Mueller Indicts 13 Russian Nationals For Election Meddling

So the brain dead moron counters with another deflection. Lmao.
Anything not to discuss Trump’s fractured logic and his excuses for his and his sex offender’s buddies behavior.

So Bill's "abhorrent" behavior is it.
All you got is yet another swift sidestep to a Clinton because even you know you can’t defend Trump’s behavior.
Thanks for confirming.

I don't have to defend Trump's behavior, it was reprehensible. But it is however interesting to note that you have NO problem with this....

View attachment 177436
Problem with what... some photo shopped picture you obtained from some conspiracy site?
Ok, genius. Show me the source where you got this picture.
You’re on stage.

LOL, prove it's photo shopped kid. You REALLY suck at this.
The quack Doc refuses to post the source for his photoshopped picture.
Busted again.
You trump whores are just way too easy.
These blooming idiots think this thread is about Bill Clinton.
Actually they think all threads are about the Clinton’s or Obama.
They’ve just plum given up trying to defend the indefensible with Trump.

Now back to the topic.
Trump’s claim of NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION when the indictments don’t even deal with that aspect proves this guy is so defensive he gives himself away.
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
So the brain dead moron counters with another deflection. Lmao.
Anything not to discuss Trump’s fractured logic and his excuses for his and his sex offender’s buddies behavior.

So Bill's "abhorrent" behavior is it.
All you got is yet another swift sidestep to a Clinton because even you know you can’t defend Trump’s behavior.
Thanks for confirming.

I don't have to defend Trump's behavior, it was reprehensible. But it is however interesting to note that you have NO problem with this....

View attachment 177436
Problem with what... some photo shopped picture you obtained from some conspiracy site?
Ok, genius. Show me the source where you got this picture.
You’re on stage.

LOL, prove it's photo shopped kid. You REALLY suck at this.
The coward knows I’m right that’s why he’s scared to post his source for his photo shopped picture.
You Trump whores have no integrity, no honesty, no character
These blooming idiots think this thread is about Bill Clinton.
Actually they think all threads are about the Clinton’s or Obama.
They’ve just plum given up trying to defend the indefensible with Trump.

Now back to the topic.
Trump’s claim of NO COLLUSION NO COLLUSION when the indictments don’t even deal with that aspect proves this guy is so defensive he gives himself away. must be feelin' AWFUL today, huh???

Couldn't happen to a more deserving individual.

Let me help:

The indictment is Mueller tossing in the towel.

Sure looks like a back-door attempt by Mueller to run and hide.

The Nunes Memo made it untenable to continue the 'War on Trump,' and he needed to find a way out of the corner they had painted themselves into, before a second special prosecutor was put in place to send the conspirators to jail.

Mueller's indictments in a totally different direction than you Leftists expected is a version of 'rats leaving a sinking ship.'

Mueller indicted individuals he cannot extradite….and ties up loose ends by leaving all American out of it

”Rosenstein said his team has not had communication with Russia about the indictments and would go through normal channels for the extradition of those indicted. However, the U.S. government hasno extradition treaty with Russia. In the past, Russia has not cooperated with these requests.

....Rosenstein said that "there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity.

He added that "there is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election."
Mueller Indicts 13 Russians Accused of Election Meddling
So Bill's "abhorrent" behavior is it.
All you got is yet another swift sidestep to a Clinton because even you know you can’t defend Trump’s behavior.
Thanks for confirming.

I don't have to defend Trump's behavior, it was reprehensible. But it is however interesting to note that you have NO problem with this....

View attachment 177436
Problem with what... some photo shopped picture you obtained from some conspiracy site?
Ok, genius. Show me the source where you got this picture.
You’re on stage.

LOL, prove it's photo shopped kid. You REALLY suck at this.
The coward knows I’m right that’s why he’s scared to post his source for his photo shopped picture.
You Trump whores have no integrity, no honesty, no character

Speaking of having no integrity, no honesty, no character.....let's prove it applies to you, when you don't answer this question:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
This simple bitch has to resort to a tabloid to find a source that tells her what she wants to hear.
You do know that the NY Post is a tabloid don’t you?
So Bill's "abhorrent" behavior is it.
All you got is yet another swift sidestep to a Clinton because even you know you can’t defend Trump’s behavior.
Thanks for confirming.

I don't have to defend Trump's behavior, it was reprehensible. But it is however interesting to note that you have NO problem with this....

View attachment 177436
Problem with what... some photo shopped picture you obtained from some conspiracy site?
Ok, genius. Show me the source where you got this picture.
You’re on stage.

LOL, prove it's photo shopped kid. You REALLY suck at this.
The coward knows I’m right that’s why he’s scared to post his source for his photo shopped picture.
You Trump whores have no integrity, no honesty, no character

(smile) Whatever you need to tell yourself kid. Bill is a sick sexual predator and you're ok with that. Just admit it.
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

should Comey and Lynch also be compelled to testify about ties with Russia? the fake dossier paid for by the Clinton campaign? the secret tarmac meeting?

Lets have trump testify under oath, then lets have all the dems testify under oath. lets get all the truth out, you up for that?

Fine! The facts have been found. Putin wanted Trump as president. might ask. He now has his man in the White House And Sanction....did someone say Sanctions?

