Mueller Desperate To Interview Trump Prior To Memo Release

...unfortunately it is being reported Trump stated he is willing to be interrogated by Mueller under oath...

Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.

Mueller, known for bullying winesses and for prosecutorial misbehavior in the past will use every trick he has to try to trip Trump up.

Mueller HAS to take Trump down BEFORE the whole FBI Treason / 'Secret Society' scandal takes THEM all down...and Trump just played into Mueller's desperate little hands.

More than 20 White House aides have been interviewed for Mueller probe, Trump attorney says

"A personal attorney for President Donald Trump also said the White House turned over more than 20,000 pages of records to investigators, calling the level of cooperation and transparency “unprecedented.”


Hey Barry, you POS, THIS is what 'transparency' looks like.
The Commander in Chief will be fine. You don’t get this far by being stupid.
Well Nixon got this far but he was not stupid. He was smart enough to resign.
Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!

just to be clear....NONE of that garbage above happened as you describe.... and that's a FACT, Jack!
The evidence is pretty compelling... And your twisted view makes your point of view suspect..
'At the State of the Union, Trump should walk up and say, “I had a big speech all planned but instead I’ve decided to read out this four page memo...”
Jesus, watching you Fox nitwits twist and turn on every word Trump's very own Joseph Goebbels, Sean Hannity, utters is fascinating.

So is watching you try and equate the Trump Administration with Hitler's Nazi Germany! Fascinating and ridiculous!
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe

Devin Nunes got a WARNING today via a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd. Just to let you know Stephen Boyd is a former staffer (communication director) of then Senator Jeff Sessions.)


Stephen Boyd assistant Attorney General of the United States.

"Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes in a letter Wednesday that releasing a memo prepared by the committee's staff alleging abuses at the Department of Justice and FBI would be "extraordinarily reckless."

Boyd wrote. "Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the intelligence community."

Instead, Boyd, on behalf of the DOJ, renewed a previous request from the FBI director that the department have the opportunity to review the memo in question before any public release. Alternatively, Boyd suggested that Nunes offer the memo to its watchdog, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"His office would appropriately investigate any alleged wrongdoing by the FBI or other department personnel and independently assess whether prior public release of the memorandum would impair its ability to do so," Boyd said.

Also copied on the letter were Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va."

In letter, DOJ tells Devin Nunes releasing memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" - CBS News

Also in this agreement: For the FBI to turn over sensitive classified information to the House Intelligence committee--it was agreed that only the Chairman (Devin Nunes) & co-chair (Adam Schiff) and two staffers would have access to this information.

Schiff also made a striking claim: He said that in allowing the memo to be accessed in a classified setting by House Republicans, Nunes has violated an agreement with the FBI and the Justice Department. Schiff added that its public release would also violate that agreement. The GOP leaders on the intel committee have allowed members of Congress to access the document, but Democrats charge this is merely an effort to arm them with misleading talking points to attack the FBI on Trump’s behalf.
Opinion | Republicans launch extraordinary new tactics to protect Trump on Russia

IOW--if Devin Nunes unilaterally releases information without FBI approval FIRST he will probably be looking at serious charges himself.


Last edited:
STFU you spawn of Satan!

WOW! BREAKING=> Julian Assange Suggests Seth Rich – Who Was MURDERED in DC – Was Wikileaks DNC Source!

Clinton emails not from 'state parties', says julian assange | Daily Mail Online

kim dotcom tweeted he has evidence that seth rich was wikileak source - AR15.COM

Did Seth Rich Contact WikiLeaks? - Original

Wikileaks Bombshell: Guccifer 2.0 Admits 'Seth' Rich Was DNC Leaker

Assamge said it was Seth Rich
and has been asking The FBI to interview him under oath to testify to this as has
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?
link to Assange actually saying that please....

he IMPLIED IT to lead others on a wild goose chase or spin and rumors to fly so to divert from who actually was working with him.....

Assange has always pledged to his leak providers anonymity...dead or alive....

there is no way he would tell the public who his leaker of the DNC email was....his whole gig would be up and no one would trust him anymore....

so you bought in to a publicity stunt.

What leftards don't understand or have a clue about is that to be able to lift that amount of info from a server that far away would have required many, many hours that would have set off the alarm of the I.T peeps if they had a decent firewall system. Seth Rich had the e-mails and put them on a thumb-drive and could do it in minutes....which he did.

