Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

This is the communist play book! Divide us!

Mueller could have found trump guilty of everything and sent it to Barr for him to send to Congress!

This is
What the left does. Now we fight it out
Your ignorance & stupidity already separated Trumpettes from Real Americans.
As far as I can see all he did was just repeat what was in the report there was no new information or any bombshell everyone still believes what they did before he made these comments.

Exactly, and that is why Mueller failed the American people.
The only thing he did was, once again, to just barely leave a crack in the door open for Democrats to jump to and continue the charade.
There was no reason to even do what he did other than provide Democrats a little leverage to keep their base believing.
Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

It's clear where Mueller stands on the issue:

"If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said, reading from prepared notes behind a lectern at the Justice Department. “We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.”
He also said that while Justice Department policy prohibits charging a sitting president with a crime, the Constitution provides for another process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing — a clear reference to the ability of Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.
He cleared him. It was an independent investigation and there were no charges of collusion/conspiracy or obstruction.

It's over snowflake.
God you're stupid! 1) I'm totally against impeachment 2) I did nothing but post a link and comment that Mueller appears to be pointing the way towards impeachment in his statement. 3) As we all can see..sadly, nothing is over. Dumbass.
Then democrats should impeach. Spend the next year on impeachment. Then the senate will send you to your room.
It’s not about impeaching Trump. I know you’re kind doesn’t get this, but it’s all about doing the right thing.

If that were the actual goal, then hilary would have been indicted for the multiple felonies we KNOW she committed.
Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

It's clear where Mueller stands on the issue:

"If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said, reading from prepared notes behind a lectern at the Justice Department. “We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.”
He also said that while Justice Department policy prohibits charging a sitting president with a crime, the Constitution provides for another process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing — a clear reference to the ability of Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.
this is important to discern the whole picture:
2) his comments contradicted his written report
and his conversation with Barr, and sounded
There is only 2 explainations for this: 1 he was forced to or 2 he left a protection for himself since in a number of ways he was at a conflict of interest and broke the law by not recusing himself.
3) He found no proof either way of a crime or not a crime, but liberal media and Pelosi and Nadler just use one talking point to misslead people by eleviating the
"no proof of an obstruction crime".
Then they turn on Barr for not getting their verdict and then Pelosi admits her abuse & treason crime by stating they have other ways "to get him". That's in addition to their comitting
obstruction by trying to oust Barr to obstruct with the investigations against their collegues.
Mueller was nervous because the oversight of the congress by the OCE might bring up contacts with him, leak violations, obstruction, instruction, or questions on his conflicts of interest.

He definitely sounded as though he were going through the motions. IMO I think that Barr said "go ahead and say what you want to say, but realize that ANYTHING you claim that won't stand up in a Court of Law is going to come right back and bite you in the ass."
Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

It's clear where Mueller stands on the issue:

"If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said, reading from prepared notes behind a lectern at the Justice Department. “We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.”
He also said that while Justice Department policy prohibits charging a sitting president with a crime, the Constitution provides for another process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing — a clear reference to the ability of Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.
He cleared him. It was an independent investigation and there were no charges of collusion/conspiracy or obstruction.

It's over snowflake.
God you're stupid! 1) I'm totally against impeachment 2) I did nothing but post a link and comment that Mueller appears to be pointing the way towards impeachment in his statement. 3) As we all can see..sadly, nothing is over. Dumbass.
I don't care about opinion on anything. It's over snowflake. Mueller has said everything he's going to say. Sorry.
Then democrats should impeach. Spend the next year on impeachment. Then the senate will send you to your room.

You will very very disappointed when you find out a lot of Republicans will put country over that fast assed orange piece of shit when the people find out all the shit he did. Not everyone is as stupid, ignorant & duped as you.
So what sort of shit did he do that you are whining about, besides hand the Democrats their asses?
Then democrats should impeach. Spend the next year on impeachment. Then the senate will send you to your room.
It’s not about impeaching Trump. I know you’re kind doesn’t get this, but it’s all about doing the right thing.
You guys wouldn't know how to do the right thing, in this context you speak you would have not been sidetracked by the Clinton smokescreen circus and would have asked what favors did she give those countries she got paid to give them play? The fact the investigation was not about Russia or any country or former president interferences, and the fact there was abusive targeting that went one sided, and because you never went after Clintons selling out the WH and Obamas spying liken to Watergate but actually worse.....means you do not know right from wrong and you had to lie and pretend your intent which was the biggest joke of all.
Epic fail! You can't even fake sincerity properly. *L*
Then democrats should impeach. Spend the next year on impeachment. Then the senate will send you to your room.

You will very very disappointed when you find out a lot of Republicans will put country over that fast assed orange piece of shit when the people find out all the shit he did. Not everyone is as stupid, ignorant & duped as you.
So what sort of shit did he do that you are whining about, besides hand the Democrats their asses?
Obstruction of Justice.
Then democrats should impeach. Spend the next year on impeachment. Then the senate will send you to your room.

