Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

Nah, you’re nuts. I’m not marginalizing anyone.

Trump spoke out for a large group of voters that have been completely ignored in policy for decades. That is why he won.

He is their first spokesman in generations.

You take him down, or even prevent him from getting anything done, and you have marginalized that group.

You are telling them, hell proving to them, that people like you won't let democracy work for them. Ever.

YOu really didn't think that though?

More idiocy from you. Trump won because of how we elect a president, not because the people wanted him. More voters wanted Hillary than they wanted Trump. Trump's savvy acumen of campaigning strategically in the Rust Belt while Hillary took it for granted, in a country which elects a president by states, not people, and rightfully so, is what ascended him to that coveted office.

But don't be stupid enough to think he won because he had the peoples' votes, because he didn't. He had the electoral vote; which fortunately for him, is all that matters.

Your belief system that you can permanently marginalize 46% of the population and live happily ever after, is noted and laughed at.

When this blows up in your face, remember how you were warned, fool.

Warned about what? You won’t say, remember? What does, “blows up in your face,” mean? You won’t say. So don’t say you warned us because you’re not actually saying.

You are sitting at a computer. Look it up, fool.
Sorry, dumbfuck, but those are expressions you used. My computer doesn’t read your feeble mind to know what you were thinking when you said them. If you weren’t such a coward, you would explain what you meant; but alas, c’est la vie.
'Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.'


You think Democrats started up a Special Counsel in hopes they could charge people for Tax Evasion dating back to before Obama elected President?

You think Democrats started up a Special Counsel in hopes they could charge Flynn with lying to the FBI over something he was too stupid to know wasn't even illegal?

Of course not - they were after Trump from the start.

Evidence has been provided showing Hillary Clinton broke laws, to include illegally using a document filled with Russian Propaganda that she paid $12 million for to a foreign agent working with Russians in a US election...
- The Prosecuting Attorney leading the Special Counsel tasked with investigating crimes regarding illegal collusion with Russians in regards to the 2016 Presidential election was shown this information / evidence, evidence of a crime he was tasked to find through investigation, and he IGNORED the evidence in the crime because it had nothing to do with Trump.

WTF?! THAT is evidence that the on-going Witch Hunt is and always has been about nothing but 'getting Trump'.

I see rather than accept my challenge to you to prove your bizarre claim that Hillary spent $12 million to a foreign agent, you’re just gonna repeat that bullshit instead. Good job running away.

I can see trouble coming, doesn't mean I know exactly what form it will take.

You can take your "drama queen" and shove it up your ass.
Nah, you're just too stupid to see I was actually talking about Benghazi. The many investigations you called a "witch hunt" was actually the 8 separate Congressional investigations into Benghazi. I described how the GOP was investigating Benghazi and you said that is not justice; justice is only looking for a crime if there's real reason a crime took place, otherwise, you stop investigating. After the first investigation yielded nothing, that should have been the end of it. Instead, the GOP dragged it out for 7 more investigations, spanning 3 more years and two election cycles.

.... and your words ... "what you are describing is a Witch Hunt." ... and what I described was -- Benghazi.

Thank you for unwittingly confessing Benghazi was nothing but a witch hunt for political gain. You called it a witch hunt, you called it injustice, you called it apathetic of actual crimes, you claimed it's going to "cost" us, and you claimed there would be blow back....

..... all for doing what the GOP actually did.

Thanks for your assistance in demonstrating how evil the rightwing is.


I was responding to your words, regarding the topic, the attempt to take down Trump.

IF, in your mind, your were pretending that you were talking about something else, without telling me, that's on you.

If you have a point to make about comparing the Mueller investigation with the Benghazi investigation, that somehow justifies your side's vile actions, make it clearly and concisely and without stupid games.

Because I have to say, I saw nothing in your words, that didn't sound like standard lefty talking points on the Mueller investigation.
Yes, it’s on me that I duped you into bashing the right when you thought you were bashing the left. But it’s on you that you’re too stupid to fall for it and it’s on you that you’re such a blind partisan that you don’t see the shit your side does. And it’s on you that you see the ugly side of the left but not the right when the right does that of which you accuse the left.

Your side is the one holding witch hunts. Your side is the one who did that when Bill was president and when his wife ran for president. All the injustices you complained about were actually committed by your side, not mine, yet you only see that in the left. That too is on you.