You are correct.

There is no credible evidence that Russia hacked the DNC computers; however, there is evidence which if true proves that Clinton's Emails were downloaded unto a storage device by a person with direct physical access to those the computers. In other words, the leaking was done by someone inside the Clinton campaign. This would explain why the Clinton crime family would not allow her servers to be examined by the FBI. Here is a technical explanation proving the Clinton's dirty little secrets were not obtained by Russian hacking but rather from someone inside the Clinton camp:

“According to top NSA whistleblower Bill Binney in this new story from Zero Hedge via Washington's Blog, forensic evidence proves that DNC emails had to have been leaked, definitely not hacked, by a person with direct, physical access to DNC computers. Much more on this bombshell info tied directly to the death of Seth Rich detailed in the first video

Key among the findings of the independent forensic investigations is the conclusion that the DNC data was copied onto a storage device at a speed that far exceeds an Internet capability for a remote hack. Of equal importance, the forensics show that the copying and doctoring were performed on the East coast of the U.S. Thus far, mainstream media have ignored the findings of these independent studies [see here and here].”

Jaw-Dropping Revelations And A Massive False Flag Await Us As Russia Narrative Falls Apart
Uh oh, lol.

"Then there are the FBI texts. Bureau officials believe there are about 50,000 texts between Strzok and Page, both of whom were deeply involved with the Hillary Clinton email investigation and the Trump-Russia investigation. Since the first public disclosure of the texts in early December, the FBI has given Congress somewhere between 6,000 and 8,000 — a rough estimate — out of the total 50,000."

Byron York: 'Hide the ball' — On Capitol Hill, growing frustration with FBI secrecy
"I can tell you I read it twice just to make sure I read it properly, and it was deeply disturbing," Ohio's Dave Joyce said. Mark Meadows, chair of the House Freedom Caucus, called the memo "troubling" and "shocking," adding that "part of me wishes that I didn't read it because I don't want to believe that those kinds of things could be happening in this country that I call home and love so much."

Dave Joyce said "heads absolutely should roll," and Matt Gatetz predicted that "people will go to jail" based on what's in the memo. The FBI Is Looking Guilty As Hell In Russia Probe

Trump can just sit tight now and let the pressure build on Mueller, Comey, and the rest of the idiots who tried to hang him with a false dossier.

If I were Trump I'd just go get that memo and wave it at Mueller and threaten to give it to the highest bidder. Mueller can't stop him.
Asking a Godless Leftist to be clear or honest about the facts is like asking a Homosexual to pretend he likes Pussy.

A Video Of Gay Men Reacting To Touching A Vagina Broke My Heart

Funny how this whole failed witch hunt to find those who attempted to interfere in the election started because the Democrsts got pissed that hackers exposed THEIR attempt to interfere in the election by rigging the primaries, cheating in debates, engaging in election fraud, and illegally using Russian propaganda from a foreign agent in a US election in an attempt to manipulate the general election in Hillary's favor!

just to be clear....NONE of that garbage above happened as you describe.... and that's a FACT, Jack!
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I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe

Devin Nunes got a WARNING today via a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd. Just to let you know Stephen Boyd is a former staffer (communication director) of then Senator Jeff Sessions.)


Stephen Boyd assistant Attorney General of the United States.

"Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes in a letter Wednesday that releasing a memo prepared by the committee's staff alleging abuses at the Department of Justice and FBI would be "extraordinarily reckless."

Boyd wrote. "Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the intelligence community."

Instead, Boyd, on behalf of the DOJ, renewed a previous request from the FBI director that the department have the opportunity to review the memo in question before any public release. Alternatively, Boyd suggested that Nunes offer the memo to its watchdog, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"His office would appropriately investigate any alleged wrongdoing by the FBI or other department personnel and independently assess whether prior public release of the memorandum would impair its ability to do so," Boyd said.

Also copied on the letter were Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va."

In letter, DOJ tells Devin Nunes releasing memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" - CBS News

Also in this agreement: For the FBI to turn over sensitive classified information to the House Intelligence committee--it was agreed that only the Chairman (Devin Nunes) & co-chair (Adam Schiff) and two staffers would have access to this information.

