Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

Alcohol or drugs?

Alcohol is a drug

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Communism is a mental defect, Comrade.

Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

Says the fool who puts party above all....

Nice try little one, but find me one single post where I have supported a party, just one! I will be waiting.
He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
This simple bitch has to resort to a tabloid to find a source that tells her what she wants to hear.
You do know that the NY Post is a tabloid don’t you?

I don't use language like that.
But....I understand your rage, Mueller having pulled the rug out from under you and all....
You think lying about Mueller makes it come true?
You on LSD?
Lol....You're getting your snowflake ass handed to you!

But isn't that what Liberals are here for.....comic relief???

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

One thing about you JimHate, you're dumb as a fucking stump.

Putin wanted chaos.

What these Russians did is no different at all than what you and the other Soros soldiers do here, on facebook, and on twitter every day.

What is the exact charge the inquisition is levying, words against Hillary?

Identity theft? Good, nail them - BUT nail every illegal alien the democrats harbor as well.
Alcohol or drugs?

Alcohol is a drug

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Communism is a mental defect, Comrade.

Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

pot meet kettle

I am a lot of things, partisan is not of them.

A mindless Communist hack who puts party ahead of nation IS one of them...
Alcohol or drugs?

Alcohol is a drug

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Communism is a mental defect, Comrade.

Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

Says the fool who puts party above all....

He has not supported either Party.

Who? Hacky the Marxist hack?

You may want to check on that again.
Alcohol is a drug

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Communism is a mental defect, Comrade.

Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

pot meet kettle

I am a lot of things, partisan is not of them.

A mindless Communist hack who puts party ahead of nation IS one of them...

Nice try little one, but find me one single post where I have supported a party, just one! I will be waiting.
Alcohol is a drug

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Communism is a mental defect, Comrade.

Partisanship is a mental defect, my little partisan zealot.

Says the fool who puts party above all....

He has not supported either Party.

Who? Hacky the Marxist hack?

You may want to check on that again.

Nice try little one, but find me one single post where I have supported a party, just one! I will be waiting.
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

"Putin wanted Trump as president."
Of course he didn't, Jimmy...

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the dossier came from Russia.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Putin knew he'd have a harder time with Hillary than Trump Think Hill would have dismissed sanctions against Russia???
Hate to say it PC but you're either dead wrong or just lying
View attachment 177431
Exactly. The big shit hasn't hit the fan yet.
/——-/ yeah. Waiting for Hildabeast to be indicted

Mr "Lock her up" Flynn is now the one trying to avoid getting locked up. What a turn of events...huh?
sweet irony indeed.
/—-/ No treason onTrumps part you pathetic loon.
Keep telling yourself that if it makes you feel better.
Lie to yourself... why not? ... you do that to everybody else?
/——/ Well if you have proof Trump committed treason send it to Muller. That pathetic loon is grasping at straws. Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

"Putin wanted Trump as president."
Of course he didn't, Jimmy...

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the dossier came from Russia.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Putin knew he'd have a harder time with Hillary than Trump Think Hill would have dismissed sanctions against Russia???
Hate to say it PC but you're either dead wrong or just lying

Putin has a history of bribing the Clinton Crime Family.....what more would he desire?


Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

"Putin wanted Trump as president."
Of course he didn't, Jimmy...

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the dossier came from Russia.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Putin knew he'd have a harder time with Hillary than Trump Think Hill would have dismissed sanctions against Russia???
Hate to say it PC but you're either dead wrong or just lying

Tell me Edster.....what did the Hildabitch say about Syria?
He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

"Putin wanted Trump as president."
Of course he didn't, Jimmy...

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the dossier came from Russia.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Putin knew he'd have a harder time with Hillary than Trump Think Hill would have dismissed sanctions against Russia???
Hate to say it PC but you're either dead wrong or just lying

Putin has a history of bribing the Clinton Crime Family.....what more would he desire?


PC thats BS and proves nothing Trump not going through with sanctions proves my point that he's in Putins pocket
/—-/ Why is adding to your cherry picked list deflection?
Because you can’t handle the truth. Your serial sex offender actually believes if you just deny, lie deny... you’re innocent.
He knows idiots like you and your cult will buy this nonsense even if 60% of the country doesn’t.
/—-/ just ask the 16 imaginary Russians Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What does that have to do with Trump’s pathetic excuses for morally abhorrent behavior?
Do you just post shit you found no matter what the topic is? You are obviously very poor at debating..and following the topic.

You mean like this?

View attachment 177430
So the brain dead moron counters with another deflection. Lmao.
Anything not to discuss Trump’s fractured logic and his excuses for his and his sex offender’s buddies behavior.

Half of these people on here are planted. They are either Bots or Russian Trolls. It is becoming tiring arguing with people who really are so partisan that they cannot even admit that the world is round. They will defend the orange liar until he is pushed out of the oval office.

I have said this before and I will say this again. Trump took multiple action, any of which, could find him guilt of obstruction of justice. Mueller has that in his pocket. The only question is, what else doe he have? The collusion theory has been proven. The question now is whether there was criminal intent in the cooperation with a foreign adversary. That will be decided after Trump either voluntarily testifies to Mueller's team or he will be subpoenaed to testify in front of the Grand Jury. Now, be honest. Do you really think Trump can testify under oath and not commit perjury. He cannot even tell the truth about his inauguration crowd size!
He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

"Putin wanted Trump as president."
Of course he didn't, Jimmy...

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the dossier came from Russia.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
Putin knew he'd have a harder time with Hillary than Trump Think Hill would have dismissed sanctions against Russia???
Hate to say it PC but you're either dead wrong or just lying

Tell me Edster.....what did the Hildabitch say about Syria?
educate me
Because you can’t handle the truth. Your serial sex offender actually believes if you just deny, lie deny... you’re innocent.
He knows idiots like you and your cult will buy this nonsense even if 60% of the country doesn’t.
/—-/ just ask the 16 imaginary Russians Memo: FBI Used Tainted Steele Dossier, Paid For By Hillary Clinton, As Reason To Spy On Trump | Stock News & Stock Market Analysis - IBD
Bwhahahaha Bwhahahaha
What does that have to do with Trump’s pathetic excuses for morally abhorrent behavior?
Do you just post shit you found no matter what the topic is? You are obviously very poor at debating..and following the topic.

You mean like this?

View attachment 177430
So the brain dead moron counters with another deflection. Lmao.
Anything not to discuss Trump’s fractured logic and his excuses for his and his sex offender’s buddies behavior.

Half of these people on here are planted. They are either Bots or Russian Trolls. It is becoming tiring arguing with people who really are so partisan that they cannot even admit that the world is round. They will defend the orange liar until he is pushed out of the oval office.

I have said this before and I will say this again. Trump took multiple action, any of which, could find him guilt of obstruction of justice. Mueller has that in his pocket. The only question is, what else doe he have? The collusion theory has been proven. The question now is whether there was criminal intent in the cooperation with a foreign adversary. That will be decided after Trump either voluntarily testifies to Mueller's team or he will be subpoenaed to testify in front of the Grand Jury. Now, be honest. Do you really think Trump can testify under oath and not commit perjury. He cannot even tell the truth about his inauguration crowd size!

Yet you can't PROVE anything you say. Go pee in the corner.

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