Mueller Has Evidence That Trump Lawyer Met With Russians During Election

Jake Tapper confirmed it was a different Cohen.


That was back in January 2017. Mueller now has new evidence that the "real" Cohen was indeed in Prague.
No he doesn't and Jake Tapper confirmed it.

Many major news outlets are confirming that Cohen was in prague.

Wishful Thinking -

There was a Michael Cohen in Prague, but it wasn’t the same Michael Cohen - Trump’s legal counsel.

Surprisingly a 'CNN' reporter noted Wednesday that his reporting suggested a different Michael Cohen with the same birthday traveled to Prague around the same time under a foreign passport.

Did you READ what you just wrote.

“A guy with the same name and same date of birth went to Prague”. What are the odds that another man with the exact same name would have the exact same date of birth? They’re so small as to be non-existent. One in billions.

Not that rare at all. You would be surprised. At the company that matches donor organs with recipients, they have a team that focuses on trying to conclusively identify recipients for follow-up tracking, since their names can change, they don't all have SS numbers, etc. They often find people with the same name and birth date.
If Cohen did, indeed, meet with Kremlin operatives in Prague in the Summer of 2016...

And if Cohen discussed matters involving Russian meddling in American politics in the run-up to the November 8, 2016 general election...

And if Trump knew about it...

Then the Republicans themselves will have no choice but to move for both Impeachment in the House and Conviction in the Senate...

Joined in a truly bipartisan effort, sadly but with great relief, by their Democratic brothers and sisters...

Yielding a President Michael Pence, and an end to the present long National Nightmare.

Three big "ifs" that have to magically line up, kind of like Hillary's desperation attempts to overturn her humiliating defeat.

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