Mueller Investigation is finished, do you all still think a "former" British spy created the dossier


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
First off, the Secretary of State was one of 9 agencies that needed to sign off on the Uranium One deal, and even then, it was still up to Obama to say yes or no. She did not have any special powers to authorize, or veto, the deal!! So why "bribe" her? Second, no Clinton gets any money, not a cent, from the Foundation. The foundation is squeaky clean, 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping people, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. Again, how can you "bribe" someone by giving to a charity they get no money from? You are being played by right wing fake news despite all the number of real sources you could fact check and not appear to be so gullible and easily fooled. Why not do that?

So you agree with me that English agencies were involved.
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Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Who else would have inside info on what was going on in Russia because he was a FORMER SPY who was head of the British spy group in Moscow that could be nearly as credible at face value? Just some guy on the street? Do you not know that Steele had been considered a reliable source for other Russian info in other cases for years? The FBI uses paid informants all the time, ever see an FBI Wanted Poster? It offers huge rewards...get it? But your assumption that a donation to the Clinton Foundation somehow influences the Clintons is ignorant. They get no penny, no Clinton gets a penny, from the Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping folks, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. What does someone getting paid to provide information that may or may not be verifiable, but can be vetted and checked against other info to prove it is reliable, have to do with that process? Police get paid to investigate, reporters get paid to investigate, spies get paid to provide inside information ordinary people do not have access to. That is why they get paid. Get it?
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
The dossier was raw intelligence, a notebook.
Started by Paul Singer
Some if its true, none of it as been completely disproven.

During the Republican primaries, a research firm called Fusion GPS was hired by The Washington Free Beacon, a conservative website, to unearth potentially damaging information about Mr. Trump. The Free Beacon — which was funded by a major donor supporting Mr. Trump’s rival for the party’s nomination, Senator Marco Rubio of Florida — told Fusion GPS to stop doing research on Mr. Trump in May 2016, as Mr. Trump was clinching the Republican nomination.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Who else would have inside info on what was going on in Russia because he was a FORMER SPY who was head of the British spy group in Moscow that could be nearly as credible at face value? Just some guy on the street? Do you not know that Steele had been considered a reliable source for other Russian info in other cases for years? The FBI uses paid informants all the time, ever see an FBI Wanted Poster? It offers huge rewards...get it? But your assumption that a donation to the Clinton Foundation somehow influences the Clintons is ignorant. They get no penny, no Clinton gets a penny, from the Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping folks, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. What does someone getting paid to provide information that may or may not be verifiable, but can be vetted and checked against other info to prove it is reliable, have to do with that process? Police get paid to investigate, reporters get paid to investigate, spies get paid to provide inside information ordinary people do not have access to. That is why they get paid. Get it?

Yes, I admit, i do think large donations to the Clinton Foundation encourages influence. You can call me ignorant, I might call you naive for thinking differently.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.

The fact that America's oldest and most bitter enemy, the UK, is involved tells me a lot about this whole scheme. Remember that we had to schlong the British twice in epic wars in the past, and they are still pissed.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.

Hey Shocked, what do you think of this? Russian mission On Fundraising Letter from John McCain Election Campaign, 20 Oct 2008 - WikiLeaks

Does that sound familiar to you? Gee, wonder why!

You don't think the whole collusion/delusion was a script rewritten from...…….just in case John Mccain won, to just in case Donald Trump won, do you-)

If you look on the internet and do a Google search, you will discover the same players, with the same names, had almost EXACTLY the same version for good old John. Now how could that be? You know, and I know how...………….but Leftists are dumb as a box of rocks, or maybe they don't care as long as they get power!
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.

The fact that America's oldest and most bitter enemy, the UK, is involved tells me a lot about this whole scheme. Remember that we had to schlong the British twice in epic wars in the past, and they are still pissed.

They are just the point man on a much broader global socialist effort to undermine the U.S as far as I am concerned. Some want Communist China to be the global leader, they care little about, old, tired ideals such as liberty, Rule of Law, equality and capitalism.

It's about power and control. Hug your constitution and demand that every politician bow down to it as well, or, they shouldn't receive even a single vote. If America succeeds, individual liberty succeeds.
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Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Who else would have inside info on what was going on in Russia because he was a FORMER SPY who was head of the British spy group in Moscow that could be nearly as credible at face value? Just some guy on the street? Do you not know that Steele had been considered a reliable source for other Russian info in other cases for years? The FBI uses paid informants all the time, ever see an FBI Wanted Poster? It offers huge rewards...get it? But your assumption that a donation to the Clinton Foundation somehow influences the Clintons is ignorant. They get no penny, no Clinton gets a penny, from the Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping folks, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. What does someone getting paid to provide information that may or may not be verifiable, but can be vetted and checked against other info to prove it is reliable, have to do with that process? Police get paid to investigate, reporters get paid to investigate, spies get paid to provide inside information ordinary people do not have access to. That is why they get paid. Get it?

