Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Don’t forget folks. Trump tweeted today for the 1000th time: “ No collusion, no collusion. “

It’s like every time you walk into the grocery store and you say,”
I didn’t steal that candy bar, no I did not.”

And the report proves that there was no collusion. What's your beef?
The report has NOTHING to do with it.
I see you’re just as brain dead as your serial sex offender..

Muller was investigating collusion with the Russians do you not know that?

Look you could show Reasonable a picture of Hillary's dick in Putin's ass and he'd defend her. Conversely no matter WHAT proof you might be able to show him about Trump's proposed innocence he'd deny it's possibility.
This idiot has gotten so tired of getting his ass kicked he’s now a full fledged troll.
Don’t forget folks. Trump tweeted today for the 1000th time: “ No collusion, no collusion. “

It’s like every time you walk into the grocery store and you say,”
I didn’t steal that candy bar, no I did not.”

And the report proves that there was no collusion. What's your beef?
The report has NOTHING to do with it.
I see you’re just as brain dead as your serial sex offender..

Muller was investigating collusion with the Russians do you not know that?
So how does Mueller indicting all these Russians for election tampering have anything to do with Trump being innocent ?

Wrong question honey, what does it have to do with his guilt?
Breaking just now, more will surly follow.

Eat that Orange Turd!
And the liar Trump still maintains there was no Russian interference in the 2016 General Election.

Californian man pleads guilty to identity fraud connected to Russian interference in presidential election.

- Californian man pleads guilty to identity fraud connected to Russian interference in presidential election - CNNPolitics -

And what does that have to do with Trump or Russia medeling in the Election?
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.
Non obstruction?
Admitting firing Comey because of the Russian Investigation is text book obstruction tampon breath.

Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.
You know liberals. They are so pathetic, they are all yelling "YOU SEE!!!!! THE RUSSIANS CHANGED THE VOTES!!!!!!!"

Not kidding. That is what they are saying.

The Left is grasping at straws.

Pathetic indeed!
That is all they do. Each and every time they yell a left wing cliche or talking point like "fair share" or their favorite..."RACISM RACISM RACISM" and now "THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS" they are grasping at straws. They have zero ability to think. They are all programmed moronic parrots, or robots, or puppets. Whichever you prefer.
Crazy Bernie is eerily quiet today. Is it the embezzling on vacation homes? Perhaps now his campaign is connected to Russian collusion! Wow!
Prime example of someone mentally disturbed.

Yup, I agree, Bernie is a bit strange.
I clearly was talking about conservatard and you know it.
Can’t you Trump whores ever be honest about anything?

they are Russians from the troll farm...

And you, reasonable and Jillian not from the Democrat underground troll farm?
Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.
Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.

It's all fact Dip Shit...
You know liberals. They are so pathetic, they are all yelling "YOU SEE!!!!! THE RUSSIANS CHANGED THE VOTES!!!!!!!"

Not kidding. That is what they are saying.

The Left is grasping at straws.

Pathetic indeed!
That is all they do. Each and every time they yell a left wing cliche or talking point like "fair share" or their favorite..."RACISM RACISM RACISM" and now "THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS" they are grasping at straws. They have zero ability to think. They are all programmed moronic parrots, or robots, or puppets. Whichever you prefer.

I agree wholeheartedly. ^^^
Don’t forget folks. Trump tweeted today for the 1000th time: “ No collusion, no collusion. “

It’s like every time you walk into the grocery store and you say,”
I didn’t steal that candy bar, no I did not.”

And the report proves that there was no collusion. What's your beef?
The report has NOTHING to do with it.
I see you’re just as brain dead as your serial sex offender..

Muller was investigating collusion with the Russians do you not know that?
So how does Mueller indicting all these Russians for election tampering have anything to do with Trump being innocent ?

Wrong question honey, what does it have to do with his guilt?
I know you can’t keep two opposing ideas in your head at the same time.
These indictments today prove Trump ( and you assholes) that the Russia investigation is not a hoax.
Read the indictment.
It proves your president LIED to you again.
It also has nothing to do he’s innocent he didn’t collide as the idiot said today and so many other days
Don’t forget folks. Trump tweeted today for the 1000th time: “ No collusion, no collusion. “

It’s like every time you walk into the grocery store and you say,”
I didn’t steal that candy bar, no I did not.”

And the report proves that there was no collusion. What's your beef?
The report has NOTHING to do with it.
I see you’re just as brain dead as your serial sex offender..

Muller was investigating collusion with the Russians do you not know that?