Schiff also made a striking claim: He said that in allowing the memo to be accessed in a classified setting by House Republicans, Nunes has violated an agreement with the FBI and the Justice Department. Schiff added that its public release would also violate that agreement. The GOP leaders on the intel committee have allowed members of Congress to access the document, but Democrats charge this is merely an effort to arm them with misleading talking points to attack the FBI on Trump’s behalf.
Opinion | Republicans launch extraordinary new tactics to protect Trump on Russia

IOW--if Devin Nunes unilaterally releases information without FBI approval FIRST he will probably be looking at serious charges himself.


Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.
Last edited:
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe

Devin Nunes got a WARNING today via a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd. Just to let you know Stephen Boyd is a former staffer (communication director) of then Senator Jeff Sessions.)


Stephen Boyd assistant Attorney General of the United States.

"Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes in a letter Wednesday that releasing a memo prepared by the committee's staff alleging abuses at the Department of Justice and FBI would be "extraordinarily reckless."

Boyd wrote. "Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the intelligence community."

Instead, Boyd, on behalf of the DOJ, renewed a previous request from the FBI director that the department have the opportunity to review the memo in question before any public release. Alternatively, Boyd suggested that Nunes offer the memo to its watchdog, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"His office would appropriately investigate any alleged wrongdoing by the FBI or other department personnel and independently assess whether prior public release of the memorandum would impair its ability to do so," Boyd said.

Also copied on the letter were Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va."

In letter, DOJ tells Devin Nunes releasing memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" - CBS News

Also in this agreement: For the FBI to turn over sensitive classified information to the House Intelligence committee--it was agreed that only the Chairman (Devin Nunes) & co-chair (Adam Schiff) and two staffers would have access to this information.

Schiff also made a striking claim: He said that in allowing the memo to be accessed in a classified setting by House Republicans, Nunes has violated an agreement with the FBI and the Justice Department. Schiff added that its public release would also violate that agreement. The GOP leaders on the intel committee have allowed members of Congress to access the document, but Democrats charge this is merely an effort to arm them with misleading talking points to attack the FBI on Trump’s behalf.
Opinion | Republicans launch extraordinary new tactics to protect Trump on Russia

IOW--if Devin Nunes unilaterally releases information without FBI approval FIRST he will probably be looking at serious charges himself.


Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe

Devin Nunes got a WARNING today via a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd. Just to let you know Stephen Boyd is a former staffer (communication director) of then Senator Jeff Sessions.)


Stephen Boyd assistant Attorney General of the United States.

"Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes in a letter Wednesday that releasing a memo prepared by the committee's staff alleging abuses at the Department of Justice and FBI would be "extraordinarily reckless."

Boyd wrote. "Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the intelligence community."

Instead, Boyd, on behalf of the DOJ, renewed a previous request from the FBI director that the department have the opportunity to review the memo in question before any public release. Alternatively, Boyd suggested that Nunes offer the memo to its watchdog, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"His office would appropriately investigate any alleged wrongdoing by the FBI or other department personnel and independently assess whether prior public release of the memorandum would impair its ability to do so," Boyd said.

Also copied on the letter were Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va."

In letter, DOJ tells Devin Nunes releasing memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" - CBS News

Also in this agreement: For the FBI to turn over sensitive classified information to the House Intelligence committee--it was agreed that only the Chairman (Devin Nunes) & co-chair (Adam Schiff) and two staffers would have access to this information.

Schiff also made a striking claim: He said that in allowing the memo to be accessed in a classified setting by House Republicans, Nunes has violated an agreement with the FBI and the Justice Department. Schiff added that its public release would also violate that agreement. The GOP leaders on the intel committee have allowed members of Congress to access the document, but Democrats charge this is merely an effort to arm them with misleading talking points to attack the FBI on Trump’s behalf.
Opinion | Republicans launch extraordinary new tactics to protect Trump on Russia

IOW--if Devin Nunes unilaterally releases information without FBI approval FIRST he will probably be looking at serious charges himself.


Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.

Nah, I am going to go roll with the fact that leftards like you don't want the fact that the leftards tried to weaponize the FISA courts and when it failed? They went ahead and did it anyway.............yeah, I'm gonna go with that.
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe

Devin Nunes got a WARNING today via a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd. Just to let you know Stephen Boyd is a former staffer (communication director) of then Senator Jeff Sessions.)


Stephen Boyd assistant Attorney General of the United States.

"Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes in a letter Wednesday that releasing a memo prepared by the committee's staff alleging abuses at the Department of Justice and FBI would be "extraordinarily reckless."

Boyd wrote. "Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the intelligence community."