Yes, I admit, i do think large donations to the Clinton Foundation encourages influence. You can call me ignorant, I might call you naive for thinking differently.
yes, you are ignorant. even if the reasons for the dossier are suspect to easily duped conspiracy theorists, it is the info that matters. do you really think the FBI just takes in info from sources and just starts investigations based on whatever it says without any sort of verification from other sources or other known facts that make that info credible? Of course they do not know the minute they get any info from any source if it is credible or not!! That is why they vet it, check it out, you know, do the stuff INVESTIGATORS ROUTINELY DO, from the local cop to the local investigative news reporters. you have no clue how the whole investigative process works!!
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
The things I find more interesting is first they put all this emphasis on a document that was in no way vetted. Like going to a doctor for the sniffles, he only looks at you and says you have pancreatic cancer.

He even claimed to get some of his information from a CNN website that was more or less conspiracy theories. He did not step foot on Russian soil to verify anything.

Not one person in power has suggested that it may have been against the law or even hinted that Clinton or Ohr or others even acted in unison to bypass campaign laws by gathering the information to start with. Or by disseminating it.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.

Hey Shocked, what do you think of this? Russian mission On Fundraising Letter from John McCain Election Campaign, 20 Oct 2008 - WikiLeaks

Does that sound familiar to you? Gee, wonder why!

You don't think the whole collusion/delusion was a script rewritten from...…….just in case John Mccain won, to just in case Donald Trump won, do you-)

If you look on the internet and do a Google search, you will discover the same players, with the same names, had almost EXACTLY the same version for good old John. Now how could that be? You know, and I know how...………….but Leftists are dumb as a box of rocks, or maybe they don't care as long as they get power!

I don't know. McCain was Establishment, so I don't think he would face this situation at all. He wasn't interested in renegotiation NAFTA or confronting China.

Trump as an outsider who said "I'm going to confront what ails Americans. To hell with ythe global socialists who exploit America",

Too many people are short sighted. They see dollar signs in China and they want no restrictions as the Communists take over. Rapidly in some industries. They don't realize, Communist power when absolute will render their wealth and influence moot. It will just be taken at the whim of China. History has shown this.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.

The fact that America's oldest and most bitter enemy, the UK, is involved tells me a lot about this whole scheme. Remember that we had to schlong the British twice in epic wars in the past, and they are still pissed.
Oldest and most bitter enemy, the British? You need to take either more medication or less. You are as senseless as Alex Jones or Trump.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Who else would have inside info on what was going on in Russia because he was a FORMER SPY who was head of the British spy group in Moscow that could be nearly as credible at face value? Just some guy on the street? Do you not know that Steele had been considered a reliable source for other Russian info in other cases for years? The FBI uses paid informants all the time, ever see an FBI Wanted Poster? It offers huge rewards...get it? But your assumption that a donation to the Clinton Foundation somehow influences the Clintons is ignorant. They get no penny, no Clinton gets a penny, from the Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping folks, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. What does someone getting paid to provide information that may or may not be verifiable, but can be vetted and checked against other info to prove it is reliable, have to do with that process? Police get paid to investigate, reporters get paid to investigate, spies get paid to provide inside information ordinary people do not have access to. That is why they get paid. Get it?

Yes, I admit, i do think large donations to the Clinton Foundation encourages influence. You can call me ignorant, I might call you naive for thinking differently.
yes, you are ignorant. even if the reasons for the dossier are suspect to easily duped conspiracy theorists, it is the info that matters. do you really think the FBI just takes in info from sources and just starts investigations based on whatever it says without any sort of verification from other sources or other known facts that make that info credible? Of course they do not know the minute they get any info from any source if it is credible or not!! That is why they vet it, check it out, you know, do the stuff INVESTIGATORS ROUTINELY DO, from the local cop to the local investigative news reporters. you have no clue how the whole investigative process works!!

No, I don't think the FBI willingly accepts the word of others, I'm telling you a concerted foreign effort to influence them is quite easy, especially in an Obama run WH.

If your closest friend tells you something, do you believe him or get multiple sources?

I generally trust the FBI, I don't trust International sources, especially those backed and committed to their own objectives and not Americas. I could tell you some details about Canada that would shock you (hence my name), I don't think for a second our Big Brother across the pond is any nicer.

