Mueller NOW Asking for Info from Trump: GO TEAM MUELLER!

Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!
zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz ain't you got any fking new shit you could post, this has mold all over it.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Now you're a constitutional scholar, too? LMAO.
So you think Trump can:
1. Invite Russians into the Oval Office,
2. Invite TAS, the Russian press into the meeting,
3. Exclude the American press and
4. Tell the Russians that firing Comey took "a lot of pressure" off him.

That's just ONE of the things Mueller is investigating.

Mueller thinks it's obstruction of justice. Look it up, fathead.
why can't he do those four things? he's the leader of our country and gets into foreign discussions with all countries. did you slip and fall or something?
But Trump had Russians in the Oval office!
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets
too funny, so you're pissed because some citizens are picking up his bills. fk are you one loser fk.

Hey yo loser, is it illegal? what is it you're fking saying exactly?
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Now you're a constitutional scholar, too? LMAO.
So you think Trump can:
1. Invite Russians into the Oval Office,
2. Invite TAS, the Russian press into the meeting,
3. Exclude the American press and
4. Tell the Russians that firing Comey took "a lot of pressure" off him.

That's just ONE of the things Mueller is investigating.

Mueller thinks it's obstruction of justice. Look it up, fathead.
why can't he do those four things? he's the leader of our country and gets into foreign discussions with all countries. did you slip and fall or something?
But Trump had Russians in the Oval office!

he should get in the bunker, they've really got him now.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets
too funny, so you're pissed because some citizens are picking up his bills. fk are you one loser fk.

Hey yo loser, is it illegal? what is it you're fking saying exactly?
Only reason it is legal dunderhead, is because he put $$$ into his own campaign Let the other repub shitheads pay for their own lawyers
Hopefully Mueller buries that idiot Trump

He's going after Trump for not only obstruction of justice, but obstructing justice in order to hide international money laundering for the Russians. That's why Mueller has the Criminal Investigation division of the IRS involved in forensic audits of Trump's tax returns. It's a fucking beautiful thing!!!

Even Trump's lawyers have lawyered up.
Funny thing about that Hutch Trump paying all his lawyer fees out of RNC campaign money while others got to reach into their own pockets
too funny, so you're pissed because some citizens are picking up his bills. fk are you one loser fk.

Hey yo loser, is it illegal? what is it you're fking saying exactly?
Only reason it is legal dunderhead, is because he put $$$ into his own campaign Let the other repub shitheads pay for their own lawyers
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

Now you're a constitutional scholar, too? LMAO.
So you think Trump can:
1. Invite Russians into the Oval Office,
2. Invite TAS, the Russian press into the meeting,
3. Exclude the American press and
4. Tell the Russians that firing Comey took "a lot of pressure" off him.

That's just ONE of the things Mueller is investigating.

Mueller thinks it's obstruction of justice. Look it up, fathead.
/----/ None of that is illegal. Keep scraping the bottom of the barrel you might find some fungus.
it's all fungus. Mold 101.

I'm not sure I'm following.

What crime has Mueller "induced" Trump to commit?
Meh, I'm not following the story that closely to be honest, since I know it isn't a real story. I believe it is all an elitist Deep State distraction to keep the plebes from paying attention to real issues; i.e., the economy, the debt, trade issues, currency issues, the fake terror war, continual war mongering, deteriorating living standards and wages, etc. This is quite common now; EVERY administration has to have a scandal, name one administration in the past forty years that hasn't had a scandal? It is S.O.P. for the real folks that rule. I believe that last administration that didn't have a scandal would be, who, Carter? :dunno:

However, If I have this right, it was Rod Rosenstein who wrote the memo that got Comey fired in the first place. Let's remember, Trump is not an expert on managing the bureaucracy, he is there to get regulations trimmed, and to maximize the efficiency of government, industry, and Wall Street working in concert like a well oiled machine. This is not his forte'. His major concern, as his lawyers will point out, is that the FBI be taken seriously once again, to that effect, this Rosentein memo was intended to convince him of the appropriate steps.

Now I read a post by Lewdog, who seems, if my impression here is correct, to be on the side of having Trump's ass inspected with a maximally effective toothed water-pick, implying that it is this SAME Rod Rosentstein that Mueller was hired by? :bs1: I don't have a source of this piece of information, but I trust it is correct?

What I see here is a political neophyte, (D. Trump) being completely played by establishment pols. Seriously. If you guys don't see that, you are being pretty obtuse.

Trump is the chump here, he is that patsy for the Deep State. He's their complete noob, he's their dim witted tool while they have an excuse as Rome is burning. . . .

Rosenstein wrote the memo that Trump used to justify the firing of Comey under a direct order from Trump to do so - as he and Trump have both publically admitted.

Rosenstein also almost certainly appointed the Special Counsel under direct orders from Trump.

