Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Top Takeaways (for those who have neither the time nor the inclination to read through 37 pages)

Side Note: The narrative that those in US were "unwitting" participants will no doubt be used by Donald in his next Tweet to claim "see- no collusion!". However, this is the tip of the iceberg. It would appear that Gates has flipped and Bannon is cooperating. Additionally we have the testimony of Flynn, Papadopoulos and many others. Mueller knows minimally TEN times what any of us do and is playing multi-dimensional chess while Donald and his minions are playing Hungry Hippo or Whack-a-Mole. Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.

Takeaways from Robert Mueller's indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential election

Russian Investigation is not ONE thing, there are four main branches of it:

Propaganda campaign
(online trolls)
Financial entanglements
Obstruction of Justice

Poor Trumpsters can barely keep track of ONE so it's not surprising they push one falsehood after another about shit they don't have a clue about.

You are an online troll
Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.
Why ? Because he can count to 4 without using his fingers?

.... hate to burst your bromance bubble but all Mr. Mueller has accomplished so far is indicting a couple of douche bags on charges completely unrelated to the objective of his investigation and totally destroying the reputation of the FBI and the DOJ.

Way to go Bob, what's ACT II of your dog & puppet show gonna be? Card tricks at a half a million a pop perhaps?
What a joke you are. Bob Mueller has 4 of Trump’s right hand men in his grasp singing like birds on the Trump Crime Family.
View attachment 177201
Agents for the FBI were up all night coming up with this bit of nothing. They had to find something to use to deflect from the botched job in Florida and whatever nonsense they are doing in Las Vegas. Governor Scott is screaming for Chris Wray's head.
and a mother of one of the dead children was screaming into the TV camera for Trump to DO SOMETHING.
But we ALL know he won’t. Those kids weren’t part of the 1% so he has no use for them.
Besides, he spends 2 hours per day with his beauticians coloring and combing that comb over.. then straight to 9 hours of “ executive time” watching TV.. he doesn’t have the time to worry about dead children.
Trump knows he can’t do anything that would upset the NRA and gun lobby.
We have the worst school massacres in the world and putin’s Puppet doesn’t give a shit.
He’s impotent.
What do you think Trump could do? Aside from firing the entire FBI field office that fucked this up.

There will be no gun confiscation. Not even the president can do that or pus sucker obama would have done it.
View attachment 177202
Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.
Why ? Because he can count to 4 without using his fingers?

.... hate to burst your bromance bubble but all Mr. Mueller has accomplished so far is indicting a couple of douche bags on charges completely unrelated to the objective of his investigation and totally destroying the reputation of the FBI and the DOJ.

Way to go Bob, what's ACT II of your dog & puppet show gonna be? Card tricks at a half a million a pop perhaps?
What a joke you are. Bob Mueller has 4 of Trump’s right hand men in his grasp singing like birds on the Trump Crime Family.
And still nothing happens.
Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was clear in what the 13 Russians indicted today were up to: “They wanted to promote discord in the United States and undermine public confidence in the democracy.”

If it sounds familiar, it was also Donald Trump’s campaign strategy.

Just like the Russians, he was racially divisive. Just like the Russians, he actively tried to suppress minority voter turnout. Just like the Russians, he insisted the U.S. political system was rigged.

“They wanted to promote discord in the United States and undermine public confidence in the democracy.”

If it sounds familiar, it was also Donald Trump’s campaign strategy.

It was also the Dems post-campaign strategy.
Have I thanked you lately for your daily spin?
It's super-delicious ;)

Mueller's indictments in a totally different direction than you Leftists expected is a version of 'rats leaving a sinking ship.'

Want me to prove it?

Your refusal to answer this question will be proof:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.

Attempting to debate your triple-spaced and often cut-n-paste gobbledygook is for the most part a fools errand.
But I do enjoy skimming your silliness from time to time.
Thanks again! :)

It was a simple question that caused you to run and hide.

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Now, you offered lies to excuse your cowardice..... must be a Liberal, huh?
BULLSHIT - What they said was that no Americans were involved in this troll farm operation, not that no one was involved in Kremlin's other operations.
You are hemorrhaging logic and common sense's a friday news dump, nothing more
Top Takeaways (for those who have neither the time nor the inclination to read through 37 pages)

Side Note: The narrative that those in US were "unwitting" participants will no doubt be used by Donald in his next Tweet to claim "see- no collusion!". However, this is the tip of the iceberg. It would appear that Gates has flipped and Bannon is cooperating. Additionally we have the testimony of Flynn, Papadopoulos and many others. Mueller knows minimally TEN times what any of us do and is playing multi-dimensional chess while Donald and his minions are playing Hungry Hippo or Whack-a-Mole. Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.

Takeaways from Robert Mueller's indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential election

Russian Investigation is not ONE thing, there are four main branches of it:

Propaganda campaign
(online trolls)
Financial entanglements
Obstruction of Justice

Poor Trumpsters can barely keep track of ONE so it's not surprising they push one falsehood after another about shit they don't have a clue about.

You are an online troll
Says the scum bag clutching his gums to Trump’s ass.

Better be careful online propaganda troll Mueller might indict you next :)

View attachment 177202
Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.
Why ? Because he can count to 4 without using his fingers?

.... hate to burst your bromance bubble but all Mr. Mueller has accomplished so far is indicting a couple of douche bags on charges completely unrelated to the objective of his investigation and totally destroying the reputation of the FBI and the DOJ.

