Mueller Trapped - Mueller Said He Won't Testify But How Can He Prevent Being Subpoenaed

Yes I agree Go into detail on those 14 obstruction reasons to indict trump
The hearing, with Mueller under oath, would never get to discussing the 2nd page of his report, which was meant to incite House Democrats into Impeaching the President before the US IG and US AG could finish their investigations of exposed Democrat crimes.

Question 1:
Can you explain how you did NOT think your working with Bruce Ohr and the Trump-hating foreign agent (Steele) -- who worked with the Russians, delivered their Russian-authored Counter-Intelligence document sold to Hillary and used by the FBI he was working for as well -- on the Dossier at the time BEFORE the official Trump investigation was opened and BEFORE you were appointed as Special Counsel was a Conflict of Interest that should have prevented you from being named Special Counsel?

Question 2:
Can you explain how your hand-picked team of Trump-hating DNC/Hillary supporters and donors that included a lawyer who worked for Hillary Clinton, was not a conflict of interest or a case of 'stacking the deck' going into your investigation?

Question 3:
When exactly did you know that there had been NO illegal collusion, that there had NEVER been any such crime that even warranted an investigation or the appointment of a Special Counsel?

Question 4:
Were you or were you NOT aware of the fact that the FBI had already conducted its own internal investigation - as exposed in former FBI agent Peter Stzok's text messages and through former FBI Agent Page's testimony under oath - and they had not found any evidence that the President or any of his team had engaged in illegal collusion, which was the same conclusion you came to in your final report?
-- If you were NOT aware of this, WHY NOT?

Question 5:
If you found this out early on in your investigation why did you continue your investigation for TWO (2) YEARS?

Question 6:
You claimed in your recent press conference that you and your team began your investigation with the understanding that you could not, according to you, REPORT that a President had committed a crime as well as being unable to Indict a sitting President, which was never within your power / authority to do anyway.

-- Then why spend 2 YEARS digging into the President's finances, business dealings - going back years, etc...especially after admitting that you knew fairly early on that the President had not engaged in collusion, that there was no evidence to support this narrative?

-- IF you believed you could not REPORT that a President had committed a crime....then why did you do just that, through innuendo and insinuations of guilt, in the 2nd page of your report, especially in the 1st page you had already declared you were NOT making any decision / ruling on obstruction.

Question 7:
Isn't it true that the entire investigation, that lasted 2 years when it was discovered extremely early - actually before the official investigation was ever opened and before you were appointed Special Counsel - that there was never any evidence of collusion that ever warranted either of those 2 things, was politically motivated, initiated, and drawn out?

Hell, 7 Questions aren't even needed to be asked of Mueller if he ever is forced to testify under oath before Congress to answer questions...which is why he begged House Democrats during his press conference not to subpoena him and force him to testify under oath and why he declared he would refuse to answer questions but would only re-state what was in his report.
Congress can subpoena Mewler but he can tell them to go fuck their dead aunt.

And they can't do a whole lot about it.

Congressional subpoena power is vastly over-rated. Mostly because they have no enforcement arm. Law Enforcement falls under the purview of the Executive Branch.

Maybe Congress can pretend to be Xerxes and 'Whip The Sea'.

They're just about that stupid. Or worse.


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