Mueller DNC Witch Hunt: Time to Produce Evidence or Close it Down

None. No crime committed. This is just a smear campaign.
mueller, the special counsel, and the deputy attorney general haven't smeared a single soul.... not a one!

Yet your messiah and his minions and his State run TV channel, has done ALL THE SMEARING, double dose version, since day 1.....

How can you live with yourself, spreading all the lies that you do? Ah, lying is now all A-OK, since your messiah does it 5 times before breakfast, every single day of the week....(when not on the golf course).

No one on the Special counsel is smearing Trump, nor are they on a witch hunt....they are searching for the truth....yes, simply the truth of what the Russians did and how they did it...

WHY are YOU so afraid of the truth....? the truth is like water being thrown on the wicked with of the west to you and Trump.... no wonder you are so are afraid of disappearing.....melting away.... :lol:

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

LET the Sun shine, let the Sun shine in!
Everyday this disgrace goes on it smears the President of the United States and the American electoral process.

If Tump would stop lying so much it would make the process go a lot faster...

At the moment there is two criminal investigations on going... Trump has told you he is not the target... Why are ye worried?
Try not to be such a coy douchebag. Pretending innocence is any protection from a witch-hunt is Stalinist propaganda.

You are the one protecting COMRADE Trump. COMMIE!!
Trump is entitled to his Constitutional rights, just like anyone else, and this Mewler investigation is a witch hunt.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
It was illegally started because there was no crime, and top that off it was because Comey illegally leaked a FAKE Russain dossier, and then that little WEASEL ass clown Rosenstein appointed Mueller. But the majority of Americans see what's going on. They know it's bull shit.

Yeah... shut it down... in fact I don't Trump is going to take much more of this. He tweeted the other day that he's going "get involved" and use his constitutional presidential powers and probably fire a shit load of people.
I agree. GOP will do well in 2018 and Trump on track to win again in 2020. The common citizens know that this investigation is all about Washington DC establishment going after the man who had the courage to challenge them.

Comey, Mueller and the investigation have higher approval ratings than Trump.

LOL, great, you want to run the government based on a popularity contest....dumbass.

It shows that voters are not buying your or Trump's garbage. They are taking it seriously and want a thorough investigation. DUMBASS JERK!!
The majority of voters actually believe this is a whitch hunt, and the longer it goes on, the more it's going to hurt the Dims chances in 2018.
There's evidence go look it up trump is a disgrace to life he lied 3,000 times in 466 days.

If lying were a crime, half you left wingers would be posting from jail. If you have found some evidence, you need to give it to Mueller. So far, he seems to have missed it.
None. No crime committed. This is just a smear campaign.
mueller, the special counsel, and the deputy attorney general haven't smeared a single soul.... not a one!

Yet your messiah and his minions and his State run TV channel, has done ALL THE SMEARING, double dose version, since day 1.....

How can you live with yourself, spreading all the lies that you do? Ah, lying is now all A-OK, since your messiah does it 5 times before breakfast, every single day of the week....(when not on the golf course).

No one on the Special counsel is smearing Trump, nor are they on a witch hunt....they are searching for the truth....yes, simply the truth of what the Russians did and how they did it...

WHY are YOU so afraid of the truth....? the truth is like water being thrown on the wicked with of the west to you and Trump.... no wonder you are so are afraid of disappearing.....melting away.... :lol:

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

LET the Sun shine, let the Sun shine in!
Everyday this disgrace goes on it smears the President of the United States and the American electoral process.

If Tump would stop lying so much it would make the process go a lot faster...

At the moment there is two criminal investigations on going... Trump has told you he is not the target... Why are ye worried?
Try not to be such a coy douchebag. Pretending innocence is any protection from a witch-hunt is Stalinist propaganda.

First he knows nothing about Stormy Daniels payoff and then he goes on fox and says Cohen was representing him... Simple lies...

You would see this if you were any way objective...

Yes, it is obvious he lied. He lies a lot. Lying is not a crime unless it involves questions from law enforcement.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
So, let's be clear. Are you going to sit there,with a straight face, and say that you could have your mind changed by evidence??

Try it, and we will see.
This is where he posts a pile of already debunked snowflake horseshit.
The trumpanzees need to stop worrying.

Yes, its true that trump is a life long criminal and has been found guilty in the past. But, the one thing trump has always been good at is putting several layers between him and his crimes. There's no reason to think that's not true now.

Besides, its likely, he will pardon every one of his fellow traitors and since he's a very convenient tool for the gop, he won't suffer any punishment until they're out of power.

His "base", that 30% who love being screwed by him - They'll love him, no matter what. While they're crying their little eyes out, the rest of the world will be undoing the damage he's done.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News
So, let's be clear. Are you going to sit there,with a straight face, and say that you could have your mind changed by evidence??

