Mueller trying to rope President Trump into questioning

Special counsel Mueller wants to ask Trump about obstruction of justice: Sources

Not gonna happen scumbag! Period. It won't happen. You can go ahead and end your witch hunt anytime now because President Trump ain't talking to you or your 17 angry democrat pals!

Actually, Trump wanted to talk to Mueller and get all of this behind him long ago, aboveboard and out in the open but his attorneys urged him not to. I don't know, ordinarily, they would be right, and it would be a trap, but in Trump's case, I'm not so sure he couldn't have pulled it off. Either way, that possibility now seems to have evaporated.
Shitting your pants like trump I see. Be patient
Quite the contrary, I'm laughing at the whole moronic thing. The only thing I'll give the Democrats credit for, is effectively using the media, to shift attention away from their guilt in the Mexican election meddling, to this concoction of Russian meddling. Democrats do have a talent for scamming and deflecting.

In the meantime, everything is fine. Trump is president, and everything is going great. If anyone ought to be shitting in their pants it is Democrats, watching their party disintegrate. I can't wait until Kavanaugh gets on the SCOTUS, followed by Ginsburg and Breyer leaving, also replaced by conservatives, followed by Sotomayer and Kagan leaving because they'll be outvoted constantly, 7-2. Then, the court will be conservative majority, 9-0. Get the daipers ready, Democrats. :badgrin:
They lied about that trump tower meeting with the Russians. Several times. So we know they are liars

Lying to the public is an impeachable offense no?

Help effect election in a fraudulent way conspiring with a foreign agent?

If Don Jr admits his dad knew about the meeting, or if we can prove it, Don Jr will be indicted and sr will be impeached
Shitting your pants like trump I see. Be patient
Quite the contrary, I'm laughing at the whole moronic thing. The only thing I'll give the Democrats credit for, is effectively using the media, to shift attention away from their guilt in the Mexican election meddling, to this concoction of Russian meddling. Democrats do have a talent for scamming and deflecting.

In the meantime, everything is fine. Trump is president, and everything is going great. If anyone ought to be shitting in their pants it is Democrats, watching their party disintegrate. I can't wait until Kavanaugh gets on the SCOTUS, followed by Ginsburg and Breyer leaving, also replaced by conservatives, followed by Sotomayer and Kagan leaving because they'll be outvoted constantly, 7-2. Then, the court will be conservative majority, 9-0. Get the daipers ready, Democrats. :badgrin:

Lying to the public is an impeachable offense no?


No, idiot.
Shitting your pants like trump I see. Be patient
Quite the contrary, I'm laughing at the whole moronic thing. The only thing I'll give the Democrats credit for, is effectively using the media, to shift attention away from their guilt in the Mexican election meddling, to this concoction of Russian meddling. Democrats do have a talent for scamming and deflecting.

In the meantime, everything is fine. Trump is president, and everything is going great. If anyone ought to be shitting in their pants it is Democrats, watching their party disintegrate. I can't wait until Kavanaugh gets on the SCOTUS, followed by Ginsburg and Breyer leaving, also replaced by conservatives, followed by Sotomayer and Kagan leaving because they'll be outvoted constantly, 7-2. Then, the court will be conservative majority, 9-0. Get the daipers ready, Democrats. :badgrin:

Lying to the public is an impeachable offense no?


No, idiot.
Sure it is. If we found out Bush lied about Iraq to us on TV then Congress could have impeached him for that. Am I wrong? Nope.
They lied about that trump tower meeting with the Russians. Several times. So we know they are liars

Lying to the public is an impeachable offense no?

Help effect election in a fraudulent way conspiring with a foreign agent?

If Don Jr admits his dad knew about the meeting, or if we can prove it, Don Jr will be indicted and sr will be impeached
The whole Democratic party is one big lie. Just look at how they laughably call AMNESTY >> "comprehensive immigration reform" LOL. Reform ? More like degradation. And while these hypocrite liars pretend they're all in a huff about meddling in our election from Russia (which Rosenstein said had no impact), they're perfectly OK with allowing millions of aliens (mostly Mexican) to actually VOTE in our election, having real impact.

The audacity of these people is something of level that maybe only ISIS could top (whom they :cuckoo: supported, and probably still do)
What is the specific crime for which he has to "clear himself"?
Well, he could start with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to defraud America, both things of which he and his inner circle are suspected. And he might want to work to clear himself of some financial crimes, now that his shady real estate deals are being unraveled by the Mueller team
If Don Jr admits his dad knew about the meeting, or if we can prove it, Don Jr will be indicted and sr will be impeached
He won't be impeached, but if he was, it could actually be a huge defeat for liberals, with the more conservative Pence becoming President. Then we'd see a stronger mass deportation program of illegal aliens, similar to Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, which Trump praised, and when INS agents went house to house hunting down illegal aliens, and arresting them.

