Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

"What the hell is Manafort being tried for?"

the 2016 election.
Currently tax fraud, bank fraud and money laundering. Stick around. He goes on trial again on a second indictment.
he will be pardoned on day 1. next
none of those have to do with Trump & Russia. you fail bigly
Stick around. There is at least one more indictment and trial.

"I know the best people!"
who's that? it won't be the president, mueller has no authority. look it up on the thingy called the internet and the big one the constitution. you lose everyday in here punk.
he will be pardoned on day 1. next
Gee. That washes away all his sins! And justice is served.
his sin is he worked for a popular president who threatens the entrenched disgusting establishment
No. His sins are he made millions, did not declare it. Went broke. Worked forTrump DOR FREE. And made millions more, again failing to declare it.

Now, where in his story was he broke again? And when in his story did he get rich again?

Oh! That 'working for Trump for free' part!
and nobody cares. congratulations
There's a jury in Virginia that cares. Ya just can't spin criminality.
so name the crime.
Are you bitching about unemployment? Didn't you get the talking points from Sarah Huckabee Samders? There are more jobs then there are people to work them. Know when to declare victory and depart the field. Unemployment numbers, by any metric, are extremely low. The tax cuts were supposed to blow the roof off factories as they retool, repair and renovate! Ah! Those job creators.

But somehow there are 8 million American workers on the dole. Out of work. Binging Alex Jones podcasts.

And them pesky Mexicans! They add over six hundred billion dollars to our economy when they buy their kids clothes and buy themselves a new dinette set and a car. We actually economically benefit from their presence. Our expenditures in welfare and food stamps is no greater than the money they pump back in to local economies.

So when they are spoken of as leaches, unproductive and arsonists, that's just another way to sow scapegoating.

And what is the nobility of scapegoating? Why is it good? What good outcome has come from a society that endorses scapegoating? Who are considered the wisest, most renown leaders in all of human history who used scapegoating as a political and state actionable policy?
Idiot! They SUBTRACT from our economy when > instead of buying their kids clothes and buying themselves a new dinette set and a car, in American stores, as Americans would do if they had those 8 million jobs, the Mexicans send their $$$ back to Mexico, where it goes to their relatives, who then spend it in MEXICAN stores (aka the MEXICAN "local economies") SO the money is extracted OUT of the US economy, and reinserted INTO the Mexican economy.

Your cluelessness on this, is a result of watching CNN, MSNBC, NYT, WP, and other liberal OMISSION media.

Try going over this map and table> Mexico is at the top of US remittances > $28 Billion/year. Don't even know what I'm talking about, do you ? Click the link and LEARN. >>>

Remittance Flows Worldwide in 2016
Do you imagine 30 million Mexicans living under bridges and sendin every dime home? No. They're renting apartments, buying homes, spending the money they earn in our local communities and sending a portion of it back home to their families.

When my great grandfather came here from Dundee and n 1910 he sent home money so his wife, my uncle and my grandfather could come and join him in America. It took him two years to earn enough, save enough and send enough for that to happen. It is common in the immigrant experience.

Meanwhile he, like any other immigrant, had to survive in America, contributing to our economy while he did.

The whole picture, more stuff they don't tell ya on Fox.
If Trump doesn't talk then he's hiding something. That's for the liberals

If Trump doesn't talk he recognizes an ambush and witch-hunt when he sees one. That's for the sane.
The only way it could possibly be an ambush is if Trump cannot tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Isn't that something we should expect from the president?

If it's okay for Trump to sit in private, without any written record, with Putin, Kim and even the Iranian leader, why should he be warned off taling to an American lawyer?

Remember how Trump said folks who take the fifth are probably guilty? Remember how Trump calls Sec. Clinton "Crooked Hillary"? Why can't he hold the same standards for himself?

Trump could stutter on his name and be charged with lying to the FBI. He could fail to adhere to a request and be charged with obstruction of justice. That's how the Democrat's deep state operates.
By the way, I would never trust a demoloser, they are pure evil. The devil
There will be a time when Trump is a memory, a footnote, reduced to a punchline. That day will have Democratic majorities in the Senate, the House and a Democrat in the White House.