Could some of Trumps team have been fleeced? Sure. Ultimately, on the face of it, I never believed Trump was elected because of Russia.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Who else would have inside info on what was going on in Russia because he was a FORMER SPY who was head of the British spy group in Moscow that could be nearly as credible at face value? Just some guy on the street? Do you not know that Steele had been considered a reliable source for other Russian info in other cases for years? The FBI uses paid informants all the time, ever see an FBI Wanted Poster? It offers huge rewards...get it? But your assumption that a donation to the Clinton Foundation somehow influences the Clintons is ignorant. They get no penny, no Clinton gets a penny, from the Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping folks, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. What does someone getting paid to provide information that may or may not be verifiable, but can be vetted and checked against other info to prove it is reliable, have to do with that process? Police get paid to investigate, reporters get paid to investigate, spies get paid to provide inside information ordinary people do not have access to. That is why they get paid. Get it?

Yes, I admit, i do think large donations to the Clinton Foundation encourages influence. You can call me ignorant, I might call you naive for thinking differently.
yes, you are ignorant. even if the reasons for the dossier are suspect to easily duped conspiracy theorists, it is the info that matters. do you really think the FBI just takes in info from sources and just starts investigations based on whatever it says without any sort of verification from other sources or other known facts that make that info credible? Of course they do not know the minute they get any info from any source if it is credible or not!! That is why they vet it, check it out, you know, do the stuff INVESTIGATORS ROUTINELY DO, from the local cop to the local investigative news reporters. you have no clue how the whole investigative process works!!

Senator Schumer observed that the Intelligence Community has , and I quote "6 ways to Sunday" to get back at anyone who disses them. And yes, they aren't beyond lying.

The former leader of the Soviet peoples , Joseph Stalin, could see it and that's why he cashiered the Bloody Dwarf Nick Yezhov out of the USSR's Intelligence Community in 1940.
In congressional testimony Steele admitted to using forums similar to this one to gather info and "confirm" his dossier. No one of a right mind should believe a fucking thing that pos says.
The investigation is over, proving there was no collusion, by Trump or anyone else, with Russia. But the reason Mueller gave it up is because he didn't have Rosenstein to cover his back any more. The DOJ, FBI, ie. Mueller and friends, can no longer shield their corruption and criminality from exposure now that Barr is AG. Therefore, Mueller was acting in his own self interest when he was compelled to end this witch hunt. He knows that he and his co conspirators are going to need all the mercy they can get when their crimes are exposed.
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Send this thread to Conspiracy Theories.
Just as a side note, you do realize administrative expenses , even though a small percentage, was $28 million in 2016, for only 256 employees. And Bill Clinton is the Chairman of the Board.
They also received over $70 million in government grants. Very interesting...
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Who else would have inside info on what was going on in Russia because he was a FORMER SPY who was head of the British spy group in Moscow that could be nearly as credible at face value? Just some guy on the street? Do you not know that Steele had been considered a reliable source for other Russian info in other cases for years? The FBI uses paid informants all the time, ever see an FBI Wanted Poster? It offers huge rewards...get it? But your assumption that a donation to the Clinton Foundation somehow influences the Clintons is ignorant. They get no penny, no Clinton gets a penny, from the Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping folks, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. What does someone getting paid to provide information that may or may not be verifiable, but can be vetted and checked against other info to prove it is reliable, have to do with that process? Police get paid to investigate, reporters get paid to investigate, spies get paid to provide inside information ordinary people do not have access to. That is why they get paid. Get it?
Just a question, as I was always suspicious of this.

Maybe I am wrong and the global socialists lead by the UK didn't try to interfere, but with massive donations from Ukraine, England and yes, my favourite country Canada, having being sent to the Clinton Foundation, I can't take it at face value.

Knowingly or unknowingly, giving $5M to an apparent former spy is not prudent, at very least.
Who else would have inside info on what was going on in Russia because he was a FORMER SPY who was head of the British spy group in Moscow that could be nearly as credible at face value? Just some guy on the street? Do you not know that Steele had been considered a reliable source for other Russian info in other cases for years? The FBI uses paid informants all the time, ever see an FBI Wanted Poster? It offers huge rewards...get it? But your assumption that a donation to the Clinton Foundation somehow influences the Clintons is ignorant. They get no penny, no Clinton gets a penny, from the Foundation. 87 cents of every dollar goes to helping folks, not overhead. It has a higher charity watch rating than the Red Cross. What does someone getting paid to provide information that may or may not be verifiable, but can be vetted and checked against other info to prove it is reliable, have to do with that process? Police get paid to investigate, reporters get paid to investigate, spies get paid to provide inside information ordinary people do not have access to. That is why they get paid. Get it?

You are utterly clueless! The Clinton's used their "Foundation" to help sustain their political machine paying people who worked on Hillary's campaign out of Foundation monies. It was a cute way to get around campaign finance laws. I have one very simple question for you...if the Foundation actually was the charity that you claim it was...why did contributions to it virtually cease to exist once Hillary lost the election and why did the Clinton's shut major parts of it down? Duh?

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