We're already buried in evidence.

The more the evidence piles up, the more the trumpkins plant their feet. You can actually hear the doors slam shut in their brains.
So what crime are you two so AFRAID President Trump committed that Mueller has his eyes on?

None. No crime committed. This is just a smear campaign.
mueller, the special counsel, and the deputy attorney general haven't smeared a single soul.... not a one!

Yet your messiah and his minions and his State run TV channel, has done ALL THE SMEARING, double dose version, since day 1.....

How can you live with yourself, spreading all the lies that you do? Ah, lying is now all A-OK, since your messiah does it 5 times before breakfast, every single day of the week....(when not on the golf course).

No one on the Special counsel is smearing Trump, nor are they on a witch hunt....they are searching for the truth....yes, simply the truth of what the Russians did and how they did it...

WHY are YOU so afraid of the truth....? the truth is like water being thrown on the wicked witch of the west to you and Trump.... no wonder you are so are afraid of disappearing.....melting away.... :lol:

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

LET the Sun shine, let the Sun shine in!
The deep state controls the investigation
The trumpanzees need to stop worrying.

Yes, its true that trump is a life long criminal and has been found guilty in the past. But, the one thing trump has always been good at is putting several layers between him and his crimes. There's no reason to think that's not true now.

Besides, its likely, he will pardon every one of his fellow traitors and since he's a very convenient tool for the gop, he won't suffer any punishment until they're out of power.

His "base", that 30% who love being screwed by him - They'll love him, no matter what. While they're crying their little eyes out, the rest of the world will be undoing the damage he's done. View attachment 191721
Says a Clinton supporter
So what crime are you two so AFRAID President Trump committed that Mueller has his eyes on?

None. No crime committed. This is just a smear campaign.
mueller, the special counsel, and the deputy attorney general haven't smeared a single soul.... not a one!

Yet your messiah and his minions and his State run TV channel, has done ALL THE SMEARING, double dose version, since day 1.....

How can you live with yourself, spreading all the lies that you do? Ah, lying is now all A-OK, since your messiah does it 5 times before breakfast, every single day of the week....(when not on the golf course).

No one on the Special counsel is smearing Trump, nor are they on a witch hunt....they are searching for the truth....yes, simply the truth of what the Russians did and how they did it...

WHY are YOU so afraid of the truth....? the truth is like water being thrown on the wicked witch of the west to you and Trump.... no wonder you are so are afraid of disappearing.....melting away.... :lol:

SUNSHINE is the best disinfectant....

LET the Sun shine, let the Sun shine in!
Sunshine? That explains why liberals live in the dark.
you and the president need to stop whining like little girls and man up!

Near every president goes through some sort of scrutiny or scandal, and none of them cried like little babies.... Reagan, with Iran Contra Affair, Clinton-whitewater/travel-gate/gazillion gate, Obama-Benghazi etc etc etc....

Trump is a yellow belly silver spoon wimp.
you missed the post

He's innocent. And now broke thanks to the left. all you leftists are truly punks.

Only hoping that someday this is returned at you tenfold.
This politically inspired attempt to overturn a free and fair constitutional election needs to wrap it up. Waste of time.
It's time for Mueller to produce evidence of wrongdoing by Trump or drop it | Commentary | Dallas News

One year into the 7 year, 80 million witch hunt by Ken Starr not a single person had been charged or indicted and there was no evidence turned over.

I have little doubt that following the Ken Starr precedent, Mueller will find something as frivolous as lying about a blow job as well.
so because it happened once it should happen again? that's your position? If Mueller had anything, there would be no need to ask 49 questions about trump's thoughts. LOL. :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:your ignorance is not bliss.
Badass fag, hamburger hill Robert "the most corrupt FBI employee in history" Mueller needs to interview the Wikileaks dude Julian Assange. Unless the corrupt "baddass" Mueller is a chicken shit douchebag.

You know Mueller is a republican with a disguised career... He has released next to nothing except charges...

Your smear campaign is not working...
so? what relevance is that?
Everyday this disgrace goes on it smears the President of the United States and the American electoral process.

If Tump would stop lying so much it would make the process go a lot faster...

At the moment there is two criminal investigations on going... Trump has told you he is not the target... Why are ye worried?
Try not to be such a coy douchebag. Pretending innocence is any protection from a witch-hunt is Stalinist propaganda.

First he knows nothing about Stormy Daniels payoff and then he goes on fox and says Cohen was representing him... Simple lies...

You would see this if you were any way objective...
/----/ What proof do you have of either of those charges? Cohen may not have told hm. Plausible deniability. And Cohen is representing him. So what lies?

Guliani admitted that Trump knew about the payoff. Are you calling Guliani a liar? You may need a scorecard to keep track of liars and the lies.
he never said that at all. quote what he said then.

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