Mueller entrapped Trump by putting a wire on Papadopoulos! Fire him NOW!

Former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos told Mueller Russia offered "dirt" on Clinton

This outrage cannot stand. It's nothing less than a treasonous Coupe upon our duly elected President! He is on a lying to the FBI charge, nothing he is said to have lied about is close to collusion......this is another nothing burger ......released today because

1) there is a tight election race in Virginia....and mueller wants to stain the Republican with this...

2) mueller is now connected to covering up the Uranium One scandal where the clintons got 145 million dollars from Putin.....
"Entrapment?" Really?

Perhaps you're being sarcastic? I don't know. I'm just looking at a term that has a very precise legal/law-enforcement meaning and wondering by what contrivance it applies legitimately to what anyone not privy to the particulars of Mueller's investigative efforts.
From the rubric article:
What happened to Papadopoulos [George P.] was a classic way for Kremlin-connected individuals to infiltrate the Trump campaign. The game plan is to latch onto a low-level staffer, meet with him or her, and use him or her to set up higher-level contacts in the campaign.

So it’s possible that Papadopoulos also has a lot to tell Mueller’s team about how Kremlin-tied people tried to finagle their way into the heart of Trumpworld.

It’s an amazing story that appears to come out of a bad spy thriller, but it’s real. And if Mueller could keep all of this secret for so long, who knows what other publicly unknown information he has in his back pocket.

"Kremlin-tied people tried to finagle their way into the heart of Trumpworld"

That Kremlin-connected folks would try doing so is something people should expect would happen. What's astounding is that, based on the George P. information we've received so far, that key figures in "Trumpland" exhibited no measure of circumspection about the possibility that that was happening; moreover, were acquiescent to letting it happen. Naive, nefarious and ignoble has always been an ill fated admixture of character traits. It seems we again see evidence of exactly that.​

"Who knows what other publicly unknown information he has in his back pocket."

The answer is obvious, but that that is the answer makes the word "yet" quite fitting as the terminal word for pretty much anything the WH/Trump may have to say about the "Russia" investigation and his or his key advisors' interactions with Kremlin-driven individuals.
Third and not related to the rubric article:
George P. was trading emails with the second most senior person on the campaign team. That does not happen between a veritable "nobody" and the CEO of any organization. The claim that the WH is claiming that George P. was a minor player of sorts is preposterous.​
Former Trump adviser George Papadopoulos told Mueller Russia offered "dirt" on Clinton

This outrage cannot stand. It's nothing less than a treasonous Coupe upon our duly elected President!

:badgrin: I think a very good old movie for you to watch about right now, is "All of the Presidents men."

For those of you interested in these investigations and what's been going on with them, click on this USMB link and scroll down to post # 1239. There you'll find FOX News video's and links--and how they have developed into 3 criminal indictments being issued today.
Exclusive: First charges filed in Mueller investigation
Papadapolous is said to have lied about a date. He could have been just wrong but that's what they got on him. He never met with Trump or anyone with the campaign. Supposedly he wore a wire during a telephone call. That makes no sense. Just record the call.
Papadapolous is said to have lied about a date. He could have been just wrong but that's what they got on him. He never met with Trump or anyone with the campaign. Supposedly he wore a wire during a telephone call. That makes no sense. Just record the call.

And supposedly you make shit up literally of the top of your head.

Actually no, that really is what happens.
Papadapolous is said to have lied about a date. He could have been just wrong but that's what they got on him. He never met with Trump or anyone with the campaign.
And yet there is Papadapolous sitting with Tramp and Sessions as part of DoTard Trump's national security team!!!


Trump International Hotel Washington, D.c

Meeting with my national security team in #WashingtonDC. #Trump2016
MARCH 31, 2016
Papadapolous is said to have lied about a date. He could have been just wrong but that's what they got on him. He never met with Trump or anyone with the campaign.
And yet there is Papadapolous sitting with Tramp and Sessions as part of DoTard Trump's national security team!!!


Trump International Hotel Washington, D.c

Meeting with my national security team in #WashingtonDC. #Trump2016
MARCH 31, 2016
Interesting since Trump was not elected until Nov, 2016. That means that the ONLY official national security team in this country was in the White House. Who was President in March of 2016?
Papadapolous is said to have lied about a date. He could have been just wrong but that's what they got on him. He never met with Trump or anyone with the campaign.
And yet there is Papadapolous sitting with Tramp and Sessions as part of DoTard Trump's national security team!!!


Trump International Hotel Washington, D.c

Meeting with my national security team in #WashingtonDC. #Trump2016
MARCH 31, 2016
Interesting since Trump was not elected until Nov, 2016. That means that the ONLY official national security team in this country was in the White House. Who was President in March of 2016?
So you are saying that DoTard Trump was lying when HE said that was HIS national security team????
Where exactly did Tramp say that HIS national security team was the country's national team???
See folks, this is how the Right lies to muddy the waters, they take something that was never said ti rebut what was actually said!!!!!
Papadapolous is said to have lied about a date. He could have been just wrong but that's what they got on him. He never met with Trump or anyone with the campaign. Supposedly he wore a wire during a telephone call. That makes no sense. Just record the call.

Jesus Christ, I just saw a clip of him, Trump and Sessions in a meeting on the morning news, along with a few more.
From the rubric article:
What happened to Papadopoulos [George P.] was a classic way for Kremlin-connected individuals to infiltrate the Trump campaign. The game plan is to latch onto a low-level staffer, meet with him or her, and use him or her to set up higher-level contacts in the campaign.

So it’s possible that Papadopoulos also has a lot to tell Mueller’s team about how Kremlin-tied people tried to finagle their way into the heart of Trumpworld.

It’s an amazing story that appears to come out of a bad spy thriller, but it’s real. And if Mueller could keep all of this secret for so long, who knows what other publicly unknown information he has in his back pocket.

"Kremlin-tied people tried to finagle their way into the heart of Trumpworld"

That Kremlin-connected folks would try doing so is something people should expect would happen. What's astounding is that, based on the George P. information we've received so far, that key figures in "Trumpland" exhibited no measure of circumspection about the possibility that that was happening; moreover, were acquiescent to letting it happen. Naive, nefarious and ignoble has always been an ill fated admixture of character traits. It seems we again see evidence of exactly that.​

"Who knows what other publicly unknown information he has in his back pocket."

The answer is obvious, but that that is the answer makes the word "yet" quite fitting as the terminal word for pretty much anything the WH/Trump may have to say about the "Russia" investigation and his or his key advisors' interactions with Kremlin-driven individuals.
Third and not related to the rubric article:
George P. was trading emails with the second most senior person on the campaign team. That does not happen between a veritable "nobody" and the CEO of any organization. The claim that the WH is claiming that George P. was a minor player of sorts is preposterous.​
but isn't it ironic that the lawyer that offered trump "said dirt" worked for fusion?
Of all the announcements yesterday, Papadopoulos may have the most impact

Who is George Papadopoulos?
Kind of like who is John Deane

The guy was arrested last July and nothing was said about it. Means he has been operating in the Trump White House ever since. He has already plead guilty which can only mean he made a plea deal

What story does he have to tell?
Can't wait for Trump to start making Papadopoulos tweets

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