Mueller Up To His Old Tricks - Busted Hiding Evidence Of Innocense

Devin Nunes calls 'fraud,' citing difference between Mueller report, Dowd transcript

"U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes called for the release of “all backup and source information” for the Mueller report on Friday after a newly released transcript of a former Trump lawyer's voicemail message included content that did not appear in a version that was part of the special counsel's Russia investigation findings"

"Nunes retweeted a side-by-side comparison of the Dowd transcript text and the Mueller report text, suggesting that the Mueller report did not disclose the full Dowd message. Mueller had redacted the part of the voicemail where Dowd said he wanted the heads up “not only for the president but for the country” and that he wasn’t asking for “any confidential information.”

Once again, just like when he sent 4 innocent men to prison by withholding key evidence proving they were innocent, Mueller is busted for reacting / withholding key evidence to bolster his biased coup attempt against the President...

It’s all a fraud"


Wonder if Muller still likes Comey? If this tarnishes Mullers legacy any more, I’m willing to bet Muller pulls a vice admiral Boorda in the next year or to. That would be awesome.
And what do you hope will be seen if a judge would release it? Virtually everything is out there now.

Democrats are going to try and beat this dead horse until the 2020 elections, or get as close as they can to it. That's all this (and subpoenas) are about.

The Mueller report was a summary,

Look what just happened with Dowd' s call to Flynn' s lawyer, it was summarized, but the full release clarified the call.

No because it has not been fully released. There is a less redacted version however, and not one Democrat was interested in looking at it.

A judge ordered for the full transcript of the phone call from Dowd, be released in Full... is what I was talking about.

I think these things being released piece meal only prolongs the agony of our differences, and keeps the media, in their frenzy, and our politicians in their each separate "Got Cha modes"....

Let's just get the whole thing over with, from every angle...including the origins of the investigation and Page FISA warrant....

instead of giving our politicians the fodder to selectively promote their own side's talking points, one by one by one by one....

enough already!!!

Well that's not going to happen. Barr is only starting his investigations into the FBI, the FISA abuse and possible criminality, and of course, Hillary. Don't look for much cooperation there.

So we have no choice but to wait it out. The more Barr finds, the more the Democrats are going to try and hide information. The more they are going to try and interfere or try to take media attention off the subject.
See, once again, this is SELECTIVE, and for a political purpose and not for the sake of clarity, but partisan politics. Just the fact that Barr is not following the Justice department procedures, to not be a political arm of the president or anyone and do things by the book.

By the book would be the IG, the inspector general, someone impartial with the job of oversight to be the one who investigates instead of using his own politicos, that 60% of the country will not believe.... how does that solve anything?

Barr doing these sidebars, or work arounds of his department's standards, protocols and procedures, makes him an untrustworthy AG, a partisan AG and is simply NOT RIGHT and not JUST.... as in Justice. We look like Russia and how Putin handles things imo.... not the USA.

AG Barr is the Attorney General of the United States of America, NOT President Trump's political partner or lawyer.

He works for us, not just Trump, not just you, but all of us citizens....

And one thing all of you have done, every single one of you, is disregarded more than half the country's citizens, since President Trump has taken office... that's simply not right that you have thrown out most of the country's concerns, with the bath water. I feel like I don't even have a country anymore, and certainly do not have a country that I recognize.

The IG? You mean the same IG that found a top FBI official that leaked court sealed information to the media, and decided not to bring charges against him? He's still working for the FBI from what I read. Yeah, trust those people.

Now what is Barr not doing (or doing) that you are upset about? He provided his summary to the Congress, even allowed them to look at the report which he didn't have to do, and complimented Mueller and the work he's done. Seems to me he's doing everything by the book.

You need to get your own talking points. This CNN made up crap that Barr is acting like Trump's personal lawyer just because he's not an anti-Trump stooge doesn't mean he's taking any sides.
The IG? You mean the same IG that found a top FBI official that leaked court sealed information to the media, and decided not to bring charges against him? He's still working for the FBI from what I read. Yeah, trust those people.