Instead, Boyd, on behalf of the DOJ, renewed a previous request from the FBI director that the department have the opportunity to review the memo in question before any public release. Alternatively, Boyd suggested that Nunes offer the memo to its watchdog, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"His office would appropriately investigate any alleged wrongdoing by the FBI or other department personnel and independently assess whether prior public release of the memorandum would impair its ability to do so," Boyd said.

Also copied on the letter were Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va."

In letter, DOJ tells Devin Nunes releasing memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" - CBS News

Also in this agreement: For the FBI to turn over sensitive classified information to the House Intelligence committee--it was agreed that only the Chairman (Devin Nunes) & co-chair (Adam Schiff) and two staffers would have access to this information.

Schiff also made a striking claim: He said that in allowing the memo to be accessed in a classified setting by House Republicans, Nunes has violated an agreement with the FBI and the Justice Department. Schiff added that its public release would also violate that agreement. The GOP leaders on the intel committee have allowed members of Congress to access the document, but Democrats charge this is merely an effort to arm them with misleading talking points to attack the FBI on Trump’s behalf.
Opinion | Republicans launch extraordinary new tactics to protect Trump on Russia

IOW--if Devin Nunes unilaterally releases information without FBI approval FIRST he will probably be looking at serious charges himself.


Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.

Nah, I am going to go roll with the fact that leftards like you don't want the fact that the leftards tried to weaponize the FISA courts and when it failed? They went ahead and did it anyway.............yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

First of all I don't believe it was U.S. intelligence that was doing all of this spying. Foreign intelligence doesn't need to obtain a FISA warrant.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

We've heard it often. The FBI, The CIA, the Department of Homeland Security & 13 OTHER intelligence agencies agree that Russia interferred into the election.

Now I don't know what kind of special dumbass is stupid enough to call Russian intelligence agents or Russian intelligence agents calling them while expecting that it's not going to be picked up by some intelligence source that we share intelligence with. But that's clearly what has happened.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

In this video it is confirmed again that the British were watching Trump surrogates since 2015.

Did Obama insist on using foreign intelligence sources to avoid FISA warrants? Probably.
Last edited:
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.


Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe

Devin Nunes got a WARNING today via a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd. Just to let you know Stephen Boyd is a former staffer (communication director) of then Senator Jeff Sessions.)


Stephen Boyd assistant Attorney General of the United States.

"Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes in a letter Wednesday that releasing a memo prepared by the committee's staff alleging abuses at the Department of Justice and FBI would be "extraordinarily reckless."

Boyd wrote. "Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the intelligence community."

Instead, Boyd, on behalf of the DOJ, renewed a previous request from the FBI director that the department have the opportunity to review the memo in question before any public release. Alternatively, Boyd suggested that Nunes offer the memo to its watchdog, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"His office would appropriately investigate any alleged wrongdoing by the FBI or other department personnel and independently assess whether prior public release of the memorandum would impair its ability to do so," Boyd said.

Also copied on the letter were Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va."

In letter, DOJ tells Devin Nunes releasing memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" - CBS News

Also in this agreement: For the FBI to turn over sensitive classified information to the House Intelligence committee--it was agreed that only the Chairman (Devin Nunes) & co-chair (Adam Schiff) and two staffers would have access to this information.

Schiff also made a striking claim: He said that in allowing the memo to be accessed in a classified setting by House Republicans, Nunes has violated an agreement with the FBI and the Justice Department. Schiff added that its public release would also violate that agreement. The GOP leaders on the intel committee have allowed members of Congress to access the document, but Democrats charge this is merely an effort to arm them with misleading talking points to attack the FBI on Trump’s behalf.
Opinion | Republicans launch extraordinary new tactics to protect Trump on Russia

IOW--if Devin Nunes unilaterally releases information without FBI approval FIRST he will probably be looking at serious charges himself.


Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.

Nah, I am going to go roll with the fact that leftards like you don't want the fact that the leftards tried to weaponize the FISA courts and when it failed? They went ahead and did it anyway.............yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

First of all I don't believe it was U.S. intelligence that was doing all of this spying. Foreign intelligence doesn't need to obtain a FISA warrant.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

We've heard it often. The FBI, The CIA, the Department of Homeland Security & 13 OTHER intelligence agencies agree that Russia interferred into the election.

