Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Dude, seriously. You need to learn to think for yourself and quit letting your sock-puppet media tell you what to believe.

They're lying to you and people are laughing at you.
Another trump whore pushing the “ no facts” theory.
Thanks for admitting you get your information by pulling it straight from your ass and pretending it’s true.
Trump: “Don’t believe anything to hear unless you hear it from me first.”
JGalt: Yes sir.

You guys and girls really are out of the loop, aren't you? That's ok, I understand. It's not that you're "stupid" or anything, you're just being lied to by the media sources you've trusted for decades.
Ok genius. List your media sources where you get your information from.
Watch the coward pretend he didn’t see this post.

Sure as hell not the same ones who are leading you around like a pig with a ring in his nose. That's for damned sure.
Thanks for proving what a coward you are that you can’t answer a simple Q of what your sources are.

Quit being so sure of yourself, loser. While you're desperately nurturing a tiny spark with your Trump/Russian "collusion" fantasy, hoping that it'll grow into a flame big enough to become a full-blown fire, you're still missing out on the big picture here:

You lost the single most important election of your lifetime in 2016. Hillary Clinton did not win the election. Nor did Bernie Sanders or Jill Stein. And during the last year, President Trump has been busy dismantling piece by piece, everything you believe in: The conservative Supreme Court Justice, the reversal of 8 years of Obama's decrees and basically, the undoing of decades of progressivism and liberalism.

Do you sad sacks seriously think you're going to get shed of President Donald Trump that easily? You fuckers are not only sadly mistaken, you are living is some kind of weird fantasy world.

Good luck, yo. :21:
Actually 17 Months and 6 Investigations and about a Billion Dollars.

And the magic trick is they completely ignored The DNC’s Money Laundering of DNC Money, Clinton Money & Obama Money through COIE Law firm to Fusion GPS through Steele to pay Russian KGB Agents for Propaganda Packages which were funneled to the media and State Department, FBI & DOJ.

They also ignored FISA abuse, illegal unmasking and leaking of classified information seaign d to interfere in the election.

After one year of wasting money

That's all they got?

13 russians?

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Ok Leo. Prove how these indictments PROVE no collusion.
We’re all listening.

No collusion was found moron.

Oh, sparky, there was lots of collusion. What we don't fully know yet is whether it was "criminal" collusion or not. It looks pretty clear that Trump Jr. was involved in "criminal" collusion.

And just what did Junior ever do that Daddy did not approve....Not Much....
They actually believe that Junior didn’t tell Daddy one flight up that he and others were meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary.
Because Trump said he didn’t know about it.
They believe a confirmed pathological liar and STILL think they’re right.

You know liberals. They are so pathetic, they are all yelling "YOU SEE!!!!! THE RUSSIANS CHANGED THE VOTES!!!!!!!"

Not kidding. That is what they are saying.

The Left is grasping at straws.

Pathetic indeed!
That is all they do. Each and every time they yell a left wing cliche or talking point like "fair share" or their favorite..."RACISM RACISM RACISM" and now "THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS THE RUSSIANS" they are grasping at straws. They have zero ability to think. They are all programmed moronic parrots, or robots, or puppets. Whichever you prefer.

Actually you are describing Trump supporters like yourself. Mueller confirmed what our intelligence agencies have been saying. Russia did attempt to influence our elections. Trump's DNI confirmed this and says they are trying to influence our midterms. That is why Russian bots are pushing Republican hashtags like #releasethememo and #schumershutdown,

As to whether they changed votes, we will never know.
Ok Leo. Prove how these indictments PROVE no collusion.
We’re all listening.

No collusion was found moron.

Oh, sparky, there was lots of collusion. What we don't fully know yet is whether it was "criminal" collusion or not. It looks pretty clear that Trump Jr. was involved in "criminal" collusion.

And just what did Junior ever do that Daddy did not approve....Not Much....
They actually believe that Junior didn’t tell Daddy one flight up that he and others were meeting with Russians to get dirt on Hillary.
Because Trump said he didn’t know about it.
They believe a confirmed pathological liar and STILL think they’re right.

Even Bannon said zero chance that didn't happen.
Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.
Well except that if it were that cut and dried Mueller would have already indicted him. You simply are NOT a bright guy.

Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.

Nicolle Wallace: Mueller sending ‘clear and loud message to the White House’ with latest indictments

‘Opposite of a hoax’: Fox’s Shep Smith calls out the GOP’s anti-Mueller witch hunt after today’s indictments
The report has NOTHING to do with it.
I see you’re just as brain dead as your serial sex offender..

Muller was investigating collusion with the Russians do you not know that?