Also on you is the difference in the way the two sides respond to being subjected to such injustices and witch hunts. You described the pending reaction as a threat. As “blow back.” As how it’s going to “cost” us. And while you stopped yourself short of saying a reaction would be violent, plenty of folks on the right aren’t as careful as you were. There have been plenty of threats of civil war coming from your side. All for the perceived actions they the right see from the left when it’s really the actions of the right.

So thanks for doing your part, as unwitting as it was, for helping me demonstrate the unabashed hypocrisy of the right.


1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?
Trump spoke out for a large group of voters that have been completely ignored in policy for decades. That is why he won.

He is their first spokesman in generations.

You take him down, or even prevent him from getting anything done, and you have marginalized that group.

You are telling them, hell proving to them, that people like you won't let democracy work for them. Ever.

YOu really didn't think that though?

More idiocy from you. Trump won because of how we elect a president, not because the people wanted him. More voters wanted Hillary than they wanted Trump. Trump's savvy acumen of campaigning strategically in the Rust Belt while Hillary took it for granted, in a country which elects a president by states, not people, and rightfully so, is what ascended him to that coveted office.

But don't be stupid enough to think he won because he had the peoples' votes, because he didn't. He had the electoral vote; which fortunately for him, is all that matters.

Your belief system that you can permanently marginalize 46% of the population and live happily ever after, is noted and laughed at.

When this blows up in your face, remember how you were warned, fool.

Warned about what? You won’t say, remember? What does, “blows up in your face,” mean? You won’t say. So don’t say you warned us because you’re not actually saying.

You are sitting at a computer. Look it up, fool.
Sorry, dumbfuck, but those are expressions you used. My computer doesn’t read your feeble mind to know what you were thinking when you said them. If you weren’t such a coward, you would explain what you meant; but alas, c’est la vie.

blow up in your face - Google Search

blow up in one's face
phrase of blow

  1. 1.
    (of an action, project, or situation) go drastically wrong with damaging effects to oneself.

Also, fuck you.
Meghan Kelly just said in her interview tonight on NBC with Putin he admits that he won’t stop hacking our elections this year and 2020 “ because no one is doing anything to stop him.”

There you have it.... more proof trump is failing this country as commander in Chief.

Meghan also said she got the strong suspicion that Putin has something major over Trump.
We’ve all seen this with his inability to ever criticize him, not put on sanctions etc.
There’s no question Trump is Putin’s bitch and we won’t find out the details until Bob Mueller releases his final report.
Nah, you're just too stupid to see I was actually talking about Benghazi. The many investigations you called a "witch hunt" was actually the 8 separate Congressional investigations into Benghazi. I described how the GOP was investigating Benghazi and you said that is not justice; justice is only looking for a crime if there's real reason a crime took place, otherwise, you stop investigating. After the first investigation yielded nothing, that should have been the end of it. Instead, the GOP dragged it out for 7 more investigations, spanning 3 more years and two election cycles.

.... and your words ... "what you are describing is a Witch Hunt." ... and what I described was -- Benghazi.

Thank you for unwittingly confessing Benghazi was nothing but a witch hunt for political gain. You called it a witch hunt, you called it injustice, you called it apathetic of actual crimes, you claimed it's going to "cost" us, and you claimed there would be blow back....

..... all for doing what the GOP actually did.

Thanks for your assistance in demonstrating how evil the rightwing is.


I was responding to your words, regarding the topic, the attempt to take down Trump.

IF, in your mind, your were pretending that you were talking about something else, without telling me, that's on you.

If you have a point to make about comparing the Mueller investigation with the Benghazi investigation, that somehow justifies your side's vile actions, make it clearly and concisely and without stupid games.

Because I have to say, I saw nothing in your words, that didn't sound like standard lefty talking points on the Mueller investigation.
Yes, it’s on me that I duped you into bashing the right when you thought you were bashing the left. But it’s on you that you’re too stupid to fall for it and it’s on you that you’re such a blind partisan that you don’t see the shit your side does. And it’s on you that you see the ugly side of the left but not the right when the right does that of which you accuse the left.