No "entrapment" has occurred.

"Rosenstein also almost certainly appointed the Special Counsel under direct orders from Trump."

Sure, yeah right. And that is the crux of this entire thread. It is primarily this conspiracy theory of the left right here. Whether he appointed a specific Special Counsel, a Special Counsel composed of his Trump's enemies, or choose to investigate on his own. You are certainly entitled to your own tin-foil hat theories, but if you want to go with that, I suggest you move this thread to the appropriate sub-forum.

I don't understand what you're trying to say.

What "conspiracy theory" are you talking about?

You believe the Special Counsel was Trump's idea? Why would he do that if he fired Comey, in order to shut down an investigation? That makes about as much sense as tits on a bull, doesn't it?
not in a liberals mind, it would be a transgender bull.

And the bull wants to join the military to get the operation to get those tits.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
You don't need an arrest warrant to search a house.

You need a search warrant.

They had a search warrant.


These kinds of searches go on hundreds of times a day, and I have never heard any of you whining about it before now.
An investigator appointed on Trump's watch executed a search warrant on Trump's watch, and we have retards blaming Obama for it.


Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

"Presidential privilege" is not a real thing.

But I wouldn't put it past Trump to try to claim it.

Did you mean "Executive privilege"?
It's called "executive privilege," and it is a real thing.
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

"Presidential privilege" is not a real thing.

But I wouldn't put it past Trump to try to claim it.

Did you mean "Executive privilege"?
It's called "executive privilege," and it is a real thing.
Tell that to Nixon and his tapes.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
You don't need an arrest warrant to search a house.

You need a search warrant.

They had a search warrant.


These kinds of searches go on hundreds of times a day, and I have never heard any of you whining about it before now.
the warrant is to say what it is you're looking for, you know that probable cause thing in our law. so what exactly was it?
Bob Mueller now is asking for documentation concerning 13 actions that Trump has made since inauguration. WAHOOOOOOOOOOOO!

The kitchen is going to get really hot. I bet Trump fires Mueller now. He's shittin' kittens because this is what he's hiding:

View attachment 150365

Mueller Seeks White House Documents Related to Trump’s Actions as President
As President?

So no longer is it about getting elected, the witch hunt is moving further.

To a dead end. Presidential privilege, Trump can refuse anything.

"Presidential privilege" is not a real thing.

But I wouldn't put it past Trump to try to claim it.

Did you mean "Executive privilege"?
It's called "executive privilege," and it is a real thing.
Tell that to Nixon and his tapes.
it wasn't illegal no matter what you think. he resigned. not sure why, they had nothing on him. he had executive privilege.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
You don't need an arrest warrant to search a house.

You need a search warrant.

They had a search warrant.


These kinds of searches go on hundreds of times a day, and I have never heard any of you whining about it before now.
the warrant is to say what it is you're looking for, you know that probable cause thing in our law. so what exactly was it?
You mean to say that in all the topics about that search you have not read a single link?!?!?!?

Well no wonder you made such a retarded comment about arrest warrants.


I have seen NO evidence!!!
Mueller is suspected of money laundering, tax fraud, and other financial crimes. The search warrant took documents and computer records related to those suspected crimes.

Manafort's new firm, Miller and Chevalier, specializes in financial crimes. The man heading Manafort's legal team — Kevin Downing — worked for the Justice Department and handled tax fraud, money laundering and wire fraud cases.
Trump is not going to be impeached, Hillary is not going to be locked up, and the Beatles are not getting back together.

I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
You don't need an arrest warrant to search a house.

You need a search warrant.

They had a search warrant.


These kinds of searches go on hundreds of times a day, and I have never heard any of you whining about it before now.
the warrant is to say what it is you're looking for, you know that probable cause thing in our law. so what exactly was it?
You mean to say that in all the topics about that search you have not read a single link?!?!?!?

Well no wonder you made such a retarded comment about arrest warrants.


I have seen NO evidence!!!
not one that shows the probable cause, nope. so anytime houdini
I'm sure you're right about the second and third points.
I don't think the FBI picking Manafort's lock to raid his house is very reassuring for any of these Trump goons.
actually I'm embarrassed at that behavior as an american citizen. we have laws to protect civilians against idiots like those that picked that lock. No arrest warrant, no nothing, fk those that did that they are not patriots.
You don't need an arrest warrant to search a house.

You need a search warrant.

They had a search warrant.


These kinds of searches go on hundreds of times a day, and I have never heard any of you whining about it before now.
the warrant is to say what it is you're looking for, you know that probable cause thing in our law. so what exactly was it?
You mean to say that in all the topics about that search you have not read a single link?!?!?!?

Well no wonder you made such a retarded comment about arrest warrants.


I have seen NO evidence!!!
not one that shows the probable cause, nope. so anytime houdini
You are a willfully blind monkey, and no one can help you with that.

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