The DOJ is recovering the 50,000 messages

But no worries Mueller already granted All Trump’s team and family Immunity from Prosecution and Exonerated them two months ago.

That’s how you do investigations and prosecutions these days by giving the people you want to investigate and prosecute immunity from prosecution.

The NSA has located, in its data base, and is providing the information request by the DOJ. They are also compiling the other missing data and text messages of 35,000 phones belonging to the FBI agents and staff who were affected by this system malfunction.

OOP's Not so gone as we were first told.....imagine that!

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