Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

Yep, Mueller is coming...

1. Your claim that there is equivalence between the Right and the Left on the matter of investigations and witch hunts is unsupported.

2. The political bias revealed in the investigators in the Mueller investigation shows that we can't really trust the results of past investigations.

3. There is not move to permanently marginalize anyone on the left equivalent to those working class voters that supported Trump.

4. Your pretense that Left is above violence is laughed at.

You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."
The NY Post is a tabloid that sells to small minded people like you who loves lurid conspiracy theories.
God you’re such a dope.
You actually make Miketx and Bripat look smart and they’re the lowest bottom feeders on this forum.

Strzok's behavior is not conspiracy theory.

The FBI using democrat party smear material handed to them by a foreign operative is not conspiracy theory.

The shit that Mueller is supposedly investigating? Now that's some serious tin foil hat shit.
You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."

Trump conducted his own investigation wasting tax payers monies on Obama wiretapping him and the study concluded THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE IT HAPPENED. I see no real news ever filters down to your encephalitic head.

How do you feel about the FBI using a political dossier they knew was full of shit to get a warrant?
You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...
Hands down Faun is the smartest and most informed poster on this forum.
Funny you just used a tabloid as a source not unlike the National Enquirer.

When the Mainstream Media sources are completely corrupt, they open it up for others to speak the truth.
No intelligent people in NY take the Post seriously just like the National Enquirer.
Just be on this forum the day Mueller rolls out Trump’s indictments to take your beating,
I’m sure you’ll be screaming FAKE NEWS like the little bitch you are.

The MSM has squandered any claim to credibility.

The FBI is in the process of doing the same.
View attachment 181601
You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."

Trump conducted his own investigation wasting tax payers monies on Obama wiretapping him and the study concluded THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE IT HAPPENED. I see no real news ever filters down to your encephalitic head.

How do you feel about the FBI using a political dossier they knew was full of shit to get a warrant?
I would say he approves.
You’re truly brain-dead. There’s simply no other explanation.

You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

1. I’m not making any such equivalency. There is none. There’s no equivalence to the the right letting Ken Starr, who was linked to the Paula Jones case against Clinton, spend 6 years investigating the Clinton’s over allegations made by the right. There’s no equivalence to the right opening up 8 separate investigations into Benghazi. With Gowdy, the architect of the last one, dragging it into an election season nearly 4 years after the attack; admitting it would cost Hillary votes.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

2. There is no political bias in Mueller’s investigation.It’s a bipartisan team Mueller assembled and any bias Mueller encountered, like Strzok, was kicked off the investigation. Your limp efforts to marginalize Muellerfail since Mueller was chosen because of his pristine credibility. While there will certainly be some schmucks on the right who will refuse to accept any indictmentson Trump should any be forthcoming, most of America will accept it.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

3. There’s no movement on the left to permanently marginalize Trump voters. Mueller is a Republican. He is not the left. Mueller was appointed by Rosenstein, also a Republican. Rosenstein is not the left. Rosenstein was responsible for appointing a special counsel because Sessions recused himself due to his own connections to Tussia. Sessions is also Republican and also not the left. They were appointed by Trump. Trump is also a Republican and not the left. You’re so fucked in the head, you’re blaming the left for the actions of Republicans.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

4. I never said the left is above violence. I pointed out there are some on the right who are threatening violence, as insane as civil war, should Trump be indicted. And you’re just as nuts, since as I showed, the investigation comes from the right, not the left, and it’s actually been the right, not the left, who’s carried out witch hunts and unjust investigations. You unwittingly said so yourself when you called the string of Benghazi investigations as such because you thought I was talking about Mueller’s investigation.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."
The NY Post is a tabloid that sells to small minded people like you who loves lurid conspiracy theories.
God you’re such a dope.
You actually make Miketx and Bripat look smart and they’re the lowest bottom feeders on this forum.

Strzok's behavior is not conspiracy theory.

The FBI using democrat party smear material handed to them by a foreign operative is not conspiracy theory.

The shit that Mueller is supposedly investigating? Now that's some serious tin foil hat shit.
All Sean Hannity type conspiracy theories. All your bullshit you swear is going to make a difference NEVER materializes so you just move on to more lies your media tells you then...
Cyclical pattern.
View attachment 181601
You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."

Trump conducted his own investigation wasting tax payers monies on Obama wiretapping him and the study concluded THERE WAS NO EVIDENCE IT HAPPENED. I see no real news ever filters down to your encephalitic head.

How do you feel about the FBI using a political dossier they knew was full of shit to get a warrant?

It wasn't Trump or Fox that convinced me of anything.

It was you libs who convinced me that you are so full of hate and so smug that you would violate your professional responsibilities for the bullshit reasons that you tell yourself.
You are an asshole. See, two can play the insult game. The difference is that I am not lying.

Bill Clinton was a serial sexual harasser. Remember, the talking points have changed. THat matters again. That the dems stone walled, and the feminists gave him a pass, doesn't change the facts.