Likewise, we would see leaders of sanctuary cities all arrested (hundreds of them), ALL Muslims banned from coming here, affirmative action fully banned, and gun-fee zones be abolished nationwide.

Frankly, I 'm a bit amazed all these things have not already happened, and I suppose maybe its because of all the distractions from the Democrat attacks, so they probably are being successful to some degree. I don't think impeachment would be success for them though, and I really wonder why they would even consider it.
Well, he could start with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to defraud America, both things of which he and his inner circle are suspected. And he might want to work to clear himself of some financial crimes, now that his shady real estate deals are being unraveled by the Mueller team
WHAT "obstruction of justice" ?
Well, he could start with obstruction of justice and conspiracy to defraud America, both things of which he and his inner circle are suspected. And he might want to work to clear himself of some financial crimes, now that his shady real estate deals are being unraveled by the Mueller team
WHAT "obstruction of justice" ?
The point is that he is suspected of it. And, being that he is so innocent, an interview with person investigating hom for it could serve to help clear him of that suspicion.
No one in the Trump campaign broke any election laws...meeting with Russians or martians is not illegal....this investigation must have a legally could not be started without a crime...if it was people need to be charged and prosecuted for starting an investigation without a crime...
That is called a witch hunt....and that is illegal in America....
No one in the Trump campaign broke any election laws...
Wow, that's amazing that you have divined this knowledge, miss Cleo. If I put another $5 on the credit card, will you tell me what Donnie jr is having for breakfast tomorrow?
this investigation must have a crime

More utter nonsense...the investigation is tasked finding if crimes were committee or not. Guess what! It found some.
if it was people need to be charged and prosecuted for starting an investigation without a crime...
Completely fantasy, what a hilarious , steaming pile of nonsense....

More utter nonsense...the investigation is tasked finding if crimes were committee or not. Guess what! It found some
You are wrong...look up the independent counsel order to begin a special investigation there must be a crime to investigate...otherwise its a fishing expedition and that is illegal....this is why so many are demanding to see the FISA warrants and want Rosenstein fired...
No, there must be STATED a possible crime to investigate..
And that was?....
Russian interference in our election, and possible collusion of the truck p campaign with Russia. Both possible crimes.

Oops, and look who has been indicted...Russians who interfered in our election, and people who lied about colluding with Russia. Think Mike Flynn has enough info to keep him out of jail?
Russian interference in our election, and possible collusion of the truck p campaign with Russia. Both possible crimes
We have already established that colluding with foreigners is not illegal so that wasn't a crime and if it was an investigation about Russian interference why didn't the FBI tell Trump?
A Russian election interference investigation has been going on in Washington for years...why now did Rosenstein and Comey the clown think we needed to investigate Trump's campaign? without telling Trump?
They told Feinstein that her 20 year long office manager was a Chinese spy and let her terminate him with a fucking government pension.....
You are on very thin ice dude....
If you can't see the truth its because you don't want to...
If Don Jr admits his dad knew about the meeting, or if we can prove it, Don Jr will be indicted and sr will be impeached
He won't be impeached, but if he was, it could actually be a huge defeat for liberals, with the more conservative Pence becoming President. Then we'd see a stronger mass deportation program of illegal aliens, similar to Eisenhower's Operation Wetback, which Trump praised, and when INS agents went house to house hunting down illegal aliens, and arresting them.

Likewise, we would see leaders of sanctuary cities all arrested (hundreds of them), ALL Muslims banned from coming here, affirmative action fully banned, and gun-fee zones be abolished nationwide.

Frankly, I 'm a bit amazed all these things have not already happened, and I suppose maybe its because of all the distractions from the Democrat attacks, so they probably are being successful to some degree. I don't think impeachment would be success for them though, and I really wonder why they would even consider it.
If he gets impeached depends on if democrats take back one of the houses and I’d be surprised if they did with all the gerrymandering
We have already established that colluding with foreigners is not illegal
Except for when it is, when it involves illegal campaign aid and conspiracy to defraud America. You really, really are not grasping the most basic concepts of this topic.
A Russian election interference investigation has been going on in Washington for years...
AndAnd t time was different, by every account of every law enforcement and intelligence agency and congressperson that has bothered to weigh in on it...

But hey, what do they're the expert!
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The point is that he is suspected of it. And, being that he is so innocent, an interview with person investigating hom for it could serve to help clear him of that suspicion.
He doesn't need to be made "clear" of anything. The so-called suspicion is noting more than a laughable hoax, and a deflection of everyone's attention from the MEXICAN interference in our elections, which actually IS impacting them, with real votes, by the millions.

The ones who should be facing charges are all the Democrats maintaining sanctuary cities, and all those Democrats in Congress who voted to protect them. In fact, they should have already faced those charges, been arrested, been convicted, and been imprisoned.

And you didn't answer my question of what Trump did, that could be defined as "obstruction of justice". That is MY point (question)

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