Your side is the one holding witch hunts. Your side is the one who did that when Bill was president and when his wife ran for president. All the injustices you complained about were actually committed by your side, not mine, yet you only see that in the left. That too is on you.

Also on you is the difference in the way the two sides respond to being subjected to such injustices and witch hunts. You described the pending reaction as a threat. As “blow back.” As how it’s going to “cost” us. And while you stopped yourself short of saying a reaction would be violent, plenty of folks on the right aren’t as careful as you were. There have been plenty of threats of civil war coming from your side. All for the perceived actions they the right see from the left when it’s really the actions of the right.

So thanks for doing your part, as unwitting as it was, for helping me demonstrate the unabashed hypocrisy of the right.


1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...
More idiocy from you. Trump won because of how we elect a president, not because the people wanted him. More voters wanted Hillary than they wanted Trump. Trump's savvy acumen of campaigning strategically in the Rust Belt while Hillary took it for granted, in a country which elects a president by states, not people, and rightfully so, is what ascended him to that coveted office.

But don't be stupid enough to think he won because he had the peoples' votes, because he didn't. He had the electoral vote; which fortunately for him, is all that matters.

Your belief system that you can permanently marginalize 46% of the population and live happily ever after, is noted and laughed at.

When this blows up in your face, remember how you were warned, fool.

Warned about what? You won’t say, remember? What does, “blows up in your face,” mean? You won’t say. So don’t say you warned us because you’re not actually saying.

You are sitting at a computer. Look it up, fool.
Sorry, dumbfuck, but those are expressions you used. My computer doesn’t read your feeble mind to know what you were thinking when you said them. If you weren’t such a coward, you would explain what you meant; but alas, c’est la vie.

blow up in your face - Google Search

blow up in one's face
phrase of blow

  1. 1.
    (of an action, project, or situation) go drastically wrong with damaging effects to oneself.

Also, fuck you.
You look so cute when you get pissed because you’re getting your ass kicked
View attachment 181599 Meghan Kelly just said in her interview tonight on NBC with Putin he admits that he won’t stop hacking our elections this year and 2020 “ because no one is doing anything to stop him.”

There you have it.... more proof trump is failing this country as commander in Chief.

Meghan also said she got the strong suspicion that Putin has something major over Trump.
We’ve all seen this with his inability to ever criticize him, not put on sanctions etc.
There’s no question Trump is Putin’s bitch and we won’t find out the details until Bob Mueller releases his final report.

Wow. YOu mean there will be a few dozen extra trolls on these sites? Wow. I wonder if anyone will be able to tell the difference.

There is no way they can be any dumber or more full of bile than our domestic lefties.
I was responding to your words, regarding the topic, the attempt to take down Trump.

IF, in your mind, your were pretending that you were talking about something else, without telling me, that's on you.

If you have a point to make about comparing the Mueller investigation with the Benghazi investigation, that somehow justifies your side's vile actions, make it clearly and concisely and without stupid games.

Because I have to say, I saw nothing in your words, that didn't sound like standard lefty talking points on the Mueller investigation.
Yes, it’s on me that I duped you into bashing the right when you thought you were bashing the left. But it’s on you that you’re too stupid to fall for it and it’s on you that you’re such a blind partisan that you don’t see the shit your side does. And it’s on you that you see the ugly side of the left but not the right when the right does that of which you accuse the left.

Your side is the one holding witch hunts. Your side is the one who did that when Bill was president and when his wife ran for president. All the injustices you complained about were actually committed by your side, not mine, yet you only see that in the left. That too is on you.

Also on you is the difference in the way the two sides respond to being subjected to such injustices and witch hunts. You described the pending reaction as a threat. As “blow back.” As how it’s going to “cost” us. And while you stopped yourself short of saying a reaction would be violent, plenty of folks on the right aren’t as careful as you were. There have been plenty of threats of civil war coming from your side. All for the perceived actions they the right see from the left when it’s really the actions of the right.

So thanks for doing your part, as unwitting as it was, for helping me demonstrate the unabashed hypocrisy of the right.


1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...
Hands down Faun is the smartest and most informed poster on this forum.
Funny you just used a tabloid as a source not unlike the National Enquirer.
I was responding to your words, regarding the topic, the attempt to take down Trump.

IF, in your mind, your were pretending that you were talking about something else, without telling me, that's on you.