Now I don't know what kind of special dumbass is stupid enough to call Russian intelligence agents or Russian intelligence agents calling them while expecting that it's not going to be picked up by some intelligence source that we share intelligence with. But that's clearly what has happened.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

In this video it is confirmed again that the British were watching Trump surrogates since 2015.

Did Obama insist on using foreign intelligence sources to avoid FISA warrants? Probably.

Yeah, the Barrypuppet and his deep state operatives tried to use a third party entity to give them plausible deniability. That is how the UK and USA.INC attempt to get around the illegal spying and storing of all of our date. UK spies on us and the NSA spies on the UK with special exceptions and they violate the FISA statute even if a judge doesn't sign off on it....just like the memo will reveal. You are not gonna like what is going to happen to your sacred leftard's gonna suckj really bad. Will you still be around when it all goes down?
Devin Nunes got a WARNING today via a letter from Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd. Just to let you know Stephen Boyd is a former staffer (communication director) of then Senator Jeff Sessions.)


Stephen Boyd assistant Attorney General of the United States.

"Assistant Attorney General Stephen Boyd told House Intelligence Committee chairman Rep. Devin Nunes in a letter Wednesday that releasing a memo prepared by the committee's staff alleging abuses at the Department of Justice and FBI would be "extraordinarily reckless."

Boyd wrote. "Indeed, we do not understand why the committee would possibly seek to disclose classified and law enforcement sensitive information without first consulting with the relevant members of the intelligence community."

Instead, Boyd, on behalf of the DOJ, renewed a previous request from the FBI director that the department have the opportunity to review the memo in question before any public release. Alternatively, Boyd suggested that Nunes offer the memo to its watchdog, DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz.

"His office would appropriately investigate any alleged wrongdoing by the FBI or other department personnel and independently assess whether prior public release of the memorandum would impair its ability to do so," Boyd said.

Also copied on the letter were Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, R-Wis., House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-California, Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, Senate Intelligence Committee Chairman Richard Burr, R-North Carolina, and Senate Intelligence Committee Vice-Chairman Mark Warner, D-Va."

In letter, DOJ tells Devin Nunes releasing memo would be "extraordinarily reckless" - CBS News

Also in this agreement: For the FBI to turn over sensitive classified information to the House Intelligence committee--it was agreed that only the Chairman (Devin Nunes) & co-chair (Adam Schiff) and two staffers would have access to this information.

Opinion | Republicans launch extraordinary new tactics to protect Trump on Russia

IOW--if Devin Nunes unilaterally releases information without FBI approval FIRST he will probably be looking at serious charges himself.


Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.

Nah, I am going to go roll with the fact that leftards like you don't want the fact that the leftards tried to weaponize the FISA courts and when it failed? They went ahead and did it anyway.............yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

First of all I don't believe it was U.S. intelligence that was doing all of this spying. Foreign intelligence doesn't need to obtain a FISA warrant.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

We've heard it often. The FBI, The CIA, the Department of Homeland Security & 13 OTHER intelligence agencies agree that Russia interferred into the election.

Now I don't know what kind of special dumbass is stupid enough to call Russian intelligence agents or Russian intelligence agents calling them while expecting that it's not going to be picked up by some intelligence source that we share intelligence with. But that's clearly what has happened.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

In this video it is confirmed again that the British were watching Trump surrogates since 2015.

Did Obama insist on using foreign intelligence sources to avoid FISA warrants? Probably.

Yeah, the Barrypuppet and his deep state operatives tried to use a third party entity to give them plausible deniability. That is how the UK and USA.INC attempt to get around the illegal spying and storing of all of our date. UK spies on us and the NSA spies on the UK with special exceptions and they violate the FISA statute even if a judge doesn't sign off on it....just like the memo will reveal. You are not gonna like what is going to happen to your sacred leftard's gonna suckj really bad. Will you still be around when it all goes down?

Yep, I think Barack Obama wholly outfoxed Trump & Company. In fact it is well known that Obama preserved intelligence--would not hand it over to anyone with an R behind their name for obvious reasons. I don't believe he trusted James Comey with it either. Especially after what he watched him do to Hillary Clinton, basically breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occassions, but you can bet that Robert Mueller has it all now--:badgrin:

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates


Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.

