Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.
Wrong Mueller could have done a sealed indictment and gone after Trump when he was out of office he didn’t also the OLC is an advisory office it does not set rules it advises DOJ on if they should do something Mueller did not have to follow the advice.
Wrong again! It's Congress's call to indict, not Mueller. The SC rules didn't allow it. You people are running around in circles with these arguments and you're beginning to look like idiots.
Moron Congress is not part of law enforcement and does not have the power to indict anyone the only one looking like an idiot is you.
Two things for the idiot Trump Toads to think about. (1), sealed indictment after Trump leaves office, and or impeachment. (2), Sealed indictment with SDNY for campaign finance violations, that Cohen is in jail for, that Trump orchestrated.
Just a little reminder to those who might have forgotten it is not the job of a prosecutor to clear someone of a crime everyone including a sitting President has the presumption of innocence. It is the job of a prosecutor to prove one guilty of a crime if they can not do that for whatever reason by our legal standard you are innocent. No matter how much some might wish it otherwise especially when it suits their political agenda our legal system is not based on the premis of guilty till proven innocent.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.
Wrong Mueller could have done a sealed indictment and gone after Trump when he was out of office he didn’t also the OLC is an advisory office it does not set rules it advises DOJ on if they should do something Mueller did not have to follow the advice.
Wrong again! It's Congress's call to indict, not Mueller. The SC rules didn't allow it. You people are running around in circles with these arguments and you're beginning to look like idiots.
Moron Congress is not part of law enforcement and does not have the power to indict anyone the only one looking like an idiot is you.
Two things for the idiot Trump Toads to think about. (1), sealed indictment after Trump leaves office, and or impeachment. (2), Sealed indictment with SDNY for campaign finance violations, that Cohen is in jail for, that Trump orchestrated.
Two things for you far left TDS idiots to think about Cohen was convicted for far more than campaign finance violations and second the 2008 Obama campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign no impeachment or jail time for anyone so good luck with that pipe dream.
Not in this case. Remember the rules. The rules are that Mueller was not allowed to indict. It has to come later. Mueller already provided the evidence and Trump's lawyers have provided nothing as a counter defense against that evidence. Trump just lost.
Wrong Mueller could have done a sealed indictment and gone after Trump when he was out of office he didn’t also the OLC is an advisory office it does not set rules it advises DOJ on if they should do something Mueller did not have to follow the advice.
Wrong again! It's Congress's call to indict, not Mueller. The SC rules didn't allow it. You people are running around in circles with these arguments and you're beginning to look like idiots.
Moron Congress is not part of law enforcement and does not have the power to indict anyone the only one looking like an idiot is you.
Two things for the idiot Trump Toads to think about. (1), sealed indictment after Trump leaves office, and or impeachment. (2), Sealed indictment with SDNY for campaign finance violations, that Cohen is in jail for, that Trump orchestrated.
Two things for you far left TDS idiots to think about Cohen was convicted for far more than campaign finance violations and second the 2008 Obama campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign no impeachment or jail time for anyone so good luck with that pipe dream.
Do you have any idea how many times that has been debunked as not hiding funds? More than you want to talk about I promise. It was a timely documentation of donations, not a violation of not going to report. Lol! The Trump Toads and all their desperation. This had nothing to do with what Trump and Cohen did. The two violations were thousands of years apart. Trump's violation is criminal. ttps:// If Obama's fine had been criminal, he would have already been indicted.
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Wrong Mueller could have done a sealed indictment and gone after Trump when he was out of office he didn’t also the OLC is an advisory office it does not set rules it advises DOJ on if they should do something Mueller did not have to follow the advice.
Wrong again! It's Congress's call to indict, not Mueller. The SC rules didn't allow it. You people are running around in circles with these arguments and you're beginning to look like idiots.
Moron Congress is not part of law enforcement and does not have the power to indict anyone the only one looking like an idiot is you.
Two things for the idiot Trump Toads to think about. (1), sealed indictment after Trump leaves office, and or impeachment. (2), Sealed indictment with SDNY for campaign finance violations, that Cohen is in jail for, that Trump orchestrated.
Two things for you far left TDS idiots to think about Cohen was convicted for far more than campaign finance violations and second the 2008 Obama campaign was fined $375,000 by the Federal Election Commission for campaign reporting violations one of the largest fees ever levied against a presidential campaign no impeachment or jail time for anyone so good luck with that pipe dream.
Do you have any idea how many times that has been debunked as not hiding funds? More than you want to talk about I promise. It was a timely documentation of donations, not a violation of not going to report. Lol! The Trump Toads and all their desperation. This had nothing to do with what Trump and Cohen did. The two violations were thousands of years apart. Trump's violation is criminal. ttps:// If Obama's fine had been criminal, he would have already been indicted.
Genius you don’t get a near record fine for doing something legal campaign finance violations happen all the time if you impeached or imprisoned every politician guilty of that 90 percent of Congress would be in prison. Try not to fall down and hurt yourself with all that spinning.
I just wanted to point out to all and sundry that Impeachment is a political process..not a criminal one. All those criminal law scenarios are out the window..IF the House impeaches..The Senate is bound by NO rules of evidence..NO presumption of is all about the votes---period.

Trump said earlier today that the courts would not allow him to be impeached..he is wrong. No court--not even SCOTUS..has jurisdiction over the impeachment process.

I am totally against impeachment for a lot of reasons..and this is one of them.
Mueller, in First Comments on Russia Inquiry, Declines to Clear Trump

It's clear where Mueller stands on the issue:

"If we had had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so,” Mr. Mueller said, reading from prepared notes behind a lectern at the Justice Department. “We did not, however, make a determination as to whether the president did commit a crime.”
He also said that while Justice Department policy prohibits charging a sitting president with a crime, the Constitution provides for another process to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing — a clear reference to the ability of Congress to begin impeachment proceedings.
Since when do Prosecutors 'clear' people?

They don't; they indict or don't indict.

Trump was not indicted, not recommended for impeachment or even just given a thumbs down for being in violation of the law.

Trump Derangement Syndrome is a real thing, losers.

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