If you have a point to make about comparing the Mueller investigation with the Benghazi investigation, that somehow justifies your side's vile actions, make it clearly and concisely and without stupid games.

Because I have to say, I saw nothing in your words, that didn't sound like standard lefty talking points on the Mueller investigation.
Yes, it’s on me that I duped you into bashing the right when you thought you were bashing the left. But it’s on you that you’re too stupid to fall for it and it’s on you that you’re such a blind partisan that you don’t see the shit your side does. And it’s on you that you see the ugly side of the left but not the right when the right does that of which you accuse the left.

Your side is the one holding witch hunts. Your side is the one who did that when Bill was president and when his wife ran for president. All the injustices you complained about were actually committed by your side, not mine, yet you only see that in the left. That too is on you.

Also on you is the difference in the way the two sides respond to being subjected to such injustices and witch hunts. You described the pending reaction as a threat. As “blow back.” As how it’s going to “cost” us. And while you stopped yourself short of saying a reaction would be violent, plenty of folks on the right aren’t as careful as you were. There have been plenty of threats of civil war coming from your side. All for the perceived actions they the right see from the left when it’s really the actions of the right.

So thanks for doing your part, as unwitting as it was, for helping me demonstrate the unabashed hypocrisy of the right.


1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."
View attachment 181599 Meghan Kelly just said in her interview tonight on NBC with Putin he admits that he won’t stop hacking our elections this year and 2020 “ because no one is doing anything to stop him.”

There you have it.... more proof trump is failing this country as commander in Chief.

Meghan also said she got the strong suspicion that Putin has something major over Trump.
We’ve all seen this with his inability to ever criticize him, not put on sanctions etc.
There’s no question Trump is Putin’s bitch and we won’t find out the details until Bob Mueller releases his final report.

Wow. YOu mean there will be a few dozen extra trolls on these sites? Wow. I wonder if anyone will be able to tell the difference.

There is no way they can be any dumber or more full of bile than our domestic lefties.
What you know about the Russian investigation can fit on the head of a pin.
I enjoy watching you wallow in your ignorance.
Russia attacked America’s sovereignty and you think it was only via trolls.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
You know know? Where you been loser? ROTFLMMFAO!
Yes, it’s on me that I duped you into bashing the right when you thought you were bashing the left. But it’s on you that you’re too stupid to fall for it and it’s on you that you’re such a blind partisan that you don’t see the shit your side does. And it’s on you that you see the ugly side of the left but not the right when the right does that of which you accuse the left.

Your side is the one holding witch hunts. Your side is the one who did that when Bill was president and when his wife ran for president. All the injustices you complained about were actually committed by your side, not mine, yet you only see that in the left. That too is on you.

Also on you is the difference in the way the two sides respond to being subjected to such injustices and witch hunts. You described the pending reaction as a threat. As “blow back.” As how it’s going to “cost” us. And while you stopped yourself short of saying a reaction would be violent, plenty of folks on the right aren’t as careful as you were. There have been plenty of threats of civil war coming from your side. All for the perceived actions they the right see from the left when it’s really the actions of the right.

So thanks for doing your part, as unwitting as it was, for helping me demonstrate the unabashed hypocrisy of the right.


1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."

Trump conducted his own investigation wasting tax payers monies on Obama wiretapping him and the study concluded THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE IT HAPPENED. I see no real news ever filters down to your encephalitic head.
Your belief system that you can permanently marginalize 46% of the population and live happily ever after, is noted and laughed at.

When this blows up in your face, remember how you were warned, fool.

Warned about what? You won’t say, remember? What does, “blows up in your face,” mean? You won’t say. So don’t say you warned us because you’re not actually saying.

You are sitting at a computer. Look it up, fool.
Sorry, dumbfuck, but those are expressions you used. My computer doesn’t read your feeble mind to know what you were thinking when you said them. If you weren’t such a coward, you would explain what you meant; but alas, c’est la vie.

blow up in your face - Google Search

blow up in one's face
phrase of blow

  1. 1.
    (of an action, project, or situation) go drastically wrong with damaging effects to oneself.

Also, fuck you.
You look so cute when you get pissed because you’re getting your ass kicked

Interesting. YOu see me being called a "Dumbfuck" or a "coward" yet see not reason for me to respond with an issue of my own...