Nah, I am going to go roll with the fact that leftards like you don't want the fact that the leftards tried to weaponize the FISA courts and when it failed? They went ahead and did it anyway.............yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

First of all I don't believe it was U.S. intelligence that was doing all of this spying. Foreign intelligence doesn't need to obtain a FISA warrant.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

We've heard it often. The FBI, The CIA, the Department of Homeland Security & 13 OTHER intelligence agencies agree that Russia interferred into the election.

Now I don't know what kind of special dumbass is stupid enough to call Russian intelligence agents or Russian intelligence agents calling them while expecting that it's not going to be picked up by some intelligence source that we share intelligence with. But that's clearly what has happened.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

In this video it is confirmed again that the British were watching Trump surrogates since 2015.

Did Obama insist on using foreign intelligence sources to avoid FISA warrants? Probably.

Yeah, the Barrypuppet and his deep state operatives tried to use a third party entity to give them plausible deniability. That is how the UK and USA.INC attempt to get around the illegal spying and storing of all of our date. UK spies on us and the NSA spies on the UK with special exceptions and they violate the FISA statute even if a judge doesn't sign off on it....just like the memo will reveal. You are not gonna like what is going to happen to your sacred leftard's gonna suckj really bad. Will you still be around when it all goes down?

Yep, I think Barack Obama wholly outfoxed Trump & Company. In fact it is well known that Obama preserved intelligence--would not hand it over to anyone with an R behind their name for obvious reasons. I don't believe he trusted James Comey with it either. Especially after what he watched him do to Hillary Clinton, basically breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occassions, but you can bet that Robert Mueller has it all now--:badgrin:

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates


That is beyond funny since the Barrypuppet weaponized the FISA courts using a "Russian-Trump dossier" funded by the Clinton gang via Fusion GPS while the deep staters within the FBI covered the Hildebeast from 8 ways to Sunday. You are betting on a losing horse. President Trump doesn't have a thing to worry about. Barrypuppet? Comey? Holder? Lynch? Hildebeast? They are "lawyering" up and for good reason. You can thank Admiral Mike Rogers for that...........
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?

But are you saying... you are fine and dandy with felonies committed through cyber theft, as long as you get what you want?

yet, using foreign intelligence to protect our nation is not?
I wondered why all of a sudden Mueller leaked he is now ready to interview Trump. Now we know. Trump isn't going to agree to an interview until Nunes releases the mysterious memo. And considering Trump can release the memo on his own, he now has the upper hand on Mueller.

The longer these investigations go on in Congress the more dirt shows up about corruption at the highest levels of law enforcement, the Obama administration, Hillary Clinton, and those in our NSA who have unlawfully unmasked people.

If I were Trump, I'd tell Mueller I'll agree to an interview after all the Congressional investigations are over. Their conclusions made public and he has filed charges on all who broke the law. That includes Mueller's best buddy Comey.

Until then, go pound sand while I get on with Making America Great Again.

Grassley suspects 'bureaucratic game of hide the ball' by the FBI and DOJ over the Russia probe
If he turns the FBI interview down,

then he will be forced to testify before the Grand Jury, under oath, and without a lawyer present.....via a subpoena....

and that's the last thing his lawyers want Trump to do
Mueller played on Trump's ego, and Trump's ego just may get the best of him.
So you’re admitting he has something to hide

Such as? That he connived with the ROOSKIES to hack the DNC server and then turned it over to Julian Assange to reveal the criminality and corruption of the DNC?????? Is that what you are going to roll with?

But are you saying... you are fine and dandy with felonies committed through cyber theft, as long as you get what you want?

yet, using foreign intelligence to protect our nation is not?

The Rooskies did not hack the DNC way, no how. That was a total inside job. I don't believe in using the fruit from a poisonous tree. The fact of the matter is that Seth Rich was the insider that revealed to Wikileaks as to what the Clinton crime family was doing, how they were usurping what the election process is SUPPOSED to stand for. I recall how leftards applauded the revelations of the Downing Street memos PROVING that the illegal war in Iraq was contrived provided by Wikileaks provided by whistleblowers...and well they should have been because they were validated.....funny how when that same whistleblower tactic works against the DNC do those like you whine like a temper-tantrum throwing child that has been denied a candy bar........

Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.

Nah, I am going to go roll with the fact that leftards like you don't want the fact that the leftards tried to weaponize the FISA courts and when it failed? They went ahead and did it anyway.............yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

First of all I don't believe it was U.S. intelligence that was doing all of this spying. Foreign intelligence doesn't need to obtain a FISA warrant.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

We've heard it often. The FBI, The CIA, the Department of Homeland Security & 13 OTHER intelligence agencies agree that Russia interferred into the election.