If they behave with the same level of hatred and fear as the current crop of Republicans are behaving, I'll be available to you to help in your campaign to bring responsible leadership back.

But there's no way anyone wishing for responsible leadership could excuse, spin, and approve of the level of comportment on display today. If the Democrats did precisely what the GOP and Trump are doing, how would you react? This ain't like a sports rivalry. This isn't about bragging rights. This is real life, real political tragedy. This ain't winning, it's a course on how to divide and conquer as great country.
what the fk are you talking about? did you miss the previous eight years? how the fk do you supposed we got trump? And you think one year after that and all of those people changed their minds and wish to go back to the previous eight after voting to get away from it? do you have a brain?
When the alternative turns out to be worse that the alleged problem, when the alternative ends in impeachment and scandal and shame, why are people going to ask for more?
"What the hell is Manafort being tried for?"

the 2016 election.
Currently tax fraud, bank fraud and money laundering. Stick around. He goes on trial again on a second indictment.
so when are they going to present that evidence that he's accused of? The prosecution after three days still hasn't. hmmmmmmm maybe cause, wait for it, they ain't got any. They pulled their key witness off the list, Gates. can't make this shit up.
I suppose the trial coverage on Fox News told you that. What a pity.
"What the hell is Manafort being tried for?"

the 2016 election.
Currently tax fraud, bank fraud and money laundering. Stick around. He goes on trial again on a second indictment.
he will be pardoned on day 1. next
none of those have to do with Trump & Russia. you fail bigly
Stick around. There is at least one more indictment and trial.

"I know the best people!"
who's that? it won't be the president, mueller has no authority. look it up on the thingy called the internet and the big one the constitution. you lose everyday in here punk.
Manafort still has at least one more indictment hanging on him. This is not his only trial. His next trial will begin shortly after this one.

Two indictments. I guess Trump doesn't really know the best people after all.
Gee. That washes away all his sins! And justice is served.
his sin is he worked for a popular president who threatens the entrenched disgusting establishment
No. His sins are he made millions, did not declare it. Went broke. Worked forTrump DOR FREE. And made millions more, again failing to declare it.

Now, where in his story was he broke again? And when in his story did he get rich again?

Oh! That 'working for Trump for free' part!
and nobody cares. congratulations
There's a jury in Virginia that cares. Ya just can't spin criminality.
so name the crime.
Acting in service of a foreign power without notification to proper authorities.
Mueller is just desperately trying to do what he's been told to by his Deep State bosses. I hope he won't find a straw to grab and will successfully sink in quagmire of his own indecency. The sooner the better.
Psychopath alert

He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


You left out the swamp.

Look...if you don't want to talk to
But don't bitch about how long it is taking if you're not going to cooperate.

Investigations do one thing; answer questions or at least attempt to answer questions. This is why they collect evidence, testimony, etc... Usually the subject of an investigation is the one who can clear up things. In this case it's Donald Trump who is not wanting to answer questions; hence the investigation continues.
name the crime punk, I've been waiting for you fks to post it. why can't you? what are they investigating? it isn't a crime, cause you can't name it.

Investigating the Russian meddling into our election may uncover crimes that were committed; it may not. The investigation continues.
You sound really worried like a little snowflake.

In the meantime, what I said stands.
It doesn't stand. At all. It's not the world's job to disprove your fantasies....
no but it is mueller's to name the crime, which there isn't one. So that poster's point stands until you present the crime. we're all waiting on you punk.

Exactly. Why would you talk to someone who is trying to find a crime to pin on you before he even accuses you of committing one?

"We think you might have done something bad, so sit down and answer any questions we have about anything you might have done in your adult life. If you don't get every detail exactly right, we'll charge you with lying to us".
The only way it could possibly be an ambush is if Trump cannot tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Isn't that something we should expect from the president?

