Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

Fox is still covering the Oscars....sheesh.... and not today's breaking news..... what a great fluff station, eh?
/——/ Try refreshing your browser once in a while. North Korea promises no nuclear weapons use against South, hold talks with US

By Katherine Lam |
Published March 6, 2018

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un promised to not use nuclear or conventional weapons against South Korea and expressed willingness to hold talks with the United States on denuclearization, Seoul said on Tuesday after a rare two-day visit to Pyongyang.
that's TODAY, not yesterday????
/——/ Yes, Fox is guilty of covering yesterday’s news yesterday. What were they thinking?
Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.
Oh? Why is that?

You are undermining the very concept of democracy.

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.
Nonsense, no one will get violent. Stop being such a drama queen.

You permanent marginalize a large portion of your population, and eventually, they will get violent.

Especially if you insist on rubbing salt into the many wounds you inflict on them.

As you fuckers do, constantly.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.
I hear he will be impeached by Christmas 2017!
Because I know he’s guilty. Hell, even if they can’t find the proof in any of the investigations they should hold, it’s still going to cost Republicans votes in the upcoming election and will likely gives Democrats control of at least one chamber, if not both. I’d rather see Trump wearing an orange jump suit to match his orange face, but I’ll take the election as a consolation prize if that’s how it turns out.

Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.

Words won't save you when this shit blows back on you.
What blowback? Why can’t you say, drama queen?
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.
Oh? Why is that?

You are undermining the very concept of democracy.

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.
Nonsense, no one will get violent. Stop being such a drama queen.

You permanent marginalize a large portion of your population, and eventually, they will get violent.

Especially if you insist on rubbing salt into the many wounds you inflict on them.

As you fuckers do, constantly.
Nah, you’re nuts. I’m not marginalizing anyone.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.
I hear he will be impeached by Christmas 2017!

Yeah, some idiots did believe that. I don't know why, since there have always and obviously been enough assholes turning a blind eye, to prevent it.

Rethuglicans -wutryagonnado. Defending the indefensible for as long as there have been old white men.
Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.

Words won't save you when this shit blows back on you.
What blowback? Why can’t you say, drama queen?

I can see trouble coming, doesn't mean I know exactly what form it will take.

You can take your "drama queen" and shove it up your ass.
Remember you said that.
Oh? Why is that?

You are undermining the very concept of democracy.

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.
Nonsense, no one will get violent. Stop being such a drama queen.

You permanent marginalize a large portion of your population, and eventually, they will get violent.

Especially if you insist on rubbing salt into the many wounds you inflict on them.

As you fuckers do, constantly.
Nah, you’re nuts. I’m not marginalizing anyone.

Trump spoke out for a large group of voters that have been completely ignored in policy for decades. That is why he won.

He is their first spokesman in generations.

You take him down, or even prevent him from getting anything done, and you have marginalized that group.

You are telling them, hell proving to them, that people like you won't let democracy work for them. Ever.

YOu really didn't think that though?

It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.

Words won't save you when this shit blows back on you.
What blowback? Why can’t you say, drama queen?

I can see trouble coming, doesn't mean I know exactly what form it will take.

You can take your "drama queen" and shove it up your ass.
Nah, you're just too stupid to see I was actually talking about Benghazi. The many investigations you called a "witch hunt" was actually the 8 separate Congressional investigations into Benghazi. I described how the GOP was investigating Benghazi and you said that is not justice; justice is only looking for a crime if there's real reason a crime took place, otherwise, you stop investigating. After the first investigation yielded nothing, that should have been the end of it. Instead, the GOP dragged it out for 7 more investigations, spanning 3 more years and two election cycles.

.... and your words ... "what you are describing is a Witch Hunt." ... and what I described was -- Benghazi.

Thank you for unwittingly confessing Benghazi was nothing but a witch hunt for political gain. You called it a witch hunt, you called it injustice, you called it apathetic of actual crimes, you claimed it's going to "cost" us, and you claimed there would be blow back....