Way to go Bob, what's ACT II of your dog & puppet show gonna be? Card tricks at a half a million a pop perhaps?
What a joke you are. Bob Mueller has 4 of Trump’s right hand men in his grasp singing like birds on the Trump Crime Family.
And still nothing happens.
Thanks for admitting you don’t even know the basics of the Russian investigation.
Ask Trump’s former campaign manager, his assistant, his national security adviser and his gofer to the kremlin if “ nothing is happening.”
Top Takeaways (for those who have neither the time nor the inclination to read through 37 pages)

Side Note: The narrative that those in US were "unwitting" participants will no doubt be used by Donald in his next Tweet to claim "see- no collusion!". However, this is the tip of the iceberg. It would appear that Gates has flipped and Bannon is cooperating. Additionally we have the testimony of Flynn, Papadopoulos and many others. Mueller knows minimally TEN times what any of us do and is playing multi-dimensional chess while Donald and his minions are playing Hungry Hippo or Whack-a-Mole. Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.

Takeaways from Robert Mueller's indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential election

Russian Investigation is not ONE thing, there are four main branches of it:

Propaganda campaign
(online trolls)
Financial entanglements
Obstruction of Justice

Poor Trumpsters can barely keep track of ONE so it's not surprising they push one falsehood after another about shit they don't have a clue about.

You are an online troll
Says the scum bag clutching his gums to Trump’s ass.

Better be careful online propaganda troll Mueller might indict you next :)

Too stupid for words ... which would be perfect to put on your tombstone.
Indictment Of 13 Russians May Shed Light On Why Trump Might Have Tried To Obstruct Justice

Putin's efforts supply more potential reasons for obstruction of justice by the Trump Administration.

While it has taken awhile to completely develop the criminal charges, American intelligence agencies doubtless spotted the criminal activity of the Russians in the 2016 presidential election awhile back. Recall that even before the election date, American intelligence agencies had built a huge record of Russian interference.

It is not required for an obstruction of justice charge that the activity shielded be criminal activities by the obstruction offender himself. It has often been true that obstruction of justice has been committed to cover up something either criminal by someone else, or embarrassing rather than criminal by the obstruction offender.

Indictment Of 13 Russians May Shed Light On Why Trump Might Have Tried To Obstruct Justice
View attachment 177202
Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.
Why ? Because he can count to 4 without using his fingers?

.... hate to burst your bromance bubble but all Mr. Mueller has accomplished so far is indicting a couple of douche bags on charges completely unrelated to the objective of his investigation and totally destroying the reputation of the FBI and the DOJ.

Way to go Bob, what's ACT II of your dog & puppet show gonna be? Card tricks at a half a million a pop perhaps?
What a joke you are. Bob Mueller has 4 of Trump’s right hand men in his grasp singing like birds on the Trump Crime Family.
And still nothing happens.
Thanks for admitting you don’t even know the basics of the Russian investigation.
Ask Trump’s former campaign manager, his assistant, his national security adviser and his gofer to the kremlin if “ nothing is happening.”

I think this is why Gates is making a PLEA DEAL. He should connect the dots to the Great Douche.
Top Takeaways (for those who have neither the time nor the inclination to read through 37 pages)

Side Note: The narrative that those in US were "unwitting" participants will no doubt be used by Donald in his next Tweet to claim "see- no collusion!". However, this is the tip of the iceberg. It would appear that Gates has flipped and Bannon is cooperating. Additionally we have the testimony of Flynn, Papadopoulos and many others. Mueller knows minimally TEN times what any of us do and is playing multi-dimensional chess while Donald and his minions are playing Hungry Hippo or Whack-a-Mole. Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.

Takeaways from Robert Mueller's indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential election

Russian Investigation is not ONE thing, there are four main branches of it:

Propaganda campaign
(online trolls)
Financial entanglements
Obstruction of Justice

Poor Trumpsters can barely keep track of ONE so it's not surprising they push one falsehood after another about shit they don't have a clue about.

Here's something you don't have a clue about: The Russian's goal was to sow as much chaos as they could during the election. Your news media, your Democrat Party, the Never-trumpers, and the "Russia Russia Russia" ***** on this discussion board played right into their hands. In fact whether you'd like to believe it or not, you people were in de-facto collusion with the Russians for going along with it.

How do you feel now, comrade? Pretty stupid?

Well you should, because you've been played.
Top Takeaways (for those who have neither the time nor the inclination to read through 37 pages)

Side Note: The narrative that those in US were "unwitting" participants will no doubt be used by Donald in his next Tweet to claim "see- no collusion!". However, this is the tip of the iceberg. It would appear that Gates has flipped and Bannon is cooperating. Additionally we have the testimony of Flynn, Papadopoulos and many others. Mueller knows minimally TEN times what any of us do and is playing multi-dimensional chess while Donald and his minions are playing Hungry Hippo or Whack-a-Mole. Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.

Takeaways from Robert Mueller's indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential election

Russian Investigation is not ONE thing, there are four main branches of it:

Propaganda campaign
(online trolls)
Financial entanglements
Obstruction of Justice

Poor Trumpsters can barely keep track of ONE so it's not surprising they push one falsehood after another about shit they don't have a clue about.

You are an online troll
Says the scum bag clutching his gums to Trump’s ass.

Why don't you try and take someone's guns little boy? In the meantime it sucks that you didn't get Trump today doesn't it?
BULLSHIT - What they said was that no Americans were involved in this troll farm operation, not that no one was involved in Kremlin's other operations.
You are hemorrhaging logic and common sense's a friday news dump, nothing more

The defendants, "posing as U.S. persons and creating false U.S. personas," operated social media groups designed to attract U.S. audiences by stealing U.S. identities and falsely claiming to be U.S. activists.

you russian poser

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