Look you could show Reasonable a picture of Hillary's dick in Putin's ass and he'd defend her. Conversely no matter WHAT proof you might be able to show him about Trump's proposed innocence he'd deny it's possibility.
This idiot has gotten so tired of getting his ass kicked he’s now a full fledged troll.

I've made you look stupid at every turn kid. It must be hard for you.

Reasonable: " Trump is guilty of every fucking thing I've accused him of."
Doc: " I refuse to speculate because nothing has been proven".

Reasonable :" Hell yes, I'm kicking Doc's ass."
FISA is not legal. Neither is DACA.

That is why they have to be renewed.

They both are a temporary suspension of our rights and the law.

We are under Quasi Martial Law.

We have been under this Quasi Martial Law since 911.

Why in The Hell do you think you are allowed to be searched at an airport without a warrant?

Are you people that fucking stupid you can’t see this?

The Fusion GPS Dossier isn’t an attack on Our Democracy?

Please explain that one!!!
Research is just research

Especially when it’s full of lies and Russian Propaganda and your FBI knowing that Obama, Clinton and The DNC Paid Putin for this Russian Propaganda still used it to File False Affidavits to unlawfully apply for a FISA surveillance warrant to spy on a rival Presidential Campaign for the first time in history?

Nah, that’s not interfering in an election at all...

You must smoke some really good dope!

Information Warefare is Hell Son!

Oh, you are still stuck on the FISA thing. Ya, that was legal, actually. Even Nunes voted to reauthorize FISA

Mitch McConnell renewed FISA two years ago.
“Make no mistake, Section 702 does not allow the targeting of American citizens. Nor does it permit the targeting of anyone –no matter their nationality—who is known to be located here in the U.S.”

American citizens were not targeted. They were picked up while they were colluding with known Russian agents...what did u want the FBI to do? Forget about it.

Each time the Mueller foot comes down, it is harder and closer to Trump.

More Indictments coming!
Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.

It's all fact Dip Shit...
If you and Sham Hannity says it it must be true.
Ok Leo. Prove how these indictments PROVE no collusion.
We’re all listening.

No collusion was found moron.

Oh, sparky, there was lots of collusion. What we don't fully know yet is whether it was "criminal" collusion or not. It looks pretty clear that Trump Jr. was involved in "criminal" collusion.

And just what did Junior ever do that Daddy did not approve....Not Much....
And the report proves that there was no collusion. What's your beef?
The report has NOTHING to do with it.
I see you’re just as brain dead as your serial sex offender..

Muller was investigating collusion with the Russians do you not know that?
So how does Mueller indicting all these Russians for election tampering have anything to do with Trump being innocent ?

Wrong question honey, what does it have to do with his guilt?
I know you can’t keep two opposing ideas in your head at the same time.
These indictments today prove Trump ( and you assholes) that the Russia investigation is not a hoax.
Read the indictment.
It proves your president LIED to you again.
It also has nothing to do he’s innocent he didn’t collide as the idiot said today and so many other days

Reasonable: " Trump is guilty of every fucking thing I've accused him of."
Doc: " I refuse to speculate because nothing has been proven".

Reasonable :" Hell yes, I'm kicking Doc's ass."
Did any of you lefties even read the indictment? It includes some old, old news about how the scary russians were operating social media pages promoting activist causes like BLM and American Muslims. Now tell me how exactly that specifically helps Trump who according to you hates all blacks and muslims?

The Russians put up pro-Trump ads in the final weeks in several swing states. That specifically helps Trump.
And the report proves that there was no collusion. What's your beef?
The report has NOTHING to do with it.
I see you’re just as brain dead as your serial sex offender..

Muller was investigating collusion with the Russians do you not know that?

Look you could show Reasonable a picture of Hillary's dick in Putin's ass and he'd defend her. Conversely no matter WHAT proof you might be able to show him about Trump's proposed innocence he'd deny it's possibility.
This idiot has gotten so tired of getting his ass kicked he’s now a full fledged troll.

I've made you look stupid at every turn kid. It must be hard for you.

Reasonable: " Trump is guilty of every fucking thing I've accused him of."
Doc: " I refuse to speculate because nothing has been proven".

Reasonable :" Hell yes, I'm kicking Doc's ass."
Yes you’re a legend in your own mind. Stop being a coward and admit you don’t want to know if your president is a crook.
Admit that despite all the evidence that every road leads to Russia with so many in the Trump Administration you’ll still kiss his ass and pretend all the evidence doesn’t exist. Stop being a pussy.

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