Mueller is casting a wide net. We now know the target is Trump.

[... they should crank up 10 investigations, if need be, until they nail Trump for collusion or obstruction. I want to see justice served. He’s guilty of something and they’ll find it, you’ll see. ....

That is not what justice is. Justice is only looking for crimes if there is real reason to believe a crime took place, and STOPPING if you cannot find any evidence to support your case.

What you are describing is a Witch Hunt.
No it’s not a witch hunt. It’s a hunt for the truth. And there is plenty of reason to believe a crime took place. It just might take a few more investigations to find it in case this one fails to. So relax, more investigations are coming. Especially if Democrats win at least one of the chambers in Congress.

LOL!! Your still can't even bring yourself to LIE to claim that you are open to an outcome where the evidence can't support your desire to get President Trump.

Don't bother claiming it now. WHY to late to be credible.
Because I know he’s guilty. Hell, even if they can’t find the proof in any of the investigations they should hold, it’s still going to cost Republicans votes in the upcoming election and will likely gives Democrats control of at least one chamber, if not both. I’d rather see Trump wearing an orange jump suit to match his orange face, but I’ll take the election as a consolation prize if that’s how it turns out.

Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
[... they should crank up 10 investigations, if need be, until they nail Trump for collusion or obstruction. I want to see justice served. He’s guilty of something and they’ll find it, you’ll see. ....

That is not what justice is. Justice is only looking for crimes if there is real reason to believe a crime took place, and STOPPING if you cannot find any evidence to support your case.

What you are describing is a Witch Hunt.
No it’s not a witch hunt. It’s a hunt for the truth. And there is plenty of reason to believe a crime took place. It just might take a few more investigations to find it in case this one fails to. So relax, more investigations are coming. Especially if Democrats win at least one of the chambers in Congress.

LOL!! Your still can't even bring yourself to LIE to claim that you are open to an outcome where the evidence can't support your desire to get President Trump.

Don't bother claiming it now. WHY to late to be credible.
Because I know he’s guilty. Hell, even if they can’t find the proof in any of the investigations they should hold, it’s still going to cost Republicans votes in the upcoming election and will likely gives Democrats control of at least one chamber, if not both. I’d rather see Trump wearing an orange jump suit to match his orange face, but I’ll take the election as a consolation prize if that’s how it turns out.

Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.

That is not what justice is. Justice is only looking for crimes if there is real reason to believe a crime took place, and STOPPING if you cannot find any evidence to support your case.

What you are describing is a Witch Hunt.
No it’s not a witch hunt. It’s a hunt for the truth. And there is plenty of reason to believe a crime took place. It just might take a few more investigations to find it in case this one fails to. So relax, more investigations are coming. Especially if Democrats win at least one of the chambers in Congress.

LOL!! Your still can't even bring yourself to LIE to claim that you are open to an outcome where the evidence can't support your desire to get President Trump.

Don't bother claiming it now. WHY to late to be credible.
Because I know he’s guilty. Hell, even if they can’t find the proof in any of the investigations they should hold, it’s still going to cost Republicans votes in the upcoming election and will likely gives Democrats control of at least one chamber, if not both. I’d rather see Trump wearing an orange jump suit to match his orange face, but I’ll take the election as a consolation prize if that’s how it turns out.

Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.
So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.

Obama closed down Russian "spy-houses" and expelled several Russian spies......Had he done MORE in announcing the meddling by Putin AND had trump lost the election, morons like you would be SCREAMING at the democrats' putting their thumb on the scale....Be honest and admit it.

Obama DID make a mistake in not announcing how Putin wanted Trump the puppet in the WH.....perhaps Obama;s greatest failure in avoiding your anger.

If dems are so interested in russian meddling why wont they turn over their servers?
you don't know that Mueller does not have them.....

they did not turn them over to Comey, for good reasons from their view of him dicking hillary sideways, front, and back during the election....

I think if Mueller wanted them, who is trustworthy to the DNC, he'd get them....Mueller team probably has had them for a while....

No one leaks from Mueller's team....they have been silent/mum.....

GF: Why do you so wish harm on a good president of the US when if there was anything wrong, he never would have been elected?

It's already been exposed that the DNC is corrupt to the core.

All he wants to do is make America Great Again.

Is that a bad thing in your mind or wut?
So fucking ridiculous OP. So let's get this straight, Mueller is gunning for Trump in hopes he knew about Russian meddling in our election, all the while our POTUS Obama did know about the Russian meddling and did nothing about it. Get a grip people, you're not going to get what you hope for.