Look you could show Reasonable a picture of Hillary's dick in Putin's ass and he'd defend her. Conversely no matter WHAT proof you might be able to show him about Trump's proposed innocence he'd deny it's possibility.
This idiot has gotten so tired of getting his ass kicked he’s now a full fledged troll.

I've made you look stupid at every turn kid. It must be hard for you.

Reasonable: " Trump is guilty of every fucking thing I've accused him of."
Doc: " I refuse to speculate because nothing has been proven".

Reasonable :" Hell yes, I'm kicking Doc's ass."
Yes you’re a legend in your own mind. Stop being a coward and admit you don’t want to know if your president is a crook.
Admit that despite all the evidence that every road leads to Russia with so many in the Trump Administration you’ll still kiss his ass and pretend all the evidence doesn’t exist. Stop being a pussy.

Reasonable: " Trump is guilty of every fucking thing I've accused him of."
Doc: " I refuse to speculate because nothing has been proven".

Reasonable :" Hell yes, I'm kicking Doc's ass."

Trump is every murican's President kid, neither of us can prove or disprove his innocence. Your problem is that you are a stupid partisan.
So why is he not arresting the people who were involved in the fake dossier?
There is no fake dossier. There is a Steele Dossier. And not a single item in it has been proven false.

Yet another lunatic decides that his opinion must be be heard.

Except nobody paid him one bit of attention.
Way to debate, Corky.
So about those mysterious sources of yours you’re too cowardly to reveal.
Top Takeaways (for those who have neither the time nor the inclination to read through 37 pages)

Side Note: The narrative that those in US were "unwitting" participants will no doubt be used by Donald in his next Tweet to claim "see- no collusion!". However, this is the tip of the iceberg. It would appear that Gates has flipped and Bannon is cooperating. Additionally we have the testimony of Flynn, Papadopoulos and many others. Mueller knows minimally TEN times what any of us do and is playing multi-dimensional chess while Donald and his minions are playing Hungry Hippo or Whack-a-Mole. Watching Mueller's mind at work is a wondrous thing to behold.

Takeaways from Robert Mueller's indictment of Russian nationals who meddled in presidential election

Russian Investigation is not ONE thing, there are four main branches of it:

Propaganda campaign
(online trolls)
Financial entanglements
Obstruction of Justice

Poor Trumpsters can barely keep track of ONE so it's not surprising they push one falsehood after another about shit they don't have a clue about.

this ^
You know liberals. They are so pathetic, they are all yelling "YOU SEE!!!!! THE RUSSIANS CHANGED THE VOTES!!!!!!!"

Not kidding. That is what they are saying.
better than having to go "wow, no one likes us but us" all the time i suppose. as long as they have some else to blame for their lot in life, the happier they are.
Nope....these are the first if many indictments. Mueller is maticlous my building a case. Many more indictments to come.

These "indictments" have nothing to do with ANY American's.
It clearly shows something your POS president won’t admit. That Russians not only subverted our democracy in 2016 but they’re among us right now attempting more anti democracy shenanigans.

Top Intelligence Chiefs this week: Russia is already interfering in our midterms.

Yet our Russian whore president still won’t install sanctions against Russia and is afraid to hurt Vladamir’s feelings.

No Dip Shit….

What it proves is that the Russians wanted

to spread discourse and you Whack job liberals used

their Bull Shit for an excuse for your pathetic candidates loss.

It was the Russian Whore obama that scoffed at mitt romney

over the Russians, it was the Russian Whore Obama that told

Dmitry Medvedev to tell Vladimir Putin he would have more

Flexibility after the election.. It was that fat slut hillary

that sold uranium to the Russians…..
Thank you Alex Jones for your daily conspiracy theories.

Nicolle Wallace: Mueller sending ‘clear and loud message to the White House’ with latest indictments

‘Opposite of a hoax’: Fox’s Shep Smith calls out the GOP’s anti-Mueller witch hunt after today’s indictments
Indeed. Today’s indictments prove every trump whore has been dead wrong that the investigation is a hoax and witch hunt.
What it also proves is Trump stance that we don’t know who meddled in our election.
No putz, it wasn’t a 300 lb blogger on his bed.

And you, reasonable and Jillian not from the Democrat underground troll farm?

Pulitzer Prize-winning reporter: What Mueller is investigating is ‘almost a textbook definition of treason’

James Risen, a former New York Times and Los Angeles Times reporter now with The Intercept, wrote Friday that Americans can’t be sure “whether Trump has the best interests of the United States or those of Russia at heart.”

Vladimir Putin give thank to you comrade, for doing bidding in the ongoing struggle of Russian Motherland to mystify decadent capitalist running-dog Americans. Comrade Putin also award you most honorable medal of Order of Red Star for ongoing fight against capitalist running dog Americans. Спасибо другу

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