..... all for doing what the GOP actually did.

Thanks for your assistance in demonstrating how evil the rightwing is.

Last edited:
Oh? Why is that?

You are undermining the very concept of democracy.

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.
Nonsense, no one will get violent. Stop being such a drama queen.

You permanent marginalize a large portion of your population, and eventually, they will get violent.

Especially if you insist on rubbing salt into the many wounds you inflict on them.

As you fuckers do, constantly.
Nah, you’re nuts. I’m not marginalizing anyone.

Trump spoke out for a large group of voters that have been completely ignored in policy for decades. That is why he won.

He is their first spokesman in generations.

You take him down, or even prevent him from getting anything done, and you have marginalized that group.

You are telling them, hell proving to them, that people like you won't let democracy work for them. Ever.

YOu really didn't think that though?

Trump said he spoke out for the little guy after spending 4 decades screwing small businessmen.
But he knew dopes like you wouldn’t know this or care..
Oh? Why is that?

You are undermining the very concept of democracy.

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.
Nonsense, no one will get violent. Stop being such a drama queen.

You permanent marginalize a large portion of your population, and eventually, they will get violent.

Especially if you insist on rubbing salt into the many wounds you inflict on them.

As you fuckers do, constantly.
Nah, you’re nuts. I’m not marginalizing anyone.

Trump spoke out for a large group of voters that have been completely ignored in policy for decades. That is why he won.

He is their first spokesman in generations.

You take him down, or even prevent him from getting anything done, and you have marginalized that group.

You are telling them, hell proving to them, that people like you won't let democracy work for them. Ever.

YOu really didn't think that though?

More idiocy from you. Trump won because of how we elect a president, not because the people wanted him. More voters wanted Hillary than they wanted Trump. Trump's savvy acumen of campaigning strategically in the Rust Belt while Hillary took it for granted, in a country which elects a president by states, not people, and rightfully so, is what ascended him to that coveted office.

But don't be stupid enough to think he won because he had the peoples' votes, because he didn't. He had the electoral vote; which fortunately for him, is all that matters.
Because I know he’s guilty. Hell, even if they can’t find the proof in any of the investigations they should hold, it’s still going to cost Republicans votes in the upcoming election and will likely gives Democrats control of at least one chamber, if not both. I’d rather see Trump wearing an orange jump suit to match his orange face, but I’ll take the election as a consolation prize if that’s how it turns out.

Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.

Words won't save you when this shit blows back on you.
Let me ask you a few questions and see if you can be honest.
Have you followed the Russian Investigation or just Fox news’ Version of it?

Do you really doubt with Trump long history of nefarious business practices that he’s not capable of doing illegal things to get elected?
One of the reasons Cohn quit today was because of the information coming out from witnesses interviewed by Mueller. They are saying Mueller knows more than anyone thought. He actually knew information these witnesses felt he had no ability to know.

Cohn doesn’t want to go down with the ship and word coming out of the White House staff is they feel they could go bankrupt from all the legal bills they’re accumulating because everyone is lawyered up.
I bet the ones that are left are cursing Trump and rue the day they came to work at the WH.
Oh? Why is that?

You are undermining the very concept of democracy.

Those who make peaceful change impossible, make violent change inevitable.
Nonsense, no one will get violent. Stop being such a drama queen.

You permanent marginalize a large portion of your population, and eventually, they will get violent.

Especially if you insist on rubbing salt into the many wounds you inflict on them.

As you fuckers do, constantly.
Nah, you’re nuts. I’m not marginalizing anyone.

Trump spoke out for a large group of voters that have been completely ignored in policy for decades. That is why he won.

He is their first spokesman in generations.

You take him down, or even prevent him from getting anything done, and you have marginalized that group.

You are telling them, hell proving to them, that people like you won't let democracy work for them. Ever.

YOu really didn't think that though?


I honestly don't give a shit. Women and minorities have been marginalized for centuries. What. Are you afraid you'll be treated as badly as you've treated us for all these years?


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