Obama closed down Russian "spy-houses" and expelled several Russian spies......Had he done MORE in announcing the meddling by Putin AND had trump lost the election, morons like you would be SCREAMING at the democrats' putting their thumb on the scale....Be honest and admit it.

Obama DID make a mistake in not announcing how Putin wanted Trump the puppet in the WH.....perhaps Obama;s greatest failure in avoiding your anger.

If dems are so interested in russian meddling why wont they turn over their servers?
you don't know that Mueller does not have them.....

they did not turn them over to Comey, for good reasons from their view of him dicking hillary sideways, front, and back during the election....

I think if Mueller wanted them, who is trustworthy to the DNC, he'd get them....Mueller team probably has had them for a while....

No one leaks from Mueller's team....they have been silent/mum.....

That has to be the most pathetic dodge I've ever heard.
No it’s not a witch hunt. It’s a hunt for the truth. And there is plenty of reason to believe a crime took place. It just might take a few more investigations to find it in case this one fails to. So relax, more investigations are coming. Especially if Democrats win at least one of the chambers in Congress.

LOL!! Your still can't even bring yourself to LIE to claim that you are open to an outcome where the evidence can't support your desire to get President Trump.

Don't bother claiming it now. WHY to late to be credible.
Because I know he’s guilty. Hell, even if they can’t find the proof in any of the investigations they should hold, it’s still going to cost Republicans votes in the upcoming election and will likely gives Democrats control of at least one chamber, if not both. I’d rather see Trump wearing an orange jump suit to match his orange face, but I’ll take the election as a consolation prize if that’s how it turns out.

Starting off with the conclusion that the suspect is guilty and working from them, and refusing to even consider the possibility of innocence and that you would take winning an election as a consolation for not getting him in prison.

Yep. That is clearly a Witch Hunt.

BTW, if you fuckers manage to gin up something to get some of his people in jail, for bullshit reasons, such as "perjury traps" or other process "crimes".

DOn't kid yourself, those people will be political prisoners.

This is going to cost you someday.
It will be worth the price if we send him to jail AND win the election.


Remember you said that.
Oh? Why is that?
Mueller will paint himself into a corner, the end.
He had a spotless reputation prior to Trump.
If otherwise, then republicans wouldnt have ever appointed him to this position in the first place.
Mueller seems like a man who just has a relentless pursuit for the facts.
Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
I understand that by Madcow and Moron Joe on MSNBC you might not have heard, but there really is a non-fake news free press out there:

Two FBI employees who exchanged texts critical of Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaigntalked about a “secret society that would be working against” the president, two Republican lawmakers revealed.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who had been part of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and Russian meddling in the election, exchanged texts with his then-mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer.

Among the messages were references to a “secret society” within the agency and the Department of Justice, Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Monday night.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that his chief-of-staff, who also had worked for ex-Director James Comey, is leaving, Fox News reported

James Rybicki had helped Comey draft a statement clearing Clinton two months before Comey announced the end of the probe in July 2016.

LOL, Mueller removed the FBI agent from the Russian Investigation months and months ago. Your claim is ridiculous. You don't know anything and claim special knowledge - turn off Hannity and you might not continue to make a fool of yourself.
Special counsel Robert S. Mueller III is now directly gunning for President Trump — and not just on one front. It appears that Mueller is investigating whether Trump himself committed misconduct or possible criminality on two fronts, and possibly more.

NBC News is now reporting that Mueller has sent a subpoena to an unnamed witness that appears to hint at just how wide a net Mueller has cast. NBC reports that the subpoena suggests Mueller is focused, among other things, on determining what Trump himself knew about Russian sabotage of the 2016 election as it was happening.

The subpoena demands a range of documents that involve Trump himself, in addition to nine of his top campaign advisers and associates. The documents solicited include emails, text messages, work papers and telephone logs dating back to November 2015, about four months after Trump declared his presidential candidacy.

Well, it was definitely worth the wait. I'm sure we still have many months to go, so nobody should get too happy. But the man is hard at work, and Trump is panicking.

Are you serious? This far in and he is still just fishing around hoping for stumble onto something?

And you consider this a vindication?

By now he should be focusing IN, on what he is preparing to make charges on, and lining up proof.

NOt still looking for shit.
Gosh Correll, you really seem like you truly do not know that Mueller has just been following normal procedure for counter intelligence or criminal investigations....?

Investigators ALWAYS start at the bottom of an alleged conspiracy, and scares the death out of those lower to plead guilty to lesser crimes in order for their cooperation in the investigation that can lead to those above them.