Link, pretty please.
Now what is Barr not doing (or doing) that you are upset about? He provided his summary to the Congress, even allowed them to look at the report which he didn't have to do, and complimented Mueller and the work he's done. Seems to me he's doing everything by the book.
His 4 page summary of the Mueller report and 4 to 6 week wait for the release of it to the public, was Barr putting his fist, on the scale.... he can NOT be trusted, at all..... he did this to himself.
Barr must Release the full unredacted report!!! What's the hold up?

Barr MUST commit a felony!!!

Stupid fucking commies.

Say Comrade, what happened to Fat Nadler "arresting" Barr? I wonder, the attempt by Nadler to coerce Barr into engaging in a felony, could the FBI arrest NADLER? Barr should do it.
Barr must Release the full unredacted report!!! What's the hold up?
Nice try, snowflake. It was explained to Nadler by a Constitutional law expert under oath before his Committee that every bit of the report that can be released has been, that the Grand Jury info can not be legally released, and it was made clear that he and Pelosi had held the vote and held the US AG in 'Contempt' for REFUSING TO BREAK THE LAW. This had all been decided by an earlier court case this year on this same issue.

So if attempted distractions with false narratives is all you have to contribute, go away.

If you really want to get to the bottom of the truth, why doesn't Nadler subpoena Mueller and force him to testify and answer questions under oath?

That way there will be no more confusion, controversy, or questions.

Why do you continue to ask the US AG for what Mueller said when Democrats could easily ask Mueller himself, snowflake?

Nadler coercing illegal acts is a felony. Arrest the fat fucker.
Now what is Barr not doing (or doing) that you are upset about? He provided his summary to the Congress, even allowed them to look at the report which he didn't have to do, and complimented Mueller and the work he's done. Seems to me he's doing everything by the book.
His 4 page summary of the Mueller report and 4 to 6 week wait for the release of it to the public, was Barr putting his fist, on the scale.... he can NOT be trusted, at all..... he did this to himself.

The report had to be carefully redacted. Barr and Mueller worked on it together to make sure there were no F-ups.

You're complaining about four to six week delay with an investigation that was started with no evidence and took over two years to complete?
The IG? You mean the same IG that found a top FBI official that leaked court sealed information to the media, and decided not to bring charges against him? He's still working for the FBI from what I read. Yeah, trust those people.

Link, pretty please.

No problem. And I believe somebody here started a topic on it as well.

IG: DOJ Declined to Prosecute Deputy Assistant Director of FBI Who Made Illegal Leak to Media
Devin Nunes calls 'fraud,' citing difference between Mueller report, Dowd transcript

"U.S. Rep. Devin Nunes called for the release of “all backup and source information” for the Mueller report on Friday after a newly released transcript of a former Trump lawyer's voicemail message included content that did not appear in a version that was part of the special counsel's Russia investigation findings"

"Nunes retweeted a side-by-side comparison of the Dowd transcript text and the Mueller report text, suggesting that the Mueller report did not disclose the full Dowd message. Mueller had redacted the part of the voicemail where Dowd said he wanted the heads up “not only for the president but for the country” and that he wasn’t asking for “any confidential information.”
How in the World would anything Flynn confessed and told the TRUTH about to the Special Counsel, be of anything that would be harmful to the President, or for the Country?

I was taught, the TRUTH will set you free...

Honesty is the best policy...

and by one of my bosses, who's policy for us managers was "no surprises"?

Once again, just like when he sent 4 innocent men to prison by withholding key evidence proving they were innocent, Mueller is busted for reacting / withholding key evidence to bolster his biased coup attempt against the President...

You have been shown before that this is simply not True... it is FAKE NEWS from your beloved right wing media.

Do you want me to give you the Links again on it, to show how wrong you are on it?