Trump is never going go implement sanctions against Putin...He is a Traitor Cheating Pig.

"Putin wanted Trump as president."
Of course he didn't, Jimmy...

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the dossier came from Russia.
Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
This simple bitch has to resort to a tabloid to find a source that tells her what she wants to hear.
You do know that the NY Post is a tabloid don’t you?

Do you remember what happened to you the last time you kept flaunting the rules? It's headed your way again ;)
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
This simple bitch has to resort to a tabloid to find a source that tells her what she wants to hear.
You do know that the NY Post is a tabloid don’t you?

I don't use language like that.
But....I understand your rage, Mueller having pulled the rug out from under you and all....
All you got is yet another swift sidestep to a Clinton because even you know you can’t defend Trump’s behavior.
Thanks for confirming.

I don't have to defend Trump's behavior, it was reprehensible. But it is however interesting to note that you have NO problem with this....

View attachment 177436
Problem with what... some photo shopped picture you obtained from some conspiracy site?
Ok, genius. Show me the source where you got this picture.
You’re on stage.

LOL, prove it's photo shopped kid. You REALLY suck at this.
The coward knows I’m right that’s why he’s scared to post his source for his photo shopped picture.
You Trump whores have no integrity, no honesty, no character

Speaking of having no integrity, no honesty, no character.....let's prove it applies to you, when you don't answer this question:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
Who are you referring to? Or is all you have are generalities?
You really are as slow as everyone says. You think Junior's meeting with the Russians was "unwitting?"

It won't be over until after the Liar in Chief is interviewed...or forced to testify to the Grand Jury.

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
This simple bitch has to resort to a tabloid to find a source that tells her what she wants to hear.
You do know that the NY Post is a tabloid don’t you?

I don't use language like that.
But....I understand your rage, Mueller having pulled the rug out from under you and all....
You think lying about Mueller makes it come true?
You on LSD?
I don't have to defend Trump's behavior, it was reprehensible. But it is however interesting to note that you have NO problem with this....

View attachment 177436
Problem with what... some photo shopped picture you obtained from some conspiracy site?
Ok, genius. Show me the source where you got this picture.
You’re on stage.

LOL, prove it's photo shopped kid. You REALLY suck at this.
The coward knows I’m right that’s why he’s scared to post his source for his photo shopped picture.
You Trump whores have no integrity, no honesty, no character

Speaking of having no integrity, no honesty, no character.....let's prove it applies to you, when you don't answer this question:

A simple simple that I believe that even one of your limited ability can answer:

Should an individual under investigation expect, and be entitled to, impartiality by the investigating agencies?


1. equal treatment of all rivals or disputants; fairness.

Take your time.
Who are you referring to? Or is all you have are generalities?

That would be 'to whom,'

Sorry, no second chance to answer.....I used you like the tool you are, and predicted you wouldn't answer.
Gads, you're simple.
Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
This simple bitch has to resort to a tabloid to find a source that tells her what she wants to hear.
You do know that the NY Post is a tabloid don’t you?

I don't use language like that.
But....I understand your rage, Mueller having pulled the rug out from under you and all....
You think lying about Mueller makes it come true?
You on LSD?

I never lie.

Let's go over it again....

The Nunes Memo made it untenable to continue the 'War on Trump,' and he needed to find a way out of the corner they had painted themselves into, before a second special prosecutor was put in place to send the conspirators to jail.

Mueller's indictments in a totally different direction than you Leftists expected is a version of 'rats leaving a sinking ship.'

Mueller indicted individuals he cannot extradite….and ties up loose ends by leaving all American out of it

”Rosenstein said his team has not had communication with Russia about the indictments and would go through normal channels for the extradition of those indicted. However, the U.S. government hasno extradition treaty with Russia. In the past, Russia has not cooperated with these requests.

....Rosenstein said that "there is no allegation in this indictment that any American was a knowing participant in this illegal activity.

He added that "there is no allegation in the indictment that the charged conduct altered the outcome of the 2016 election."
Mueller Indicts 13 Russians Accused of Election Meddling

Did that hurt???

Comrade, just how will the Grand Inquisitor "force" the president of the United States to testify to any one?

You are VERY close to open revolt.

He will and if he refuses, he will be subpeonaed. Just like Bill Clinton....he will have to testify.

Ha! Your revolt is in your tiny mind...

"The indictments obtained by special counsel Robert Mueller on Vladimir Putin’s attempts to create discord in the 2016 election and eventually support Donald Trump are important both for what they say and what they don’t say.

They offer huge victories for Trump — and thus more defeats for Hillary Clinton — but they don’t close the books on everything about 2016.

The very good news for the president is that the indictments are firm in saying that any Americans contacted by the 13 charged Russians, including Trump campaign associates, did not know they were dealing with Russians.

The indictments also state forcefully that despite their social media efforts, which ranged from creative to clumsy, the Russians had no impact on the election results."

Kinda like Noverber 9th, 2016 all over again, huh????
This simple bitch has to resort to a tabloid to find a source that tells her what she wants to hear.
You do know that the NY Post is a tabloid don’t you?

I don't use language like that.
But....I understand your rage, Mueller having pulled the rug out from under you and all....
You think lying about Mueller makes it come true?
You on LSD?
Lol....You're getting your snowflake ass handed to you!

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