Mueller has only been on the job for 9 months, with at least 6 different channels to this investigation, hadn't even hired his full team of prosecutors yet, until July or August, and is way ahead of schedule compared to say a Kenneth Starr investigation or an Archibald Cox investigation.....

It takes time to follow the leads and figure out what really went on, and in collecting a paper trail of proof...he won't prosecute anyone, without the evidence in hand, real tangible evidence.....and he won't make Comey's mistake of criticizing someone under investigation without any charges that could be filed.....

And he will exonerate Trump and anyone on trump's team, if there is no evidence supporting the alleged crimes, once he has evaluated all the evidence....

Mueller is under a magnifying glass, and would never, ever, ever jeopardize his long life of an honest ace and patriot, to go to his grave with a Scarlett letter on his chest, demeaning his entire life and career.....

If he has something against the President, or just against some Trump Team member, he will make certain, there is paper evidence, from here to kingdom come, to support his charges and would never use pure innuendo, or do it for a witch hunt political purpose.

It's a damn shame people like you and the Trumpster, continually try to demean an honest man and his entire dedicated life to our Country, with no evidence of any sort.... :(
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Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
I understand that by Madcow and Moron Joe on MSNBC you might not have heard, but there really is a non-fake news free press out there:

Two FBI employees who exchanged texts critical of Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaigntalked about a “secret society that would be working against” the president, two Republican lawmakers revealed.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who had been part of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and Russian meddling in the election, exchanged texts with his then-mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer.

Among the messages were references to a “secret society” within the agency and the Department of Justice, Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Monday night.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that his chief-of-staff, who also had worked for ex-Director James Comey, is leaving, Fox News reported

James Rybicki had helped Comey draft a statement clearing Clinton two months before Comey announced the end of the probe in July 2016.

LOL, Mueller removed the FBI agent from the Russian Investigation months and months ago. Your claim is ridiculous. You don't know anything and claim special knowledge - turn off Hannity and you might not continue to make a fool of yourself.
yep, July of last year....

mueller had not even finished hiring all of his prosecutors/Investigators yet...mueller had been there full time for about a month....
Mueller will paint himself into a corner, the end.

Glad you brought up THAT

Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
I understand that by Madcow and Moron Joe on MSNBC you might not have heard, but there really is a non-fake news free press out there:

Two FBI employees who exchanged texts critical of Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaigntalked about a “secret society that would be working against” the president, two Republican lawmakers revealed.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who had been part of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and Russian meddling in the election, exchanged texts with his then-mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer.

Among the messages were references to a “secret society” within the agency and the Department of Justice, Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Monday night.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that his chief-of-staff, who also had worked for ex-Director James Comey, is leaving, Fox News reported

James Rybicki had helped Comey draft a statement clearing Clinton two months before Comey announced the end of the probe in July 2016.

LOL, Mueller removed the FBI agent from the Russian Investigation months and months ago. Your claim is ridiculous. You don't know anything and claim special knowledge - turn off Hannity and you might not continue to make a fool of yourself.

In "fairness," there's a reason why Meathead chose that screen name for himself.
Wow, you must have tons of insider information. Please name these most biased FBI agents, and let us know how to further expose them. Oh, and BTW, please post the evidence so we can inform IA and have theses "biased assholes" fired and indicted.
I understand that by Madcow and Moron Joe on MSNBC you might not have heard, but there really is a non-fake news free press out there:

Two FBI employees who exchanged texts critical of Donald Trump during the 2016 election campaigntalked about a “secret society that would be working against” the president, two Republican lawmakers revealed.

FBI Agent Peter Strzok, who had been part of investigation into Hillary Clinton’s e-mail server and Russian meddling in the election, exchanged texts with his then-mistress, Lisa Page, an FBI lawyer.

Among the messages were references to a “secret society” within the agency and the Department of Justice, Reps. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) said on Fox News’ “The Story with Martha MacCallum” Monday night.

Meanwhile, FBI Director Christopher Wray said Tuesday that his chief-of-staff, who also had worked for ex-Director James Comey, is leaving, Fox News reported

James Rybicki had helped Comey draft a statement clearing Clinton two months before Comey announced the end of the probe in July 2016.

LOL, Mueller removed the FBI agent from the Russian Investigation months and months ago. Your claim is ridiculous. You don't know anything and claim special knowledge - turn off Hannity and you might not continue to make a fool of yourself.
yep, July of last year....

mueller had not even finished hiring all of his prosecutors/Investigators yet...mueller had been there full time for about a month....

And the biased FBI found jack squat on Trump that could tank his campaign.

Do you looney tooneys realize how whackadoodle you look, or no? Because you come off as pretty whackadoodle.

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