Mueller Shows His True Colors


Platinum Member
Nov 22, 2018
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

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Bob is probably drunk on his ass sobbing in "mommy's" lap by now because Weinstein slapped his face behind the curtain for being a pussy.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.
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Mueller pulled a Comey trying to keep the lie alive... Muller is scared shitless that he could be sucked into the attempted Coup de' Taut.

You got that right....all a Congress critter would have to have asked him was when did he know there was no "collusion" with Russia. No matter what date he gave it would have been perjury...unless he admitted it was the day he took the job.
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

Mueller has shown his true colors; a man of ethics and morality. He is a truth teller to a group of liars; the Trumpsters.
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Mueller and his band of angry midgets cost the GOP the House last year....if he was any semblance of a man, he'd have wrapped up the hoax and got out of town. Instead he sent a SWAT team to Roger Stone's house with weapons drawn, indicted a passel of Russians we'll never see, and charged people with bank fraud and perjury that his agents actually committed. Mueller is a disgrace to the Marine uniform, the DOJ, and the FBI...his pensions should be pulled and his salary for the last two years impounded.
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Mueller has shown his true colors; a man of ethics and morality. He is a truth teller to a group of liars; the Trumpsters.

Trump kicked his fairy ass around the block and you know get to impeaching the President and guaranteeing him a LANDSLIDE in 2020....I double-dog dare ya.
Still Don't Understand Why Putin's Bitch was allowed to testify without being under oath. I guess they don't call him Moscow Mueller for nothing.
He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

Hey shit-for-brains....he said he wouldn't be testifying....didn't hear his little confession did ya?
He said he did not want to. I will make any bet with you that he will if asked; unlike Trump’s fellow criminals.

Circling the drain, ain'tcha, BlackFlag ?
Do you need the direct quote, you cum guzzling retard?!
He’ll show up to testify if asked. Unlike Trump’s co-conspirators.

Hey shit-for-brains....he said he wouldn't be testifying....didn't hear his little confession did ya?
He said he did not want to. I will make any bet with you that he will if asked; unlike Trump’s fellow criminals.

Circling the drain, ain'tcha, BlackFlag ?
Do you need the direct quote, you cum guzzling retard?!
You his spokesman?
YELLOW. The prick didn't have the stones to face Congressional REPUBLICANS. Remember how Trey Gowdy had him flabbergasted and flummoxed the last time he showed his sorry ass in public? This time would have been much worse....all they'd want to know is why Hillary and her "dossier" weren't looked into...why she and her little gang of worthless commies weren't called in front of a grand jury for acting in concert with the Russian GRU dirty-tricksters? But Bob couldn't just slink off to his den without saying many counted on him to slay the Orange he pulls this stunt today....what a FRAUD. :badgrin:

Did you not even read the Mueller Report. Legally, he had no authority to open up an investigation of Hillary Clinton.
Did you not even read the Mueller Report. Legally, he had no authority to open up an investigation of Hillary Clinton.

Maybe you can link me to the section he said that. And failing that, explain why looking into Russian interference wouldn't include looking at Clinton....she's the one that colluded with them. Mueller did what Putin could never do....turn Americans against each other with half the country hoping Trump was a traitor......Vlad must astonished.
I'll go with the Decorated Marine over Don the Con and the leg humper Hannity.

I mean I don't like some of the things he's done but shit, who's more trustworthy than Dale Cooper.

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