You will very very disappointed when you find out a lot of Republicans will put country over that fast assed orange piece of shit when the people find out all the shit he did. Not everyone is as stupid, ignorant & duped as you.
So what sort of shit did he do that you are whining about, besides hand the Democrats their asses?
Obstruction of Justice.

Yes, hilary did indeed obstruct justice. Go get her!
He didn’t clear anyone on this message board either.
Just keeping it in the consciousness of the mind-numb voters.
"If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said,

Let me fix this for Mr Mueller, since he clearly missed school the day they taught "American Law 101" and discussed the part where you refer to a defendant as "innocent" until proven guilty, NOT as "unproven to be innocent".

"If we had had confidence that the president clearly committed a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said,
Then democrats should impeach. Spend the next year on impeachment. Then the senate will send you to your room.

You will very very disappointed when you find out a lot of Republicans will put country over that fast assed orange piece of shit when the people find out all the shit he did. Not everyone is as stupid, ignorant & duped as you.
So what sort of shit did he do that you are whining about, besides hand the Democrats their asses?
Obstruction of Justice.
Both you and I know he did not obstruct justice, jackass party of slavery supporter.
Your ignorance & stupidity already separated Trumpettes from Real Americans.
"Real" Americans don't try to illegally depose the lawfully elected President of the United States of America.

You collection of dim witted shitbags put your party filled with socialist scum ahead of the Constitution. If it were possible I'd to see you all shipped to somewhere in China or Russia where you would have a government more in line with your Stalinist instincts.

It makes me puke every time one of you clowns talks about being a "real American". Patriots who died to give us our Constitution and orderly transfer of power roll over in their graves when you a-holes puke up your nonsense.
Obstruction of Justice.
Asking for the removal of AG Barr to delay or obstruct the investigation of the source of the false charges used to spy on an opponents campaign, yes "is Obstruction by Dems" who are caught on TV broadcasts openly obstructing justice with clear intent of Obstruction with no question or gray area.
Doing so against the AG regarding a case you claim to know what obstruction is=priceless.
This would make a great mastercard commercial.
Mewler's sole purpose was to muddy the waters, smear Trump and keep the impeachment dream alive

Fck that useless clown
Mueller failed the country in this little speech.
This was an opportunity to put country first and politics second.
Despite an exhaustive, expensive and lengthy investigation that left no leaf unturned, and certainly looked beyond what was even connected to collusion - they did not find evidence to present for prosecution.
At this time he had the opportunity to say simply that. But as I am sure he was given extreme pressure from Democrats, he instead chose the partisan route and carefully word it so while saying there was no evidence, still left the door open to say "oh - but he might be guilty of something...I just don't know...but we didn't find it,,, but I can't say he didn't".
Weak and a complete failure to the American people.

That's two months now, and you still couldn't find the time to read the Mueller report. For if you had, you wouldn't spout that demented bullshit.

At the very least, since you aren't informed, you should reserve judgment. That you did not makes you a prejudiced liar. But then, you put into neon that their judgment falls back on the prejudiced: "Weak and a complete failure". Indeed.
Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

It's clear where Mueller stands on the issue:

"If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said, reading from prepared notes behind a lectern at the Justice Department. “We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.”
He also said that while Justice Department policy prohibits charging a sitting president with a crime, the Constitution provides for another process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing — a clear reference to the ability of Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.
Mueller's statement today would have been more useful if he had delivered it exactly two months ago:

Robert Mueller's public statement was 'not good news' for President Trump: Judge Napolitano

"Judge Napolitano said these rules, however, are up for interpretation. According to the judicial analyst, the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) ruled in October 2000 that a sitting president should not, 'not cannot,' be indicted while still in office 'because of material disruption to his constitutional duties.'

"He said the guidelines are 'advisory only, not mandatory'

"Napolitano said there is 'no way to reconcile' what Mueller said today with Attorney General Bill Barr's previous assertion that the OLC guidelines were not the reason Mueller declined to recommend an obstruction charge."
Well how was Mueller going to know that barr was going to stand up in front of the American people and under oath lie?
We already know from the Michael Cohen trial that Donald Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in multiple Felonies.
Amash, the only Republican with balls was willing to stand up and demand Trump being impeached, got a standing ovation at a town hall.
A standing ovation.
Publicans are going to have a heavy political price to pay for putting a criminal into the oval office and threatening the existence of the United States.
Amash, the only Republican with balls was willing to stand up and demand Trump being impeached, got a standing ovation at a town hall.
A standing ovation.
Publicans are going to have a heavy political price to pay for putting a criminal into the oval office and threatening the existence of the United States.
I get the impression many Republicans have no idea how corrupt Trump was before becoming POTUS. It was only his family's money that kept him from being prosecuted long before he entered politics. When he's finally forced from office, he could very well have the same effect on Republicans as LBJ's Civil Rights Act had on southern Democrats in 1965.

Good riddance.
By the way, I have not been able to clearly conclude that Robert Mueller did not routinely have sex with his sister growing up.
Hillary's paid investigation attempt to deligitimize Trump as a deflection never makes it home, but is now pictured on Youtube for all to see:

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