Now I don't know what kind of special dumbass is stupid enough to call Russian intelligence agents or Russian intelligence agents calling them while expecting that it's not going to be picked up by some intelligence source that we share intelligence with. But that's clearly what has happened.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

In this video it is confirmed again that the British were watching Trump surrogates since 2015.

Did Obama insist on using foreign intelligence sources to avoid FISA warrants? Probably.

Yeah, the Barrypuppet and his deep state operatives tried to use a third party entity to give them plausible deniability. That is how the UK and USA.INC attempt to get around the illegal spying and storing of all of our date. UK spies on us and the NSA spies on the UK with special exceptions and they violate the FISA statute even if a judge doesn't sign off on it....just like the memo will reveal. You are not gonna like what is going to happen to your sacred leftard's gonna suckj really bad. Will you still be around when it all goes down?

Yep, I think Barack Obama wholly outfoxed Trump & Company. In fact it is well known that Obama preserved intelligence--would not hand it over to anyone with an R behind their name for obvious reasons. I don't believe he trusted James Comey with it either. Especially after what he watched him do to Hillary Clinton, basically breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occassions, but you can bet that Robert Mueller has it all now--:badgrin:

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates


What 'evidence' did Barry race to preserve, aside from the Russian/Brit spy-generated fake Dossier?

Other than that there is NOTHING. The Democrats still can't even prove a crime was committed warranting an investigation

Meanwhile Rosensteon, Mueller, and Comey are mentioned in the 'Summary of Evidence' memo regarding misconduct .

Considering all 3's history of prosecutorial and investigative incompetence and misconduct, exposed bias, unethical conduct, etc... the fact that they are called out should be no surprise in this case.

Nunes has taken lawful actions of his position. Releasing the memo pursuant to the law, which he is following, will result in no criminal conduct. The threat letter is just that, a threat.. One without teeth.

No I don't believe that. Nunes being a Congressman, with written knowledge that he was breaking protocol to spin a conspiracy story around memo's that may be a threat to National Security would be taken quite seriously.

Nah, I am going to go roll with the fact that leftards like you don't want the fact that the leftards tried to weaponize the FISA courts and when it failed? They went ahead and did it anyway.............yeah, I'm gonna go with that.

First of all I don't believe it was U.S. intelligence that was doing all of this spying. Foreign intelligence doesn't need to obtain a FISA warrant.

"GCHQ--first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

We've heard it often. The FBI, The CIA, the Department of Homeland Security & 13 OTHER intelligence agencies agree that Russia interferred into the election.

Now I don't know what kind of special dumbass is stupid enough to call Russian intelligence agents or Russian intelligence agents calling them while expecting that it's not going to be picked up by some intelligence source that we share intelligence with. But that's clearly what has happened.

Which is why Shep Smith knew in February 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't even pull off a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower of June 2016.

In this video it is confirmed again that the British were watching Trump surrogates since 2015.

Did Obama insist on using foreign intelligence sources to avoid FISA warrants? Probably.

Yeah, the Barrypuppet and his deep state operatives tried to use a third party entity to give them plausible deniability. That is how the UK and USA.INC attempt to get around the illegal spying and storing of all of our date. UK spies on us and the NSA spies on the UK with special exceptions and they violate the FISA statute even if a judge doesn't sign off on it....just like the memo will reveal. You are not gonna like what is going to happen to your sacred leftard's gonna suckj really bad. Will you still be around when it all goes down?

Yep, I think Barack Obama wholly outfoxed Trump & Company. In fact it is well known that Obama preserved intelligence--would not hand it over to anyone with an R behind their name for obvious reasons. I don't believe he trusted James Comey with it either. Especially after what he watched him do to Hillary Clinton, basically breaking long standing DOJ protocol on 3 different occassions, but you can bet that Robert Mueller has it all now--:badgrin:

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates


With all due respect,'s been a year...when would we expect someone to come forth with the "damning" evidence that you quote here? The only damning evidence I've seen this year is that Hillary Clinton and the DNC paid some Russians to put out a phony "dossier" to smear Donald Trump before the election and that the Obama White House used what they knew was a phony dossier to obtain FISA warrants to spy on their political opponents! THAT is "damning" and people should be held accountable for it!

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