Mueller Prosecutors Attempt To Con judge Into Cancelling Trial - They Have No Evidence

and these defendants asked for their trial under our laws, of which they are entitled to.

what happened after that? let's go play there, shall we? i know it will fuck up your views but give it a shot.
If the indicted Russians actually want their trial, there is a very easy way for them to get it. They just have to show up in this country.

It’s super easy. Why do you think they haven’t done it?
why don't you tell me with facts, not your blithering speculative bullshit that ONLY seems to flow the way you choose to flush.

so go ahead - prove with links to valid stories / sites as to why they did not come here and give a timeline of events to support your views.

or shut the fuck up.

either way, problem solved.

A good summary.
The Zombie Mueller Case That Just Won’t Die

Do you read your links?
That describes almost exactly a position materially opposite to yours.

Feds: Mystery witness will implicate ‘Putin’s chef’ in election interference

The DoJ is alleging that Concord Management isn’t complying with court orders and attempting to make a spectacle.
this link is reading like an ongoing case. not a fan of "enjoys ties to XYZ" type "journalism" as it's speculative as to why it's there and *not* news per se.

but the article is simply talking about the trial and witnesses. yet you've not addressed why mueller, when the 13 indicted offered to come over and see the evidence against them, balked.

why did he do that?
i'm sorry - where was this 100% proven to be the case vs. pakastani illegals hired to run this "server farm" simply stealing the info?

Is this a reference to Imran Awan? 1. He was not illegal. 2. He did not run a server farm for the DNC and 3. The conspiracy theories pumped out by right wing bloggers was investigated and found to be meritless.

you tend to believe what you want and pretend it's a fact vs. just what you want to believe. you rag on others for making up stories then turn around and and spin your own.

Do I? Actually I tend to believe things that are thoroughly investigated by many, many different organizations no less, and they all come to the same conclusion.

Why are people so desperate to believe Russian propaganda versus our own countrymen?
yet what you pump out, based purely on your emotional outbursts, is all true. cause you feelz it.

why are you avoiding simply going to look for details vs. sitting here shouting more random speculation? want me to believe you, prove it. stop talking and show research.

Research of what exactly?
This is the report which demonstrates the evidence that Russia hacked the DNC.

Awan was a naturalized citizen who came to this country on a legitimate VISA.

Awan worked for House members, he did not work for the DNC.

The prosecutors took the time to debunk the conspiracy theory that he was involved in espionage or in the DNC hack.

So why are you accusing me of going with what “feels” true when you obviously haven’t taken the time to research something before making a ridiculous claim?
yet you've not addressed why mueller, when the 13 indicted offered to come over and see the evidence against them, balked.
I don’t believe that happened. Can you show me where they offered to “come over”?
There is no difference between the russian oligarch and liars in the Dedp State

both are trying to subvert the election process in America

but so far the russians are merely telling the truth about the dirty dealings of hillary and the DNC

whereas the Deep State is engaging in real criminal activity through their power in the federal government
Absolutely amazing how distorted this is.

Did you forget that Russia broke into the DNC servers and stole that information? You don’t think that counts as real criminal activity?

Didnt happen
This is why, you are so out there
You believe these ridiculous conspiracy theories
What’s so ridiculous about it?

Outside of the conspiracy theories There is no evidence that "the russians" hacked the DNC.

Then what is all of this?
We know know that mueller was just a befuddled figurehead for the Deep State

The executive summary - probably written before any actual investigating took place - is not a credible document given what we know about the anti trump bias of the investigators

the Deep State failed to back up the lib lie about trump-russia collusion

and was reduced to claiming that Putin WANTED trump to win

woo, thats really scary stuff

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