Strzok was kicked off when he got caught, not a moment before. Until that moment, he was considered to be wonderfully credibly too. Considering that he was not considered a real problem by the FBI, and was placed in such a sensitive position, calls into question the neutrality of the entire agency.

If Trump and his supporters are denied the possibility of advancing their agenda, as is their right for having won the election, for the White House AND the House of Representatives, AND the Senate, AND having a friendly Court,

Then you have removed the option of winning the Democratic Process from a large segment of the population.

Whatever little excuse you have in your mind to claim that that is not permanently marginalizing a large percentage of the population, won't change that.

If you are serious about doing that, you really should consider the consequences.

I said nothing about an indictment. My point was very clear. Your make peaceful change impossible, you permanently marginalize a large percentage of the population, and you are assholes on top of that, and you will be asking for trouble.

What part of that was confusing to you? How did you manage to confuse yourself about what I said?

Faun is a troll not worth the time of day.

Meanwhile, in the real world...

Good stuff, thanks.

"If either one is true — and I believe both probably are — it would mean FBI leaders betrayed the nation by abusing their powers in a bid to pick the president.

More support for this view involves the FBI’s use of the Russian dossier on Trump that was paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee. It is almost certain that the FBI used the dossier to get FISA court warrants to spy on Trump associates, meaning it used the opposition research of the party in power to convince a court to let it spy on the candidate of the other party — likely without telling the court of the dossier’s political link.

Even worse, there is growing reason to believe someone in President Barack Obama’s administration turned over classified information about Trump to the Clinton campaign.

As one former federal prosecutor put it, “It doesn’t get worse than that.” That prosecutor, Joseph diGenova, believes Trump was correct when he claimed Obama aides wiretapped his phones at Trump Tower.

These and other elements combine to make a toxic brew that smells to high heaven, but most Americans don’t know much about it. Mainstream media coverage has been sparse and dismissive and there’s a blackout from the same Democrats obsessed with Russia, Russia, Russia."
The NY Post is a tabloid that sells to small minded people like you who loves lurid conspiracy theories.
God you’re such a dope.
You actually make Miketx and Bripat look smart and they’re the lowest bottom feeders on this forum.

Strzok's behavior is not conspiracy theory.

The FBI using democrat party smear material handed to them by a foreign operative is not conspiracy theory.

The shit that Mueller is supposedly investigating? Now that's some serious tin foil hat shit.
All Sean Hannity type conspiracy theories. All your bullshit you swear is going to make a difference NEVER materializes so you just move on to more lies your media tells you then...
Cyclical pattern.

From the BBC.

Clinton team 'funded' Trump dirty dossier

Anthony Zurcher, BBC News, Washington

Political campaigns have been in the business of digging up dirt on their rivals since the dawn of democratic elections. A choice bit of "opposition research", deployed at an opportune moment, can be a decisive factor in a close election.

So it should come as little surprise that supporters of a Republican candidate went to work building a file on Donald Trump during the party primaries or that Democrats took the baton as the general election geared up.

What's unusual - and what will pique the interest of investigators and fuel the suspicions of conservatives - is that after the election, once Hillary Clinton was defeated, the FBI would pick up funding for this investigation.

A topic as sensitive as this - allegations of foreign influence on a presidential campaign - doesn't seem like something the US government should be outsourcing.

There have been plenty of accusations, on both sides of ideological divide, that the FBI has become politicised. Stories like this won't help diminish those concerns.
Those who know some details of Mueller’s Investigation think he has Trump’s tax returns.
We will find out why the sleazy bastard has been so scared to release them. Can’t wait
There will be multiple indictments rolled out on the Russian whore’s head not the least will be obstruction of justice and money laundering.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
The beauty of Mueller's investigation is that a Repub POTUS is being investigated by Repubs, so idiot Trumpsters can't blame President Obama and/or Hillary. What a hoot.!!!!!!!!
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

What a crock.

If Mueller had anything on Trump by now, the only prosecutions wouldn't be for process crimes or financial shenanigans that happened long before the people in question had any association with Trump.
Those who know some details of Mueller’s Investigation think he has Trump’s tax returns.
We will find out why the sleazy bastard has been so scared to release them. Can’t wait
Those who know some details of Mueller’s Investigation think he has Trump’s tax returns.
We will find out why the sleazy bastard has been so scared to release them. Can’t wait

What if what he finds, has NOTHING to do with the Russians or the Campaign?
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Opinion | Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.
The beauty of Mueller's investigation is that a Repub POTUS is being investigated by Repubs, so idiot Trumpsters can't blame President Obama and/or Hillary. What a hoot.!!!!!!!!

I suggest you look at all of the Dem partisans on Mueller's team, bub.

Fishing expedition by an asshole too much of an asshole to admit that he has found nothing.
Who’s the asshole again?
A true American hero who has served his country with honor or your serial sex offender criminal View attachment 181607

In this case, the asshole who is tearing this country apart rather than admitting that he has NOTHING.

Your bullshit smears about sex offender is noted. You should be ashamed.

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