Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

What does it matter? Trump could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and it would take a Democratic controlled House to impeach and a Democratic controlled Senate to convict. Good luck with that.
Who cares about your conspiracy bunk?

The bottom line is Papadopolous was TOLD in April 2016, that the Russian Government had Clinton Campaign emails and dirt on Hillary, BEFORE the Clinton Campaign and the DNC even KNEW they had been hacked and robbed.... and before Christopher Steele was hired by GPS...
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Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
I understand that by Madcow and Moron Joe on MSNBC you might not have heard, but there really is a non-fake news free press out there:

Two FBI employees who exchanged texts critical of Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaigntalked about a “secret society that would be working against” the president, two Republican lawmakers revealed.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who had been part of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and Russian meddling in the election, exchanged texts with his then-mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer.

Among the messages were references to a “secret society” within the agency and the Department of Justice, Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Monday night.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that his chief-of-staff, who also had worked for ex-Director James Comey, is leaving, Fox News reported

James Rybicki had helped Comey draft a statement clearing Clinton two months before Comey announced the end of the probe in July 2016.

LOL, Mueller removed the FBI agent from the Russian Investigation months and months ago. Your claim is ridiculous. You don't know anything and claim special knowledge - turn off Hannity and you might not continue to make a fool of yourself.
yep, July of last year....

mueller had not even finished hiring all of his prosecutors/Investigators yet...mueller had been there full time for about a month....

And the biased FBI found jack squat on Trump that could tank his campaign.

Do you looney tooneys realize how whackadoodle you look, or no? Because you come off as pretty whackadoodle.
it's only that way to people who limit their ''news'' to only FOX and company...

was watching it a little while ago...laura ingrahm, she spent a good 15 minutes of her show on actors and actresses and her book from 10 years ago, Sing and Shut up, or shut up and sing..... how performers should just shut up, when it comes to politics.....sheesh....

And NOTHING AT ALL on today's BREAKING NEWS.....on the Mueller investigation.....and Nunberg on all the 24/7's.... i mean, really??? Just crazy how you are STARVED from REAL News at FOX..... unbelievable...

now I know why you all are so deceived or uninformed..... :(
Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

We now know? Wow. What a revelation!
Actually, I disagree with you and the op title.....

We still do not know the focus is on Trump as the target yet.... even with all the news today, and the Nunberg guy mouthing could be that Roger Stone is next....and what he did with the timing and release of the stolen emails or what he conspired to do....?

Nothing is being leaked by Mueller's team.

This is all coming from people who have been questioned by Mueller and their OPINIONS by the questions they were asked.....but that doesn't mean they truly know what Mueller and team are on the trail of.....or why they are sniffing it out....
Russia says it stopped Mitt Romney from becoming secretary of State: report

Russia says it stopped former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney from becoming President Trump’s secretary of State, according to The New Yorker.

The magazine, in a report about Christopher Steele, says the former British spy authored a separate dossier with “a senior Russian official” as its source. That source said individuals inside Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs claimed to have stopped Romney from becoming head of the State Department.

Steele’s memo said Russia used “unspecified channels” to request that Trump choose a secretary of State who would remove “Ukraine-related sanctions,” according to the report. The Kremlin also reportedly wanted the department's head to accommodate Russia in regards to Syria, where the Russian government has been backing President Bashar Assad in a years-long civil war.

The New Yorker post quoted is the same link as my last post.
Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

We now know? Wow. What a revelation!
Actually, I disagree with you and the op title.....

We still do not know the focus is on Trump as the target yet.... even with all the news today, and the Nunberg guy mouthing could be that Roger Stone is next....and what he did with the timing and release of the stolen emails or what he conspired to do....?

Nothing is being leaked by Mueller's team.

This is all coming from people who have been questioned by Mueller and their OPINIONS by the questions they were asked.....but that doesn't mean they truly know what Mueller and team are on the trail of.....or why they are sniffing it out....

The title didn't say Trump is the only target. Mueller is working his way up to Trump. Little fishes rolling on big fishes, rolling on bigger fishes, rolling on the big fish.

Stone is one fish removed from Trump.
Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

We now know? Wow. What a revelation!
Actually, I disagree with you and the op title.....

We still do not know the focus is on Trump as the target yet.... even with all the news today, and the Nunberg guy mouthing could be that Roger Stone is next....and what he did with the timing and release of the stolen emails or what he conspired to do....?

Nothing is being leaked by Mueller's team.

This is all coming from people who have been questioned by Mueller and their OPINIONS by the questions they were asked.....but that doesn't mean they truly know what Mueller and team are on the trail of.....or why they are sniffing it out....

The goal from day 1 was to stop/get Trump. Are you really that gullible?
Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

We now know? Wow. What a revelation!
Actually, I disagree with you and the op title.....

We still do not know the focus is on Trump as the target yet.... even with all the news today, and the Nunberg guy mouthing could be that Roger Stone is next....and what he did with the timing and release of the stolen emails or what he conspired to do....?

Nothing is being leaked by Mueller's team.

This is all coming from people who have been questioned by Mueller and their OPINIONS by the questions they were asked.....but that doesn't mean they truly know what Mueller and team are on the trail of.....or why they are sniffing it out....

The goal from day 1 was to stop/get Trump. Are you really that gullible?
Do you find it necessary to ask that question of a user named Care4All?
Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

We now know? Wow. What a revelation!
Actually, I disagree with you and the op title.....

We still do not know the focus is on Trump as the target yet.... even with all the news today, and the Nunberg guy mouthing could be that Roger Stone is next....and what he did with the timing and release of the stolen emails or what he conspired to do....?

