Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta

WASHINGTON – Special Counselor Robert Muller, in his recently disclosed investigation into Tony Podesta involvement in Ukraine, appears to be focusing on the public relations contract the Podesta Group had with the European Center for a Modern Ukraine (ECMU), the same Ukrainian group that established a similar consulting contract with Paul Manafort.
Bombshell: Podestas Worked With Same Ukrainians as Manafort

Suck it up butter cup the Clintons and Obama's are knee deep in crookedness. No wonder liberals are so retarded and blind they all support criminal acts until it happens to them personally. But that's only when in the world of the slaves side. Elites don't give a dam either way.
As a failed poor 'state' Ukraine became a paradise for perverts and exports 'cheap' kids to pedophiles.
Mueller Now Investigating Democratic Lobbyist Tony Podesta

Okaaay....Is there some reason we should care? Mueller is doing his job...what is there to say about that?

Mueller is now effectively investigating Dumb-Ass.

At least to the point his investigation goes back to the Russia/Clinton/Obama Uranium Deal, because Mueller, as head of the FBI had a duty to stop it, since he had evidence it was all corrupt. May be too much for you to understand, as you are a Dumb-Ass.

Different facts of course, but it is ethically equivalent to letting Charles Manson investigate the Tate/LaBianco Murders. You Dumb-Ass.

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