Maybe you best tell the judge who ordered the $100 million settlement that Mueller wasn't involved. I'm sure he'll laugh at you too. Mueller was extremely involved in that. Proven time and again.
The IG? You mean the same IG that found a top FBI official that leaked court sealed information to the media, and decided not to bring charges against him? He's still working for the FBI from what I read. Yeah, trust those people.

Link, pretty please.

No problem. And I believe somebody here started a topic on it as well.

IG: DOJ Declined to Prosecute Deputy Assistant Director of FBI Who Made Illegal Leak to Media
They were leaking stuff on Hillary Clinton's investigation, right?

If so, that is likely why the Trump administration chose not to prosecute him... :p just kidding!

The IG can not prosecute, so do not be mad at him.... the OIG's job is not to prosecute, but to investigate, to search out the truth, to find any wrong doing etc.... which he did!!!

It'll be up to the Justice Dept, to prosecute..... this report was just released on May 29th,2019....

I think I would give Director Wray and Barr a week or two before giving up on them prosecuting.
The IG? You mean the same IG that found a top FBI official that leaked court sealed information to the media, and decided not to bring charges against him? He's still working for the FBI from what I read. Yeah, trust those people.

Link, pretty please.

No problem. And I believe somebody here started a topic on it as well.

IG: DOJ Declined to Prosecute Deputy Assistant Director of FBI Who Made Illegal Leak to Media
They were leaking stuff on Hillary Clinton's investigation, right?

If so, that is likely why the Trump administration chose not to prosecute him... :p just kidding!

The IG can not prosecute, so do not be mad at him.... the OIG's job is not to prosecute, but to investigate, to search out the truth, to find any wrong doing etc.... which he did!!!

It'll be up to the Justice Dept, to prosecute..... this report was just released on May 29th,2019....

I think I would give Director Wray and Barr a week or two before giving up on them prosecuting.

It's never going to happen because yes, the IG refuses to charge this person.

There is still a cabal here in the DOJ and FBI. Barr is going to get to the bottom of it. It's just like in the Mafia days during the 60's and 70's where they had people working for them inside of government agencies providing protection.

Under Republican leadership, the IG would be brought to Congress to explain under oath his actions in this matter. But the Democrats were always part of the cabal, so I don't know what recourse Barr has at this point.
The IG? You mean the same IG that found a top FBI official that leaked court sealed information to the media, and decided not to bring charges against him? He's still working for the FBI from what I read. Yeah, trust those people.

Link, pretty please.

No problem. And I believe somebody here started a topic on it as well.

IG: DOJ Declined to Prosecute Deputy Assistant Director of FBI Who Made Illegal Leak to Media
They were leaking stuff on Hillary Clinton's investigation, right?

If so, that is likely why the Trump administration chose not to prosecute him... :p just kidding!

The IG can not prosecute, so do not be mad at him.... the OIG's job is not to prosecute, but to investigate, to search out the truth, to find any wrong doing etc.... which he did!!!

It'll be up to the Justice Dept, to prosecute..... this report was just released on May 29th,2019....

I think I would give Director Wray and Barr a week or two before giving up on them prosecuting.

It's never going to happen because yes, the IG refuses to charge this person.

There is still a cabal here in the DOJ and FBI. Barr is going to get to the bottom of it. It's just like in the Mafia days during the 60's and 70's where they had people working for them inside of government agencies providing protection.

Under Republican leadership, the IG would be brought to Congress to explain under oath his actions in this matter. But the Democrats were always part of the cabal, so I don't know what recourse Barr has at this point.

Me thinks you have drunk the kool aid!!! Not that we do not have a bad apple here or there,cuz we do...

but the kool aid that promotes hatred, towards 'the opposition party' which has demented your sense of reality.

The senate can investigate and have the IG before them, why hasn't McConnell done so?

Republicans are crooked too ya know?

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