Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Ok Leo. Prove how these indictments PROVE no collusion.
We’re all listening.

No collusion was found moron.

Oh, sparky, there was lots of collusion. What we don't fully know yet is whether it was "criminal" collusion or not. It looks pretty clear that Trump Jr. was involved in "criminal" collusion.

And just what did Junior ever do that Daddy did not approve....Not Much....
They actually believe that Junior didn’t tell Daddy one flight up that he and others were meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary.
Because Trump said he didn’t know about it.
They believe a confirmed pathological liar and STILL think they’re right.

the little tweet disaster that came from donny jr aboard air force one says otherwise. fat donny 2 scoops was in on that & pretty much summed up an obstruction charge right then & there.
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I wonder a private citizen....?
* The Great Douche denied Russia was intervening in the election and provided the Kremlin cover?
* Did the Great Douche publicly ask Russia to help as a private citizen, for 2016 election help?.
* Did the Great Douche top campaign advisers accepted an offer of secret help from Moscow?
I would think this is pure aiding and abetting an attack on the USA.

And you, reasonable and Jillian not from the Democrat underground troll farm?

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter: What Mueller is investigating is ‘almost a textbook definition of treason’

James Risen, a former New York Times and Los Angeles Times reporter now with The Intercept, wrote Friday that Americans can’t be sure “whether Trump has the best interests of the United States or those of Russia at heart.”

Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.

Nicolle Wallace: Mueller sending ‘clear and loud message to the White House’ with latest indictments

‘Opposite of a hoax’: Fox’s Shep Smith calls out the GOP’s anti-Mueller witch hunt after today’s indictments


Speak of the devil himself, right on cue the biggest troll of all from the Democrap underground shows up.

Oh, this is going to be interesting.

Fake news is reporting Rosenstein is going to announce these charges today.

I can't wait to see what these charges are. So now buying adds disparaging Hillaryous is now a crime. Free speech unless you're Russian.

Rosenstein stated no person contacted by Russians knew they were being contacted by Russians who were trying to influence the election.

Go pound sand, libtardos, if they had any thing on Trump they'd have announced it.

The charges are a big nothing burger. Some Russians made some mean internet memes about Madam Cankles. That’s “influencing an election!”

You are the big nothing burger. It again confirms our intelligence assessments that the Russians did interfere in our elections. That is why you are desperately trying to change the subject.
I feel sorry for the frothing at the mouth LWNJ's that think this means "they got Trump".

The poor things.....they're so gullible.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.

Nicolle Wallace: Mueller sending ‘clear and loud message to the White House’ with latest indictments

‘Opposite of a hoax’: Fox’s Shep Smith calls out the GOP’s anti-Mueller witch hunt after today’s indictments
Indeed. Today’s indictments prove every trump whore has been dead wrong that the investigation is a hoax and witch hunt.
What it also proves is Trump stance that we don’t know who meddled in our election.
No putz, it wasn’t a 300 lb blogger on his bed.

Seriously?? Is that what your crackhead sock-puppet media masters on MSNBC and CNN are telling you right now?

Wow. You sure are being played for a fool. :laughing0301:
Don't they say "you could indict a ham sandwich" ?

Mueller just indicted 13 .................. haaaaaaaaaaa:laughing0301:

My GOD it doesn't get more pathetic than this!

You are pathetic commie. Putin loves you.

And you, reasonable and Jillian not from the Democrat underground troll farm?

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter: What Mueller is investigating is ‘almost a textbook definition of treason’

James Risen, a former New York Times and Los Angeles Times reporter now with The Intercept, wrote Friday that Americans can’t be sure “whether Trump has the best interests of the United States or those of Russia at heart.”

Vladimir Putin give thank to you comrade, for doing bidding in the ongoing struggle of Russian Motherland to mystify decadent capitalist running-dog Americans. Comrade Putin also award you most honorable medal of Order of Red Star for ongoing fight against capitalist running dog Americans. Спасибо другу
So why is he not arresting the people who were involved in the fake dossier?
There is no fake dossier. There is a Steele Dossier. And not a single item in it has been proven false.

LOL, what a maroon.

Yes you are...but medical science could help you in a couple decades...

Sure, everyone who wants to wait for the proof is stupid. I'm guessing nobody has ever accused you of being to smart.
I feel sorry for the frothing at the mouth LWNJ's that think this means "they got Trump".

The poor things.....they're so gullible.


They crossed the line of gullibility a long time ago. Now they're in the Land of Stupidity. :laugh:
So why is he not arresting the people who were involved in the fake dossier?
There is no fake dossier. There is a Steele Dossier. And not a single item in it has been proven false.

LOL, what a maroon.
He’s exactly right and being the dope you are, you call him a name.
Some items have already been proven true and others are still being investigated but Hannity , Daily Caller and the Gateway Pundit tell you differently.
After one year of wasting money

That's all they got?

13 russians?


And Russians who won't be extradited!

That's right!

A total waste of tax payers money.:mad-61:

We know why you hate it. It blows the meme that Russia did not interfere in our elections. That is your real objection.

I'm not going to fight with a liltte bee like you.......:eusa_naughty:.......I'm in a good mood today!;)

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