Mueller, McCabe, Comey & Sexual Harassment & A Hostile Work Environment

Obama's DOJ gropes women, forces them into sex acts, shocker. /sarcasm

Then they try to destroy them. How very Clintonesque of them?


Not if you are a victim of Obama, Clinton, or one of his political zealots planted in the FBI.....then you trash her entire career, and go after any one who dared to support or defend her.


While the FBI argued Gritz’s had become underperforming, tardy to work, insurbordinate, possibly mentally ill or emotional and deserving of a poor performance review, Flynn argued just the opposite, saying he saw the agent excel while working with the DIA and other intelligence community agencies.

“Her work consistently made a positive difference,” Flynn wrote. “.Her tenacity and personal commitment consistently produced outstanding results in the most challenging environments.”

Flynn went further, offering an interview in 2015 with NPR in which he called Gritz one of the “bright lights and shining stars” in the intelligence community who “just kinda got it when it came to the kind of enemy that we were facing and the relationship that was necessary between law enforcement and the military.”

Flynn wasn’t alone among top officials who came to Gritz’s defense in her battle against the FBI.

“SSA Gritz was without question, the most energetic, most consistently engaged and prepared and single most effective member of this interagency group,” wrote Navy Rear Admiral B. L. Losey, who served both Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama as the White House’s National Security Council Director for Combatting Terrorism.

Losey offered a most poignant endorsement of the female agent. “If I were taken hostage, I would hope that above all others SSA Robyn Gritz were assigned the task to track and recover me,” he wrote.

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Charles Grassley also afforded Gritz support, asking federal authorities to investigate whether her case was emblematic of a hostile workplace for women inside the FBI.

In a brief interview this weekend, Gritz said she was mortified to think that her request to Flynn to help with her EEOC case in any way affected his relationship with the FBI or his current status as someone under investigation in the Russia case.

“Flynn was the first leader to defend me,” said Gritz. “He forwarded a letter to the FBI and I personally think that Comey did not receive it. McCabe knew Flynn and I were friends. I felt that from the beginning it was an issue.”

These contributions are helpful.

We have enough to know we have another Watergate on our hands--actually Sedition, and possibly Treason, by the Obama/Clinton Deep State sufficient to be way worse then Watergate.

But, what we don't have is the New York Media and Bezos' Wapo Gestapo to chronicle it every day like they did Watergate. In fact, we know, being essentially the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, they will BURY everything they can. Amazing that it is now the National Media's job to keep the Low-Information Democrat in a state of protect a single corrupt political party.

Not what Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers had in mind when they granted special protection to the press so it could keep the Citizens advised of the they could decide what to do about those facts.

Keep the information coming.
These contributions are helpful.

We have enough to know we have another Watergate on our hands--actually Sedition, and possibly Treason, by the Obama/Clinton Deep State sufficient to be way worse then Watergate.

But, what we don't have is the New York Media and Bezos' Wapo Gestapo to chronicle it every day like they did Watergate. In fact, we know, being essentially the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, they will BURY everything they can. Amazing that it is now the National Media's job to keep the Low-Information Democrat in a state of protect a single corrupt political party.

Not what Jefferson and the other Founding Fathers had in mind when they granted special protection to the press so it could keep the Citizens advised of the they could decide what to do about those facts.

Keep the information coming.

The Press used to also be held accountable for what they printed. Outlandish lies and unsubstantiated attacks against The Government or a President was considered Sedition.

Now its as if they have full immunity to print and broadcast as many lies as they want.
Congress threw Conyers and Creepy Al under the bus to get to Trump

Meanwhile, there are a whole slew of Congressmen who have paid off women using taxpayer money who will continue to remain in Congress.

No, Dims don't care about women.
Congress threw Conyers and Creepy Al under the bus to get to Trump

Meanwhile, there are a whole slew of Congressmen who have paid off women using taxpayer money who will continue to remain in Congress.

No, Dims don't care about women.

That's pretty damn clear. The pattern is the same with Clinton-Obama and their cronies.
Marginalize & Objectify women and if you abuse them and sexually harass them and they dare stand up for themselves, destroy their reputations and attack anyone that defends or supports them.
And we now know THE SAME THING was HAPPENING AT THE FBI, and FLYNN DARED DEFEND ONE OF THE VICTIMS and then became the target of an AMBUSH INTERVIEW and then a Trumped up charge of Lying when he got a date wrong when trying to recall an event that was already disclosed, documented and was a legal meeting.

DOJ scolds Obama administration over reported groping, harassment, office sex

The Justice Department scolded the Obama administration on Wednesday following a report on how sexual harassment of all kinds was improperly handled at the department for years.

The Washington Post reported that the DOJ’s inspector general had found “systemic” problems with how complaints were addressed, with offending officials often being let off the hook or even rewarded. The article cited investigative reports on a lawyer who allegedly groped two female attorneys and a top U.S. Marshals official who had sex with “approximately” nine women in his office.
According to the article, more allegations at the department surfaced this summer – with 17 DOJ employees writing to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein in August reporting sexual harassment. It’s unclear when those incidents may have occurred.

Rod Rosenstein:

Just the Facts, The Hard Facts Mam!

We will Probe you for the answers we want...."understand"?

This Douchebag at The DOJ just like the other Douchebags, Comey, Mueller, & McCabe at the FBI did absolutely nothing about this stuff, and over at THE FBI, they not only engaged in the harassment themselves, they retaliated against the girl, and against Flynn for defending her.


That is, unless you are a victim of The Clintons, Obama, or any one of Obama-Clinton's Political Zealots!
Where is Lefty denouncing the Sexual Harassment that occurred at the FBI and DOJ?

It's one thing to talk about what you'd like to do to a hot chick on a hot mic incident.....but it's another entirely to be having orgies at the DOJ and FBI, and punishing the intelligence analysts who won't play ball with you and then going after someone like Flynn who stood up for the girl.

And now we also know The FBI and DOJ were actually plotting a COUP if Trump was elected as "insurance against the orange menace" and they did it RIGHT IN McCabe's office.

That kind of treachery is worthy of The Death Penalty.

It's time we bring that back.

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