If it's okay for Trump to sit in private, without any written record, with Putin, Kim and even the Iranian leader, why should he be warned off taling to an American lawyer?

Remember how Trump said folks who take the fifth are probably guilty? Remember how Trump calls Sec. Clinton "Crooked Hillary"? Why can't he hold the same standards for himself?

Trump could stutter on his name and be charged with lying to the FBI. He could fail to adhere to a request and be charged with obstruction of justice. That's how the Democrat's deep state operates.
By the way, I would never trust a demoloser, they are pure evil. The devil
There will be a time when Trump is a memory, a footnote, reduced to a punchline. That day will have Democratic majorities in the Senate, the House and a Democrat in the White House.

If they behave with the same level of hatred and fear as the current crop of Republicans are behaving, I'll be available to you to help in your campaign to bring responsible leadership back.

But there's no way anyone wishing for responsible leadership could excuse, spin, and approve of the level of comportment on display today. If the Democrats did precisely what the GOP and Trump are doing, how would you react? This ain't like a sports rivalry. This isn't about bragging rights. This is real life, real political tragedy. This ain't winning, it's a course on how to divide and conquer as great country.
what the fk are you talking about? did you miss the previous eight years? how the fk do you supposed we got trump? And you think one year after that and all of those people changed their minds and wish to go back to the previous eight after voting to get away from it? do you have a brain?
When the alternative turns out to be worse that the alleged problem, when the alternative ends in impeachment and scandal and shame, why are people going to ask for more?
so you couldn't answer one of the questions I posed. interesting that you survive. you don't know how to debate.
"What the hell is Manafort being tried for?"

the 2016 election.
Currently tax fraud, bank fraud and money laundering. Stick around. He goes on trial again on a second indictment.
so when are they going to present that evidence that he's accused of? The prosecution after three days still hasn't. hmmmmmmm maybe cause, wait for it, they ain't got any. They pulled their key witness off the list, Gates. can't make this shit up.
I suppose the trial coverage on Fox News told you that. What a pity.
well I heard the judge say it. next?
In the meantime, what I said stands.
It doesn't stand. At all. It's not the world's job to disprove your fantasies....
no but it is mueller's to name the crime, which there isn't one. So that poster's point stands until you present the crime. we're all waiting on you punk.

Exactly. Why would you talk to someone who is trying to find a crime to pin on you before he even accuses you of committing one?

"We think you might have done something bad, so sit down and answer any questions we have about anything you might have done in your adult life. If you don't get every detail exactly right, we'll charge you with lying to us".
sort of, what this is is, I don't have a crime, I need you to sit in front of me and lie so I can arrest your sorry ass..
Currently tax fraud, bank fraud and money laundering. Stick around. He goes on trial again on a second indictment.
he will be pardoned on day 1. next
none of those have to do with Trump & Russia. you fail bigly
Stick around. There is at least one more indictment and trial.

"I know the best people!"
who's that? it won't be the president, mueller has no authority. look it up on the thingy called the internet and the big one the constitution. you lose everyday in here punk.
Manafort still has at least one more indictment hanging on him. This is not his only trial. His next trial will begin shortly after this one.

Two indictments. I guess Trump doesn't really know the best people after all.
didn't he work for Reagan? I think trump knew who he was. He had a resume. yeah, that other indictment, good luck thinking that is going to trial. LOL. dude, again, there is no evidence otherwise the prosecution would have submitted it by now rather than bitch the man had wealth. Too funny, again, their key witness got whacked from the witness list. you know this right? Please tell me you are following along to comment back to me.
his sin is he worked for a popular president who threatens the entrenched disgusting establishment
No. His sins are he made millions, did not declare it. Went broke. Worked forTrump DOR FREE. And made millions more, again failing to declare it.

Now, where in his story was he broke again? And when in his story did he get rich again?

