Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.
Trump has no defense, and his lawyers have not provided any counter evidence against Mueller. They've had 22 months to gather their own evidence, and Trump has obstructed the whole time. Get over it. There is no defense for him.
What was denied to Mueller due to Trump's obstruction? I'll wait.
He was charged with investigating and not clearing. The “did not clear” is a made up, fake news category.
That's a friggin lie.
How so?

We are all presumed innocent until the prosecution can prove us guilty. We are not guilty until the prosecution can exonerate us to prove we are innocent.
The investigation by Mueller is over and the evidence proves obstruction. Unless Trump has a counter defense to that evidence then there is no more presumptions. He's been found guilty. That said, he cannot be indicted while president. If Trump were really innocent, his lawyers would have countered the evidence. But they provided no defense.
You think Trump obstructed an investigation over a false charge of Trump-Russia collusion, that Trump knew no one was guilty of?

Tell me, did Mueller file his report to AG Barr? Guess he was not fired then.

Tell me, did Trump deny Mueller any emails, documents, or other evidence? No.

Tell me, did Trump refuse to allow any of his staff or executive branch employees from being summoned and interviewed by Mueller? No.

Did Mueller say he found probable cause of obstruction of justice but couldn't charge due to OLC rules? No.

Trump gave Mueller every document he asked for, and allowed everyone Mueller's team wanted to interview.

There was no obstruction.
We have about eleven charges of obstruction found by Mueller and no counter evidence from Trump. And there was no false charge of Trump-Russia collusion. There was Trump collusion with Russia where a conspiracy was not found. Do you know the difference between Trump colluding with Russia or Trump colluding with Russia as a conspiracy?
Trump has no defense, and his lawyers have not provided any counter evidence against Mueller. They've had 22 months to gather their own evidence, and Trump has obstructed the whole time. Get over it. There is no defense for him.
What was denied to Mueller due to Trump's obstruction? I'll wait.
Denied? I think you got this all wrong. The cases against Trump were his attempted plots to stop the investigation by trying to fire Mueller, along with many other obstructive plots before and after Mueller. Read the report. Don't come here making an idiot of yourself. Read man read. Do you think everyone is supposed to do your homework for you? Republicans are sorry as hell.
Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.

Mueller did not cite any evidence that met the standards for obstruction of justice.

One example - Trump firing Comey, was not obstruction of justice. So why did Mueller list it?
Then democrats should impeach. Spend the next year on impeachment. Then the senate will send you to your room.
It’s not about impeaching Trump. I know you’re kind doesn’t get this, but it’s all about doing the right thing.
The right thing would be a mass suicide of democrats. That's not very likely.
Slightly more likely would be the mass suicide of Trump followers in the sad event impeachment were to be successful!

Maybe they'll catch the next flight on Hale Bopp if it comes back around?
Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.

Mueller did not cite any evidence that met the standards for obstruction of justice.

One example - Trump firing Comey, was not obstruction of justice. So why did Mueller list it?
He's not going to. His report already did that. He told everyone to read the report. And Trump firing Comey was obstruction in overdrive. Anyone who draws the conclusion that the Comey firing was not obstruction, is totally out to lunch. For God's sake man, he told the Russians he got rid of Comey because of Russia.
Denied? I think you got this all wrong. The cases against Trump were his attempted plots to stop the investigation by trying to fire Mueller, along with many other obstructive plots before and after Mueller. Read the report. Don't come here making an idiot of yourself. Read man read. Do you think everyone is supposed to do your homework for you. Republicans are sorry as hell.
Trump having discussions with his White House Counsel (WHC) about the legal matters, is what a president is supposed to do. You are suggesting it's obstruction of justice for Trump to run possible ideas past his WHC? Who is Trump supposed to suggest possible legal maters with, if not his WHC?

Trump discussed legal matters with his WHC, big freaking deal. It's Trump's actions that matter, not his discussion about possible proposals he runs by his WHC for advice.

Then again, I'm probably talking to a person who thinks we are all guilty before the law, until the prosecution declares our innocence.
Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.
Wrong Mueller could have done a sealed indictment and gone after Trump when he was out of office he didn’t also the OLC is an advisory office it does not set rules it advises DOJ on if they should do something Mueller did not have to follow the advice.
Denied? I think you got this all wrong. The cases against Trump were his attempted plots to stop the investigation by trying to fire Mueller, along with many other obstructive plots before and after Mueller. Read the report. Don't come here making an idiot of yourself. Read man read. Do you think everyone is supposed to do your homework for you. Republicans are sorry as hell.
Trump having discussions with his White House Counsel (WHC) about the legal matters, is what a president is supposed to do. You are suggesting it's obstruction of justice for Trump to run possible ideas past his WHC? Who is Trump supposed to suggest possible legal maters with, if not his WHC?

Trump discussed legal matters with his WHC, big freaking deal. It's Trump's actions that matter, not his discussion about possible proposals he runs by his WHC for advice.
Telling them to fire Mueller isn't a discussion. It's a demand for loyalty to him. And who is him? The guy who thinks he's above the law.
Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.
Wrong Mueller could have done a sealed indictment and gone after Trump when he was out of office he didn’t also the OLC is an advisory office it does not set rules it advises DOJ on if they should do something Mueller did not have to follow the advice.
Wrong again! It's Congress's call to indict, not Mueller. The SC rules didn't allow it. You people are running around in circles with these arguments and you're beginning to look like idiots.
Mueller presented the evidence that he is guilty. How exactly does that turn it upside down, when the evidence has been found? Have Trump's lawyers presented testimony or counter evidence against Mueller's? Your statements make no sense.

Mueller found no collusion which is what he was hired to do. The rest is a witch-hunt. Ask your self this, why didn't Mueller say 'we have evidence Trump committed a crime.' Instead he says the opposite which shows that he based his investigation on a presumption of guilt, is biased and his investigation was nothing but a witch hunt.
Except he did find Collusion. You still don't get it do you? I asked you this before and you never answered. And you won't now. Do you know the difference between collusion with Russia, and criminal conspiracy with Russia to collude?

Yeah, the DNC colluded with Russia in getting that false Dossier. Hillary is guilty of criminal conspiracy in her uranium deal. Trump is innocent of any of that.
Mueller presented the evidence that he is guilty. How exactly does that turn it upside down, when the evidence has been found? Have Trump's lawyers presented testimony or counter evidence against Mueller's? Your statements make no sense.

Mueller found no collusion which is what he was hired to do. The rest is a witch-hunt. Ask your self this, why didn't Mueller say 'we have evidence Trump committed a crime.' Instead he says the opposite which shows that he based his investigation on a presumption of guilt, is biased and his investigation was nothing but a witch hunt.
Except he did find Collusion. You still don't get it do you? I asked you this before and you never answered. And you won't now. Do you know the difference between collusion with Russia, and criminal conspiracy with Russia to collude?

Yeah, the DNC colluded with Russia in getting that false Dossier. Hillary is guilty of criminal conspiracy in her uranium deal. Trump is innocent of any of that.
You are circling with different bs that has nothing to do with the evidence Mueller presented in his report. You're a coward.
Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.
Wrong Mueller could have done a sealed indictment and gone after Trump when he was out of office he didn’t also the OLC is an advisory office it does not set rules it advises DOJ on if they should do something Mueller did not have to follow the advice.
Wrong again! It's Congress's call to indict, not Mueller. The SC rules didn't allow it. You people are running around in circles with these arguments and you're beginning to look like idiots.
Moron Congress is not part of law enforcement and does not have the power to indict anyone the only one looking like an idiot is you.

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