Let me explain something to you, that a lot of your leftards don't grasp.

You don't get to be a complete fucking asshole and expect to be treated civilly in return.
Yes, it’s on me that I duped you into bashing the right when you thought you were bashing the left. But it’s on you that you’re too stupid to fall for it and it’s on you that you’re such a blind partisan that you don’t see the shit your side does. And it’s on you that you see the ugly side of the left but not the right when the right does that of which you accuse the left.

Your side is the one holding witch hunts. Your side is the one who did that when Bill was president and when his wife ran for president. All the injustices you complained about were actually committed by your side, not mine, yet you only see that in the left. That too is on you.

Also on you is the difference in the way the two sides respond to being subjected to such injustices and witch hunts. You described the pending reaction as a threat. As “blow back.” As how it’s going to “cost” us. And while you stopped yourself short of saying a reaction would be violent, plenty of folks on the right aren’t as careful as you were. There have been plenty of threats of civil war coming from your side. All for the perceived actions they the right see from the left when it’s really the actions of the right.

So thanks for doing your part, as unwitting as it was, for helping me demonstrate the unabashed hypocrisy of the right.


1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...
Hands down Faun is the smartest and most informed poster on this forum.
Funny you just used a tabloid as a source not unlike the National Enquirer.

When the Mainstream Media sources are completely corrupt, they open it up for others to speak the truth.
Yes, it’s on me that I duped you into bashing the right when you thought you were bashing the left. But it’s on you that you’re too stupid to fall for it and it’s on you that you’re such a blind partisan that you don’t see the shit your side does. And it’s on you that you see the ugly side of the left but not the right when the right does that of which you accuse the left.

Your side is the one holding witch hunts. Your side is the one who did that when Bill was president and when his wife ran for president. All the injustices you complained about were actually committed by your side, not mine, yet you only see that in the left. That too is on you.

Also on you is the difference in the way the two sides respond to being subjected to such injustices and witch hunts. You described the pending reaction as a threat. As “blow back.” As how it’s going to “cost” us. And while you stopped yourself short of saying a reaction would be violent, plenty of folks on the right aren’t as careful as you were. There have been plenty of threats of civil war coming from your side. All for the perceived actions they the right see from the left when it’s really the actions of the right.

So thanks for doing your part, as unwitting as it was, for helping me demonstrate the unabashed hypocrisy of the right.


1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."
The NY Post is a tabloid that sells to small minded people like you who loves lurid conspiracy theories.
God you’re such a dope.
You actually make Miketx and Bripat look smart and they’re the lowest bottom feeders on this forum.
View attachment 181599 Meghan Kelly just said in her interview tonight on NBC with Putin he admits that he won’t stop hacking our elections this year and 2020 “ because no one is doing anything to stop him.”

There you have it.... more proof trump is failing this country as commander in Chief.

Meghan also said she got the strong suspicion that Putin has something major over Trump.
We’ve all seen this with his inability to ever criticize him, not put on sanctions etc.
There’s no question Trump is Putin’s bitch and we won’t find out the details until Bob Mueller releases his final report.

Wow. YOu mean there will be a few dozen extra trolls on these sites? Wow. I wonder if anyone will be able to tell the difference.

There is no way they can be any dumber or more full of bile than our domestic lefties.
What you know about the Russian investigation can fit on the head of a pin.
I enjoy watching you wallow in your ignorance.
Russia attacked America’s sovereignty and you think it was only via trolls.

That and some leaked emails, maybe. That's it.

The rest is bullshit made up by professional scum.
1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."

Trump conducted his own investigation wasting tax payers monies on Obama wiretapping him and the study concluded THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE IT HAPPENED. I see no real news ever filters down to your encephalitic head.

How do you feel about the FBI using a political dossier they knew was full of shit to get a warrant?
1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...
Hands down Faun is the smartest and most informed poster on this forum.
Funny you just used a tabloid as a source not unlike the National Enquirer.

When the Mainstream Media sources are completely corrupt, they open it up for others to speak the truth.
No intelligent people in NY take the Post seriously just like the National Enquirer.
Just be on this forum the day Mueller rolls out Trump’s indictments to take your beating,
I’m sure you’ll be screaming FAKE NEWS like the little bitch you are.

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