Oh! That 'working for Trump for free' part!
and nobody cares. congratulations
There's a jury in Virginia that cares. Ya just can't spin criminality.
so name the crime.
Acting in service of a foreign power without notification to proper authorities.
LOL, uh ok, then why don't they prosecute him for that? they aren't, you should actually follow the trial. you might actually learn something. There are tons of those in DC, that is the swamp. All he has to do is file and then be compliant. again, you have no idea what you are talking about. It was supposed to be gates that gave the testimony to convict, he got dumped off the witness list, oops
Mueller is just desperately trying to do what he's been told to by his Deep State bosses. I hope he won't find a straw to grab and will successfully sink in quagmire of his own indecency. The sooner the better.
Psychopath alert

He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


You left out the swamp.

Look...if you don't want to talk to
But don't bitch about how long it is taking if you're not going to cooperate.

Investigations do one thing; answer questions or at least attempt to answer questions. This is why they collect evidence, testimony, etc... Usually the subject of an investigation is the one who can clear up things. In this case it's Donald Trump who is not wanting to answer questions; hence the investigation continues.
name the crime punk, I've been waiting for you fks to post it. why can't you? what are they investigating? it isn't a crime, cause you can't name it.

Investigating the Russian meddling into our election may uncover crimes that were committed; it may not. The investigation continues.
You sound really worried like a little snowflake.

how do you know crimes were committed. You just wrote were commited, there is no crime. there is no obligation for anyone to talk to the mueller fk. got anything of value to share?
Psychopath alert

He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


You left out the swamp.

Look...if you don't want to talk to
But don't bitch about how long it is taking if you're not going to cooperate.

Investigations do one thing; answer questions or at least attempt to answer questions. This is why they collect evidence, testimony, etc... Usually the subject of an investigation is the one who can clear up things. In this case it's Donald Trump who is not wanting to answer questions; hence the investigation continues.
name the crime punk, I've been waiting for you fks to post it. why can't you? what are they investigating? it isn't a crime, cause you can't name it.

Investigating the Russian meddling into our election may uncover crimes that were committed; it may not. The investigation continues.
You sound really worried like a little snowflake.

how do you know crimes were committed. You just wrote were commited, there is no crime. there is no obligation for anyone to talk to the mueller fk. got anything of value to share?
In my opinion...there were. Hacking and OOJ. The investigation will confirm or not. Good to see you in full panic mode
He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


You left out the swamp.

Look...if you don't want to talk to
But don't bitch about how long it is taking if you're not going to cooperate.

Investigations do one thing; answer questions or at least attempt to answer questions. This is why they collect evidence, testimony, etc... Usually the subject of an investigation is the one who can clear up things. In this case it's Donald Trump who is not wanting to answer questions; hence the investigation continues.
name the crime punk, I've been waiting for you fks to post it. why can't you? what are they investigating? it isn't a crime, cause you can't name it.

Investigating the Russian meddling into our election may uncover crimes that were committed; it may not. The investigation continues.
You sound really worried like a little snowflake.

how do you know crimes were committed. You just wrote were commited, there is no crime. there is no obligation for anyone to talk to the mueller fk. got anything of value to share?
In my opinion...there were. Hacking and OOJ. The investigation will confirm or not. Good to see you in full panic mode
when did your opinion become law?
He who brings up the "Deep State" in every other post -
Loses the debate


You left out the swamp.

Look...if you don't want to talk to
But don't bitch about how long it is taking if you're not going to cooperate.

Investigations do one thing; answer questions or at least attempt to answer questions. This is why they collect evidence, testimony, etc... Usually the subject of an investigation is the one who can clear up things. In this case it's Donald Trump who is not wanting to answer questions; hence the investigation continues.
name the crime punk, I've been waiting for you fks to post it. why can't you? what are they investigating? it isn't a crime, cause you can't name it.

Investigating the Russian meddling into our election may uncover crimes that were committed; it may not. The investigation continues.
You sound really worried like a little snowflake.

how do you know crimes were committed. You just wrote were commited, there is no crime. there is no obligation for anyone to talk to the mueller fk. got anything of value to share?
In my opinion...there were. Hacking and OOJ. The investigation will confirm or not. Good to see you in full panic mode
so you're saying that trump hacked a computer?

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