Nothing is being leaked by Mueller's team.

This is all coming from people who have been questioned by Mueller and their OPINIONS by the questions they were asked.....but that doesn't mean they truly know what Mueller and team are on the trail of.....or why they are sniffing it out....

The title didn't say Trump is the only target. Mueller is working his way up to Trump. Little fishes rolling on big fishes, rolling on bigger fishes, rolling on the big fish.

Stone is one fish removed from Trump.
I know how close Stone is.....

Just saying there is so so so much that we do not know, that Mueller does know.....

And the emails subpoenaed from the different people seems like this part of the Mueller investigation is on the stolen email distribution and promotion during the campaign and who in the Trump campaign may be connected to that....including president Trump....

but it obviously not about the meeting in trump tower with the Russians and Donny Junior, Trump, and Manafort and Kushner...... that is still on the "To Do" list for Mueller.....

or about President Trump lying about the meeting in Trump tower....this Nunberg guy was no longer with the campaign at that point....

And it is not about the alleged obstruction of justice by President Trump, but more about using the dirt on Hillary the Russians said they would give him.....

Nor does it cover the quid pro quo aspect of the investigation and what the Trump campaign offered the Russian gvt in return for their help, if that did happen....

So, basically....I just think, the things mentioned are things I know they will have to investigate and bring forward and they have not done so yet....

Let alone all the things I do not know the Mueller team may have come across during their investigation that is or was illegal....

I just don't think Mueller is going to show his cards all at once....too many aspects to this investigation.....

so it is going to be going on for a while....
Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

We now know? Wow. What a revelation!
Actually, I disagree with you and the op title.....

We still do not know the focus is on Trump as the target yet.... even with all the news today, and the Nunberg guy mouthing could be that Roger Stone is next....and what he did with the timing and release of the stolen emails or what he conspired to do....?

Nothing is being leaked by Mueller's team.

This is all coming from people who have been questioned by Mueller and their OPINIONS by the questions they were asked.....but that doesn't mean they truly know what Mueller and team are on the trail of.....or why they are sniffing it out....

The goal from day 1 was to stop/get Trump. Are you really that gullible?

yeah, sure.....:rolleyes:

they did such a good of of that, didn't they...... hahahaha!
Meanwhile, turned on Fox again and they are still covering the oscars......and spinning that...... instead of covering today's breaking news....
‘Pure madness’: Dark days inside the White House as Trump shocks and rages

Trump has long been furious with Sessions for recusing himself from oversight of the Russia probe, and privately mocks him as “Mr. Magoo,” an elderly and bumbling cartoon character. But this past week the president was irate that his attorney general had asked the Justice Department’s inspector general — as opposed to criminal prosecutors — to investigate alleged misdeeds by the FBI in obtaining surveillance warrants.

On Friday morning, Trump targeted his ire elsewhere. About an hour after Fox News Channel aired a segment about comedian Alec Baldwin saying he had tired of impersonating Trump on NBC’s “Saturday Night Live,” Trump lit into Baldwin on Twitter, initially misspelling his first name. “It was agony for those who were forced to watch,” the president wrote at 5:42 a.m.

“Trump’s fundamentally distorted personality — which at its core is chaotic, volatile and transgressive — when combined with the powers of the presidency had to end poorly,” said Peter Wehner, a veteran of the three previous Republican administrations and a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center. “What we’re now seeing is the radiating effects of that, and it’s enveloped him, his White House, his family and his friends.”
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.
Trump should send Mueller to a gulag.

Ah, the good old right wing way of dealing with things.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.

Obama did nothing about it, and yet Trump is complaining Obama did do something about it! Huh?
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.
Trump should send Mueller to a gulag.

On what basis.

Just on general principle. It would make a lot of people happy that the swamp was being drained.
You still think Trump is draining the swamp?
By stocking it with alligators from Wall St.
How cute!
Mueller is now investigating whether the UAE meddled in the election. How freaking lame. I guess he's going to hang in for all the $$$$$ he's getting. What a dirty piece of shit.

He is?

Absolutely. He's such a dirty son of a bitch. Mueller the dirty cop that he is completely ignores the obvious with all the donations going to the Clinton Foundation by the Ukrainians and the Gulf States and all Hillary's pay to play schemes. Pfffffffffffffffffft. The man is turning into a smellier POS than a shit that my dog takes after having snorked a piece of limburger cheese.

Mueller’s Focus on Adviser to Emirates Suggests Broader Investigation

Mueller’s Focus on Adviser to Emirates Suggests Broader Investigation
Mueller has the authority to take his investigation anywhere where he feels crimes were committed much to your chagrin.
Since this is the dirtiest administration/ campaign in history it’s a giant task investigating these dirtballs.
But all you can do is cry crocodile tears and point to the Clinton’s.
Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
I understand that by Madcow and Moron Joe on MSNBC you might not have heard, but there really is a non-fake news free press out there:

Two FBI employees who exchanged texts critical of Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaigntalked about a “secret society that would be working against” the president, two Republican lawmakers revealed.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who had been part of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and Russian meddling in the election, exchanged texts with his then-mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer.

Among the messages were references to a “secret society” within the agency and the Department of Justice, Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Monday night.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that his chief-of-staff, who also had worked for ex-Director James Comey, is leaving, Fox News reported

James Rybicki had helped Comey draft a statement clearing Clinton two months before Comey announced the end of the probe in July 2016.
Dipshit doesn’t know that the NY Post is nothing but a tabloid not unlike the National Enquirer.

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